Segment 0.5 | This Is A Proper Tu[Toriel]

In the next room, I see what looks like a practice dummy...

Polly: That thing looks weird, for a practice dummy...

Toriel: As a human living in the UNDERGROUND, monsters may attack you. You will need to be prepared for this situation.

Polly: Flowey... I mumble.

Toriel hears me worried about my last encounter with a monster. However, she remains high-spirited.

Toriel: However, worry not! The process is simple. When you encounter a monster, you will most likely enter a FIGHT!... Sadly...

Polly: I will be fine, Toriel; it's no problem.

Toriel: Right, when you are in a FIGHT, strike up a friendly conversation... or at least one to help your situation. Stall for time, and I will come and resolve the conflict.

Polly: Excuse me, "friendly conversation?"

Toriel: Is that a problem?

Polly: ... Possibly.

Toriel: How so, my dear child?

Toriel looks at me suspiciously and slightly seriously.

Polly: Never mind; pretend you didn't hear that.

Toriel: Ahem, alright, try talking to the dummy.

Toriel leads me closer to the dummy and steps out of the way of me facing the dummy.

I am stuck with the scene of me staring into the eyes of a lifeless dummy. I was unable to feel anything but awkwardness. I wonder to myself, "Does she not feel the intense and awkwardness of this?"

I turn my head to look at her and see a soft smile, waiting patiently for me to say something.

Okay, this is only going to pass if I just say something—anything, I thought hurriedly.

Polly: Um, hello, my name is P-Polly. Nice to-uh meet you?

And just like that, my surroundings became the same, like when I faced Flowey—Lack of coldness or warmth; no winds; nothing but me and the enemy.

Polly: It's a battle!? But Toriel, I thought you said that it only happens with monsters?

Toriel: Well, this is a special case; although it isn't a monster, it is a practice dummy.

Polly: What does that even mean?

Toriel didn't elaborate any further than that.

*You countered the Dummy* as the text appears.

Polly: That is strangely ominous... Is anyone going to talk about that? No, okay...

Mani speaks up and informs me of something new.

Mani: Hey, look, Polly, sliding from the bottom of you!

Polly: Huh? What are-

Five boxes appear from below me, and they float from just above my midsection. As they slightly curve around me, it goes like this:

Fight (on the far-right side), Act (on the far-left side), Item (secondary to the left side), Mercy (secondary to the right side), and finally Special (in the middle). They are all outlined in a weird orange color, kind of like bronze.

Mani: These boxes with words on 'em are called "buttons" or "options."

Polly: Yeah, I figured. Thanks, though. I say, focused and pressing each button.

Unsurprisingly enough, I can't use the button in the middle just yet, it seems. When I press it, it just rejects it by sending a message saying, "Can't use now" or "Requirements haven't been met."

Toriel: Have you had time to adjust yourself yet?

Polly: Uh, yes, I have; let's continue.

Toriel: When you engage a monster, you will be given the chance to check their status. Try using it now.

Polly: Right.

I press the ACT button, and from there I get met with two options: "Check" and "Talk."

Polly: Yep, it's just like an RPG game. I said to myself in confirmation.

I press the "Check" button. And see the Dummy's stats: ATK (0), DEF (0). Included is a brief description.

Polly: "A cotton heart and a button eye... You are the apple of my eye."?

Mani: It looks like it's going to fall over, lol. Mani remarks with a giggle.

Toriel: Now that you've seen its stats, you should make your way back and interact with the "Talk" option. This will allow you to start up a conversation free of any attacks during your turn.

Polly: Alright...

I do exactly as Toriel says, and now I have to talk to the Dummy, again.

Polly: Uh-right, let's do this again, shall we? My name is Polly! It's a pleasure to meet you!

This moment of silence, had never been so loud in my ears.

Mani: It's definitely not the type to hold much of a conversation... But it seems Toriel is happy with you!

Polly: She'd better, because this is embarrassing and boring. I mumble

And just like that, a text appears saying, "You've won! You have earned (0) XP and (0) Gold!"

Polly: Quit the enthusiasm, I mumble again.

My surroundings turn back to normal color instead of black again void of normal atmosphere.

