Part 1 | Segment 5.5 | The Dark Spot In Woods

"What the hell… Did you get that, Mani?" Polly asked.

"I-uh… don't… L-let's keep moving... I-It's probably nothing," Mani replied.

As I pressed on in the forest, the sound of my steps crunching in the frosty ground, I came across something. It was an orb—labeled simply as "A" The glass ball glowed faintly, but the light was weak, as if it was...

"Dying…" Polly murmured.

"It's strange... but it looks like there are several of these orbs. Like it's part of a full set," Mani said.

"This is strange. The orb feels heavy but light?" Polly wondered.

"It looks like you have to collect all seven to complete it," Mani explained.

"Well, what does it do?" Polly asked.

Mani's eyes unfocused for a moment, as if she were scanning some invisible manual. "No further data available... Function unknown. But..." She blinked back into reality. "I'm not sure… But whatever 'that' is… It's not normal," Mani said.

Weird. But then again, everything was weird lately.

"Huh... Well, away it goes," Polly said.

I threw the orb and continued on my way, but the moment I exited the woods, I saw what looked to be the next puzzle. I took another step... But then, as soon as we emerged from the trees... I stopped dead in my tracks.

"No way," I said.

"I knew it," Mani replied.

"We are back at the beginning of the woods, and all because of that—"

"Orb…" Mani finished, already processing the pattern like she was running a checklist. "It's looping us. Possible connection to the orb you threw."

"What do we do?! Do you think it's gonna loop us again?" I asked, panic creeping into my voice.

With an idea with no explanation, I took off running as fast as I could. I crossed 40 meters in just a second flat, but...

"We are still back here again?!" Mani exclaimed, in genuine shock.

I gritted my teeth. "Alright, I'll try again."

"Wait, Polly! It's maybe better just to—"

"Grab the orb? Nah, I don't trust it," I cut her off, shaking my head.

"Well, in that case, I trust you to do it!" Mani said.

"Heh. Damn right," Polly replied.

I tried again. And again. Each time, I bolted across the distance, pushing myself harder, but no matter how fast I ran or how determined I was, I couldn't break through the exit. The path kept pulling me back like it was toying with me. By the time I hit my 50th attempt, even I had to admit this was getting pointless.

Then, on that 50th run, something changed.

"Polly, look!" Mani called out.

I skidded to a halt, panting lightly. "Yeah… I see it. The surroundings… they're gone. The people too. Even the trees... And not to mention... The distance was gotten considerably shorter while I was running it," Polly observed.

"Polly, I think it would be best to at least hold onto the orb. Maybe that way we can leave," Mani suggested.

I picked up the orb from where I'd thrown it earlier. It felt the same as before, still glowing faintly, but heavier now. "Yeah, that would be for the best. Hup! Well, for some reason I feel great! I'm barely tired and I'm not even out of breath, even when I was running it." Polly noted.

Mani's eyes widened. "Really? That's interesting... While you were running back and forth, the distance kept increasing by 10 meters every time you made a lap. You started with 40 meters, but by the 49th attempt, you were running an additional 490 meters."

"What?" I asked, blinking. "But... it only felt like 40 meters every time."

She nodded eagerly. "Exactly! And the weirdest part? No matter how long the distance became, you crossed it in just 1 second. Right up until your 40th attempt—then it jumped to 1.3 seconds. I mean, it's insane! You're practically defying physics."

"Aw~ Really?! Heh, I'm a pretty fast gal, aren't I? Hehe!" Polly joked, a smug grin spreading across her face.

"Gal? Polly, are you accepting your nature as a girl now?" Mani asked.

"Uh—WHAT. No, I meant guy! I'm a pretty fast guy!" Polly corrected quickly, feeling her face flush.

"Hehe~" Mani giggled softly.

"Don't laugh, it wasn't funny, ugh… Seriously, how are we—"

"So, you're the one, huh?" a voice interrupted cut through the air, startling the both of us.

"Ahah! Finally, someone… Other than Mani, I mean!" Polly exclaimed with exaggerated relief, turning toward the voice.

