Is this fortune telling or medical treatment?

Jiang Yuxuan asked as he pulled back the quilt covering Meng Duo.

"Four weeks old this year, just had his birthday last month." Meng Yufu's wife said, and there were already tears flashing in her eyes.

Jiang Yuxuan looked at Meng Duo's thin body and frowned.

Where was this like the size of a four year old, skinny as a malnourished monkey, to say it was skin and bones would be an understatement.

"Mr. Jiang, Ke'er was born prematurely, two weeks early.

She has been weak and sickly since birth, and her development has been particularly slow.

Although she hasn't had any major illnesses, she is constantly suffering from minor illnesses ... So far, she hasn't been able to find a way to improve her physique, she has taken a lot of medicines and tried all kinds of treatments, but the situation has never gotten better ... " Meng Yufu's wife said here and She has been sobbing uncontrollably.

Jiang Yuxuan raised his head to look at her, deeply feeling the world's parents heart is not easy.

"Don't be sad, I'll give her a closer examination." Jiang Yuxuan said, and began to take Meng Dao's pulse.

After a minute, Jiang Yuxuan released his hand and stood up to face Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu.

"Congratulations both of you, I can cure your daughter's illness." Jiang Yuxuan said with certainty.

Jiang Yuxuan claimed that he could cure Meng Duo's disease, Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu immediately became excited and stared at Jiang Yuxuan closely, their eyes like hungry wolves seeing their prey.

"Mr. Jiang, you're not joking, right?" "Mr. Jiang, what exactly is going on with my daughter's illness?" The two men eagerly pursued the question.

Jiang Yuxuan smiled and asked them to follow him out of the room. Outside the door of the room, Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu surrounded Jiang Yuxuan.

"Mr. Jiang, what exactly is going on with my daughter's illness? What herbs do you need, tell me now and I'll immediately send someone to prepare them." Meng Yufu looked extremely excited, after all, originally he didn't have much expectation for Jiang Yuxuan.

"Meng Duodong. Your daughter suffers from a congenital yin vein, resulting in a lack of congenital yang qi. The remaining bit of Yang Qi in her body is being gradually consumed by the Yin Vein, and is now in a state of running out of gas." Jiang Yuxuan's words caused Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu to freeze.

Innate Yin Vein? Yang Qi? How did this sound like the words of a fortune-teller?

Having just learned that Jiang Yuxuan could cure their daughter, Meng Yufu was overly excited, but now that he heard these mysterious words, he calmed down instead.

The man in front of him looked like a vagrant, but spoke like a fortune teller. Is he really a liar?

Jiang Yuxuan sensed Meng Yaofu's frown and continued to explain:

"Innate Yin Vein is actually a disease, similar to what we often call body cold. The two qi of yin and yang in the human body need to be kept in balance, and once one side is too powerful, it will try to eliminate the other.

With only one type of qi left in the human body, it naturally cannot survive. The two qi fight each other, inevitably damage the meridians, meridian damage will affect the balance of the two qi, yin qi will devour the yang qi to replenish their own, yang qi increasingly weakened, naturally leading to weakness and disease."

Jiang Yuxuan paused briefly and continued:

"With a weakened body, the damaged meridians will be even harder to get repaired, forming a vicious cycle until the end of life."

Jiang Yuxuan observed that Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu were frowning with a confused look on their faces. They indeed couldn't understand Jiang Yuxuan's words; they understood every word, but connected them together in a cloud.

"Mr. Jiang, can you briefly explain? Also, how did this disease come about?" Meng Yufu asked.

"This disease was present when your wife was pregnant, to put it simply, her own constitution is cold, plus she was born prematurely, which led to this condition. Since birth, she's had minor illnesses and her development is much slower than other children." Jiang Yuxuan patiently explained.

"Mr. Jiang, I understand what you're saying, are you saying that this disease was present when my wife was pregnant with her? But everything was normal during the maternity checkup, my wife's diet during pregnancy was taken care of by a professional nutritionist, there shouldn't be a problem." Meng Yufu was still skeptical of Jiang Yuxuan's words.

Jiang Yuxuan smiled helplessly and bitterly, since the other party insisted on pursuing the question, he no longer hid it.

"Your wife enjoyed cold drinks and swimming during her pregnancy, and more importantly, she was exposed to strong stimuli by getting wet during her pregnancy. As for the premature labor, it may have been caused by your couple sharing a room." Jiang Yuxuan spoke bluntly.

Jiang Yuxuan's words caused Meng Yufu's face to change abruptly, and his wife was also stunned, then angrily glared at Meng Yufu.

"Mr. Jiang, you're right, when I was pregnant, I did like eating cold things and swimming. I've also gotten wet and irritated ... These are all his sins, taking advantage of my pregnancy to screw around outside, if I hadn't gone to catch him, I wouldn't have gotten wet ... " Meng Yufu's wife said indignantly.

"Lily, things are over, what are you doing talking to Mr. Jiang about this?" Meng Yaofu couldn't hang on to his face and hurriedly stopped his wife.

"You dare to do it and you're still afraid of me saying it!" His wife glared at him.

"Wife, the child's condition is important, the child's condition is important." Meng Yufu eagerly emphasized.

"Mr. Jiang, quickly tell me how to cure it! I'll go buy whatever herbs I need right now." Meng Yufu sincerely hoped that Jiang Yuxuan would change the topic, he really didn't want his wife to bring up that unpleasant past again.

Jiang Yuxuan smiled and replied, "Your daughter's illness is indeed tricky, and it's reasonable to say that she won't survive until now. But the fact that she's able to live until now is all thanks to your careful care, you didn't give her a lot of supplements during the week, did you?"

Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu nodded their heads in acknowledgement. Meng Duo was indeed lucky to be reincarnated into the Meng family and nourished with a large amount of supplements, otherwise her life would have been hanging by a thread long ago.

"Mr. Jiang, how long can you cure this disease? Can it be completely eradicated?" Meng Yufu asked with concern.

"It can be cured in three days, completely eradicated." Jiang Yuxuan was blunt and gave the required time directly.

Meng Yufu's brows were once again tightly locked, just now he still had a trace of trust in Jiang Yuxuan being able to cure his daughter, but when he heard that he could be cured in three days, he felt incredulous again.

Such a serious illness, normally a cold and fever would take seven or eight days, and it could be cured in three days?

"Mr. Jiang, you're talking about three days not three years?" "Mr. Jiang, is three days enough time? As long as we can cure Ke'er's illness, we can wait three months, three or four years."

Jiang Yuxuan skimmed his mouth and thought in his heart: you guys can wait, but I can't! Next month's school festival, I'm going to hit Zhou Yan Yan hard in the face, as well as after the school festival Zhou Yan Yan's wedding, I also plan to go to stir up trouble.

He desperately wants to get the fifty million dollars, time is very precious to him. Three days, he even felt that it was too long.

"Don't worry, I'm telling the truth, three days is three days, if I can't cure your daughter, I won't take a penny." Jiang Yuxuan guaranteed again.

Meng Yufu was still half convinced, "Mr. Jiang, you really aren't joking?"

"Don't worry, I never joke about curing people.

But Meng Duo, when I cure your daughter, that fifty million honorarium ..." Jiang Yuxuan words not finished.

Meng Yufu didn't wait for Jiang Yuxuan to finish his speech and immediately stared with wide eyes.