Chapter 140

"Did you seriously think you can defeat me unprepared? Of course you'll get flattened. I deserve the respect that I've worked hard for during a battle. If this goes on, I'll have no choice but to obliterate you since you're out of my league." The embodiment of the yin and yang hovered in the night sky, waiting for Douma to emerge from the rubble in the middle of the road.

Ryo and Lynn came to a stop when they saw what happened to the ground and Douma not being anywhere in sight except for Nevirius who found their reactions thrilling.

Douma emerged from the rubble and darted towards the entity with his fan directly slashing one of Nevirius' gears that managed to block it.

"Is there a way I can get you to fight like you mean it? This is awfully boring and repetitive." Raising his hand to the night sky, Nevirius summoned a spiraling vortex and fired it at the angel trying to shove away the gears against his fans.

Backing away quickly, Douma took a deep breath and braced himself for the incoming vortex that cost the night sky a large portion as there was now a distortion. It reminded Ryo and Lynn of the experiments back at Atlas that involved the combination of two liquids that repelled each other. A huge gap left behind in the supposed result of the mixture in the cylinder.

Even if the night sky repaired itself from Nevirius' interventions, there was no guarantee that Earth's atmosphere will be able to withstand the effects, if not the whole world for the matter.

Douma attempted to reflect the vortex back at Nevirius or elsewhere if it wasn't going to affect him, however the vortex was just too overwhelming to handle because of this sheer power it was giving off. It felt like an entire wave of running energy that held the horizons and vast universe was pinning him down.

Nevirius watched the blonde fall to the ground, clutching his arm from the pain. "After all, I am the manifestation of darkness and light. I control everything that goes on with these two major concepts that balance the world. Nobody can halt my plans, I exist everywhere and always will, it's unchangeable."

The vortex had unleashed a pulsing wave that dawned a temporary blackout on the city which lasted for a few seconds before the lights came back.

Running past the construction areas around the city to repair the damage caused by the devastation of previous incidents, Ryo and Lynn watched in horror as Douma struggled to balance himself when he got up from the ground. He strode away holding onto his arm, confused by how an entity like Nevirius with such alarming levels of power ended up being here. That vortex couldn't even be deflected.

And worst of all, his intent on joining Ryukushu of all people.

"I wouldn't wanna miss out on this! Try it!" Mockingly, Nevirius summoned a bolt of bright light that Douma got away from him before it could hit him.

He has to be stopped. I can't let him get away. Douma slowly walked away from the crater in the ground. The fan in his pocket getting taken out with trembling fingers.

"Alright I think I'm being a little too hard on ya. I understand that you must've had other things goin on before this like a baseball match so you're a little exhausted. I'll have to warn you though, once you agree to a battle with Nevirius you can never get out of it until it concludes." Nevirius waited for Douma to get off his feet and storm towards him.

"Who am I kidding? Exhaustion should never be an excuse to be such a miserable opponent, unless spending a longtime with humans has led to you assimilating to their lifestyle without you even realizing it!"

Douma's eyes turned to slits, he tightened the grip he had on his radiating golden fan.

Nevirius hovered lower when he saw the approaching light of Douma's golden fan, the blonde lunged at the entity. Soon enough, Ryo and Lynn saw the beams of light clashing with each other in the night sky again.

Smiling in amusement, Nevirius spoke again. "You're mad aren't you? I'm surprised you're not as carefree as I thought you'd be. Something's snapped your wires. I wonder what it could be... Ryukushu told me all about this fearsome opponent that cost him an arm and a sword."

"It doesn't matter anymore but the question remains, am I fighting the same person he told us about?"

Douma shoved Nevirius away with his fan. "Humans aren't weak. They have their strengths too. I will protect them with this power with the consideration of their safety and wellbeing so they don't get hurt." There were still a few civilians running away from the chaos unfolding in the city.

On the other hand, Ryo and Lynn were talking with Mr Oshiro on the phone. Atlas sent a team to the city to fight off Nevirius.

