Double skill reward

Jiang Yuxuan was much better with his mask. Although some people still noticed him, they would not come up like before.

  The environment of the music academy was more elegant than that of the film and television academy, but the area was smaller.

  However, in Jiang Yuxuan's opinion, it was just right. Before dark, it was just right to turn over the trash can.

  "Ding. Recycle one mineral water bottle. Reward is 10 yuan in cash."

  "Ding. Recycle a lunch box. Reward is 40 yuan in cash."

  "Ding, a pair of recycled slippers will be rewarded with 100 yuan in cash."

  "Ding. Recycle one male underwear. Reward is 20 yuan in cash."

  Jiang Yuxuan wore gloves and was not too dirty. He picked up everything that could be recycled.

  After emptying three trash cans in a row, Jiang Yuxuan came across a big piece.

  Next to the fourth trash can, there was a dilapidated computer desk piled up, as well as a computer chair.

  Jiang Yuxuan looked left and right. While no one was around, he directly recycled the two items.

  "Ding. Recycle a computer desk. Reward is 2,000 yuan in cash."

  "Ding. Recycle a chair and reward 400 yuan in cash."

  Jiang Yuxuan laughed. This amount of money was enough to buy two new sets of computer desks and chairs.

  There are also good goods in the trash can next to it, half a guitar.

  Maybe some ignorant teenager failed to woo, smashed the guitar angrily, and then threw it here.

  Jiang Yuxuan reached out and recycled it.

  "Ding. Recycle half a guitar and reward 500 yuan in cash."

  "Trigger special reward, reward skill mastery, music theory mastery."

  "Musical instrument mastery, passive skills, the host can master the playing methods of various musical instruments."

  "Proficient in music theory, the host's talent for composing music and lyrics has risen to the top.

  The expression on Jiang Yuxuan s face froze, and he suspected that he had misheard.

  He gave him two skills at once. He also gave him an excellent guitar and ten famous songs...

  System, is it Chinese New Year today?

  Or can I not live long?

  Do you feel that you are making me eat decapitated rice?

  Ever since he got the System, he had never seen the System being so generous.

  "System, are you mistaken?"

  "There is nothing wrong with the system. All special rewards are triggered randomly, and double rewards also exist, but the probability is relatively low."

  The system s answer made Jiang Yuxuan sigh in relief.

  This guy was right, so Jiang Yuxuan didn't have to worry. It used mistakes as an excuse to take back the reward.

  Although, it has never done that.

  However, Jiang Yuxuan had seen it before.

  Jiang Yuxuan suddenly felt his head swell and felt a lot of things in his head. Then he felt his head cool again. The whole person was a little more refreshed than just now.

  He knew that the system had given him the reward.

  Jiang Yuxuan found that superb guitar in the system space.

  He saw that there was no one left or right, so he took out the guitar.

  The guitar looks no different from an ordinary guitar, but after starting, it feels very important.

  He held the guitar in his arms, skillfully adjusted the string, and casually played it twice.

  The guitar made a few music notes, making Jiang Yuxuan's hair stand up immediately.

  The sound quality was amazing... It felt like the sound it made could strike one's soul.

  Jiang Yuxuan took off his gloves, held the guitar and leaned against the tree next to him, then played it.

  He had 10 music scores in his head, and the first one he played was "Awakening Spring".

  At first, Jiang Yuxuan played a little slowly. After all, it was his first time touching a guitar. Although there were systematic rewards, he still needed to get familiar with it.

  This familiar process took about ten seconds, and his playing speed became faster.

  When the first music note sounded, Jiang Yuxuan had already entered the realm of selflessness. His eyes were closed, and a scene of spring breeze warming and plural things appeared in his mind.

  Every tone he played seemed to carry a breath of life, which shocked everyone who heard it, and then felt crisp.

  Jiang Yuxuan talked about a piece of music for almost eight minutes. When he opened his eyes after playing the last music note, Jiang Yuxuan froze.

  Damn, so many people!

  Jiang Yuxuan was startled. He was surrounded by others now. The three inside and the three outside were all people.

  Apart from the young students, there were also a few older ones who were probably the teachers here.

  "That's great. I've never heard such a beautiful guitar tune."

  "Okay, that's great."

  With two cheers, applause rang out, and everyone had excited looks on their faces.

  Jiang Yuxuan s face was a little hot, and he was a little embarrassed to get up.

  The applause lasted for more than a minute before it stopped.

  "What was the name of the piece you just played?"

  "Yes, what's your name?"

  This question was what everyone wanted to know. This tune seemed to have magic power. Listening to it made people feel lazy and crisp. After listening to it, they were full of energy.

  "Wake up."

  Jiang Yuxuan directly said the name of the tune.

 "Awakening Spring? This name is good..."

  "Spring Awaken All Things Su... Good name."

  "Who wrote this piece?"

  "Who did you learn this song from?"

  Jiang Yuxuan was stunned at first and then said brazenly.

  "I created this song. It's original."

  Jiang Yuxuan felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. The music system rewarded him, and that was his.

  The music given by the system definitely did not exist in this world. No matter where it came from, it was fine to say that Jiang Yuxuan created it himself.

  "You created it?"

  "How is it possible... If our school can produce this kind of music, it is also Brother Qiu. Which class are you a student of?"

  "That's right, you look about the same age as us, how could you create this kind of music?"

  "Take off your mask. Let's see which class you are."

  "Yes, take off your mask and see if you are someone close to Brother Qiu. Maybe you stole this tune from Brother Qiu."

  Jiang Yuxuan was stunned. Just now, this group of people praised the music for being nice and applauded themselves. Why did they speak so rudely now?

  In fact, this is all caused by Jiang Yuxuan's original sentence.

  Those who can enter the Magic City Music Academy are all talented, and talented people will not easily concede.

  They felt that Jiang Yuxuan looked about the same age as them and was also a student. Why was Jiang Yuxuan so outstanding?

  The Martial Brother Qiu they were talking about was Qiu Tiantong, a junior student of the Folk Music Department.

  He was recognized as a genius in the school. In the hearts of these people, he could lose to Qiu Tiantong, but he could not lose to Jiang Yuxuan, a little-known nobody.

  Of course, there were also some fans of Qiu Tiantong who said that. They felt that only Qiu Tiantong could do this kind of music.

  In their hearts, Qiu Tiantong was handsome and talented, which no one could compare with.

  "You guys asked me to take off my mask, so I took off my mask? Did you give me money or food?"

  Jiang Yuxuan's temper also rose. He shouted at him one by one. It would be strange if he was not angry.

  "How much can you take off the mask! Name your price!"

  The one who spoke was a girl, wearing glasses, a Chinese suit and a flute in her hand.

  "One hundred thousand!"

  Jiang Yuxuan opened his mouth and made an offer. He felt that this number could scare these so-called people away.

  The girl smiled disdainfully.

  "Give me the card number, I'll transfer it to you!"