Almost gnawed at Man Wanmiao

After she left, Jiang Yuxuan simply went into the bedroom to lie on the bed and watch TV.

  It's just that he fell asleep watching.

  By the time he opened his eyes, it was already past two in the morning.

  Jiang Yuxuan was awakened by hunger. He was starving and dreaming of eating roasted whole sheep.

  In the dream, he was holding a sheep and eating it. As he ate, the sheep in his arms became a woman...

  It looked a bit like Man Wanmiao... It scared Jiang Yuxuan and then woke up.

  Jiang Yuxuan sat up, turned to look with a glare, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

  "Fortunately, it was a dream. If you gnaw Man Wanmiao, it would be troublesome."

  Jiang Yuxuan got up from the bed, turned on the light, and walked out.

  There was only a plate of fruits on the tea table in the room. Jiang Yuxuan had no choice but to open the door.

  As soon as the door opened, the two men in black standing on both sides of the door turned around and blocked him.

  "Mr. Jiang, are you going out?"

  Jiang Yuxuan shook his head.

  "I'm hungry... Is there anything to eat?"

  "What does Mr. Jiang want to eat? I'll have someone prepare it and send it over."

  "Just get something to eat."

  "Okay, please wait a minute."

  The man in black who spoke turned around and left.

  The other one still looked at Jiang Yuxuan with a face full of vigilance.

  This made Jiang Yuxuan feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

  I'm not a prisoner, why are you looking at me like this?

  Jiang Yuxuan directly closed the door and went back to the house.

  The two men in black were indeed the ones Yi Chengde had specially explained to look at Jiang Yuxuan. After Jiang Yuxuan left his room, Yi Chengde lay on the bed, and the more he thought about it, the more chaotic his heart became.

  He was worried that Jiang Yuxuan was coaxing him to play and that Jiang Yuxuan would find an opportunity to run away.

  So he had Li Gang arrange for two people to keep an eye on Jiang Yuxuan.

  This is not to blame for Yi Chengde. Anyone would think so.

  Cancer and AIDS are not fever and cold. It is possible to cure cancer, but AIDS cannot be cured.

  It was also reasonable for people to stare at Jiang Yuxuan.

  Jiang Yuxuan had just sat down on the sofa when his cell phone rang.

  The call was from Meng Youfu. Jiang Yuxuan was a little puzzled. Why did this guy call himself so late?

  "Hello, Mr. Meng, what are you looking for?"

  "Mr. Jiang, did Qibo Ming come to your door to apologize?"

  Meng Youfu s question made Jiang Yuxuan frown, That guy came to the door to apologize?

  With his attitude, it would be good not to come to find trouble.

  "No, after we parted that night, he did call me and said that he would give me 80 million to treat him and give him a small pill. His tone was like giving me the money and looking up to me..."

  "Ah... then you two quarreled?"

  "No, I didn't argue with him. I just told him that I wanted to make a move and take out my hand to show him my hand."

  Jiang Yuxuan s words made Meng Youfu s face pull down on the other end of the phone.

  This Qibo Ming! This was completely offending Jiang Yuxuan!

  "Mr. Jiang... He also called me that night and asked for your address, saying that he wanted to come to apologize. I thought he really wanted to go... I watched the news tonight. There was a woman who was robbed in a neighborhood where you lived. The woman mentioned the name Jiang Yuxuan when she was interviewed... You are the only one named Jiang Yuxuan in your neighborhood, right?"

  Meng Youfu actually saw the news at more than ten o'clock, and then he kept muttering in his heart. He didn't call Jiang Yuxuan until now.

  Jiang Yuxuan's heart thumped when he heard this.

  "The neighborhood I live in? You mean the neighborhood I used to live in?"

  "Mr. Jiang, have you moved?"

  "Well, I haven't told you since I moved."

  "It's that neighborhood. I guess that Qibo Ming found someone to do this... Fortunately, you have already moved, otherwise... Sigh, this one almost set me up for injustice!"

  Meng Youfu was very angry. He didn't expect Qibo Ming to get Jiang Yuxuan's address from him in order to make tricks.

  Jiang Yuxuan was also very angry.

  The burglary was still aimed at him... If he hadn't moved, he would have been caught by those people...

  If you contact him, please tell him. Don't think about tying me up to treat him. I know medical skills. I can treat patients and save lives, and I can also kill people invisibly. He doesn't have much time left. If you don't want to die miserably and painfully, don't bother me. "

  Jiang Yuxuan didn't brag. There were many recipes for poison in his head. Even if he didn't use medicine, he could easily make a person's life worse than death by stabbing the acupoint with silver needles.

  "Mr. Jiang... I will definitely convey it, but you still have to be careful. I understand Qi Boming. He is one-track and easy to go to extremes."

  "I'm fine. As long as he dares to come, I dare to help him transcend as soon as possible."

  "Mr. Jiang... One more thing. Has Yi Chengde contacted you?"

  "I'm already at his home. I can treat his illness. I've already talked about it. I can start treating it tomorrow."

  Jiang Yuxuan's answer made Meng Youfu very happy.

  "Great, thank you Mr. Jiang for making a move..."

  Meng Youfu's words confused Jiang Yuxuan. To say thank you, it was also Jiang Yuxuan who thanked Meng Youfu.

  He introduced such a big customer.

  "Mr. Meng, I should be thanking you. Without you, I wouldn't have known Yi Chengde..."

  "Mr. Jiang, I want to thank you. If you cure Yi Chengde of his illness, he will cooperate with me on a big list. To tell you the truth, I can earn 200 million yuan from this list."

  Meng Youfu was very direct and did not hide anything at all.

  Jiang Yuxuan curled his lips, feeling that Meng Youfu could get so many benefits by introducing him to Yi Chengde?

  "Mr. Jiang, after the contract is signed, I will transfer 20 million to you as your commission. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to make this list, and I wouldn't have been able to climb the line of Yi Chengde."

  "This is not good, right? The money you earn from doing business has nothing to do with me..."

  "It's settled. Mr. Jiang, rest early and I won't disturb you."

  Meng Youfu hung up the phone after saying that.

  Jiang Yuxuan shook his head with a bitter smile. He didn't expect that he could still make money from both ends...

  At that time, the door was knocked. Jiang Yuxuan went to look at the door and the man in black pushed a dining car in.

  "Mr. Jiang, I prepared this for you during dinner. I didn't call you when you were sleeping. I asked someone to heat it up. Can you make do with it?"

  Jiang Yuxuan glanced at the food on the dining car... Is this called settling?

  Steak, prawns, abalone, crabs... and a few dishes that Jiang Yuxuan did not recognize.

  "Yes, just eat your fill."

  The man in black immediately put the dishes on the tea table.

  "Mr. Jiang, someone will come to collect it tomorrow. You can eat and rest early."

  After saying that, the man in black pushed the dining car and walked out.

  Jiang Yuxuan immediately gulped and drank.

  At this time, Meng Youfu was talking to Qibo Ming on the phone. Both of them were very polite.

  "Old Meng, you have been friends with me for many years. You help an outsider but not me?"

  Qibo Ming s voice was loud, and his tone was also very impolite.