Chapter 4: Rhaenyra II

Syrax's mournful cry echoed through Shipbreaker Bay, a heartbreaking sound that had fresh tears prickling in Rhaenyra's eyes.

Did dragons grieve their children as humans did? After all, Rhaenyra was not the only one to lose a son. Arrax had hatched from one of Syrax's eggs, yet another bond she had shared with Lucerys. Or did her beloved Syrax simply sense her own grief, sharing it through their bond?

I'm sorry, Syrax, Rhaenyra thought despondently as she rubbed her dragon's yellow scales. I wish I could heal your grief, just as I wish I could heal my own.

But alas, her and Daemon's trip to Shipbreaker Bay had not brought her even one step closer.

She wanted to do the investigation herself. Lucerys was her son and she could not bear to let anyone but Daemon help her. And so for the past three days, they had been conducting interviews with everyone from Storm's End's castellan (who met with them only after they agreed to an official parlay) to pole fisherman on the beach. And to her dismay, just about everyone had a different story.

No one within the castle told a different version than the one given to her by Lord Borros in his letter, but that meant little. Lord Borros might have commanded them to follow his lead.

Half the villagers had been unable to see anything because of the storm. The other half were split; some of them swearing they saw Vhagar and Arrax in the sky at the same time, the other half swearing that Vhagar had remained at he castle while Arrax flew away.

Some of Shipbreaker Bay's fishermen (who'd been docked to weather the storm) swore they saw Arrax crashing into one of the Bay's rock formations. Others swore that it was simply impossible to tell.

One vagrant swore up and down that he saw Vhagar chase after Arrax and attack him…but that man's credibility was highly suspect because he reeked of rum, and when Daemon asked him for his own name, it took him more than a minute to remember what it was.

Worse, Daemon received a raven from one of his spies in King's Landing, and they learned that Aegon had thrown a feast to celebrate the new union with Borros. Her usually-despicable younger brother had actually delivered a respectful toast in honor of Lucerys. As though he was genuinely unhappy that their succession conflict had resulted in bloodshed.

Perhaps the Greens truly do want this to end peacefully, as Otto said…

"I don't know what to think, Daemon," she had lamented to him while they reconvened privately before mounting their dragons to return to Dragonstone. "Did Aemond kill Lucerys, or did he crash into a rock formation?" She brought a shaky hand up to brush back a few loose strands of hair that escaped her braid. "It was so dark and so stormy…I don't think we'll ever know the truth of it. The Green's attitude suggests that Aemond is innocent…"

"Innocent," Daemon spat, fire blazing in his purple eyes. "Innocent of being a kinslayer? Maybe. Maybe not. But not a single godsdamn fucking one of them is innocent. Lucerys's blood is on their hands."

"We don't know that…"

"We do know it!" he snapped, teeth bared. "They stole your throne! Your birthright! Lucerys never would have been in that fucking storm in the first place if not for the fucking Greens! He would be in the Red Keep, or on Driftmark learning from Corlys. It makes not a damn bit of difference if Aemond killed him or not; they're the reason he's dead!"

She said nothing, her hands wrapping protectively around her belly. A belly that had not yet healed after Visenya's death.

Two babies, she mourned, biting back a fresh wave of tears. Two of my babies that would be here with me, in my arms right now, if my brother had not stolen my throne…

"And they will answer for it," Daemon finished darkly, a look of pure, undisguised hatred in his eyes. "Deliberate or not, it makes no difference. They will answer for it, and they will learn what it is to lose a child."

She shook her head. "I want to go home," she said, her voice cracking. "I want to see Jace. I want to see what he's uncovered and find out if there really is a spy in our midst. I want to continue as we've been: assembling our support. If we strike back at them, Daemon, we destroy any chance we have of peace…and make ourselves look like monsters in the process."

She thought the matter settled as she turned from Daemon to get back onto Syrax and make the flight home to Dragonstone. She thought Daemon would make his way to Harrenhal, as they planned, and he would continue planning the war as they had discussed.

It never crossed her mind that her husband, her dragon knight, the man who bent the knee to her and called her Queen, would disobey her.




Helaena's cry of pure joy pierced through the sky as she and Dreamfyre flew in perfect formation with Aegon and Sunfyre, the wind whipping through her silver hair, her eyes bright. The sight of his beloved sister so happy brought a smile to Aemond's face as he flew in formation behind his King and Queen, their watchful protector as they circled their city.

