Car accident!!!

Army grasped the meaning behind each of Jungkook's words and his pitiful expression. Somewhere deep down, they knew they were the reason behind it.

If they could protect PR Manager's wife, today their idol-Jungkook, who always shared everything with them unconditionally-would share his life's greatest happiness, his loved one, with them. This was Army's last chance to prove their unwavering love for their idols by safeguarding Jungkook's beloved.

They embraced this opportunity with joy. This time, Army would not allow haters or obsessed fans to tarnish their idol's happiness. Yet, amidst the excitement, there were tears. Some cried from sheer happiness, while others shed tears of heartbreak. But soon, all emotions subsided as Jungkook asked, "ARE YOU READY???"

All army said in union, "yesss..."

J-Hope, filled with excitement, exclaims, "I can't wait to see how it all unfolds!"

RM chimes in, saying, "Same here, I'm really looking forward to it!"

The anticipation and enthusiasm of the group are palpable as they eagerly await the next chapter of Jungkook's love story.


Jungkook was exhausted after the fan meeting. He slumped down on a nearby chair and took a deep breath. He looked around the room, taking in the chaos of the backstage area. His phone's insistent ringing cut through the noise, and he answered with a weary, "Hello?"

"Are you done, hyung?" Taehyun's voice came through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm done. What about you?" Jungkook's voice was a soft murmur, barely rising above the backstage din.

"I'm on the way to pick you up." Taehyun replied, his cheerfulness undimmed.

A smile flickered across Jungkook's lips. "Oh really!! You are too good at keeping your promise, Taehyun!"


Hearing the sound of a sudden brake on the car, Jungkook's brows furrowed, his smile vanished as a sharp cry pierced the air.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Taehyun's scream sent a jolt of fear through Jungkook's spine.

"Taehyun? What happened? Talk to me!" Panic clawed at his throat, each word a struggle. As he didn't hear an answer, he almost yelled, "Answer me!"

Taehyun's voice was shaking as he spoke. "Hyung... I... I hit a girl."

Jungkook's eyes widen in shock. "What?" The world seemed to tilt on its axis. "Where are you?" Jungkook's voice was a whisper of dread.

"In... in the parking area," came the shaky reply between his uneven breath.

Visions of flashing cameras and scandalous headlines swirled in Jungkook's mind, a looming threat to their upcoming concert. He couldn't let their efforts be tarnished by a moment's mistake.

With a burst of energy, he was on his feet, dialing RM while sprinting towards the exit. "There's been an accident," he explained, breathless, "We need to manage this, now."

RM, ever the leader, grasped the gravity of the situation immediately and promised to keep the media at bay.

The parking lot was quiet and empty, very different from the lively fan meeting. The harsh glare of the overhead lights casting long shadows. Jungkook saw Taehyun's car, bloodstains smeared on a pillar and the ground told a silent, violent story. It looked like the girl had been hit by the car, then hit the pillar and fell to the ground.

Taehyun stood frozen, his face a mask of horror, spattered with blood that was clearly not his own.

"Hyung!" His voice cracked as he saw Jungkook approach. His whole body was trembling.

"Where is she?" Jungkook's command was calm, a stark contrast to the chaos, as he placed a reassuring hand on Taehyun's shoulder.

"In the backseat!" With his bloody, trembling hand, Taehyun gestured frantically towards his car. The urgency in his eyes spoke volumes of the girl's critical state.

"I'll drive, It's going to be okay," Jungkook said, a firm resolve in his voice as he tried to reassure both Taehyun and himself. His voice was a beacon of hope as he slid behind the wheel.

A glance in the rearview mirror revealed the girl's condition. Dressed in black pants and a jacket, Her white shirt, now a canvas of crimson, clung to her skin. Her face, hidden beneath a curtain of blood-soaked hair, was a silent testament to the night's terror.

Jungkook's breath hitched, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm. "What's wrong, hyung?" Taehyun's voice trembled.

Shaking his head, Jungkook focused on the road, the hospital their only beacon in the night. Taehyun mistook his silence for shock, not seeing the recognition that flashed in Jungkook's eyes.


The hospital waiting room was a sterile cocoon of anxiety. Fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting a harsh glow on the linoleum floor. The air smelled faintly of disinfectant, a scent that clung to RM's skin as he paced back and forth. His footsteps echoed, a metronome of worry.

JIN sat in a worn chair, its faux-leather cracked from years of use. His hands, calloused from countless performances, were clasped tightly. His eyes were shut, in silent prayer.

Taehyun, on the other hand, couldn't sit still. He hovered near the entrance to the operating room, his breaths shallow and uneven. The bloodstains on his shirt seemed to seep into his very soul. "This can't be happening," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Not now, when everything was finally going right."

