Part 1 | Segment 0.4 | A Wannabe Royal Guardsman

Polly: I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not... That being said, who are you?

Mani: This monster's called a 'Snowdrake.' Think of them as a dragon-duck hybrid with a snowflake-like design. Their face is shaped like a snowflake, with feathers sticking out symmetrically. They've got a vaguely draconic vibe too—sharp teeth in their beak and a scaly belly.

Curious, I used the ACT command to check its stats, revealing that Snowdrake was stronger than the monsters from the RUINS.

"ATK (6), DEF (3) – He fights to keep a captive audience."

Snowdrake attacks with crescent-shaped ice blasts, but they're slow, like Napstablook's attacks, making it easy to dodge.

Snowdrake: "ICE to meet you, heh."

Polly: "A pun?"

Mani: "You should SNOW him away with a pun!"

Polly: "..."

Mani: "Right?"

Polly: "Pfft... alright."

When it was my turn, I pressed ACT again and saw my options: "Check, Heckle, Joke." I decided to go with a Joke and hit Snowdrake with a pun.

Polly: "I don't have a lot of ICE in me right now to BLIZZ-ard past you, so how 'bout you SPARE a COLD one and BREAK THE ICE, eh?"

Mani: "..."

Snowdrake: "...?"

Polly: "..."

Mani: Oh! I get it—it's because of the-

Polly: Mani...

Mani: "The 'Ice' and 'Blizz' part of Blizzard was sooo clever—"

Polly: It was supposed to be a bad pun on purpose.

Snowdrake: Well, everyone starts somewhere, but I get it. Let's break the ICE too—my dad might be looking for me.

Slightly flustered and embarrassed, I noticed his name glowed yellow, signaling I could spare him. I pressed the Mercy button, letting him walk away.

As Snowdrake left, I took a moment to reflect on the pun I had made.


Mani: "Y'know, it wasn't bad! It was clever... just not delivered right, okay?"

Polly: "I know... but still—thanks."

Mani: "No problem! Always happy to be a friend!"

Polly: "You don't think those two saw that, do you?"

Mani: "I doubt it..."


Papyrus: "So, as I was saying about Undyne—"

Sans: "Hey, Paps, look."

Papyrus: "What? What is it, Sans?"

I stepped forward, finally making myself known. Papyrus jerked back, startled, then glanced at Sans, then at me, then back to Sans—repeating the silly process over and over, faster each time. I started getting dizzy just watching them.

Eventually, Papyrus regained his composure and whispered something to Sans. I stood there, arms crossed, mildly impatient.

Polly: "A hello would be nice, y'know."

Mani suggested we move along, and I agreed. I took a step forward when suddenly, Papyrus decided to confront me.

Polly: "Oh?"

Papyrus: "Human! You shall not pass this area!"

Polly: "Why not?"

Papyrus: "Because I, the Great Papyrus, will stop you! And then I will capture you, and deliver you to the capital! And then—!"

Polly: "...?"

Mani: "And then!?"

Papyrus: "And ONLY THEN!!!"


Polly: "He has no idea, does he?"

Mani: "It seems so... poor guy."



Sans: Wait, what?

Polly & Mani: !?!

Me and Mani Parallel what Sans and Papyrus did just moments before and stare at each other appalled. I picked my jaw off the floor and said, "So… What? Do you want to battle?" The Surrounding begin to turn until Papyrus says, "No, not yet! I have something better mind! Go any further, if you dare!" he scurries off in excitement with his unique laugh. 

Mani: He's a pretty excited monster!

Polly: ….

Sans: what? don't look at me. my bro is a pretty excited guy!

Sans walks off to follow behind papyrus…

Polly: ….

Mani: I was for certain…

Polly: I know.

Moving ahead, we stumble upon yet another station—this one built by Papyrus. A note is posted on the front, written in big, almost childlike handwriting, with a strangely familiar font. Mani decides to read it aloud.

Mani: "You observe the well-crafted sentry station. 'Who could have built this?' you ponder. I bet it was that very famous royal guardsman! . . . Soon-to-be royal guardsman."

I chuckle to myself, wondering how many people passed by just to read this goofy third-person note.

Polly: For someone who's supposedly a sentry, they sure aren't doing their job, right? But let's be honest—with this poor excuse for a construction, I wouldn't stick around here either.

Mani: "... "

Polly: What? What're you looking at?

Mani: Look, a monster.