While Lynn was standing there waiting for any further inquiries or instructions from Atlas, a man who was one of those evacuating from the ongoing battle stared at her with a face of delight.

"Oh we're being saved by a pretty lady!" The man exclaimed, muttering to himself about Lynn and her appearance that caught his attention in the middle of a disaster that he should be keeping in mind.

Lynn spun around angrily. She clenched her fist and took a step towards the man's direction. "HEY CUT IT OUT! THERE'S NO TIME FOR THIS!"

But it seems that everything she just said didn't get through to the man. He still stood there, going on and on about Lynn in his rambles that she almost wanted to throw a brick at his face.

In response to Lynn's agitations, Ryo thought of a way to get her to divert her attention back to their discussion about Atlas' arrival since the issue with the man across the streets wasn't that big of a deal but before he could even speak, a concrete slab from the building towering over them broke off and started falling towards them.

The man widened his eyes at the large concrete slab falling from above and took off into the darkness with the other civilians down the street. Both Ryo and Lynn got their weapons out however the size of the concrete slab made them doubtful about their ability to slice it up without suffering from a severe injury.

Douma pushed Nevirius away, slowing down the entity's movements with a gust of icy wind in his direction. When he looked down he saw the large concrete slab falling towards Ryo and Lynn who stood there terrified.

Immediately, the blonde dived down and halted the concrete slab with a raise of his arm. The unseen energy kept the concrete slab afloat.

Nevirius landed on the ground with a sinister smile. He hovered closer to the blonde getting his gears ready to summon the dark spirals.

When the dark spirals swiveled out of the gears, Douma quickly blocked the attacks with the concrete slab. It broke into pieces from the collision giving Ryo and Lynn time to get away from Nevirius who was clearly trying to taunt them. Ryo couldn't stand being anywhere near this entity, he was cunning and dangerous.

In a dark alleyway further away from the fight, Ryukushu stood there, watching the two flashes of light clash with each other every few seconds.

A trembling man saw the towering samurai and approached him despite the fear settling in the moment he noticed Ryukushu standing in the middle of the path. "Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bus stop is?" The man asked Ryukushu timidly.

Still as a statue, Ryukushu was very much aware of the man's presence. The samurai raised his sword and pointed the large blade in the opposite direction against the man's neck in the dark.

When the sword brushed his skin, the man let out a petrified squeak. It didn't slice his skin, but he didn't expect the large blade to get this close to him. The man didn't dare question why Ryukushu did this he just thanked the man and scurried away to the direction the samurai's sword was pointing at.

"Uh a-alright t-t-thanks!" Ryukushu heard the footsteps of the man running off behind him. He continued standing there, watching the battle unfold.

The two flashes of light collided with each other again, followed by an explosion that occurred in the night sky after the clash. "Interesting." Ryukushu chuckled as he started walking away before vanishing.

"Alright time to split up." Nevirius stretched himself as his body split into two like fluid.

Standing side-by-side were the representations of darkness and light that kept the appearance of Nevirius. Both entities smiled and dashed towards Douma who blocked the two of them with his fans.

"There's two of them now?!" Lynn glanced behind her in horror. They haven't even gotten to safe spot where Nevirius couldn't even find them.

Ryo didn't look behind him, he couldn't running until they got to a quieter area of the city that wasn't too far away from the current events that were unfolding. Lynn gave him a look of despair when she realized this was a tougher opponent than any they have ever faced before.

"Light and Dark have teamed up now. Atlas better have something that can stop them or these two will be known as the unstoppable duo that will cut our power supply." Lynn watched the battle anxiously. Their comrade of celestial origin was powerful but Nevirius was able to keep up with it without breaking a sweat.

The blonde swiftly dodged every hand that reached out from the air and tried to grab him. Following after every step Douma took, Dark smiled and unleashed a plethora of shadowy hands in his direction.

Douma managed to get out of the way just in time, the shadowy hands struck the ground causing an explosion that shook the area. Light ran towards the blonde, appearing out of nowhere faster than the blink of an eye as Douma glanced behind him and saw the entity standing there with a grin.