This was a brilliant idea that Lord Borros had…Aemond thought, laughing as Helaena let out another whoop of joy. The three of them had been flying together for the last three days, and he couldn't remember the last time he saw Helaena enjoying herself this much.

She was a far better flyer than Aemond remembered. Dreamfyre was massive, about half Vhagar's size, but Helaena only needed to use light taps with the whip to direct her, the mother dragon sensitive to Helaena's commands, as if they flew every day instead of once in a blue moon.

Though of course, Aegon bested both Helaena and himself as a flier. He carried no whip at all, no reins, and seldom gave Sunfyre verbal commands. And yet the beautiful golden dragon seemed to know exactly what Aegon wanted him to do. As if he were somehow able to obey Aegon's thoughts.

Surely not, Aemond dismissed as his brother brought Sunfyre into a descent, heading for the edge of the cliffs by the Keep, where their guards were waiting to take them back to the castle. Sunfyre is already the most beautiful dragon who ever lived.

As if they practiced, Aegon landed first, then Helaena in her rightful position by his side, then Aemond and Vhagar, taking their place behind. And, to Aemond's delight, as soon as Aegon dismounted his own dragon, he hesitated only a moment before making his way to Dreamfyre's flank so he could help Helaena as well, offering a hand and gripping her waist supportively as she climbed down.

The sight made Aemond smile. Aegon needed to be reminded to do it on their first group flight, but yesterday and today, he did it without being told. It was the perfect compromise, and Aemond prided himself for thinking of it. Aegon got to express his affection via touch, the way he liked, but the touch was for a valid reason that benefitted Helaena, and so she wasn't adverse to it.

"You're an excellent flier," Aegon complimented her, a bit awkwardly. "And the, um, the new flying suit looks lovely on you."

Painfully awkward as it was, the compliment made her smile.

"Thank you," she said, gently touching the edges of her new flying outfit. "And thank you for ordering it made for me."

Helaena hadn't flown in years, not since before she got pregnant with Maelor, and her old flying clothes were ill-fitting, tailored for a much younger woman, not the beautiful Queen she'd grown into. Alicent had ordered new ones made for her in a lovely shade of emerald green, but Aemond saw the look of disappointment on Helaena's face in time to give Aegon a warning. 

When Aegon prompted her, she timidly admitted that she would prefer ones in sky blue and silver, the same color as Dreamfyre's scales. And, in keeping with his promise to be a better husband, Aegon ordered the seamstress to follow Helaena's preference instead. A wise decision. Helaena loved the new clothes, and the color was absolutely beautiful on her.

But just when Aegon was about to say something else, Helaena's eyes grew wide with delight, she dropped into a crouch, then stood back up…with the biggest, hairiest spider Aemond had ever seen resting in her palm.

He gave his brother credit. Aegon flinched back in disgust, and Aemond almost had to give him a nudge to remind him of their earlier conversation.

Remember, Aegon? This is her way of trying to connect with you. She's trying to share something that she loves with you. You don't have to touch the insects if they disgust you, but indulge her. It'll make her happy and show her you care.

Clearly, Aegon did remember their conversation, because he swallowed whatever it was he originally intended to say.

"It's…fascinating?" he complimented, brow still furrowed as he watched the creature crawl up Helaena's arm.

"Not venomous," she promised. "They eat those horrid little flies that like to get in through the windows. I can make a nice home for him on the windowsill. He'll eat like a spider king!"

Aegon's brow eased. "Oh…" he said, sounding more genuine this time. "I suppose I do hate those little flies…"

"I'd like to get more for the children's rooms. Those flies distress Jaehaera," Helaena added, gently stroking the spider's back, her shoulders drooping.

"Helaena?" Aemond probed, stepping forward. "Sister, what is it?"

"I've been having…" She blushed, averting her eyes. "Dreams…"

Thankfully, Aegon did not roll his eyes, as Aemond warned him not to. He spent far more time with their sister than Aegon did, and sometimes, Helaena had the most uncanny way of knowing what was about to happen. The problem was that the way she communicated her Dreams was often a bit hard for anyone but her to decipher.

Hard as they were to decipher, she was seldom outright wrong. And Aemond oft wondered if Helaena might truly be a Dragon Dreamer, as others in their family had been before.

"Dreams?" Aegon asked instead, and she nodded.

