Segment 0.6 | Tests And Decisions

The next room presents us a long hallway. Toriel stands there and then turns around to speak up.

Toriel: You have done excellently thus far, my child. However, … I have a difficult request to ask of you… Would you like to walk to the end of the halls by yourself? 

Polly: What?

Toriel: Forgive me for this.

Toriel then suddenly walks away from me, practically dashing off. Caught off guard I say,

Polly: Wait! Toriel! You can't just-

Despite the fact that Toriel can hear me, she continued to ignore me and kept moving. "Stay focused, Toriel, don't try and help her again. She needs solitude- to be able to handle themselves. Toriel thought.

Toriel looks ahead of herself and is surprised at what she sees. What she saw were me at the end of the hall…! 

Toriel: But how-!?

Polly: Your just fast walking. That's nothing compared to me running and I'm surprised you didn't notice until now.

Toriel looks behind her in disbelief and looks back at me.

Toriel: Huh…

Polly: So, what was the plan? Huh? Ms. Toriel?

Toriel: … Well, I was just going to hide behind the pillar and wait for you to come. And now that you have, I want to thank you for trusting in me, my child. There was a reason for this exercise…

Polly: …?

Toriel: To test your independence. I have to tend to some business, and you must stay alone for a while. Please remain here. It's dangerous to explore by yourself.

Polly: What! No, I can handle myself, I'm a perfectly capable young man!

Toriel: …. Is this some kind of gender-swapping trend on social media, I don't know about? 

Polly: What!? But I'm not a girl, what makes you say that?

Toriel: Look, my child, I deeply apologize if I hurt your feelings due to my assumptions, whether you're a girl, boy, or perhaps both, I'll always still love you no matter what. 

Toriel gives me a big hug. But I am still confused about what she is talking about. But since she is warm, I just take in the hug. As she releases, she hands me a phone, but it looks really outdated.

Polly: What is this, a brick?

Toriel: It's old but it works well. It's a phone. So, if you need anything just call me and I'll assist you with whatever you need. 

Polly: A phone, huh… Hardly looks like one.

Toriel: Last thing, be good, alright?

Toriel goes on ahead without me to tend to her business. While I continue on along exploring more of the RUINS.

Polly: Is there a way I can put this phone away somewhere, Mani?

Mani: Of course, just put in your inventory!

Polly: Right…. So how do I do that?

Mani: Say, "Menu open" or just think it. And then once you do that drop the phone in.

Polly: Menu… open?

A screen pops-up, and I see two separate boxes formed vertically. On the first box on top says: My name, two strange words; LV and FL on the bottom and its number, which is one, HP which I'm familiar with, "20/20" I read, "G" which I assume is Gold (It says I have 0 Gold). On the second box it has the 2 options: Stats and Item.

Polly: Woah, nice. But what does "LV" and "FL" mean?

Mani: Hmm, let me see… Do you really want to know?

Polly: …. Hmm? If your hesitant, then I guess it'll hold on till later… So, I just drop this phone in this? Are you sure it's not gonna fall through?

Mani nods to confirm. 

Polly: Alright then.

I drop the phone in the second box somewhat expecting it to fall through. But of course, ever since I came here the things, I've seen so far have exceeded my expectations, which can be worrisome but just isn't for someone who's played games before. Which the answer to that knowledge of that is still in the air at the moment. 

The phone's physical form disappears in the air, like it digitalized out of existence. As that happens though, a new text appears on the box and it reads, "Cell."

Polly: "Cell?" Who the hell even says that anymore?

Mani: It's just calling it by its technical term, it's nothing to worry about.

Polly: Yeah, your right, let's go now. Anymore standing around will cause me to go insane.

I walk into the next room and see the monster I had previously encountered.

Polly: Froggit...!

