Chapter 132

Both Shinobu and Yushiro watched the clash between Douma and the two yokais. The blast of water and psychic force were heading straight towards their friend who was unleashing a blizzard in the air above them.

Once the cold wind was circulating in front of the blonde he unleashed it at Junbo and Sukimori whose attacks struggled to get by the blizzard.

The kitsune watched in horror as the blast of water and his psychic energy disappeared in the blizzard that was heading their way now.

At that very moment, frost covered the two yokais' skin. Fighting against the blizzard with their remaining resilience, Sukimori and Junbo reflected it back at Douma however the blonde was fast enough to reflect the igniting attack back at the two yokai, sending them crashing down to the ground. Not only was this icy wind freezingly cold but the ice crystal was the main contributing factor to its devastating impact.

"Brrrrr... It's so cold!" Yushiro rasped. Unfortunately given their situation, both he and Shinobu couldn't seek shelter or any source of warmth from the cold. They just had to endure it for now.

Junbo got up and gritted his teeth in anger. His fox friend beside him was just as displeased by the current state of things.

"This is his way of lashing out at us. That girl is too precious." Sukimori remarked, glancing at the petrified Shinobu.

The kappa snorted. "Too bad he won't be holding hands with her anymore after this."

"Isn't that obvious? His two friends will be turned into flora in the next five minutes, if he doesn't do something they'll be goners!"

"And we can't let him!"

Douma unleashed his ice sickles at the two chattering yokai. They moved out of the way and charged at him, Sukimori gathered his psychic energy engulfing his fists while Junbo took a deep breath, facing his palm at their target ahead.

"Can that twerp hurry up already? We're running out of time here!" Yushiro whined.

Shinobu glared at Yushiro, furrowing her brows. "Who are you calling twerp? Can't you see that Douma's outnumbered right now? These aren't ordinary bad guys that you'll find on the street or stores, they're demonic spirits!"

Before Yushiro could open his mouth to speak, Shinobu cut him off again. "Look I know you're scared, we're a few minutes away from being turned into sculptures. But throwing insults at others isn't going to solve anything."

Honestly, Yushiro's got a point. Douma is taking a while to save us from that kappa's spell or whatever he's done to us. Is it really that complicated? Shinobu recalled Junbo's words, 'if you break this ornament, your friends will crumble,' if it's true that the ornament is enabling this to happen, how was Douma going to break the spell if destroying it won't save them?

There's gotta be a way. Douma you have to figure it out somehow. At the corner of her eyes, Shinobu saw the ornament floating above Junbo again. The kappa was that bold to leave it hovering around, knowing that he was making things difficult for Douma on purpose.

Sukimori smiled cunningly. The scene where Junbo came crawling to them to deliver the saddening news about the passing of their friends played in his mind. It was remarkable to see the kappa standing on his two feet again after that incident. Junbo was a trembling mess, even Aka Manto didn't know what to make of it.

Pointing at Shinobu and Yushiro, Sukimori flicked his tails, "You two should feel honored to see yokais, especially right before your demise. We normally prefer to stay hidden but evoking our victims' deepest fears is entertaining too. Who wouldn't want to have such powers? You wouldn't be in this situation if you did."

Yushiro really wanted to shut this fox's mouth but he got interrupted again when Douma sprang up and sliced off a patch of fur from Sukimori's neck causing him to grip onto the bald spot and crouch on the ground in pain.

"How dare you..." Despite the aching feeling at the side of his neck, Sukimori didn't hesitate to charge at Douma with his boots facing him this time.

The kappa watched as Sukimori's boots came off from the interference of his powers, heading to Douma's direction like rockets being launched.

Douma grabbed the kappa who shrieked when he felt the blonde's hands on his shoulder and dragged the yokai in front of him, leaving the yokai to get stepped on in the face.

"Ahhhhhh!" Junbo cried on the forest floor, kicking his feet like a child throwing a tantrum.

Sukimori narrowed his eyes at his pitiful comrade, "You idiot." He spat.

"That's what you get for treating my friends like that." Douma stood on one of the trees, giving Junbo and Sukimori a sharp glare.

"Yeah that's right but we're still stuck here!" Shinobu shouted, the flora forming on both the violette and Yushiro's torsos were hardening the closer it got to consuming them entirely.

The blonde gave Shinobu a smile, "That's my priority alright."

Shinobu and Yushiro sighed, Douma was taking things too easy here. They were probably down to three minutes now. If he doesn't act fast it's over.

With the last bit of strength, Junbo moved the ornament closer to him. It blinked several times before eventually hovering lower in the kappa's embrace.

Douma watched the kappa prodding the ornament a few times. He narrowed his eyes at the ornament that started blinking again and ran towards it with his fan held tightly.

Junbo winced when he saw the blonde coming towards him and dragged the ornament away. "What do you think you're doing? Did you forget what I told you? Your friends will become rubble if you break it!"

The blonde didn't say a word, he kept his focus on the ornament that was being moved away whenever he got close to it.

Both Shinobu and Yushiro stared at him in shock. "Is he trying to kill us?" Yushiro said, the hair at the back of his neck rose, he could feel his body trembling even though it had supposedly become stiff like a statue.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Shinobu yelled, she couldn't believe Douma had betrayed them. His intentions were clear, despite what the kappa said, the blonde was going to destroy it.