I follow Mani's gaze to the ground and spot a tiny monster made of snow. Its body has circular joints, resembling a snowman, but on a ridiculously small scale. Its head is comically oversized, as if it could topple off with the slightest breeze. Something else about it catches my eye, but I can't quite figure out what it is.

Mani: This monster is called 'Ice Cap.'

Polly: Heh, is that a pun or something?

Mani: They're narcissistic monsters, desperate for attention.

Polly: 'Desperate,' huh...

[Enter Battle]

I find myself in battle with the little snow monster, and it doesn't take long to figure out its weak spot—its shiny, ice crystal cap perched on its head. I compliment the hat, and to my surprise, in an unexpectedly deep voice, the creature responds.

Ice Cap: Do you like my hat?

Ice Cap: ... My hat's too loud for me to hear you.

It blushes at the compliment, clearly flustered, before I spare it.

"(0) XP, (17) Gold"

[End Battle]

Polly: So, what is this now—9 SP?

Mani: Yep, you're already more than halfway to another level! 

Polly: Awesome, but hey, is that another sentry station over there? That doesn't look the same as before.

I look ahead and see the station roof covered in thick snow. A symbol of a dog on the head of the station proudly showing itself. I walk next to sign and then as I do I hear a shout coming from the station that seemingly looked empty. "HEY! WHO'S THERE? MOVE ONE STEP, IF YOU DARE!" I freeze in place as a dog-like figure peeks out from his station, eyes scanning the area.


Polly: … What the Hell… Who is that?

Mani: This monster is named, "Doggo" and they're movement-sighted, meaning they only see things moving. This is a sentry, who smokes… Dog-treats.

Polly: Seriously? You're telling me I have to play 'red-light, green-light' with this guy..!

Mani: Good luck!

Polly: Thanks…


Doggo: I can only see moving things… If something WAS moving, for example a HUMAN… Well, I'll make sure it NEVER moves again!

[Enter Encounter]

Polly: "Enter Encounter" Why did it change?

The area around me didn't go dark this time. But, the monster's attacks are still there. A line of swords shined in blue come towards me quickly. With that attack I braced myself for impact and then as it hit me, It didn't do any damage to my HP. "What you just went through is called, 'Blue Attack(s)'." Mani says.


Polly: What is a "Blue Attack?"

Mani: Its an attack that only affects people moving. Think of these attacks like a red stop sign, but, blue.

Polly: Thanks for the news, now I know what to do.

Mani: No problem!


Polly: Hey, doggo! I don't want to fight!

I press the Act button to surrender.

Doggo: Hey! My name is "Dog-o" get it right. And I don't care if ya don't wanna fight. Take one step and ya get diced, whoever you are.

Polly: Okay, then "Dog-o," my name is Polly. And I just want to pass.

Dog-o: Oh you can pass alright but you ain't leaving without some cuts ya-hear? Woof!


It's his turn again after his blue attack I quickly run over to him and grab his shirt. I pressed the ACT button to intimidate him. In shocked he quickly replied, "H-how? You were Just-

Polly: Answer quickly. So what'll be? I'm not afraid to commit violence on a little puppy.

Dog-o: J-just hurry up and leave this area…

Polly: Hmm, good choice.

I grinned in confidence before pressing the flee option because the spare option wasn't shining yellow.

[Exit Encounter. You have fled from the battle...]

[(0) XP, (0) -

Suddenly, the screen flickered and glitched.

???: "Nope, I won't let that happen, hehe!"

.... ;]

[Exit Encounter.]

"[(0) XP, (20) Gold]"

I walk into the next area and spot Sans leaning against a tree, casually observing the frozen lake ahead. The surface of the lake looks tricky to cross, shimmering with ice, making it clear that getting to the other side will be a challenge.

Sans: Hmm? Hey, human. I saw your encounter with that doggo over there. That guy is a pretty serious person when it comes to people moving. 

Polly: Heh, I'll say.

Sans: Y'know, one time I walked by and Tossed him a compliment… Let's just say, he didn't quite catch it. I told him, "On every dog-treats to smoke, I mean it."

Polly: Pfft, I woulda said, "No woofing around."

Sans: Wow, that's terrible... I like it. You catch my vibe, kid.

Polly: Well, you're not the only one with a funny bone.

Sans: Hehehe, wow, now that was a step up, kid. I really felt that one—in my bones.

Polly: Haha!

Sans: You're not bad at jokes, kid. And as thanks for keeping me entertained, I'll give you some news you probably haven't heard about my brother.

Polly: Oh? What is it?

