Robert’s Second Chance: Dance of Dragons Rewritten

Robert’s Second Chance: Dance of Dragons Rewritten

Book&Literature8 Chapters115.1K Views
Author: Halyx_Stark
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Table of Contents

After being fatally wounded by a boar, Robert Baratheon’s final prayer is answered by the gods, granting him a chance to rewrite history. Awakening in the body of his ancestor, Borros Baratheon, on the eve of the Dance of Dragons, Robert is armed with knowledge of the devastating civil war that is about to unfold. Determined to alter the course of events and prevent the bloodshed that will engulf the realm, Robert's actions send both the Greens and the Blacks on a new, unpredictable path. As the narrative shifts between Aegon, Aemond, Rhaenyra, and Robert, the profound impact of his interference unfolds, revealing how one man's second chance can reshape the destiny of Westeros.

For clarification, this fic includes both Helaegond and normal Aegond. If you’re enjoying the story and want to read advance chapters or support its creation, you can visit my Patreon at Your support helps keep the dragons flying!

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a month ago

Hello everyone. Im currently writing and publishing my original book called - Stolen stories and where to find their originals - where I write down accounts of this scammer/thief ( perhaps even more thieves ) and tell you where to find originals. You are all very welcome :-)

13 hours ago

Hello everyone. Im currently writing and publishing my original book called - Stolen stories and where to find their originals - where I write down accounts of this scammer/thief ( perhaps even more thieves ) and tell you where to find originals. You are all very welcome :-)

19 hours ago