"If you don't hurry your friends will become a part of the forest." Junbo sneered with a grin.
Douma leaped up and slashed his fan at Junbo who deflected the strike with just a flick of his webbed hand. The kappa moved the floating object away from the angel and attempted to swat him away.
Glancing at Shinobu and Yushiro whose eyes were filled with uncertainty and pleads to get them out of this mess, Douma bit his lip and fired a gust of chilling wind at Junbo who stepped back with his arms raised.
He lured Yushiro away and now he's got Shinobu too. What a troublemaker and he showed up at the worst time. Again, Douma unleashed the icy specks of frost at Junbo causing him to stumble from the immense cold.
The big kappa spun around three times and summoned several bubbles that surrounded him and darted at Douma who dodged every single one of them that caused an explosion when they collided with the trees and rocks lying around.
"Wintry Icicles!" A rain of icicles came crashing down where Junbo was standing, startling him when one of them pricked his skin. The kappa hopped away with a grin, observing the reactions of Shinobu and Yushiro who were pestering Douma to keep his attacks away from them.
It was entertaining to watch Douma's two friends go against him.
"I'm sorry that won't happen again guys!" Douma tried to calm Shinobu and Yushiro down but they were filled with rage so the screaming continued for quite some time.
"You idiot!" Shinobu yelled at him.
"Are you trying to imprison us with those icicles? Whose side are you on?!" Yushiro was furious to the point of even questioning him like that.
Junbo raised his arms. "Have a load'a this!" A glowing bright blue orb in his chest appeared as he summoned various types of sea monsters crowding around him.
Douma watched the glowing orb and the monsters popping out around the kappa. So that's why I couldn't sense his presence, he was hiding it with his own energy.
The crowd of monsters stomped towards Douma with their mouths wide open and their claws unsheathed. A few of them slithered beneath the grass to try and sneak up on him. Douma moved to the side and sliced every single one of the monsters while sprinting forward to where Junbo was waiting.
Junbo fired another set of bubbles that Douma deflected with his ice sickles.
With a flick of his fan, the last bubble popped. "You should treat your friends better. They lost their motivation back there." The blonde said with a sly smile.
"Who cares about them? They come and go as and when I like." The kappa held up the floating object which started blinking.
The effects of the glossy liquid were spreading to Shinobu and Yushiro's waists at an alarming rate. It seems the floating object was speeding up the process. There wasn't much time left.
"Where did those scary monsters go?" Yushiro tried to free himself but to no avail. His body was becoming stiff like a statue.
While Junbo was standing there with a wicked smile, the floating object started hovering about uncontrollably. The yokai tried to stop it from moving about by shielding it with his hands but even that was difficult.
Douma used the chance to dash towards the floating object that Junbo struggled to contain with his webbed hands however the kappa saw his movements at an oncoming angle and fired a blast of water from his palm at Douma who quickly moved away from it.
"Not so fast!" Junbo warned.
At that instant, Douma's golden fans radiated the shimmering energy that turned the surroundings scorchingly humid.
"Well that came off as a surprise. Not that it bothers me though but if you want to keep those prizes of yours it's best not to stand too close to them, don't you think?" Douma watched the yokai bringing the floating object closer to him.
Junbo laughed and pushed the floating object away slightly, "How could I have not realized that? You're very observant! But I can't guarantee these prizes will be of my concern in the long run!"
Both Shinobu and Yushiro glared at Douma who didn't seem fazed by their anger. "Quit fooling around already!" The violette shrieked.
"Listen closely. If you destroy this ornament, your friends will crumble into pieces. Blabber all you want it won't save your friends." Junbo tossed the ornament into the air, catching it and then tossing it again a few times.
"You do realize I have my own terms, if you refuse to cooperate with me this will be the last time you see the light of day." Douma replied sheepishly.
The kappa snorted and held the ornament tightly. "Then I guess we're stuck at two ends of the same string."
"Apparently so."
"But things change, so do rules."
Both Douma and Junbo started charging at each other, the kappa fired the same blast of water at Douma who sped around it and slashed his radiating golden fans at Junbo's iron fists.
Keeping up with Douma's slashes required strategic thinking because of the angel's agility, Junbo could only stick to one spot for the time being. It was nerve-wrecking. Junbo wasn't sure how long he'd be able to deal with these golden fans.
Douma flew above the yokai and unleashed an accumulation of frost in front of him. "Freezing Clouds!"
A strong gust of frost swept Junbo off his feet. The kappa grabbed onto the tree beside him when he got down again. The frost on his skin traveled throughout his body, almost turning him into a monument of ice.
Hovering lower, Douma watched Junbo trying to withstand the cold. Although he appeared to be struggling against Douma's glacial powers, the kappa seemed to be enduring well after some time.
Which brought about another surprise. The kappa reflected the cold wind back at Douma who blocked it with his fans.
Shinobu and Yushiro stared at the scene in shock. When was the kappa able to do that? In fact they've only seen Douma do such a thing. These yokai came with abilities that were on the same level of complexity as celestial beings and what's even scarier is that these creatures have been walking among humans without anyone paying close attention to their existence.
Douma landed on the ground and stood there with his fan covering his face. Shinobu on the other hand watched the situation that was unfolding right in front of her intently. Even though Douma was capable of putting a stop to the kappa's mischief, his opponent was no push over.
Nevertheless, Douma seemed to know what he was doing. Shinobu could tell this retaliation from the kappa didn't come off as a shock at all. The blonde was well aware of it.
"What else you've got for show and tell?"
"Oh that's just one of them."
The floating object started blinking again. It flew higher and came to a stop when Junbo nudged it.