Sans: Well, my brother's got a special attack. You already know about Blue attacks, right? Don't move, and they won't hurt you.

Polly: So basically, a blue stop sign.

Sans: Yeah, you get it. But there's also Orange attacksmove through them, and they won't touch 'ya.

Polly: Huh, interesting… So, Blue stop signs, Orange go signs.

Sans: Yep, you got it.

Polly: Man, if I get back to the surface and get hit by a car because of this, I'm blaming you guys.

Sans: Heh, don't count on me to pay for your insurance, kid.

It's only the third time I've run into Sans, but we've already bonded. Monsters... they're not too different from humans when it comes to personality.

I took a step and quickly realized this might be harder than I thought. Each step on the ice felt precarious as I carefully made my way to a sign in the middle of the lake. It read, "North: Ice, South: Ice and trees, West: Ice, East: Snowdin and even more ice." It said on the sign. 

Polly: Snowdin, huh..

Mani: Yeah, its home to a lot of the monsters that reside here underground.

Polly: …..

Mani: Worried, aren't you?

Polly: I don't wanna get trapped down here... become an easy target.

Mani: … Don't worry, I've got your back. Remember earlier with Flowey? Yeah, don't worry, I'll be there assist you in trouble.

Polly: Yeah, actually I need you to explain tha-

Suddenly, a voice interrupted.

???: Hey! You two! Over there!

Me and Mani exchanged looks, not out of confusion over who was talking to us, but because she could see Mani.

Carefully, I treaded toward the northern direction and spotted a lone snow-woman standing near the edge of a cliff.

Polly: So, you can see her?

Snow-woman: Of course, I see her, darling. Who can't?

Polly: … Yeah, who can't

I glanced at Mani suspiciously, who avoided my gaze nervously.

Mani: W-Well, you called us over here, right? So, what is it that you want?

Snow-woman: Well, ever since my creation I've been left here to do nothing, experience nothing, Smell nothing, taste nothing, love nothi-

Polly: Okay, okay. We get your point.

Snow-woman: Since I can't experience anything beyond this, I want you to take a piece of me with you on your journey. Would… that be okay with you?

Polly: … I don't know…

Mani: Don't look at me, Polly. This one's on you.

Snow-woman: …Please?

I sighed, giving in.

Polly: Alright, alright. Just don't blame me if you melt in my items or something.

Snow-woman: Thank you, child. This means a lot to me.

I carved out a small piece of her, balled it up, and dropped it into my storage.

Mani: You have equipped the snow-woman!

Polly: Wow. So... people can exist in my items... That feels kinda weird...

Mani: Just don't get paranoia!

Polly: That doesn't help, you idiot.

I walk back down and tread carefully across the ice and head east towards "snowdin".

And so, entering the next area I come across Sans and Papyrus again. The area in front of me looks to be dark, like kind of damp in a way. 

Papyrus: You are soooo LAZY, YOU WERE NAPPING ALL NIGHT!!

Sans: Ngl, bro, I think that's called, "sleeping" Paps. And oh look, that girl is finally here.

Papyrus: The human has arrived?!

Polly: Uh—hey, is this area safe to cross?

Sans: Yeah, totally. That's if you have shoes made to resist electricity, heh.

Polly: What!? Electricity…!?

Papyrus: Me and my brother has prepared some puzzles, in order to stop you, human. I think you will find this one quite… Shocking!

Papyrus strikes a dramatic pose, and for some reason, it works on me. I step back in caution.

Papyrus: For you see, this is the invisible… Electricity maze!!!

Polly: Fu… You say that enthusiastically but this could actually kill me.

Sans: Yawn… It seems your not as tough as we thought then…

Papyrus: Gasp! Sans, You can't just say that to the human.

Sans: I mean, everybody was able to do this easily. I can't see why a human shouldn't be able to do it.

Polly: Tsk! And here I thought we were actually gonna be buddies… Fine! I can't get past this no problem.


Mani: Please, don't do anything irrational, Polly. It's clearly—

Polly: "Rage bait," right? Yeah, I know. But for some reason, I just don't feel like refusing.

Mani: That smile… Okay! I believe you can do it, Polly!

Polly: Y'damn right I can!


Assuming If I step on the wrong part of the maze then I'll get shocked and worse, I might die.. But I have an Idea!


Polly: Mani, I need you to check on my Jacket is made of.

Mani: Um? Okay! Let's see here… 


Sans tells me something important. Before going ahead.

