Part 1 | Segment 0.5 | There’s Something About Snowdin Forest…

A light blue, rabbit-like monster with soft fur stood before us. His nose was a bright red, and a small tuft of fur sprouted from the top of his head. He wore a yellow short-sleeved shirt with a single vertical red stripe down the center and bright red pants. He called himself "Nice Cream Guy." I didn't ask why he didn't have a real name, but when I glanced at him, he just stared back blankly, as if he was confused by the question.

Instead, I asked, "Why the long face?"

He sighed, explaining that no one had been buying his ice cream—until we showed up. His face lit up with joy at having actual customers, and to show his appreciation, he gave us a discount on the ice cream… or, as he called it, "Nice Cream." The twist? Instead of jokes, the wrappers came with a nice quote.

"Spreading kindness through Ice cream usually gets the most or at least the very valuable customers," His words not mine…

Polly: Wow, instead of 12G, he gave us this for only 4G.

Mani: Is that why you bought four of them?

Polly: Yep!

Polly: ...Do you want one?

Mani: Oh, would I?

Polly: Do you want one or not?

Mani: Ya-ya!

I handed her a Nice Cream.

Polly: Alrighty, don't drop it!

Mani: …Mhmm! So tasty!

I squinted, noticing something in the distance.


Polly: Wait… Is that Sans? When did he walk past us?

Mani: He didn't.

Polly: What?

Mani: Well, you already know this, but… monsters are made of magic and use it. He probably—

Polly: Used levitation so he wouldn't make any footsteps!

Mani: It's the only explanation… unless...

Polly: Hmm… It's probably best not to delve into it. We still need to focus on getting to the surface.

Mani: …Right.


I moved ahead, spotting a sign across the bridge that pointed to the icy floor below. In front of me was a large snowball, positioned at the start of what looked like a puzzle. The sign read: "50G if you can get this snowball to the end of the icy path. By the way, the game is called the 'Ball Ga—'" The rest of the game's name was scratched out.

I glanced at Mani with a grin before stepping up to the challenge. I gave the snowball a gentle push, and it slid across the ice, picking up speed. To keep it from hitting the edges, I dashed ahead and carefully guided it along the zig-zag path. It wasn't easy—I had to nudge it delicately to avoid losing chunks of snow as I went. After what felt like an eternity of near misses and close calls, I finally got the snowball to the end of the path. It rolled down into the hole, and almost instantly, a flag shot up, signaling my victory. Just like that, I was rewarded with the promised 50G.

Polly: Yeah! I did it! My fifty… Gold… 10, 20, 30, 40… Hey! It only gave me 45 gold! 

Mani: It'll be okay, Polly! it's only 5G off it's no biggi—

I kicked the flag in anger and stormed off, Mani just laughed and told me I reminded her someone in my past.

Polly: Who? Who!?

Mani: ...


Mani: Do you remember the name Ju-[interference]

Polly: What?

Mani: Oops, sorry I can't say that name, yet!

Polly: Damn it, Zell…


Zell: Having fun, Polly?

Polly: YOU

Zell: I know you are. 

Polly: What do you want?

Zell: I just need to you remember your mission.

Polly: I know what my mission is! I don't need YOU to tell me!

Zell: … There's an Item waiting for you before you reach "that" place. You will understand in due time. For now, I bid you farewell.

Polly: An Item? 

Mani: …Polly… PollyPolly!

Polly: What, what is it? Did I lose consciousness?

Mani: You are about to fall, Polly!

I gripped my hand, feeling something solid—like a branch—then opened my eyes to see the ground far below. Intense shock surged through me as I realized I was dangling off the edge of a branch, near the abyss. Panic set in as I quickly gripped the branch with both hands and flung myself back onto solid ground.

Polly: Haa.. haa.. I nearly died!

Mani: Well, at least you didn't, right? haha.. ha..

Polly: DON'T "haha" ME YOU FIREFLY! 

I squeeze Mani like a squishy toy, her face distorting in exaggerated discomfort.

Mani: I… Apo…lo…gize!

Polly: …. Whatever, we're wasting too much time.

Mani: blah… Yes, let's continue..