Tomorrow, Taehyun was supposed to fly to the U.S. for his new album. If not for the promiss that he made to jungkook-to meet him before leaving-he would have left today. How could he leave now, in this mess?

Jungkook slumped into a nearby chair, exhaustion settling into his bones, lost in thought. leaning forward, both elbows rested on his knees, hands clasped tightly. No one could guess what was running through his mind.

Time dragged on, each minute feeling like forever. When the doctor emerged, his face was a mask of neutrality. "She's in a coma," he stated matter-of-factly. "It's too soon to predict when she'll wake up. It could be days, weeks, or even longer."

The news hit them hard, the weight of it settling in their stomachs like a stone. Taehyun's face fell apart, his dreams of the new album and flying out tomorrow shattered in a heartbeat. "What have I done?" he whispered, drowning in despair.

"You're going," Jungkook said, his gaze fixed on the floor, his face unreadable. "You're leaving tomorrow for your concert."

His words caught everyone off guard. Taehyun looked at him with tears in his eyes, while RM and JIN exchanged glances, trying to figure out what he meant.

"Jungkook..." RM tried to say something, but Jungkook just continued. "If you don't go to the concert, the fans will want answers. What will you tell them? Remember, you were on the phone with me when the accident happened. If that gets out, it won't end well."

They all thought it over. Then JIN spoke up, "Taehyun, Jungkook's right. And she's in a coma. What can you do here? You're not a doctor anyway."

RM agreed, "You should go. We'll handle things here."

Taehyun felt a rush of gratitude, tears streaming down his face. He sniffed and nodded. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Hyung, honestly, it wasn't my fault. I'm not trying to dodge blame, but trust me, she just appeared out of nowhere in front of the car."

This revelation shocked everyone. Was it possible she was trying to end her life?

But Jungkook's shock turned into a look of guilt as he slumped back into his chair. RM and JIN had been watching him and knew something was up.

Once Taehyun had left the hospital, JIN finally asked, "What's up, Jungkookie? What's on your mind?"

"It's all my fault, hyung. This whole mess is because of me," Jungkook confessed, tears silently falling.

JIN and RM sat close, offering comfort. "What do you mean?" RM asked, eyeing him with confusion.

"That girl... she's our fan.. An Army girl!" Jungkook explained, sniffling. "I saw her at the fan meeting..."


Jungkook POV.

I was in the middle of the stage, speaking into the mic, "So… I've fallen for someone… Army, you've been with me through thick and thin. You've celebrated my victories and wiped my tears. You are not just part of my life, but you ARE my life… And she? She is the reason why I'm alive. I can't live without her. I know you're all wondering who she is… The Army is known for their eagle eyes, so now it's time to use them. I won't reveal my girlfriend's identity. You have to find her by using your eagle eyes. Don't worry, I'll give you hints from time to time. And when you find out who she is, I hope you will give her love too."

As I completed my little speech, my eyes roamed the crowd. Different emotions played out on different faces—tears of joy, tears of heartbreak. I knew that today I had broken many hearts, but I had no other choice. I needed to let them know that their idol could also have a personal life.

Among the sea of fans—my devoted Army—I spotted her. A lone figure, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Just by looking at her, I sensed that she was one of those fans who loved me as if I were their boyfriend or husband.

Today... I shattered her illusions.

In the spotlight's harsh glare, I glimpsed her trembling vulnerability. Her eyes held silent questions: Why? Who? How could I?

And then, inexplicably, she smiled. Through the tears, through the ache, she surrendered. It was a smile that revealed more pain than her tears ever could. As if she had given up on something… Maybe everything.

But when the spotlight shifted away, illuminating other faces, I looked back—and she was gone. Vanished into the shadows, leaving only the echo of her presence.

I, who had lost myself in her painful eyes, snapped back to reality. My heart clenched. I faced the Army once more: "Are you ready?"


Jungkook gripped JIN's hand. "Hyung, I don't know how to say it... It was a brief moment of eye contact, but I saw the pain of betrayal in her eyes. I felt like I shattered her heart."

"That wasn't your fault, Jungkook. Pull yourself together. We did that so the fans would understand that we can have our own love lives," JIN said, wiping away Jungkook's tears and offering solace.

"But hyung, what if my confession pushed her to give up on life? How can I forgive myself?" Jungkook sobbed.

"Jungkook, get a grip. Even if she did give up, it's NOT your fault. We'll talk to the fans. We'll help them understand our reasons," RM said, patting him on the shoulder, trying to ease his pain.