Call dad

The girl's face was full of disdain. When she said that, she had the momentum of making money with a card number.

  "One hundred thousand dollars. I thought you would ask for that much."

  Jiang Yuxuan frowned. It seemed that he was still too kind to let this girl know the sinister nature of the human heart and the indifference of society.

  "I said 100,000, take off your gloves."

  Jiang Yuxuan directly played deadpan.

  The girl immediately became anxious and roared.

  "One hundred thousand is not enough? Then you can say another price! I'll give you as much as you want!"

  Students who study music are basically the kind who have no shortage of money in their families, and they cannot afford it if they have no shortage of money.

  "One billion."

  Jiang Yuxuan's tone sounded so... unbeaten...

  There were many people who wanted to see what Jiang Yuxuan looked like, including the few professors who crowded in the crowd.

  "Young lad, which department are you a student of? I'm Professor Wang from the Minle Department, have you ever taken any of my classes?"

  "I'm Professor Li, did you take my class?"

  Jiang Yuxuan curled his lips. Why are these professors befriending each other?

  The Hanfu girl suddenly broke out at this time, and she roared at the top of her voice.

  "You are poor and crazy! One billion! Why don't you rob it? Don't say one billion! If you have one hundred million, I will call your father right now..."

  Jiang Yuxuan is happy. How can you recognize your daughter with more money these days?

  Yes, these days rich old men, who hasn't raised a few goddaughters?

  Jiang Yuxuan didn't speak. He freed up a hand and took out his phone. Then he clicked on the balance prompt message sent by the bank.

  "You, come here! I'll let you see if I have a hundred million."

  The Hanfu girl huffed and leaned up. Jiang Yuxuan held his phone and pointed the phone screen at the girl.

  She stared at the text message on Jiang Yuxuan's cell phone carefully with her big eyes.

  "Ten million... ten million... one billion, one billion!"

  At first, she still muttered in a low voice. When she counted to the last digit, she could no longer control it and yelled out loud.

  He had a billion!

  Jiang Yuxuan smilingly put the phone back and asked.

  "You just said that if I had 100 million, what would you do?"

  Hanfu girl glared angrily at the front and back, clenching her fists with both hands, wishing to give Jiang Yuxuan a set of combined punches.

  This guy really had a billion! He was digging a pit for her to jump!

  "Who knows if your text message is real or not!"

  Hanfu girl said that and turned around to squeeze into the crowd, then disappeared.

  The crowd of onlookers were not fools. Her fleeing in such a hurry showed that Jiang Yuxuan really had a billion dollars!

  So young... to have so much money?

  Many girls had other thoughts in their hearts.

  "Little brother, I believe you. You wrote that piece yourself."

  "Yes, we believe you too."

  "Little brother, do you have any other works? Can you play another one?"

  "Young man, play one more song. As long as the quality is similar to the previous one, I can fight for a place for you to study abroad at public expense and send you to study in a well-known music academy abroad."

  "Young man, if you weren't a student of our school, I could have specially recruited you, free of tuition and a high scholarship."

  Jiang Yuxuan had no idea about studying abroad or the scholarship, but he enjoyed the feeling of loading a fork.

  "Then I'll talk about another one?"


  "Everyone applauded and welcomed him to play another song."

  Then the applause sounded, and Jiang Yuxuan picked up the guitar.

  Before playing "wake up spring", then the next song is "make spring".

  This piece is suitable for playing on the pipa, but there is no problem with the guitar, but the taste and rhythm will be worse.

  The sound of the music sounded, and the crowd of onlookers held their breath. The first music note shocked them.

  This piece of music was stronger than that. The piece was three or four minutes long. When Jiang Yuxuan finished talking, the surroundings were silent.

  The onlookers' faces were flushed, and they felt that their blood was flowing rapidly...

  It's so good! This is the divine comedy!

  Jiang Yuxuan looked at those who were still in a daze and said brazenly.

  "You can applaud now."

  After saying this, Jiang Yuxuan put the guitar behind his back. He planned to continue picking up garbage and playing two songs to satisfy himself. He didn't care if he was full.

  Applause rang out, and everyone looked at Jiang Yuxuan with excited expressions.

  "That's so nice! You wrote this tune, young man?"

  "Little brother, did you really compose this tune?"

  "Brother, which class are you from? You're so talented. I've never heard of you before."

  "You must be Brother Qiu's friend. You stole this tune from him..."

  Qiu Tiantong's loyal fan was still alive...

  "**** off, your Qiu is a fart in front of him!"

  "The surname Qiu is indeed talented, but based on his ability to produce this kind of music?"

  "Don't think that Qiu is handsome and talented, and all the good things in the world are played on him! Why don't you say that he founded our school?"

  "You... Brother Qiu is better than him! Qiu is a man who can make such a beautiful tune."

  Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help but sigh. Who didn't have a few brain-dead powder these days?

  After loading the fork, Jiang Yuxuan will continue to work.

  He put on his gloves and walked towards the trash can with his luggage bag.

  "Young man, which department are you from? Which class? What's your name?"

  "Young man, why don't you come with me to the office? I heard the piece you just played. You should play it with a pipa. I have a good pipa in my office. Can you play it again for me?"

  It was Professor Wang who was talking. His words made Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help but look at him twice.

  This old man is not simple. He can tell that this piece of music should be played on the pipa.

  Presumably someone with real talent and learning.

  "Thank you for your kindness..."

  "Brother Qiu, this is the guy!"

  Before Jiang Yuxuan could finish his words, he was interrupted by someone.

  The person who interrupted him was the Hanfu girl who had just fled in defeat. She pulled a boy about 1.8 meters tall into the crowd.

  Jiang Yuxuan took a few more glances at the man. He was quite tall and handsome.

  This Brother Qiu is indeed a handsome man.

  "Hey, have you figured it out and plan to fulfill the bet? Hurry up and shout. I'm going to be busy after shouting."

  Jiang Yuxuan looked at the Hanfu girl smilingly.

  "You... you bastard! Want me to call you daddy, you dream!"

  "Oh, are the students of the Conservatory of Music so uncontracted? They talk like farts. Didn't your teacher teach you what it means to keep your word?"

  Jiang Yuxuan's words were a little inappropriate, making the onlookers feel a little uncomfortable.

  Bet that the person who called your father is not all the students in the conservatory of music, so he can't be killed with one pole, can he?

  "You... it's okay for me to call you dad. As long as you can compare to Brother Qiu, I will call you dad! All the students in our music academy call you dad!"

  This Hanfu girl was also mad to say such hateful words.