"Deaths and Earns"

At 8:40 PM, under the cover of night, the relentless sound of gunfire echoed across the battlefield as soldiers unleashed rounds upon rounds towards the advancing UM forces. With each pull of the trigger, Shin remained steadfast, taking down UM soldiers with precise shots.

In the midst of the chaos, the 16 members of Unit 86 engaged in a fierce clash, battling tirelessly against the relentless onslaught of UM troops. Amidst the chaos of bullets and explosions, the UM forces continued their relentless march towards Unit 86's headquarters.

"Anny, where's the reinforcement from the Main HQ?" Joe's voice boomed over the communication chip device, urgency evident in his tone.

"They're on their way," Anny's response crackled through the device, conveying both reassurance and a sense of urgency.

Joe glanced at the dwindling supply of ammunition in the ammo box and their bags, realizing they were running dangerously low. With a determined expression, he holstered his handgun and drew his blade, preparing for close combat.

As the UM closed in, Joe wielded his combat knife with precision, engaging them in hand-to-hand combat. Despite their animal-like traits and abilities, Joe deftly dodged their attacks, refusing to be caught off guard by their mimicry of animal movements.

Saria tapped her device, connecting to Anny's line as chaos ensued in the monitoring room.

"Anny... It might be sudden, but take care of Shin for us," Saria's voice came through the device, filled with urgency and determination.

Before Anny could respond, Saria abruptly cut the line and headed towards the horde of UM looming in their sight. With a steely resolve, she braced herself to face the overwhelming enemy forces, leaving Anny to fulfill the solemn task of protecting Shin in her absence.


At 10:25 PM, the long-awaited reinforcements finally arrived, their arrival marking a turning point in the battle. Despite the intense clashes, there were no damages reported on the territory of Unit 86. However, the toll of the battle was heavy, with 16 brave men falling in the line of duty on the battlefield.

The UM's advance was halted by the wall of flame constructed by Unit 86, a testament to their resourcefulness and survival instinct. The flames served as a formidable barrier, preventing the UM from advancing further and showcasing their ability to adapt and react to threats.

Amidst the aftermath, the unit counted their losses: one child and five adults remained in the monitoring team, survivors of the harrowing ordeal.

Anny's fury simmered as she witnessed the late arrival of the reinforcements, a delay that had cost the lives of their comrades. With a mixture of grief and anger, she vowed to ensure that such a lapse in support would never happen again, determined to honor the sacrifice of those who had fallen.

T-those bastards!! They purposely delayed the Reinforcement!!

Anny seethed with anger at the realization that the reinforcements had been deliberately delayed. Despite her raging emotions, she knew she couldn't retaliate. All she could do for her fallen comrades was to care for what they had left behind.

Embracing Shin tightly, Anny pressed his face against her chest, bracing herself for the inevitable tears that would follow. In that moment of shared grief, she silently vowed to protect him with every fiber of her being, honoring the memory of those who had sacrificed their lives for them.

As Shin shed tears, it served as a sadness reminder of the lessons he had learned from those around him—a testament to his capacity for growth and understanding. Through their guidance, he had not only gained knowledge but also learned to express his emotions openly.

Anny made the decision to relocate to the Main Base Unit, confident in her skills and abilities to handle such situations. She harbored no concerns about securing a new position within the unit. With this plan in motion, Anny resolved to officially adopt Shin under her care, ensuring his safety and well-being. She set out to create a new identification for him, erasing the traces of his past and providing him with a fresh start.


Anny unlocked the door to her house in the Main Unit HQ, allowing Shin to enter before setting her bag down and gesturing for him to rest on the sofa. After ensuring his comfort, she went to fetch a drink for the child.

As four days had passed since the tragic loss of Saria and the others, Shin showed no signs of abnormal behavior. However, Anny couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She wondered why Shin seemed to regress to his previous state of emotional detachment. Despite his outward calmness, Anny sensed a familiar numbness in him, reminiscent of the emotionless child he once was.

Feeling powerless to alleviate his grief, Anny resolved to lift his spirits as best she could. She knew that moving on from such a devastating loss would be a difficult journey, but she was determined to help Shin begin to heal, even if only slightly.