I called out its name in notice, though it seems to be calm this time rather than the last, more monsters seems to be present as I go further in the RUINS, I thought. There is room closest to me, behind Froggit, and I look the other way and see way to go further in the RUINS presumably where Toriel had to go through. She can't be that far, I thought. Though it's probably best to leave her to do her "business" while I explore, I thought again.

Mani: So, what do you choose, Polly?

Polly: … I think i'm going with the room on my left, but I'm going to talk with this frog monster first.

Mani: What a wonderful idea, Polly!

Polly: Energy down will ya? Trust me, it'll get tiring at some point.

Mani: No can do! I intend to enjoy our eternal adventure to its fullest.

Polly: … I respect that, don't let me stop ya then.

Mani: Right!

I walk up to Froggit who was just chilling there.

Polly: Hey man, my name is Polly. I think we got on the wrong foot when we met.

Froggit: Ribbit, Ribbit, just call me Dave instead of my species name.

Polly: Uh- okay, Dave, it was nice meeting you I hope we can be friends.

Froggit: Ribbit, Look kid, it was my fault, it has been a while since anyone has seen a human and- Ribbit(you), startled my battle instincts, not 'cha fault. 

Polly: Alright cool, are we friends?

Froggit: I'll think about that one, anyway you might wanna listen up though cause I got some-Ribbit to tell ya, Ribbit.

Polly: Okay…

I listen attentively to what he says.

Froggit: If you ACT a certain way of FIGHT until you almost defeat them, they might want to battle you anymore. If a monster-Ribbit doesn't want to fight you… Please use some MERCY, Human… Ribbit. 

Despite the weird tone of this monster's voice and accent, his genuity in his words ring through my heart a little. Like hearing a baby's cry in the background as a mother, but silently… Or maybe I'm just dramatic, I thought. Even if that's not the case, I made his words stick to my head, cause who knows. Maybe I'll be the one who needs MERCY.

Polly: Right, I'll… Keep that to mind for sure.

Froggit: ….

I head to the room behind him and find that in the room lays a pathway with a white stone placeholder holding a bowl, what's inside is unknown at moment as I see a strip of beautifully green colored vines behind it, also mentioning the rose leaves circled around the placeholder, and beside it on each sides are waterways. I thought, what if, there was fish in the water?

Mani: Wondering if there's fish in the water, huh?

Polly: It's like you can read minds… I sarcastically remarked.

Mani: Just yours, Hehe.

Polly: heh, why am I not sur- WAIT!? YOU CAN READ MY MIND!?

I exclaim loudly in shocked.

Mani: If you want, we could talk even telepathically. No more whispering or mumbling.

Polly: Since when?! When were you gonna tell me this?

Mani: You never asked me?

Polly: …Mani, information like that is important! I don't want to say something in my head that might affect you negatively, alright?

I hold my hand out and Mani flies on it.

Polly: If we going to be together, forever presumably, than I don't want it being a relationship where your upset with me, okay?

Mani: …I uh-… I understand.

Mani gets flustered looking at my genuine face, hearing my genuine resolve.

Mani: I understand, Polly! Your making me, blush ahh!

Mani flies crazily, flying around without control, without seeing where she is going, she lands in the bowl, and it falls over. In worry I called out her name.

Polly: Mani! Are you okay!?

When she tipped the bowl she fell to the ground, she got up in a comical way with stars circling around her head. As she gains consciousness the bowl fell on top of her, covering her. Can she get out? The bowl moves from side to side and then eventually stops.

Polly: Mani?

and then a few seconds later I hear mani's cries for help.

Mani: Polly… Polly… Please help me, I'm scared… I'm scared of the dark!

I hurriedly come over and bend down to help her, I take the bowl that was covering her in temporal darkness, off. I hear her sniffing sounds, and she looks up at me, rubbing her tears.

Mani: … Polly? 

Polly: Hey Mani, are you alright? 

Mani: Oh Polly, I was so scared…! I knew I could teleport out of there, but I was too scared to do anything…

Polly: The dark is your weakness, huh? I guess since you are so tiny it would make sense.