Polly: Sorry.. by the way… I just don't want to die… Not yet anyway…

Mani: It's alright, I don't feel pain! hehe!

Polly: …

We continued to the next area, and as we approached, we saw Papyrus and Sans standing behind another puzzle. But this puzzle...

Papyrus: Human!!!! I hope you're ready for—! … For… SANS! Where's the puzzle!?!

Sans: it's right there. on the ground. trust me. there's no way they can get past this one.

I picked up the paper and it was word-search…

Polly: Um… What the hell is this?

Sans: it's my awesome puzzle, kid, have at it.

Polly: I did already, it's rigged.

Sans: wut?

Polly: There are too many of the same words, and the letters on the right side only have four characters. It's just rearranged to look legitimate, but it's not. Do you want me to keep going?

Sans: …Wow.

Polly: Can you get out of my way, now?

Papyrus: O-oh, yes, you may, human... W-wait! But how did you figure that out so fast!?

Polly: Well, I'm a bit of genius at these things, I guess.

Papyrus: Curses! You're a genius, Human! Sans, It didn't do anything.

Sans: yea… i knew i shoulda used today's crossword instead, lol.

Papyrus: A crossword!?! I can't believe you just said that. A junior jumble is easily the hardest!

While Papyrus chewing out his brother, I found another SAVE point and it was front of wood table with frozen spaghetti and another table that had a wireless microwave. Both useless items. Despite this I felt a sense of DETERMINATION.


Polly: I managed to SAVE?

Mani: Yep!

Polly: I guess it's just not a set point but when it resonates with me… Interesting…

Mani: The note next to the spaghetti is from someone trying to trick you to eating it and its from… Papyrus! This oddly enough fits him…

Polly: Which is why we are going to ignore it.

Another puzzle awaited us from the next area with spikes blocking the way. I clicked the switch that was not very neatly hidden under the snow and the spikes shut off. It might be the cause of my big brain that every puzzle I come across is mere child's play… But, I'm a child, so what does that mean?

Polly: An Elite child, hehe!

Mani: Huh?

Polly: It's nothing don't worry about it.

Mani: Well, there's a couple of suspicious looking monsters heading towards us, what are you going to do?

Polly: Well, normally people would just…Run away, right? But, it doesn't seem to be the case at the moment and besides what can they even do?

Two monsters in black robes- get-up entirely start… sniffing around the area probably for us until finally they land their noses onto us. "Here's that weird smell. It makes me want to eliminate."

Polly: Excuse me?

Mani: This should be good.

[Enter Battle]

- Dogi assault you!

Polly: Grammar?

I ACT and checked their names, "Dogamy and Dogaressa." They are near identical in appearance, both having round snouts, floppy ears, and muscular builds covered by dark hooded robes with the face of their spouse printed on the front. Their main differences in appearance being Dogamy's thick lowered brow, cowlick and pseudo-mustache, and Dogaressa's emphasized eyelashes. They both wield long battleaxes. They both can deal (14) ATK and have (5) DF.

Polly: (Well, they're not like the monsters in RUINS but they're still weak…)

Mani: Aw, they're such cuties! I think we should pet them!

Polly: I mean, if only they weren't attacking with they're huge axes…!

Each swing of their axes are faster than each swing before and strong as they cause a mini shake on the ground as they miss me. I get caught off-guard and I block and lucky for me their attack ended.

I check my ACT and see the options, "Check, Pet, Re-sniff, or Roll Around."


Polly: This is just ridiculous… Pet.

Mani: Just because there are options given doesn't mean you can't create new ones.

Polly: … Then I know what to do.


Suddenly the special button begins to glow. I interacted with it and something came out of it…! 

Mani: A bone?

Polly: Not just any bone but a bone that's filled with magic and when they bite into it, they can use that magic. Cool, right?

Mani: Whoa… I see, even I want it.

Polly: Relax, you aren't a dog, Mani.

Mani: Woof! woof! Arf!

Polly: …

Dogamy and Dogaressa look at the bone instead of each other for the first time enticed at the shiny glowing bone. "Hey, I notice you guys are looking at thus awesome and delectable bone I have. Do you guys like, want it?" 

