He wants to make a movie?

Yi Chengde had money, and that was also his money.

  Jiang Yuxuan wanted to take the opportunity to make a profit by treating him, but the top he wanted to make was only two or three billion yuan.

  This Yi Chengde opened his mouth and gave him a billion dollars, but also gave him this house...

  The house plus cash is six billion!

  He was afraid that he would die.

  "Mr. Jiang, this is just a drop in the bucket for me, not much at all..."

  Jiang Yuxuan was still shaking his head.

  "No, I can't take advantage of the fire. There are too many..."

  Jiang Yuxuan didn't expect that one day he would experience what it meant to have too much money.

  Jiang Yuxuan's attitude made Yi Chengde very satisfied. He thought Jiang Yuxuan was too little just now.

  "Mr. Jiang, my life is not worth the money?"

  Jiang Yuxuan shook his head and nodded again.

  "It's worth it... but it's not worth so much for me to treat you... it's too much..."

  "Mr. Jiang, don't be polite with me. Money and a house are not easy to get. If you want to cure my illness."

  "I can cure your illness... but I won't need so much money."

  Yi Chengde frowned.

  "Mr. Jiang, if you can cure me, accept it boldly, because you are worth so much, even more than this. This is the condition I gave. If you don't accept it, I won't accept the treatment you gave me."

  Hearing this, Jiang Yuxuan could only nod and agree.

  Yi Chengde laughed.

  "That's right. Now tell me what you need and I'll have someone prepare it."

  "Please give me a pen and paper. There are a lot of herbs and instruments to use. I'll write them down and ask someone to prepare them."

  Hearing this, Yi Chengde raised his wrist. There was a watch on his wrist. He pressed it and said.

  "Secretary Fu, come in."

  More than ten seconds later, the door opened with a drip, and Fu Qingman walked in from the outside.

  "Mr. Yi, what are your orders?"

  "Mr. Jiang needs some things to treat me. Take him to prepare and have someone pack up a guest room. Mr. Jiang has been staying here for the past few days."

  When Yi Chengde said this, he also glanced towards Jiang Yuxuan.

  Jiang Yuxuan nodded at him and agreed to stay.

  "Okay, Mr. Jiang, please come with me."

  Jiang Yuxuan stood up and said a few words to Yi Chengde when he was about to go out.

  "From now on, you can't eat anything, you can only drink water."

  "Don't work anymore, go to bed and rest."

  Yi Chengde nodded with a smile and agreed.

  As soon as Jiang Yuxuan and Fu Qingman went out, Yi Chengde lay down on the bed.

  He was a little excited now. Jiang Yuxuan could cure him. He didn't have to die!

  After Jiang Yuxuan followed Fu Qingman out, she led him to a room on the 4th floor.

  "Mr. Jiang, you can stay here for the next few days. There's a pen and paper on the table. If you need anything, just come down and let me know when you're done.

  Fu Qingman handed the business card to Jiang Yuxuan as she spoke.

  Jiang Yuxuan took it with both hands and took a look in his hand.

  Black gold words, Fu Qingman, followed by a phone number.

  "Mr. Jiang, this is my personal business card. The cell phone number on it is my personal, not my work number..."

  Fu Qingman turned around and went out with a red face after saying that.

  She had printed a box of such business cards, but so far, she had only given out such a card.

  Jiang Yuxuan took the card and put it under his nose to smell it.

  "What kind of hand oil did she use? It smells so good..."

  Fortunately, Fu Qingman did not hear this. What rubbing oil?

  She used hand cream!

  Jiang Yuxuan walked around the room. This room was really not small. It was bigger than the house he rented.

  The room was separated. Inside was a bedroom and a bathroom. Outside was a living room with sofas and coffee tables.

  There was also a two-meter-long desk.

  Jiang Yuxuan sat down in front of the desk, picked up the pen on the desk, found a piece of paper and began to write.

  Yi Chengde's illness is very difficult. Although he and Yi Chengde said that it can be cured, it is also very troublesome to treat it.

  It took Jiang Yuxuan more than half an hour to put down the pen.

  One hundred and thirty-two Chinese herbal medicines, 99 kinds of strange things, boy urine is normal.

  The smoke-blackened beams, coffin nails, and the blood of a big rooster over ten years old...

  The more you look back, the weirder things get.

  Besides these, Jiang Yuxuan also drew a few things.

  A two-meter by two-meter square steaming drawer, and a two-meter diameter cauldron.

  Just like in Journey to the West, the one used by goblins to steam Pigsy is similar.

  There is also a large wooden barrel with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a height of 1.5 meters, and the kind that can bring its own heating function.

  Finally, there was an iron table... It was just this one that Jiang Yuxuan had drawn. The table top was made up of steel pipes, each of which had a spacing of ten centimeters.

  Then there are fifty medicine jars and fifty medicine stoves.

  Many of the medicines that Jiang Yuxuan had to boil this time had to be boiled at the same time, unlike when he treated Hu Ke, he could boil them in batches.

  In the end, Jiang Yuxuan made a special remark that he needed 20 helpers to help him keep an eye on the medicine.

  A whole page of A4 paper, the front was those things he asked for, The North Face was the drawing he drew, and the specific requirements for the items he drew.

  After checking carefully, Jiang Yuxuan stored the cell phone number on Fu Qingman's business card into his cell phone and called her directly.

  "Secretary Fu, I've finished writing it. Come here."

  "Okay, I'll be right there."

  Less than half a minute after turning off the phone, Fu Qingman knocked on Jiang Yuxuan's door.

  Jiang Yuxuan was stunned. This girl came so quickly? She wouldn't be guarding the door, would she?

  Jiang Yuxuan directly walked over and opened the door.

  Fu Qingman smiled at Jiang Yuxuan and walked in.

  "Secretary Fu, you didn't just wait at the door, did you?"

  Fu Qingman's face suddenly turned red and he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Jiang Yuxuan.

  She confused Jiang Yuxuan like this.

  He felt that he didn't say anything too excessive. Didn't he ask her what color her underwear was? As for blushing?

  "That... I... I live next door to you."

  The reason why Fu Qingman brought Jiang Yuxuan to live in this room was because she lived next door.

  In order to have more opportunities to meet Jiang Yuxuan.

  "Oh, so we are neighbors... This is what I want. Just take a look and ask someone to prepare it."

  Jiang Yuxuan handed the paper in his hand to Fu Qingman.

  Fu Qingman took it and looked at it seriously, but she frowned when she looked at it.

  Although there were many medicinal herbs in front of her, it was the first time she had heard of them, but she could tell from the name that they were Chinese medicinal herbs.

  However, the coffin nails and rooster blood behind them did not feel like they were used for curing diseases.

  It seems to be used to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits.

  "Mr. Jiang, what's behind this... is it really for treating diseases?"

  Jiang Yuxuan nodded.


  Although Jiang Yuxuan did not know the specific effect of using these things on Yi Chengde's illness, these were the things mentioned in the prescriptions that came out of his head automatically. If he wanted to cure Yi Chengde, he could only write them out word for word.

  "I still have the special equipment I need in the back. You can just get someone to make it according to the requirements, and the manpower I need should also be ready."

  Fu Qingman nodded.

  "No problem, I'll get someone to prepare for it now. These things can be delivered at dawn tomorrow. Mr. Jiang, if you need anything, you can ask the two security personnel at the door to send it to you. If you want to go out, just let them follow you."

  Fu Qingman said that and left in a hurry. The things on the paper were related to Yi Chengde's life. She didn't dare to delay them at all.