Mani rubs her tears away.

Polly: Alright, alright, you're not a baby, so stop crying and help me clean up these pieces of… Candy on the ground.

Mani: Okay, Polly! Thank you so much again!

Mani stops crying and quickly recovers from the little incident.

As we clean and pick out the pieces of candy and put it back in the bowl, I ask Mani a question.

Polly: Mani, Can you- we communicate in my mind as of right now?

Mani: Yes, we can, and we can turn it off at any moment. Just simply desire the want to communicate without speaking. Or aka "speak with your heart." 

Polly: Got it, I just gotta feel like talking to you with speaking, okay.

I focus on Mani for a moment and then...!

[M]🡨 mean "mind" (This means we are speaking telepathically, I won't keep it consistent since it'll be hard to read, so what'll do is that when we are talking out loud; I'll either mention it, or use (S+M) which means "Stop mind.")


Polly: Mani? Can you… Read me?

Mani: Yep, I hear ya!

Polly: Great, it works!

Mani: Yep! It works wonderfully!

Polly: This'll be very useful. So, when I want to speak out loud-

Mani: Just say word out loud and the ability will stop.

Polly: Is there a time limit?

Mani: There is none.

Polly: Awesome!


I read the sign, before leaving the room. "take a candy or few. But don't eat them all, my child.

Polly: So, this was from Toriel. She really is nice, I guess…

Mani: I like candy. Although, I don't necessarily need to eat.

Polly: Cool.

I take a few pieces and eat one and them in my ITEMS. As I leave the room, I am once again greeted the sight of a few monsters, mostly Froggits chilling in hallway. I see a star just like the one before, just as alluring as ever. I touched the star and I get another chance to SAVE/RELOAD. A new text that Mani decides to read, "Playfully crinkling through the leaves fills you with determination. HP fully restored."

Polly: What? But How- never mind… I struggle to see how crinkling in some leaves gives me determination but I Ignore it.

I continue on after I SAVE and enter the next room on the left of me. Which I find myself seeing a lusciously damp strip of ground ahead of me and so I jump over it, because it is not UNDERTALE, it is POLLY's Eternal Adventure. Walking into yet another room, I hear a sound. More like a ringtone or a notification- ah! It's Toriel, she's calling me. Instead of the normal way of just picking up an answering it, Its automatically answered. I hear her voice in my head just like when I can talk to Mani telepathically.

[Phone call]

Toriel: Hello, this is Toriel.

Polly: I would only have to assume that Toriel.

Toriel: Right, for no reason in particular… Which do you prefer? Cinnamon or butterscotch?

Polly: For what exactly?

Toriel: ….

Polly: Okay, I choose Cinnamon then, I would have to say.

Toriel: Oh, I see… Thank you very much!

[End call]

Polly: Your… Welcome?

I am confused momentarily before I am focused with yet another task at hand. I see a pressure plate and a fairly big rock; though it does look a bit suspicious, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it was a monster. I see to my left a stone plate on the wall carved in the same strange language as the others, I walk up to it to read what is says and box appears in front of me translating it. I decide to read it out loud.

Polly: "Three out of four gray rocks recommend you push them." Hilarious...

I say dryly.

Mani: I thought it was clever.

Polly: I've heard better check out, "your mom."

Mani: My "mom?"

Polly: You, see? People on the surface would've cackled at that.

Mani: ….?

I go over to the rock to push it but then I get another call by Toriel.

[Phone call]

Toriel: Hello, it is Toriel… Once again! You do not DISLIKE butterscotch, do you? 

Polly: Hmm?

Toriel: I know what your preference is, but… Would you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate?

Polly: … Just don't burn it, and I'll be fine with anything.

Toriel: Right, right, I understand. Thank you for being patient, by the way.

[End call]

Mani: Aw man, I was looking forward to Cinnamon!