Dogamy: I do, I do!

Dogaressa: I do, I do!

Polly: hmm, I don't know~ I think my bone says that you guys have to stop fighting me.

Both of the Dogi: But we can't! We are part of the royal guard, sentries!

Polly: Then I guess I'll just have to put the bone aw-

Dogamy: W-wait! We can make an exception this time, right dear? 

Dogaressa: Y-yes, we can! So please just-

Dogamy: Give us the bone!

Polly: hmm… Let's see with the bone says…. mhm….. hmm

Mani: Polly?

Polly: Alright, the bone says 'okay' and if you want it so bad then go fetch! 

I threw the bone far and they immediately left the ENCOUNTER space chasing after it.

[You Won! You've Earned (0) EXP, (50) Gold, (2) SP]

Heading further come across another puzzle, "The XOXO Puzzle - Turn the X's you see into O's and then press the switch to deactivate the spikes." Deciding not to deal with these puzzles anymore, I just walked over to the spikes and attempted to cross over. But, the spikes grew out further from the ground and reached up high which looked to be over 30 meters tall!

Mani: Whoa!

Polly: It nearly killed me! Hey, what's the big idea!?

Mani: I think the idea is to stop you, Polly.

Polly: Ugh… I swear if i come across another one of these damned life threatening puzzles I will kick the skeleton's ass.

Mani: hehe! Don't worry I can help with this. I touch the X on one side and you touch the other.

Polly: Thanks.

Mani: No problem!

We press the switch and the spikes come down. 

Polly: Great, whadda ya know… This guy shows up again.

Mani: How did he get here before we did?

Papyrus is shown on the other side of the cleared spikes.

Papyrus: How did you avoid my trap? 

Polly: I don't know, I think if I read "this is trap" on the backside of a paper I'd probably avoid it.. but that's just me.

Papyrus: gasp You've must've known all along! You crafty little genius human girl!

Mani: Isn't he just innocent..

Polly: Pfft, yeah.

Papyrus: Moving on! Is there any left for me?

Polly: I mean I left it to share it with the snow but there should still be some left for you.

Papyrus: Really!?

Mani: Will he actually believe that?

Papyrus: Wowie… You resisted the flavor of my home cooked pasta.. 

Polly: (I actually didn't smell anything.)

Papyrus: Just so you could share it with me??

Polly: uh…

Papyrus: Fret not human! I Master chef Papyrus… Shall make you all the pasta you could ever want! HEH HEHE HE HE EH EHEHEHEH NYEHE!!

Polly: …

Mani: …

Polly: He's delusional 

Mani: I'd say he's a very… Unique character.

Polly: Don't lie, it makes you look bad.

Mani: I mean, I've never seen anyone like him before so I wouldn't be lying.

Polly: Loopholes.. They're great aren't they?

We follow behind Papyrus to another puzzle.

Papyrus: Did you know my brother started a sock collection recently? Its saddening honestly..

Polly: Really? For some reason it… reminds me of.. someone?

Papyrus: Sometime I wonder what he would do without such a cool guy taking care of him?

Polly: Cool guy?

Papyrus: Of course! I'm a cool guy, don't you think so?

Polly: … I'll see.

Papyrus: Alright, Human! Your next PUZZLE! NYEH HEH HEH HEE!... How do I say this… You were taking a bit of time getting here so I decided to improve this puzzle! By arranging the snow to look more like my face…! Unfortunately, the snow froze to the ground. Now the solutions is different! And, as usual, my LAZY BROTHER is nowhere around…

Papyrus rambles on about his brother while I solved the snake patterned XOXO Puzzle with ease. I walked next to the switch and deactivated the spikes.

Papyrus: WORRY NOT HUMAN! I THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL SOLVE THIS CONUNDRUM! Then we can both proceed! Meanwhile , feel free to try the pu-

Polly: I already solved it.

Papyrus: What… I-I mean, WOWIE! You solved it so quickly! The Great Papyrus is very impressed, Human!

Polly: Awesome.

Papyrus sprints ahead of me to cook up probably more schemes. I attempt to follow behind him but then see Sans leaning against a tree. I haven't seen him in a minute. 