Light clapped which summoned a streak of bright light from the sky. Douma dashed away from the streak of light that was only a millimeter away from his shoe when it struck the ground.

"What was that..." Ryo watched the two entities close in on Douma who sprang up, leaving them to collide with each other in the process.

Trucks and vans stopped along the side of the road where Ryo and Lynn were. A few personnel got out with their weapons ready, communicating with Mr Oshiro and the others back at Atlas. Chachamaru jumped out from one of the vehicles and placed his hands on his hips boldly when he saw the fight happening in the night sky.

"Who are these new guys? Never seen them before but whatever, time to put a stop to their show." Cracking his knuckles, Chachamaru caught up with Ryo and Lynn who told him everything that happened prior to the battle and led him to where Douma and Nevirius' two sides were.

"Don't worry Douma we've got your back!" The three of them sprinted towards the battle, Chachamaru's words came along with the sound of the troops firing at the two entities.

Turning around, Dark noticed Ryo, Lynn, and Chachamaru heading their way and smiled. He bolted down like a flash of dark lightning and laughed at the horrified face of Ryo's when he appeared in front of them.

"Hahaha! Let's see if you can get through this!" Dark casted a cloud of dust that blocked their path. Shards in the air that Ryo noticed when they exploded from the contact were floating in this cloud of dust. They went off whenever the three of them touched brushed against them by accident.

"Having a lot of fun aren't you Dark? I can tell you're getting quite excited by the way things are escalating here." Light sneered, throwing bright sparks at the approaching blonde who sliced every single one of them with his fan.

Chachamaru roared when one of the shards near his tail ignited. "Ugh I've had enough of this! We must get rid of this cloud of dust or we won't be able to tear those pricks to shreds!"

Ryo swung his blade at the wall of the empty building beside him. It had three holes that were aligned on the surface of its dense tip and appeared to be quite heavy to carry around.

The dark-haired man being able to withstand its weight was impressive enough, debris tumbled down from the wall of the empty building. Rocks sliding into each hole to which Ryo threw them at the cloud of dust.

Several of the shards went off when the debris landed on them. When the cloud of dust started fading away. Lynn slammed her heavy drill-like weapon on the ground where the cloud of dust was and flicked the nob on the compartment at the side of it, unleashing a pink fragrance that warded off the dust that slowly vanished.

The three of them continued running towards the battle. Light threw one of the sparks at the troops and watched the chaos unfold at the side of the road. The spot becoming unrecognizable in a matter of seconds.

When Light heard the footsteps of Ryo, Lynn, and Chachamaru coming closer, he bolted towards them in a flash.

"They're here!" Dark said, jumping out of the way of Douma's raining icicles.

"I'll handle these three, you take care of that kaleido-eyed goofball." Light replied, sending Ryo and Lynn backwards with a wave of his hand.

"Sounds fair to me!" The other entity that Douma was dealing with continued firing dark beams that went off in the night sky.

When Ryo and Lynn got up they quickly ran over to Dark expecting Chachamaru to catch up with them.

But unfortunately for the feline, Light landed right in front of him and gave him a few tight slaps that went on for quite sometime. Chachamaru barely catching a second to take a deep breath and process everything that just happened. The slaps appeared as flashes of light that lasted in a single draw.

"What the- Is this guy slapping me?!" Chachamaru shrieked just before another tight slap came through while he tried his best to avoid them.

Unsheathing his claws, Chachamaru threw a swipe at Light who backed away before the feline's paws could even hit the images of his movements following after him.

"Enjoy your stay." Light sneered summoning an opening that appeared in front of Chachamaru, dragging him into this strange bright room that was obscurely empty.

There were doors on every corner of the bright white room but nothing else to keep a visitor occupied during their stay. Chachamaru grumbled and paced around the room looking for any potential traps but it seems he was held captive.

"Where am I?! Hello? Anyone?" Chachamaru called out, hoping for a response but there wasn't any. He was alone in this strange place while his friends were fighting for their lives back in the city.