Polly: We don't even know what she is making, and plus didn't you say that you don't "need to eat?"

And so as I am about to push the rock, I get interfered by a wild Froggit…! My surroundings get washed over by the holographic feel and void as I enter another battle…!

Mani: Quite annoying isn't it? These little frogs are just so eager.

Polly: Talk about little…

Mani: Hey!

[Enter battle with a wild Froggit]

The first thing I do is I press the ACT button and Froggits name. and I am met with the same three buttons: Check, Compliment, and Threat. I decide to compliment to hopefully befriend it.

Polly: I like your…. Butt-shaped head, it suits you.

A text appears saying, "Froggit, didn't understand what you said, but is flattered anyway."

The Froggit's face has a slight blush on its face. 

Polly: So, compliment's works strong with these guys, huh?

Mani: Anybody should be happy to be complimented by you!

Polly: How so? What am I, royalty, some type of deity perhaps?

Mani: No comment…

Suddenly I see Froggit spew out what looks like butterflies out of his mouth

Polly: Butterflies?


Those butterflies, fly towards me and I'm stuck with deciding rather if it's an attack or not, but it was clear though that I didn't want it touching me regardless and so I maneuver around the butterflies at their slow and flimsy attempts of trying to get me. Suddenly my options appear again, the butterflies seems to have disappear as well. I get another text, "Froggit seems reluctant to fight you anymore."

Polly: Alright, what do I do next? ACT again?

Mani: Try remembering what Dave told you.

I remember his words, "Please use some MERCY, human. Ribbit" I find the MERCY button glowing- shining, as if it wants me to press it. I press the MERCY button next to the fight button. I get two options when I press it: Spare or Flee. I chose the spare option, and my surroundings turned back to normal, with Froggit happily jumping away. I get a text, as he leaves. "You won! You earned (0) XP and (2) Gold!" 

Polly: Wow, I got some gold this time!

Mani: Yes, you did! Wahoo!

We both celebrate, Until we hear a sound on the other side of the spikes, it sounded like group of people. 

Polly: I wonder with that's about?

Mani: Yeah…

I push the rock onto the pressure plate and the spikes were deactivated as they sunk into the ground. Mani flies on top of my head and sits there and I keep walking closer to the sounds of talking. 

Mani: By the way, Polly…

Polly: Yeah?

Mani: I think it's about time I tell you about what the "FL" means in your stats.

Polly: Okay… I say, interested in knowing.

Mani: It means "Friendship Level" It measures your spares, or the amount friends you have made, otherwise charisma.

Polly: Huh, but why do I need that? Will it be helpful to me? I can just remember the people I've made friends with along the way. 

Mani: Making connections are important, so much so that they can help you in battle a lot more than you think.

Polly: Oh, so I can have people join my side to help me battle, nice. But where is the need for a level?

As me and Mani continue to talk, I come across more puzzles but there not difficult so I solve them one by one, closer to the sound.

Mani: They can help your stats, like a bonus or a multiplier. You have no added defense currently so that means any hit you take will be a hundred percent of its damage and you will take the full blow. So, if you come across a strong monster-

Polly: They can possibly kill me in one blow… Wow, that's scary to think about. So, if spare enough monsters and they help me reduce the amount of damage I take?

Mani: They can increase your charisma, HP, Item effectiveness, armor, potentially even powers and abilities, but that's if you reach Level 10 on friendship.

Polly: Wow, that's amazing but wait, hold on…!

I hear the voices a lot louder than before, Just on the left corner is where they are. I peak over the corner and see 4 monsters, Two Froggits- the first one on the left wearing a blue headband and the other Red, 1 slime-looking monster, and a weird looking ghost butterfly?

(1) Froggit: 'let's play hide n seek!

(2) Froggit: Ribbit- no, We played that yesterday!

(1) Froggit: How do you know if today is even tomorrow? The next day?