"Yo, we've met before… Haven't we?" the stranger asked his tone low and deliberate.

"Do you know him, Mani?" Polly asked, a bit thrown off by his familiar attitude.

"Unfortunately, yes… B-but that's not the focus here now, you need to know who he is and what his motives are!" Mani responded.

"Right!" Polly agreed.

I checked his stats, "(999) ATK, [???] DEF "

- His stats are kinda like Napstablook, except without the high ATK

 - He seems angry…

Mani: Polly… I think we should grab that orb and run… Polly?

I paused for a moment, eyeing the figure ahead. 

Polly: No, I think… I got this one. For some reason, heh. I'm more pumped then ever!

Mani: I sorry for stepping out of line but, he will literally kill you.

Polly: I'm sorry, this'll be quick. Just don't… Blink!

I dash forwards towards this dark and shadowy figure with bright orangish-brown eyes glimmering with a sharp intensity that sent shivers down my spine. They looked oddly familiar, Its a sharp glare clearly on the intent of kill but even so he doesn't move. I look around for any traps or openings.

[Enter Battle]

Shadows of monsters I've met before appeared: Toriel, the Four-Way-Feisty group, Napstablook, Reindeer lady, Lesser Dog, Dogamy and Dogaressa, and more. In shock, I paused in my tracks and stepped back.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

In a moment's notice, they all attacked me at once. This time, it was easier to see and react to their moves. I dodged them

In a moment's notice, they all attacked me at once. This time, it was easier to see and react to their moves. I dodged them and sprinted straight for the orb. Just as I thought I was in the clear, a Moldsmal's attack trapped me. "Damnit! Get… Off!" I grunted, jumping out of the slime to break free. I lunged forward in an attempt to obtain the orb but failed once again when the shadowy figure attacked the spot where the orb was. I pulled my hand back, realizing what had happened.

"Hey, what if you break the darn thing?! Don't you want me to get the orb? Isn't that why you came here?!" He glared at me, saying nothing, and I glanced back at the orb, praying it hadn't cracked, and then I realized something when he attacked the orb to stop me.

"Huh… Is that what it is…" I muttered.

"Did you figure something out?" Mani asked.

"Yeah, I think I just did."

I checked my stats to see my health remained the same. "Alright," I said with confidence. I went up to one of the shadowy monsters and took on one of their attacks. I braced myself and then…!

"Ahah! No damage! I see, of course that's what it was and..!" I stepped on one of Moldsmals' attacks, which trapped me but did no damage.

"The attacks are transparent? But Moldsmals' isn't? Both deal no damage either… What are you thinking, Polly?" Mani inquired.

"Nothing crazy…" I replied with a grin.

I ripped my leg out of the slime, breaking free once more, and lunged at the shadowy figure, swinging my stick with all my might. It landed a solid hit, dealing 8 DMG! He staggered back, shock instead of a glare flickered across his face for a split second.

"Die," he hissed, launching another attack, but this time I dodged effortlessly, swinging at him again.

Polly: (This is going to get no where; I gotta get that orb and leave.)

Mani: Yes! Despite what he said earlier it seems he is having struggles, go, Polly!

I seized the orb, ready to put it in my inventory, but it slipped right through my fingers. "Huh? You can't store these orbs? That's weird," I said, perplexed. Strangely enough, the shadowy figure didn't attack me once I had gotten ahold of the orb.

"You've …" the shadowy figure said.

"Huh?" I replied, confused.

"Tch… I'll see you again. For now, see ya. And don't miss those damn orbs, you got that or I'll kill ya! For real!" he snapped.

"W-wait! What do these things do?" I asked urgently.

"Um… I don't know. I think he said it was to help you recognize something…" the shadowy figure admitted.

"Are you serious!? You put me in a damn genjutsu, and you just… don't even know your reason for doing so!? What kinda crap is that?!" I shouted in disbelief, throwing my hands in the air.

"Ugh, shut up, kid…" he groaned. I have one mission and I'm not gonna tell ya about it. You got that! By the way, what're you doing here? Aren't ya supposed to be [redacted]?" the shadowy figure retorted.