"About the children," she confirmed, a flash of fear in her pretty eyes. "Since the coronation, but they've been growing stronger and stronger, and last night…" She choked back a sob, and Aemond had to stop himself from rushing forward to embrace her, remembering that she wouldn't like it, even if they weren't in public.

"Helaena," Aegon said gently. "You're a mother, and we're on the cusp of war. It's perfectly normal to be fearful of our children's safety."

Especially with what happened to Lucerys. His nephew's terrified face flashed before Aemond's eye. But Helaena's children aren't dragon riders yet. They're scarcely more than babies…

But then again, Aemond was only ten when Rhaenyra tried to have him tortured.

Perhaps her fears are valid.

Whether Aegon agreed or not, Aemond didn't know, but his brother clearly didn't like the look on his Queen's face, because he asked her softly, "What do you think might make you feel safer? More guards around the children?"

She hesitated, and for a moment, her gaze looked far away, but then she slowly nodded. "I believe I would like to have a Kingsguard with me at all times, not merely household guards," she said."

Aegon nodded. "Very well. Every time you're out of Maegor's Holdfast, a Kingsguard shall accompany you and the children," he agreed.

Her eyes brightened, and just the faintest touch of worry faded from her brow. "Thank you, brother. And…" She looked thoughtful for another moment. "And I believe…it's important that we heed Lord Borros's advice for as long as he's in the castle."

Aegon laughed indulgently. "Because he was the one who persuaded Mother and Grandfather to let you go flying every day?"

She laughed back. "Perhaps," she agreed. "I do love flying, and I'm grateful to him for it."

So was Aemond. His brother oft lamented that he and Helaena had nothing in common…but he missed the most obvious thing that they did have in common. They both loved nothing more than to fly their dragons. It wasn't Helaena's fault she was seldom allowed to because Alicent feared them. Thanks to Borros's suggestion, Aegon and Helaena were getting along much better these past few days.

And with luck, flying together more and more often will continue bringing them closer and closer together, Aemond hoped. Perhaps enough for me to become an uncle yet again. I know Helaena mentioned that five children would be the perfect number.

"But…I believe it may be more than that, brother," Helaena finished. "The Dream is unclear, but I know in my bones we need to listen to Lord Borros. That we need to trust him."

"Well, if he keeps giving us more excellent advice, I will happily take it," Aegon agreed, and when Helaena smiled at him brilliantly again, Aegon's face lit up, and he even offered Helaena his arm to escort her back to the castle.

Another brilliant compromise, Aemond thought approvingly as Helaena hesitated only a second, then accepted his proffered arm. You're letting the touch be on her terms. She's much less anxious about it when she's the one initiating the touch.

Maybe from now on, when he and Aegon had their 'lessons' together, Aemond would not be the only one benefitting from the 'practice'…

"And sister…" Aegon said as they walked. "I know this is all new for you. It's new for me too. But try to remember that you are the Queen." He gently touched the edge of her blue riding clothes. "If you wish to wear blue, then wear blue. If you want to fly on Dreamfyre a hundred times a day, then go flying a hundred times a day. I love our mother, and her advice is valuable, but she no longer has any authority over you in matters of preference."

Helaena blinked at Aegon, nibbling her lip fearfully, but after a moment, her face relaxed, and she continued walking with a straighter spine.

"You're right, brother," she agreed. "I suppose I am still adjusting."

We all are. But you're doing it brilliantly, Helaena. With all of us working together, the Blacks don't stand a chance.




"Godsdamn fucking White Worm!" Robert spat, huffing as he took a swig of his water, wishing it was wine instead. But wine was for celebrating or relaxing in times of peace. For times of war, he needed his mind clear.

Despite Robert's best efforts, he had not managed to hunt down the White Worm, who would eventually become Rhaenyra's Master of Whisperers in the original timeline. The woman responsible for both Blood and Cheese AND The Brothel Queens (assuming there was any truth to that rumor). Not only that, but the fucking sadist had mentally tortured both Rhaenyra and Helaena, resulting in Helaena's death and Rhaenyra's growing paranoia. Finding and killing her before Daemon could reach out and order the assassination was the best way to prevent a great deal of misery she would later inflict, but fuck it all, Robert couldn't for the life of him find her.

I'll just have to hope that warning Otto to seal off all the passageways in the Tower of the Hand will be enough, Robert groused. I don't know what day they're supposed to come, so I can't exactly lie in wait for them myself.