Sans: hey, kid! your gonna need this orb thingy my brother has, to like, complete the challenge. so uh, here. Papyrus, hand me the ball.

Papyrus: But brother-

Sans: Alright, i'll let you throw it over to them.

Papyrus: Wowie! Thank you, brother!

Papyrus tosses me a shiny orb from the other side of the maze.

Polly: Great… A requirement to pass now…


Polly: Mani?

Mani: Wow… Leather, Tungsten, Carbon nanotubes, Polymer Matrix. You basically nullify electricity with this, you could walk through the maze and only loose 3 HP.

Polly: Yeah… But that's the problem, I wanna walk outta this puzzle without losing any HP.

Mani: How are you going to that?

Polly: -like this.


I took off my jacket and threw it in the middle of the maze and took a couple of steps back with the orb in my hand.

Papyrus: The human… Is retreating? Is my puzzle too hard for them?

Sans: You can't be serious… They're gonna do what I think they're doing… 

I ran up, leaped onto my jacket, and jumped off it to the other side, landing ahead of Sans and Papyrus. It seemed my plan had worked! Though I'd accomplished something cool, I stood up proudly and tried to act nonchalant. 

Polly: It was no big deal.

Mani: Polly… They already left.

Polly: …Bruh.

Mani: But, it was really cool! To think you take that daring act! 

Polly: … Thanks, Mani…

Mani: Here's your jacket.

I put back on the jacket Mani handed me. and dropped the orb onto the snow.

Mani: You wonder why they left so quickly, right?

Polly: Yeah, I do.

Mani: Well, Papyrus was actually quite impressed but stormed off ahead shortly after in hurry.

Polly: And Sans?

Mani: Well…

Sans: hey, kid. that was one hell of stunt you pulled there.

Polly: Yeah, well. Facing situations like this is pretty adaptable at this point.

Sans: heh, let's just say that if you woulda failed that… make it known that it would of been "shocking".

Polly: Why do you think I took to the skies then?

Sans: I dunno, why didn't you just go around the puzzle? I dunno, a smart person woulda got that down.

Polly: Don't play dumb, doing that would of made it boring and besides I don't back down from challenges like this one.

Sans: Boring? I didn't think a human trying to escape from monsters would find it fun… Which makes me wonder what you're really here for…

Polly: …

Sans: well, i just gotta say thanks for humoring my bro. it looks like he's having fun for a change. 

Polly: I didn't do it to entertain your brother, it was for the challenge. Besides, I can't take that outfit he has on seriously…

Sans: oh, that thing? yeah, we made that a few weeks ago for a costume party. he hasn't worn anything else since… 

Polly: Ew…

Sans: and get this, he calls it his "battle body."

Polly: It might need a bath body soon…

Sans: well, I think its cool. makes 'em manly, y'know?

I walk ahead to cross the bridge to the next area but I see a monster on the left of me selling ice cream but with a lack customers and a disappointed look on his face. I looked through my items and Stats. 

- Polly 

FL - 2

LV - 1

HP - 20/20

ATK - 4 (4) EXP - 0

DF - 5 (2) Next - 10

Weapon - Legendary Stick

Armor - Cropped Jacket (Toriel's Warmth)

Gold - 66 Kills - 0

SP - 4/6 Next - 2/6

Item - (3) Candies, Toy Knife, Faded Ribbon

Storage - 3/10

- What the hell!? My weapon, armor, and ATK! Its all been changed, but how?

 - A software update in the system?

 - … You make it sound like this a normal thing.

 - Its not?

Polly: …. 

Mani: I apologize…

Polly: In any case, it seems what lies ahead of us is more ice and two-way route on the other side of the ice. Which the left seems to be a dead end with a couple of sentry stations that look similar to Dog-o, and the one to the right seems to go further. 

Mani: So, what'll be, Polly?

Polly: First, Ice cream.

  1. DRAKE!?!?!
  2. They're confused because they didn't realize papyrus actually understood the purpose of his mission.
    And so, he DID in fact have a clue...
  3. Imma tell you this right now: Not everyone is gonna get this joke. And I don't blame 'em. It took a lot of creativity to make this one up. Depending on how well you know understand Undertale then you'll get it.
    But if ya really want to know,
    The humor comes from the wordplay involving "dog-treats" and "smoking." Sans is twisting the typical phrase "I mean it" into a pun by implying that Doggo is literally smoking dog-treats, which is funny because smoking dog-treats is absurd. The phrase "I mean it" in this context makes the joke sound like a sincere statement despite the ridiculousness of the situation.