"Not so fast!" Junbo hopped over a tree and lifted up his arms.
"This can't be good." Yushiro remarked, a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his forehead. The teen was exhausted. Of all places why did these yokai choose to mess with his vacation spot?
When Sukimori teleported right in front of them, Douma shielded both Shinobu and Yushiro from the kitsune's extended claws with his fans. Leaves from the bushes and trees fell onto them like showers of rain falling from the sky.
Douma slammed the kitsune away with his arm. "These guys just don't know when to quit." He blocked another approaching fist from Sukimori.
The large kappa soaring above them blocked every ray of sunlight shining down on the forest floor. Arms still raised he gave them the dead eye. The blonde could tell he was about to pull off another trick. This couldn't be good, especially for Shinobu and Yushiro who refused to back away from the area.
"Tezukan Nue Foresight!" Junbo summoned a dust of particles that spiraled into the air. Douma watched the particles ignite into sparks and slowly disappear.
Shinobu blinked in confusion. "What just happened? Is it just me or did he-"
The kappa laughed, "With my foresight, I can predict the severity of your attacks," Junbo flew around with a smirk. "It doesn't matter what you throw at me, I'll be able to take the hit lightly."
Douma unleashed a gust of pressurizing cold wind at Junbo who floated in his spot without a sense of caution at the attacks that went right through him.
"So it's true then. Anything targeting you will go straight through that layer of blob." Getting into a fighting stance, Douma stared at Junbo with a calculating look. That cold wind was one of the strongest he had unleashed, yet it went right through Junbo who didn't seem affected by it.
"Hey! Who are you calling blob?!"
Sukimori rose from the ground and slashed his long sharp claws at Douma who backed away before it could even hit him. "Well you are a bum." The kitsune remarked. This made Junbo furious but he let it slide.
Shinobu and Yushiro watched the battle unfolding right before their very eyes. Their friend was outnumbered and with how things were escalating, they wondered if Douma would be able to handle it. Junbo's foresight ability was going to be a problem.
"Um he'll be fine, right?" Yushiro turned to look at Shinobu who was observing the clashing of Douma's golden fans and Sukimori's long claws with uncertainty.
"Yushiro, I'm sure you're just as observant as I am. Even though Douma has the upper hand because of what he is, these yokai have similar abilities as celestial beings. They can reflect attacks and even brush off any threat like nothing happened. Look at how Junbo's ability allowed him to endure Douma's cold wind."
"I guess you're right, these guys may be total idiots but they're still dangerous. Douma and these two exist on dimensional planes that transcend ours. We better hope nothing crazy stirs up."
That last statement was inevitable. Shinobu was there when she witnessed Douma unleashing the most devastating attacks imaginable on his opponents. This was serious. Even those opponents they encountered reached disaster levels that Atlas and the organizations that followed up with the events had a hard time deciphering them.
Junbo fired his bubbles at Douma repeatedly until the blonde landed on one of the trees to get a better look at the kappa's movements. So far he wasn't covering up any weaknesses or assets contributing to his newfound durability.
When Douma was about to try unleashing another attack to stun Junbo, the familiar figure of Sukimori appeared behind him and slashed his extended claws in his direction.
Backing away, Douma halted the attack with his golden fan. Both he and the kitsune started clashing again mid-air.
A large shadow appeared at the corner of his vision. The kappa just had to interfere with the fight.
Junbo attempted to slam Douma with his webbed palm but missed, nearly hitting Sukimori instead. Instinctively, Douma slashed the kappa's hand with his fan which appeared unscathed because of the effects of Junbo's ability, a reminder of its prevalence in this battle.
Shinobu thought of something to distract Sukimori and Junbo. The violette dug through her bag, looking for a specific item she had with her.
Yushiro raised his eyebrow in curiosity, wondering about Shinobu's plan and how this item in her bag could help. It had to be an ordinary object. Hopefully it leads to a miracle of some sort because Yushiro did not want to stand around here for too long.
Her fingers brushed against a metallic surface. "Found it. Shinobu dug out a can of soda from her bag and looked at it intently.
"This'll do." Shinobu said while shaking the soda can vigorously and fiddling with the top of it.
"What are you gonna do with that?" Yushiro asked.
"Just wait and see." When Junbo was only a few meters away from them, Shinobu threw the soda can which landed directly on the kappa's forehead.
Junbo screamed as the soda can exploded from the air pressure contained inside it. The orange liquid splashed onto his face, seeping into his eyes and nose leaving a burning sensation.
The high concentration of acid worked on one of the most prone areas of Junbo's body. Catching him off guard was the only way to get the orange flavored liquid to sprawl all over him since his lack of awareness would make the ability's state dwindle for the slightest bit of time.
By him focusing too much on throwing a punch or two at Douma which didn't work either, he let his guard down. Leaving him open to unsuspecting interferences. Hence the soda didn't go through him.
Douma took a quick glance at Shinobu who seemed proud of what she had done. Junbo was the kind to get distracted easily so getting by his tricks and defenses wouldn't break a sweat.