He had, however, made tremendous progress with the City Watch. During the Fall of King's Landing, a major defect on the Green's side had been that most of the City Watch was still loyal to Daemon. Robert had pretended to "realize" this during their last council meeting, and it immediately prompted both Otto and Gwayne Hightower to start combing through the City Watch ranks, removing Daemon's loyalists and training new recruits to replace them.

At least I've planned for the worst, he thought. Rhaenyra might not be brave enough to take the city if she knows Dreamfyre is patrolling. Even if she does, Helaena can easily get herself and her children to Dreamfyre to escape because she's no longer in the Dragon Pit. And the City Watch will be fighting against Rhaenyra, not for her, which might be enough to compensate for her dragon advantage. Dragons could help her take the city, but it won't help her to hold it.

And now that the worst was planned for, it was time to focus all his attention on keeping the worst from happening…

A soft tapping on the door snapped Robert out of his pondering, and he called for whoever it was to come in, remembering in the nick of time to rise to his feet.

I'm not a King anymore, and most people in this castle outrank me, he reminded himself.

Otto Hightower walked into the room carrying a letter, and Borros nodded to him respectfully. "My Lord Hand."

Otto nodded back, gesturing for Robert to sit before pulling a letter from his pocket. "Your advice proves fruitful once again, Lord Borros," Otto announced with a smile. "His Grace was considering offering the title of Master of Ships to Dalton Greyjoy, but after your impassioned argument about how the Greyjoys are nothing more than backstabbing pirates and rapists and raiders…" Otto shivered.

They still are, even in my era, Robert remembered grimly. Theon Greyjoy was still a ward of Ned's.

"But I admit, I never considered offering the post to Lord Manderly instead," Otto admitted. "But it's perfect. The Manderly's are a powerful influential House in the North. And now that Lord Desmond has agreed to accept the post…and to betroth his youngest daughter to Prince Maelor, we stand a greater chance of recruiting more Northern Houses to our cause."

Otto skimmed through the note. "They even agreed to speak with the Sistermen on our behalf. Between them, the Arbor, and my ongoing negotiations with the Triarchy, we might just be able to stand a chance if it comes to a naval battle with the Velaryons."

It will come to a naval battle with the Velaryons, Robert thought grimly, remembering the stories of the Battle of the Gullet. The Blacks officially won, but it had cost them dearly, and the Greens had ultimately lost the Triarchy's support because they didn't have the resources to keep fighting. But now, if the Manderlys, the Sistermen, and the Arbor (who did nothing but sit on their fat, lazy asses during the original timeline) joined the fray, it might be a more decisive Green victory.

If I can figure out what to do about their dragons…

"That is excellent news, my Lord Hand," Robert agreed, then hesitantly added, "But of course, the most important Northern House to recruit will be House Stark…"

Otto's shoulders slumped, and he sighed. "Indeed," he agreed grimly. "If we can get Cregan Stark to bend the knee, then all other Northern Houses might follow. But I'm hesitant to make a marriage pact for Princess Jaehaera, even though Cregan Stark does have an eligible son…"

"No," Robert agreed. I'm taking no chances of fucking with the Stark bloodline. "Princess Jaehaera is to be a dragon rider," he said instead. "You need her wedded to a House that will more firmly be on your side for years to come…"

And here is my opportunity…

"Might I suggest House Tyrell, my Lord Hand?" he said innocently. "If I recall, the young Lord Tyrell is only a babe and his mother has yet to make a marriage pact for him."

In the original timeline, House Tyrell's neutrality had lead to the Reach being divided between the Greens and the Blacks. But if House Tyrell was offered a marriage pact to a future dragonrider…

Otto crossed his legs, frowning. "I did assume House Tyrell would join us without prompting," he mused. "My House and theirs has traded marriages for a great many years…"


"All the more reason Lord Lyonel would make a good husband for Princess Jaehaera," he pushed. "And as loathe as I am to say it, my Lord Hand, we cannot rely solely on past good blood. House Caswell already tried to side with Princess Rhaenyra, did they not?"

"Hmm…" Otto agreed, looking hesitant. "I shall…discuss the matter with the King…Tyrell assistance would be invaluable, and it is best to have guaranteed support. And I do suppose I'd much rather have Princess Jaehaera in Highgarden than Winterfell."

One less fucking thing to worry about. But as for how Robert was going to get Winterfell on their side?

That he had yet to figure out. Stark honor was a thing of legend….