Toriel stands beside me, pleased at my actions.

Toriel: Ah, how wonderful. You are very wonderful, my child. Come along now, more puzzles await you.

Polly: Yeah, I'll be right there.

I take a moment to look at the Dummy and think, "What would've happened if I had attacked it instead? I stare at it longer deciding if I should hit it, and Mani says to me,

Mani: Do you want to attack it?

Polly: ... Yes... Yes, I do.

Mani: That won't work... At least not right now. You have to ENCOUNTER a monster, first. Which basically requires both parties to accept in a battle with the exception, of a few beings who can force a battle onto a person, such with high FL or LV, Certain titled people aka mini bosses to main bosses.

Polly: Wow, you said that shit, like you read that off the internet. How do you know that?

Mani: I didn't know that until now. I just have a special ability to be able to understand any situation and give the answer to whenever I want. Cool, right?

Polly: ... Woah... That is cool. So, you basically, like, know everything!

Mani: Some things are restricted so no, not really. And it's only if it's brought up or see the person, place, or thing in question. But even then it can have some restrictions... But, it can grow stronger with your help!

Polly: Your ability is really useful!

Mani: Aw, really!? Thank you!

Toriel: My child? Are you there?

Polly: Oh! I'm coming! And stop calling me your child!

I make my way to the next room and see two separate strips of vines from top to bottom leading to another room. Toriel stands there waiting for me.

Toriel: I wonder if you will be able to solve this puzzle, next?

Toriel walks further down and I follow her lead to the next puzzle and in the middle of our quest, an exclamation mark appears In front of me. An ENCOUNTER...!

The void fills the area once again and I am met by another monster. The sound of intense funky music starts playing and I am met by the text, "Froggit attacks you!"

Polly: What the hell!? Where did you come from?

The Froggit looks like a white frog. Only its two front feet are visible, with three black dots on its chest. Between its two front feet is what appears to be some small creature with eyes that excessively blink and a rounded mouth. In this ENCOUNTER, it seems sparing and acting isn't the only thing we'll have to do.

Following Toriel's lesson on sparing a person, I immediately go to ACT and find myself with three options this time: Check, Compliment, and Threat.

Polly: It's different now, it doesn't say "Talk" anymore. Maybe it's different for each battle, I'll have to do some adjusting. Alright, don't get nervous- although he did just jumpscare me... Whatever, let's check this things' stats.

I select the option to "Check" it's stats and see: ATK (4), DEF (5). "Life is difficult for this enemy"

Polly: Oh, I think I'd know why... I remark.

Mani: It looks kind of cute!

Polly: Toriel...?

Toriel appears from beside him and gives him a mean stare, that's a weirdly-cute-mean face, I thought. The battle ends just like that. And my surroundings turn back to normal. With a text saying, "You won!" With no XP or Gold received.

Polly: Aw man, I at least wanted to get something out of that...

Toriel continues along walking ahead and I as follow her I see a stone sign on the wall next to us.

"The western room is the eastern rooms' blueprint." It says.

Polly: But that means...

I continue to follow Toriel until she stops abruptly, and I bump into her, fortunately for her she's sturdy so she didn't notice. we see something horrifying...!

Before us both lies ahead a room full of spikes!

Polly: Wha- What the-! Toriel, what the hell is this!

Toriel: Mind your tongue, My child.

Polly: Uh- sorry, Toriel, what is this? Why are there so many spikes!?

Toriel: I apologize, I understand your worry about this. This is a puzzle, but... Here, take my hand for moment and I will guide you to the right path together.

I take a gulp before her hand and hesitantly go through the spikes with her. As spikes sink into the ground with their sharps sounds and rising up behind me. I thought, "What if one the spikes rises up and pierces right through my feet!" Just thinking about it was making me nervous. I gripped tightly onto Toriel's hand, and I just knew she was watching me, be nervous. Finally, once we got to the end I let go and made sure I was the first out of there.

Polly: That was scary, I don't want to do that again!

Toriel: Fufu, it seems that puzzles are little dangerous for now.

Toriel walks past me into another room continuing on.

Polly: Huh? Maybe they wouldn't be if ya didn't need to put spikes everywhere!

I follow her into another room.