"You really can't seem to utilize your powers well. Getting hit by a soda can of all things? How is that possible?" Sukimori watched his friend Junbo wiping off the orange liquid. It was hard to believe that Junbo couldn't prevent that. Every other attack went right through him, Sukimori was certain that at some point, his claws did without the kappa even realizing it.
"Brilliant idea Shinobu!" Yushiro perked up.
Landing in the two yokais' direction midair, Douma raised his fans.
"Kaleido Ascension Style: Searing Skies." Douma said, diving towards his opponents.
The blonde landed beside Junbo and Sukimori, he spun around and lifted his feet off the ground, inflicting a slash to the side of the kappa's neck with his golden fan.
Crying out in pain, Junbo collapsed against the tree behind him. Douma got down swiftly from the air, he turned around and narrowed his eyes at Sukimori, the kitsune trembling from witnessing Junbo slumped on the forest floor in a worn-out state.
"It's over Sukimori. You're joining him next." Douma sneered, dashing towards the kitsune who screamed with his arms and tails raised.
Meanwhile, the treacherous wave swept the shore, submerging the entirety of it, leaving umbrellas and beachballs floating amongst the current.
"Did you hear that?" Yushiro spun around in the direction of the loud noise.
Shinobu nodded. That was definitely the wave.
"Suffix Web of the Deteriorating Emblem!" Sukimori summoned a large spider web in the sky. The threads attached themselves to the atmosphere and caused a distortion in the surroundings and movements around them.
Douma noticed Shinobu and Yushiro struggling to avoid the string of web getting in between them. The leaves and birds in the sky were slowly coming to a stop, so were Shinobu and Yushiro. It didn't just end there, gravity itself was having inconsistences. The two friends were literally floating as if space wasn't able to maintain its own stance in the laws of physics.
Other parts of Dice and Roll Valley closest to this forested area were also affected by this sudden shift. A boy who was blowing bubbles outside one of the stores noticed his bubbles coming to a stop. He then felt this inexplainable weight that was holding him back from lifting his hand. The bubbles that strangely stopped floating began moving vigorously in all directions like a tennis ball bouncing around in every corner of a confined space.
The kitsune wiggled his claws, controlling the dimensional spaces like a puppet on strings. He smiled for a while until he realized that Douma had completely disappeared from sight. The blonde was no longer in the spot where he stood earlier.
When Sukimori was about to move a portion of the web to search for Douma, the angel appeared in front of him and flung the yokai away with his fan.
"What is this a playground or something? How are my powers not affecting him?" The kitsune grit his teeth fiercely. "Let's see if you can handle this!"
Douma looked up and saw the threads on each of Sukimori's claws extending.
This moron's expanding his web. I can't let that happen. The blonde dashed towards Sukimori who blocked the golden fans with his claws.
Both Shinobu and Yushiro watched the battle. It's clear that distortions in space and time doesn't affect supernatural beings. Douma wasn't fazed by the situation at all, neither was Sukimori. The kitsune's effect on the surroundings didn't bring about any consequences to his wellbeing.
"Don't even try to make a clownery of this work of art!" Sukimori's eyes turned to slits identical to that of a fox when hostile.
Douma's surroundings turned gloomy as he found himself in an illusion created by the kitsune. Specks of flames ran down the strings of web facing him. The kitsune smiled, anticipating the outcome of his setup.
"Two can play at that game." The blonde's iridescent gaze turned sharp with a slight glow as the same gloomy effect occurred. Illusions were child's play.
Every speck of flame turned into a spider that latched each thread onto their body. The numerous spiders crawling about on the kitsune's web jumped off and ambushed him at once, the strings of web coming off the sky at the same time.
Sukimori screamed as the spiders wrapped the kitsune in his own web. The yokai toppled over and fell to the ground, whining in sorrow.
The atmosphere returned to normal. All activities resumed like nothing happened.
Shinobu and Yushiro landed on their feet. The effects of Sukimori's ability had worn off.
"That was easy!" Yushiro chimed.
A giant crimson hand engulfed in dark smoldering fumes appeared in the sky and struck the ground in front of the three friends.
Douma flew higher in the air to take a closer look at the perpetuator who happened to be wearing a red clock.
The other two staggered back, wincing from pain in their heads. Whatever that was caused a huge scene. Not only was it destructive but terrifying too. Whose hand was that?
"Aka Manto finally!" Junbo cried, the kappa still lying on the floor.
Sukimori squirmed on the ground trying to break free from the web but he didn't have the strength to do so.
The yokai who just arrived at the scene gazed upon his fallen comrades. With the eerie mask on it was impossible to tell how this entity felt. He didn't say a word.
"This is the other yokai those two dorks were talking about." Douma wondered if there were more of them here. There has to be a vessel concealing these entities somewhere in Dice and Roll Valley. It can't be these yokai would decide to show up in an attraction of all places if they had no reason to.
"So you're the one who killed Yurei and Hitotsume." Aka Manto spoke.
Douma, Shinobu, and Yushiro raised a brow. What is he talking about? They exchanged confused glances with one another before Aka Manto went on.
"Hiding the truth won't get you far. Look around you, my comrades' blood is on your hands."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Douma responded sounding unsure of what else to add to this conversation. He never met the yokai that Aka Manto mentioned nor does he have any idea what might have happened to them.