The sudden loud knocking on the door startled Anny, prompting her to cautiously approach and peer through the peephole to see who it was.


To her horror, she found herself face to face with four armed men on the other side of the door. Before she could react, they kicked the door with such force that it flew open, sending Anny tumbling backward onto the sofa where Shin sat, startled by the commotion.

As Anny struggled to regain her bearings, she instinctively shielded Shin from the intruders, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty about their intentions.

Anny's groan of pain filled the air as she clutched her head, the impact with the sofa's wood sending a sharp ache through her skull.

With a sense of dread knotting in her stomach, Anny watched helplessly as the four men entered the room. Two of them approached Shin, while the other two focused their attention on her.

Anny's heart pounded with fear and fury as the men callously struck Shin, causing him to slump unconscious. Anguish flooded her as she witnessed the violence inflicted upon the defenseless child.

Her anger flared into defiance as the men turned their attention back to her, their intentions clear. Despite her struggles, she was overpowered and restrained, her clothes torn from her body in a brutal assault. In the midst of her own pain and fear, Anny's thoughts remained consumed by the desperate hope that Shin would remain unharmed.

Shin lay on the floor, his vision growing hazy as he witnessed his aunt being assaulted by the four men. Despite the pain and confusion, Anny forced a strained smile, her eyes silently pleading for him to stay strong. She endured the assault, sacrificing herself to shield Shin from further harm.

As the brutality continued, Anny's strength waned, her body growing numb. She struggled to draw breath, the weight of the attackers pressing down on her, suffocating her.

In the fading moments of consciousness, Anny's thoughts turned to Shin, her heart breaking at the sight of his innocence shattered. She prayed for his safety, even as darkness enveloped her, and she could no longer feel anything at all.


[Anny Swerth, 42 Years Old, Cause of death: Lack of Oxygen cause by rape.]

Shin was thrown into the Main HQ unit for Mandatory Service, where every person between the ages of 10 and 14 undergoes strict and rigorous training. In a line of over 200 kids, half are from noble families and the other half are commoners or orphans.

The soldier handed over the chart to his superior, who sat comfortably in his chair, his ample belly protruding. Despite his bald head and white beard, he was unmistakably the "White UM Hunter," renowned for his ability to single-handedly defeat a thousand UM. As both the supreme commander of the HQ Main Unit and the President of Hart Quela, he held immense authority over the fate of these children.

Hart Quela was a once-small country that grew in prominence due to the global outbreak of UM. Renowned for their advanced weaponry, including the acclaimed Joe and other innovations, they became a force to be reckoned with. The Supreme Commander smirked at the orphan and commoner children, knowing that only the noble-born were likely to endure and succeed in the rigorous military training ahead.

The soldiers led the kids onto the training ground, where the nobles received preferential treatment while the orphan and commoner children were treated harshly. They were all ordered to lie down and do 100 push-ups. Shin, without hesitation, began his set and powered through the challenge, even surpassing the limit. As the other kids struggled and considered giving up, Shin's relentless determination inspired them to persevere. Encouraged by Shin's example, they pushed themselves to reach the goal of 100 push-ups each. Remarkably, Shin surpassed everyone's expectations by completing an astounding 250 push-ups.

Shin had undergone rigorous training back in Unit 86, where he developed the necessary muscle strength to handle the sniper and its recoil effectively. As the soldier in charge continued to order the kids to do exercises, Shin led by example, surpassing all exercise limits and encouraging his peers to push themselves harder. His determination and resilience served as a source of inspiration for everyone around him.

Shin's actions became akin to a virus, spreading a trend of determination and resilience among his peers. Despite the exercises and military training being designed to discourage commoners from becoming soldiers, the HQ intended to recruit and utilize them as bait or in other less desirable roles. However, the unexpected outcome occurred as the intense training accelerated the physical development of the commoner kids' bodies faster than the nobles, turning the tables on the HQ's expectations.

Through his perseverance, Shin gained not only strength and knowledge but also significant influence among his peers. Without uttering a word, Shin naturally assumed a leadership role, effortlessly guiding and inspiring the other kids. They idolized him for his unwavering dedication and willingness to endure hardships alone, forming a loyal following that looked up to him as their commander.

(To be continued)