The leader of the Beggar Clan in a floral vest practices medicine

An hour later, the cab Jiang Yuxuan took stopped at the entrance of the Jade Manor neighborhood.

Jade Manor is known as one of the top high-end residential areas in Magic City, and the price per square meter is as high as more than 200,000 yuan.

The people who live here are either rich or noble, and it is said that there are several stars who have purchased properties here.

Jiang Yuxuan paid the fare and got off the car, and saw a thirty-four or thirty-five year old man of about one meter seventy-five standing at the entrance of the district, looking around.

Jiang YuXuan recognized this person is MengYuFu, and the image on TV is not far from. He quickly walked towards Meng Yufu.

Meng Yufu also noticed Jiang Yuxuan, and it was hard to ignore him.

He was dressed in yellow floral beach pants, a black basketball undershirt, and navy blue slippers, which was very incongruous with his handsome face.

This was Meng Yufu's first impression, he completely did not expect that the person in front of him was Jiang Yuxuan.

Until Jiang Yuxuan walked to the front, smiled and greeted, "Hello Mr. Meng, I am Jiang Yuxuan." Only then did Meng Yufu freeze, followed by a frown.

The man in front of him with the big pants, flowery undershirt, and blue slippers was the one who had patted his chest on the phone and guaranteed that he could cure his daughter? The corners of Meng Yufu's mouth twitched as he reluctantly extended his hand to shake Jiang Yuxuan's.

"Mr. Jiang, how are you ... doing." Meng Yufu, as a successful person, had excellent mental quality. If he were someone else, I'm afraid that he would have already fought against Jiang Yuxuan's outfit.

Where was this outfit like a doctor? Simply like a beggar gang leader. Then look at Jiang Yuxuan's age, estimated to be twenty-four or twenty-five years old, so young doctor? At this age, I'm afraid the medical school has not graduated, right?

Two words came to Meng Yufu's mind: liar! He thought that Jiang Yuxuan was no different from those who came for 50 million dollars and tried to fool themselves.

Loss and anger were written on his face, and Jiang Yuxuan naturally saw what Meng Yufu was thinking.

Jiang Yuxuan also had some regrets, he was in too much of a hurry, afraid that Meng Yufu's daughter couldn't wait for him to come to her rescue, afraid of missing out on the fifty million dollars.

He should have changed his clothes and come back to see Meng Yufu.

"Mr. Jiang, are you really a doctor? Or a student of which medical university?" There was a hint of fire in Meng Yufu's tone.

Jiang Yuxuan hurriedly nodded his head, "I'm not a doctor, nor am I a graduate of a medical university."

As soon as Jiang Yuxuan said this, Meng Yufu's brows furrowed tighter, deciding that Jiang Yuxuan was teasing him.

The fact that Meng Yufu was able to hold back from cursing and spitting out fenfangs had already shown a considerable amount of class.

"Mr. Meng, although I'm not a doctor, I know medicine, and I've been self-taught in medicine since I was a child ...," Jiang Yuxuan's words made Meng Yufu almost press on.

Self-taught medicine? Seeing him in this outfit, it's like he's self-taught begging! This kid is really bold, how dare to cheat to his own head!

Meng Yufu forced down his anger and tried to restrain the urge to teach Jiang Yuxuan a lesson.

"Then do you have a license to practice medicine?" Meng Yufu asked.

Jiang Yuxuan smiled and shook his head, "No."

Meng Yufu clenched his fists, this kid wants to cheat people, at least put down some money ah! At least change into decent clothes and forge a document.

No investment, want to come to cheat people? Is the professionalism of con artists this bad now?

"Mr. Meng, you must think I'm a crook, in fact, even I feel like a crook myself.

I came in such a hurry today that I didn't have time to change my clothes, so I'm really sorry. But please believe me, if I really wanted to cheat you, I would dress like a man and take all kinds of certificates to fool you.

Real scammers don't tell the truth like I do. It doesn't matter whether you graduated from a medical university or not, whether you have a medical license or not.

There are so many famous doctors and big hospitals, they all come from famous brand medical schools, and their certificates can fill up several sacks, but they still can't cure your daughter's disease.

It doesn't matter if it's a white cat or a black cat, if it can catch a rat, it's a good cat!"

Jiang Yuxuan explained a whole lot in one breath, Meng Yufu's face slightly eased, after all, these words were still somewhat reasonable.

"Mr. Jiang, you're right, but seeing a doctor is no joke ..."

"Mr. Meng, I'm all here, so let me take a look at your daughter's condition. If I can't cure it, I'll leave immediately and you don't have to spend a penny." Jiang Yuxuan proposed sincerely.

Meng Yufu lowered his head in thought for a moment, raised his head and agreed to Jiang Yuxuan's request, leading him into the neighborhood. After entering the neighborhood, the two of them took the battery car provided by the property directly to Meng Yufu's residence.

Jiang Yuxuan looked at everything in front of him, his heart filled with envy. This is the life of the rich ah, when he has money, he must buy a set here.

Meng oil Fu's house is located in the deeper part of the district, is a five-story detached villa, the area is quite large, the courtyard has two to three hundred square meters.

Jiang Yuxuan estimated that this courtyard alone was worth more than twenty million dollars, as for the villa itself, without four or five hundred million I'm afraid that it simply couldn't be taken.

"Mr. Jiang, this way please." Meng Yufu led Jiang Yuxuan into the courtyard.

The one who opened the door for them was a beautiful woman, Jiang Yuxuan felt that she was even a few points more beautiful than some female stars.

"Hubby, is Dr. Jiang here?" The woman inquired.

Jiang Yuxuan then realized that this beautiful woman was Meng Yufu's wife. Alas, it's good to be rich, to be able to marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law.

"This is Mr. Jiang." Meng Yufu introduced with a serious expression.

The wife froze and looked Jiang Yuxuan up and down. This is a doctor? How do you look ... like a scrap collector?

She was about to have a fit when Meng Yufu hurriedly stopped her.

"Lily, Mr. Jiang came in a hurry and is bent on seeing Ke'er's condition as soon as possible, let him go in and see Ke'er."

Meng Yufu said as he walked to his wife's side and gently swept her into his arms.

"Husband, he ... he really can cure our daughter?" The wife asked worriedly.

Meng Yufu sighed and didn't answer. He wasn't sure if he was right to let Jiang Yuxuan come.

This kid's medical skills are all self-taught, and he doesn't even have a license to practice medicine ... These things he doesn't dare to tell his wife, otherwise with her temper, I'm afraid that she will directly drive Jiang Yuxuan out the door.

"You guys don't worry, since I dared to come, there must be some certainty." Jiang Yuxuan confidently stated.

Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu nodded slightly and introduced Jiang Yuxuan into the house, bringing him directly to his daughter's room. Jiang Yuxuan saw Hu Ke on the bed in the room.

Her face was pale, only her lips were slightly bloody, her eye sockets were sunken, the few sparse hairs on her head were withered yellow, and the quilt covered the rest of her body.

"She's four years old this year?" Jiang Yuxuan asked.