"Really…" I muttered under my breath. Like what's the big secret anyway…?" I muttered.

Mani giggled out of nowhere. "Haha… I'm surprised you could see me. Ha... ha... I'm actually eternally bound with my awesome Polly!" she chimed in, her voice full of pride.

"? Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean... I'll find out. In any case, my name being 'shadowy figure' is not cool at all. Just call me…" the shadowy figure trailed off.

"My name's lame, okay? Calling me Richard or Jamie sounds super outdated. So, folks back home call me R.J. Call it sad, but I'm pretty proud of it!" he said with a smug grin.

I agreed just to keep him talking, but then he started rambling on and on about himself. Honestly, I lost track of half the stuff he was saying until he finally got to the point.

"So, uh, why does the system call you 'Experiment #16 has appeared' instead of using your actual name?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

RJ: Well… That's not really a story you wanna hear right now…

"But I do," I pushed. "So, tell me."

Mani remained quiet, Laying on top of my hair, probably just as curious as me.

R.J. sighed. "Alright, I'll give you this much…"

Mani: …

RJ: I'm a ghost!

Polly: Whoa… 

I muttered. That was not what I expected.

RJ: And not just me! There's a ton more before and after me! Well, from what I can remember anyway...

Polly: Well, pfft, that's a no-brainer. You're number16 who-knows-how-many! There were 15 before you. Seems pretty obvious, don't you think?… 

RJ: You know I almost made the cut if only there weren't some complications…

I tilted my head. "Like what?"

Suddenly, he stiffened. "Well… uh… um…"

Polly: Hmm?

RJ: Y'know what? F*ck off! I'm leaving and you should leave too, you noisy bastard!

Polly: Wha-!? H-Hey! What's with the rude attitude all of a sudden?! 

RJ stood up and stormed off as if he was going somewhere in dark small space in the woods, leaving me standing there, dumbfounded.

Mani: Excuse me! But, we really can't leave! Could you tell us how!?

RJ: Well, isn't it obvious? Just take the damn orb and leave.

Polly: We've tried, already!

RJ: Then… How about you break it?

Mani: What?

RJ: Just take the darn thing and crush it with your hands! Not complicated.

Polly hesitated for a second, inspecting the orb's smooth surface. 

Polly: Is this how I'll collect these things?

RJ: Probably, I don't know…

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mani shake her head slightly, her lips pressed into a thin line as she muttered something under her breath. It was low, almost like she wasn't talking to me. "Unreliable, as always... That's whyー"

RJ shot her a glare, but she just stuck her tongue out at him, her expression playful, like she knew how to push his buttons. These two definitely know each other, it was so... Sibling-coded.

Before she could finish, I decided to just go for it. I squeezed the orb in my hands, the surface cool against my skin. At first, it resisted, like pressing down on tough glass, but then I heard a faint crack. Thin lines of light spread across the orb, flickering and twisting. With one final squeeze, the orb shattered into tiny glowing fragments that danced around me before fading away.

I stared at my hands, feeling this strange pulse of energy run through me. A grin tugged at my lips. 

Polly: I did it!

Mani: Really?

Polly: haha! Yeah, I did! And I actually feel a bit stronger!

Mani: That's amazing! 

Polly: Okay, see ya, RJ-.... RJ?

I turned around and took in the sight of everything settling back to normal. The forest had returned to its usual quiet, with only the soft occasional breeze rustling the leaves. The muffled sound of distant chatter reached my ears, a reminder of the life that continued just beyond this strange encounter. Beneath my feet, the familiar crunch of snow returned with every step, grounding me in reality once more.

"I guess that was it," I said, my voice low, more to myself than anyone. I couldn't help but think of RJ. As frustrating as he was, something about him stuck with me. "I hope we get to see him again."

With that, I shook off the lingering thoughts and started making my way toward the next area. There was no telling what awaited us next, but whatever it was, I felt a little stronger, and somehow, a little more prepared.