Slime monster: …... (It doesn't speak)

The Ghost butterfly: I- uh- Want- t- to pl-ay- hide- n -seek.


Polly: Holy crap, that was painful just trying to listen…

Mani: That's a Whimsun, its natural they are scared, they are the weakest monster species, and stuttering is just what they do.

Polly: Is it possible to make them not stutter? 

Mani: No, I don't think so.

Polly: Right…


(2) Froggit: No, no, no, NO! I want to beat up someone! 

(1) Froggit: Really? Said the first Froggit sarcastically.

The slime jumps up and down and makes weird sounds and apparently, they can understand it.

(2) Froggit: A human? In the RUINS? In my home? If I see that human, I'll beat them up and take their money! 

(1) Froggit: That's big talk coming from someone who's afraid to confront Bob.

(2) Froggit: So what if he's a rock? He's creepy as-Ribbit and you know it as well!

I come out from hiding and they see me, well everyone except the second Froggit.

(2) Froggit: Don't worry though-Ribbit, because this time im not facing Bob, and I'll drag the human's-Ribbit!

(1) Froggit: Really?

(2) Froggit: Yeah!

(1) Froggit: Well, they're right behind you.

(2) Froggit: Where!? Said the second one scarily.

Polly: Hello, guys! My name is Polly, nice to meet you.

(1) Froggit: Ribbit- hello, human.

Whimsun: Ah! P-please do- don't -hurt -me!

The slime grows a slimy arm and waves at me. They didn't get scared at my presence, cool. I thought.

(2) Froggit: Ah! Human! Prepare for battle! Ribbit!

(1) Froggit: That's not a good idea, dude.

Whimsun: Hum- Humans a- re – scary-!

Polly: Wait, I don't want to-

My surroundings go dark, and we enter battle.

Polly: Really?

Mani: They're funny, he ehe!

She giggles.

[Enter battle]

"The Four-Way-Feisty challenges you!" The text appears says.

I hit the ACT button, and four names appear: Froggit A, Froggit B, Moldsmal, Whimsun.

I selected Froggit B's name and check his status; ATK (2), DEF (5). 

Polly: An exchange for ATK it's focused to DEF instead, huh…

(2) Froggit: And so, what, Human? 

(1) Froggit: Prepare yourself, human... Seriously please dodge-Ribbit.

Whimsun: T-This is s-so scary!

Moldsmal just bounces up and down trying to communicate something.

Froggit (1): Oddly dramatic, Ribbit… Froggit commented about Moldsmal.

The second Froggit spews out a bunch of butterflies out his mouth and they come flying at me.

At first, I thought I could get by this attack since I've seen it before. But this was a 1v4 not a one on one. The first Froggit, extends his tongue long enough to reach from where he was standing and to a couple feet behind me. He swings his tongue from side to side. I'm surprised and caught-off by the combo attack once I see it.

Polly: A combo-attack!?

I had a feeling this might happen and so I ran the other way but get met by an on-coming trap from Moldsmal by random slime spots are laid onto the ground, my left foot gets stuck to the ground unable to move further.

Polly: I'm stuck, crap I need… to get… out…

Once I finally get my foot out by jumping out of it, I turn around and see Froggit's tongue get closer to me, I get sent flying to the wall and hit by the butterflies. The butterflies felt like dense air bubbles popping, which in turn left stinging Marks on my body. The tongue felt like getting hit by meaty, slimy bat. 

Froggit (2): Boo ya! Ribbit! He celebrated

Froggit (1): I hit the human first-Ribbit.

A couple of numbers flying out my body as I drag from the wall to ground, signifying that I essentially took damage for the first time. As I get up staggering a little bit, I see a bar in front me that went from 20/20 to 12/20. 

Polly: What's that?

Mani: Uh oh, looks like someone's hurt~ do you want me to handle this?

I ignored her during my racing thoughts of realization, that if my HP reaches zero, I might die…!