Aka Manto remained silent. From the stillness in the air surrounding them, Shinobu and Yushiro could tell the yokai didn't believe Douma.
But everything the blonde said is true. Douma was with them the entire time. To add on, the blonde wouldn't hurt anybody for no reason.
Truthfully speaking, Aka Manto's friends weren't that harmful, they were just troublemakers who had nothing better to do than to cause mischief in other people's spaces.
That itself would have Douma putting a stop to that but going all out and brutally killing them which might have sent this yokai into a turmoil, that was unlikely the case.
"I think this person you're referring to happens to be a rogue samurai with monstrous entities as pets." Douma continued, getting his fans ready. That cruel man, Ryukushu slaughters anything he sees, worthy or not. It's no surprise if he happened to bump into Aka Manto's friends back at Twin Island. Him and Chaos are the only candidates who might have done such a thing.
The red-cloaked entity cracked his fingers, "You're the only anomaly here." He said in a low voice.
"Believe what you want to. It doesn't matter to me. Your friends would be disappointed in you if they found out how ignorant you are to the truth." Douma replied, holding his golden fans tightly.
Aka Manto stretched out his arms again they turned into a dark crimson color, increasing in size when they got closer to Douma.
The blonde dodged the giant hands that tried to grab him in the sky. "Freezing Clouds!" Icy wind struck Aka Manto but instead of hitting him directly, the forcefield surrounding the entity blew the clouds of frost away like a hurricane.
Landing on the ground, Douma watched the entity hover over to where he and his friends were. There was not a scratch on Aka Manto.
"I don't think you'd want to see your friends suffer from the same fate."
Douma gripped his fan. "Think you're bold...? Who said you can get past me?"
Aka Manto stretched his arms in between his fingers spawned a red toilet paper roll that caught Yushiro's attention when he realized what the entity was trying to do.
"Don't pick the red or blue one. It's a trick, just don't say anything." Yushiro whispered to Shinobu who was aware about this tactic of the yokai's.
"That's a deadly toilet paper right there." Shinobu replied. The stories about Aka Manto in the folklore prepared them for the worst. They never thought they'd encounter the yokai himself.
Yushiro giggled, "I know he's got a whole collection of them!" The green-haired boy snorted, covering his mouth to hold his laughter. He didn't want the entity to hear him.
The angel raised a brow at the red toilet paper roll in Aka Manto's hand. "So is that your special power-up of some sort?"
"I don't have time for questions and neither do you. If you continue clowning around you won't get by this!" Aka Manto sounded annoyed by the angel. He tried his best to ignore every single remark that came out of the angel's mouth.
Rolls of red toilet paper came down from the sky and darted in every direction towards the three friends. Douma moved away when the red toilet paper appeared in the corner of his eye however Shinobu and Yushiro had a hard time avoiding it.
"Your friends aren't safe either. If you touch the toilet paper you'll die in an instant." Aka Manto whipped the red roll in Shinobu and Yushiro's direction, lifting them off their feet. They sprang up from the ground and threw themselves away from the red carpet laid down on the floor.
Aka Manto took out another toilet paper roll this time it was blue, he thrashed it at Douma and his two friends, letting it wrap around the red toilet paper roll so the bundles would serve as an obstacle.
Douma leaped into the air and grabbed the blue toilet paper roll swerving in his way. Both Shinobu and Yushiro gasped, their hands trembling for the blonde had gotten into direct contact with the very same roll that would kill them in an instant if touched.
"We're both immortal so this isn't a surprise. That doesn't mean I won't find other ways to put you in your place." Snarling, the red-cloaked entity raised the rolls and swung them around at lightning speed. Red streaks resembling bright lasers that matched the movements of the rolls appeared for a while before vanishing.
It just so happens that Shinobu and Yushiro were caught in between those red streaks.
Both Douma and Aka Manto clashed with each other; The blonde released his grip on the roll, his golden fans met with the relentless crimson claws, shoving them away while they fought back.
"Um I don't know what that guy just did but I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to go near them..." Yushiro tiptoed away from the spots that he recalled where hit by the toilet paper rolls.
"Are those lasers still here? I have a bad feeling about this." Shinobu responded.
"You mean they turned invisible, because Aka Manto wouldn't do that for fun. The guy hates us."
"Yeah so watch your step I guess this is a literal death trap."
The two friends visioned the placements of the lasers. Yushiro drew their movements in the air to determine where each streak could possibly be. Even though he remembered some of the positions, Yushiro wasn't so sure if taking a step towards the clear spaces was a good idea.
Given the fact that these lasers were completely invisible, having them move around instead of being stationary would finish the job quicker. Aka Manto had the advantage here, the entity didn't need to move the toilet paper rolls around, one wrong step and his victims were done for. That's all he needed to set in place.
Although that was just a possibility, Yushiro didn't want to take any risks. He'd rather remain in this position even though it will become excruciatingly painful after some time. Hopefully Shinobu shares the same sentiment because tiptoeing their way out wasn't worth it especially if it costs them their lives.
Those toilet paper rolls were still moving about. There was danger from every corner.