Polly: Sans?

Sans: yo.

Polly: Finally decided to do something?

Sans: nah.

Polly: … So, what is it?

Sans: I'm just gonna say good job on figuring out the puzzle so quickly. Ya didn't even need my help. which is great, 'cause i love doing absolutely nothing, hehe.

Polly: Pretty weird, but hey you're chill, so it checks out. see ya.

I little bit of a long walk until I walk across the bridge to the next area and it filled almost entirely of one puzzle. 

Polly: (Its a tile puzzle? But, it's all gray colored?)

Papyrus: Human! I bet on my great spaghetti that you will enjoy this puzzle! Because it was made by the famous Dr. Alphys! Do you see these tiles? Once I throw this switch… they will begin to change color! And with each color has a different function!

Sans, gestures me with a wink and points to the ground and on the snow was a piece of paper folded. "What… This thing.. oh.. okay.. I got it…" I read on the paper the functions of each color.

It went by like this:

"Red tiles act as solid walls.

Yellow tiles force the target back to the last tile they stepped on.

Green tiles sound an alarm and makes the target fight a monster after the puzzle. During the puzzle, it functions the same as pink tiles.

Orange tiles change the target's flavor to "Orange."

Purple tiles act similarly to the ice tiles; they force the target to the next tile in the direction they are facing. Additionally, purple tiles change the target's flavor to "Lemon."

Blue tiles vary in function depending on the following factors:

If the blue tile is adjacent to a yellow tile, the blue tile functions identically to a yellow tile.

If the target's flavor is "Orange," the blue tile functions identically to a yellow tile.

If neither of the above conditions is met, the blue tile functions identically to a pink tile.

Pink tiles have no effect and can be walked on freely.


Polly: Seems easy enough for me. (I'm lost.)

Mani: Well, I can just use this a scan the area using that paper's info and when he activates the puzzle we'll just find the right path!

Polly: … Nah, I got it.

Mani: ???

Mani: Okay, I'm rooting for you!

Polly: Yep!


Papyrus: Okay! How was that for an explanation?!

Polly: Thumbs up 

Papyrus: Great! Then there's one last thing… This puzzle… Is ENTIRELY random!!! not even I will know the solution to puzzle once I pull the lever! Nyeh heh heh!

Polly: Thumbs up 

He finally pulls it and the puzzle generates and after for a minute it makes its decision.

Polly: Bruh.

Mani: Pfft, hahaha!

Sans: damn…

Papyrus: ….

Sans: Papyrus?

We watch as Papyrus Silently dances his way after the Puzzle generates a straight path clear.

Red tiles on each side with pink tiles straight down the middle. I walk through still not believing it, what're the odds?

Sans: Wow, kid, 1 out of a million chance. I'd say you're lucky but you don't know what my brother's last challenge really is. but, keep it up.

Polly: What is he gonna do, rain weapons? Have them point at me? Calling it the "Chamber of horror!"

Sans: …

Polly: Wait… You're being serious?

Sans: nope, i'm just being Sans. Sans The Skeleton.

Polly: heh, alright joker.

Sans: Wrong again, comedian.

Polly: Same meaning, different words.

Sans: Wrong AGAIN, one is JOKEr, the other is me, Sans The Skeleton. Strike three your out bud.

Polly: Wow, I'm redacting a point from my experience dealing with you.

Sans: Sure, why not? 

Polly: …

Sans: Anyway, the spaghetti from earlier.. It wasn't from Paps, since he stared cooking lessons, he's been improving a lot. I bet if he keeps it up, next year he'll even make something edible

Polly: ha, okay, don't blame me if I told him that you said that.


I walked away, heading into the forest and spotted some residents. The Lesser Dog I spared before I met Dogamy and Dogaressa was making a snow sculpture but kept messing up. Mani just cheered him on, but to no avail as he couldn't hear her well. I met another monster on the way out and found out the Lesser Dog's name was Boj and he has a brain the size of a kibble. It was a lady that looked like a reindeer. Inside, the section smelled like cotton candy and then freshly made French fries at the exit of the woods.

"Why?" you asked. Because I [Felt like it][Experiment #16 has awoken]