A strange figure came crashing down from the sky. Douma, Shinobu, and Yushiro could only make out the pointy ears, kimono and the abundance of tails swaying around.
Clumps of dirt rose from the ground. Junbo eyes widened in anticipation when he saw Sukimori get up and wipe away the specks of dirt on his ears and forehead. The kitsune was wearing blue and yellow boots with a pair of wings attached to each one of them.
"Hope I'm not late. You look pretty worn out Junbo." Sukimori glanced down at his boots to check if they were stained with any dirt or had a strand of grass stuck.
"I see you've gone shopping." The kappa replied, knowing well that was not the case.
"Yeah 'shopping' that's right. Can't imagine they'd sell these for free!"
Both Shinobu and Yushiro watched the two yokai's interaction in fear. "That's a kitsune..." The green-haired boy's heart started racing, they were surrounded by actual yokai, not people in costumes. After witnessing Junbo's powers there's no way an ordinary person could pull off such tricks and abilities.
Sukimori turned around and saw Douma standing in the opposite direction, facing them with a fan covering half of his face.
"What did you get yourself into?" The kitsune asked his aquatic friend.
"I got myself two decorations! Look!" Junbo stood in between Shinobu and Yushiro. The vegetation and tree bark had already covered more than half of their bodies.
The kitsune flicked his tails and smiled. "They must be fragile." He glanced at Douma who didn't say a word, the angel just gave them the dead eye, especially Sukimori after he made that atrocious comment.
For some reason, just hearing Sukimori say that about Shinobu made the blonde snap internally. Shinobu had a heart of gold, no one was to talk about her as though she was just a display for others to drink in whenever they wanted to.
"He's mad, I can sense it." Sukimori sniffed the air, his eyes turned to slits when he looked at Douma's dark expression.
Junbo chuckled, "Well in the next few minutes, his friends will become trees and mounts. Do something already haha!"
Oh I will alright and you'll regret saying those awful things about my friends. Douma's kaleidoscopic eyes turned to slits. When his gaze turned to the kitsune, the bright colors swirling in his orbs darkened.
The kappa brought the ornament closer to him, "Where's Aka Manto?" He asked the kitsune.
"He's busy with his horror attraction!" Sukimori responded cunningly.
"That's interesting, is he joining us?"
"Why wouldn't he?"
So there's another one of these guys causing a ruckus somewhere. That's why the air around here feels heavy. These demons have been at Dice and Roll Valley for quite some time. But they started showing up now which is strange, the surroundings were fairly normal before. Douma got into a fighting stance as the other two yokai braced themselves, preparing to lunge at him.
They might have come from somewhere nearby or perhaps they were awoken by something. Whatever it is, these guys have to be put in their place.
Letting out a battle cry, Sukimori unsheathed his claws that grew as large as a boat's paddle. The green translucent claws that matched the color of the markings on his snowy white fur had a sharp edge strong enough to impale an iron surface.
The tip of the kitsune's upgraded claws made Shinobu and Yushiro sink deeper into the hold nature had on them. They feared the moment Sukimori decides to go against the kappa's wishes to turn them into a part of the forest. A stab from one of those claws would surely hurt.
Douma moved back as Sukimori started slashing his claws at the blonde, slicing down the trees in his direction which caused the ground to shake when they toppled over.
The lightest contact which spanned a centimeter away was enough to neatly cut a tree in half.
Sukimori was fast, but not fast enough to land a hit on Douma who steadily dodged every single slash of the kitsune's claws. It was infuriating but Sukimori was certain this could give him ample time to prepare his next attack.
Junbo joined in and summoned his bubbles that went straight to where Douma was, the blonde noticed the intrusion and leaped away from Sukimori's final claw slash. He fired his ice sickles at both yokais with one of them slicing through all the incoming bubbles and another startling the kitsune on the ground.
Grumbling, the kitsune raised his arms, lifting off two trees from the forest floor with his psychic powers. The markings on his fur weren't glowing anymore when his claws returned to their normal size and color which was a glossy silver. Shinobu and Yushiro calmed down knowing they didn't have to worry about those claws coming their way. They just hoped the kitsune won't resort to using them again because of how ineffective they were.
The two trees were thrown at Douma while Junbo crawled on the floor sneaking up on the angel who saw the kappa at the corner of his eye. The angel used the trees thrown in his direction as platforms to unleash an unsuspecting attack at the kitsune.
Douma sprang up from the higher tree and plunged his fan at Sukimori who grabbed it and pushed the blonde away with a psychic force from the pressurized air in front of him.
Maintaining his balance in between his landing on the ground, Douma spun around and sliced Junbo's arm when he lunged at him. The kappa grasped his arm in pain and stepped away.
Sukimori watched his friend stumble with a tear forming at the corner of the kappa's eye. Oh come on it can't hurt that bad.
The blonde got his two fans ready as the kitsune dashed towards him unleashing another set of psychic powers that slowed down the rustling of the leaves that blew when Sukimori passed them.
In a second, Sukimori's fists were blocked by Douma's fans, so was his foot that was engulfed in the psychic energy.
Now that Sukimori's fists were halted, Douma shoved the yokai down to the ground with the fan closest to the kitsune's torso. When the yokai rolled away, he summoned an ice crystal into the air that kept Sukimori away from the frosted spot on the grass that stung his tails.
The kappa and kitsune stood beside each other and then leaped into the sky unleashing their attacks at the same time; A blast of water emerged from Junbo's palms and Sukimori charged up the energy engulfing his fists.
Douma sprinted and soared to the sky getting ready to unleash a devastating glacial wind that was accumulating the frost and energy given off by the ice crystal.