Sukimori was just as confused as Shinobu and Yushiro. "Well it seems you have a traitor in your circle. Who knew he had his own agenda from the start. Saving you two was never the priority it was all a lie."

"Oh shut up!" Yushiro yelled at Sukimori who crept a smile on his face at the teen's anger.

"Are you blind foolish boy? It's happening right in front of you, don't tell me you're still willing to find a reason to explain why your friend has made the decision to throw away your lives." The kitsune purposely flicked one of his tails at Yushiro when he stood closer to him.

Yushiro froze, he refused to believe that Douma would betray them like that. Maybe this was another mirage. These yokai were sneaky scums who lived off the suffering of others.

But at the same time, from the reactions of Shinobu, this was real. What they were witnessing in front of them was the unfortunate truth of the matter; They were friends with a traitor all along.

"Douma you idiot! What are you thinking?! How could you!" Shinobu kept yelling at the blonde who ignored her cries he continued running towards the ornament with a cold expression.

Junbo swayed the ornament towards the row of trees beside him that would act as obstacles in Douma's path. The blonde leaped from each tree agilely. When he landed on the last tree bark he leaped up getting his fan ready now that Junbo was open.

"So you really don't care about your friends eh? That's surprising especially for a goody two shoes like yourself." Junbo smiled with a toothy grin, dragging the ornament further away.

Both Shinobu and Yushiro watched in horror as Douma landed right in front of Junbo who was standing there with the ornament hovering close to him.

Douma dashed towards the ornament startling the kappa beside it. Junbo stared at the scene in fear, it was too late now, he couldn't get the ornament away from the blonde he was too fast.

The ornament stayed idle in its spot as Douma leaped up and slashed the floating object into two pieces.

"No!" Yushiro screamed, beside him, Shinobu could barely let the words out. Her fear held them back whenever she tried to speak. It came out as a soft whisper but clear enough for Yushiro to hear it, he could only imagine how distress the violette was from witnessing the very same person who adored her break their trust.

Junbo jumped around in panic. "Nooooo! It's broken!" He cried while looking down at the two pieces on the floor.

When Yushiro was about to confront Douma even though it was already over, the flora on his torso broke off like a scab, so did the flora on Shinobu's knees.

Every piece of wood broke off followed by the soil and vegetation on the surface of their skin. The two friends watched as a large pile of substrate and plants formed in front of them. The constrictive weight they had to endure vanished.

Both Shinobu and Yushiro's appearance emerged from the fallen scabs, they moved around and inspected their limbs carefully to make sure the spell had completely worn off and that they were freed from it.

So it turns out, the ornament had to be destroyed. Douma didn't betray them at all, the kappa was lying the whole time. Shinobu felt relieved, in the end, Douma was always sincere about their friendship, he never broke their trust.

The kitsune approached Junbo who was sitting on the floor and staring at his broken ornament. "Wow that sure was dramatic. He figured it out." Flicking his tails towards Junbo's direction, Sukimori crossed his arms over his chest. He couldn't believe this insignificant object got everyone's wires loose. "You're a terrible liar Junbo."

Douma watched the two yokai consolidating each other. He turned to Shinobu and Yushiro who had different expressions; Shinobu was cheerful while Yushiro looked annoyed. The ornament got everybody worked up for nothing.

Oh come on it was pretty obvious. Junbo was always trying to keep the ornament away from me whenever I got close to it. The angel narrowed his eyes at Shinobu and Yushiro who knew what he was thinking. There's no doubt it would sound condescending if he said it out loud.

"Um Douma... that was uh-" Shinobu didn't know how to put it but Douma probably understood what she was trying to say.

"You two fell for that bum's trick." The blonde said. At least Shinobu was grateful for his efforts despite how disastrous it seemed, Yushiro on the other hand was being an absolute prick.

"That was terrible." Yushiro said sternly. "I don't have anything else to add so you can take out the trash over there. This was supposed to be a vacation, now it's ruined."

Shinobu raised a brow. "Who does he think he is? Ordering people around like that. Of course the trash will be taken out but if you want to join them with that attitude, go ahead."

Clenching his fists, Yushiro turned around. He was about to say something when Junbo and Sukimori rose behind him.

"Crying over your own decoy. Yeah that's the perfect way to play pretend. As if it wasn't that obvious." Douma shoved the two yokai away with his golden fan. He grabbed Shinobu's hand and took her away from the clearing.

Once he got to where Yushiro was, under a large tree. Douma looked at Shinobu who glanced behind her worriedly.

"It's alright I'll take care of them-"

"No! If something bad happens, we'll have to carry the guilt." Shinobu insisted, Yushiro had nothing much to say but he got her point. Whenever something like this happens, they couldn't just leave anyone behind or stand around not doing anything to help. The situation will end up like an unsolved puzzle with the pieces scattered around.

Douma tried to convince Shinobu and Yushiro to put their own safety first, but he didn't have time to elaborate further on that because Sukimori and Junbo had already caught up to them.

The three friends watched as the kitsune and kappa started closing in on them, charging their attacks that started flickering in the sky.