In the outskirts of Rome, the Sagi-chi stood in the dark at the quiet field surrounded by remains of tombs and ancient structures. Ryukushu could see a glimpse of the colosseum covered by the clouds of the night sky. When he heard Kamba's footsteps trotting behind him, he narrowed his eyes but didn't utter a word until Kamba decided to break the silence.
"Our plan is just right around the corner." The petite man said, snapping the dead leaves below his feet.
Beiu, the floating purple blob-like entity snickered a laugh and hovered over to where Ryukushu stood like a loyal pet. "Bahahaha!"
"We have a day left." The demon said in a low tone. "The summoning can only be done the day after. Which is why we can't afford to distract ourselves."
Kamba raised an eyebrow at the samurai beside him. "Exactly what do you mean by that? We're not distracted by anything!"
"Our enemies." Ryukushu responded coldly, Kamba's hands and feet started trembling when he heard that.
The petite man waddled away to give Ryukushu some space. He seemed really angry or maybe Kamba was just scared because he didn't get the cue immediately. At least Ryukushu wasn't mad about it but who knows what he'll do if he continues standing right beside him.
"If those fools continue trying to get in the way of our plans, the summoning will be delayed. Remember there's more of them than there is of us but that doesn't mean they can outpower us. We'll have to resort to a gruesome punishment, one that will teach them to mind their own business while they hang on the ceiling by their tongues." The towering samurai took a few steps forward towards one of the structures in front of the group.
Beiu flew around Kamba and gave him a poker face. "Hoooo!" The entity found Ryukushu's threat to be entertaining.
"Right... So how do u feel about Nevirius' defeat? It's unfortunate, isn't it?" Kamba said softly.
Both Beiu and Kamba heard a rumble in Ryukushu's throat. "Nevirius' battle should serve as a warning to them and I'm sure it has. If only they'd realize this by now because if that were the case, they wouldn't be coming after us all the time. They couldn't handle Nevirius, I may have lost one of my men but as selfish as it may sound, it's for the greater good."
"They're going to continue itching their way into our plan, I can sense it." Ryukushu narrowed his eyes at the thought of Douma and Atlas tracking them down all the way here. Indeed he told them about this new regime and threatened them about his strategy, and that particular threat was supposed to warn them not to step in, however, that was the plan. He was expecting them to come all the way here because he could finish them off and carry on with his movement. If they did, the threat he imposed on them worked. "We won't leave Nevirius in vain."
Nodding, Kamba curled his lips and leaned against his staff. Beiu on the other hand was laughing, thrilled by Ryukushu's words. The blob entity was eager to slain his enemies.
Suddenly, a small lanky figure started slithering from the bush in Kamba's direction. It's scales glistening in the moonlight. The petite man's wide smile turned into a predatory grin as he slowly crawled towards the unsuspecting animal in the grass.
"Finally, a meal fit for a king! I can't wait to get my hands on it!" Kamba licked his lips and waited for the lizard to scurry closer to where he was hiding.
When the lizard was open, Kamba leaped from the grass and landed in front of the reptile. Just as he was about to pin it down with his hand, a horse's foot stepped on it, holding the struggling lizard in place.
The monstrous horse glared at Kamba, amused by his reaction to its sudden appearance. "I thought that was a bush..." Kamba staggered back, disappointed that he didn't get to catch his prey. He hoped the horse wouldn't try to steal it from him. It lowered its neck to get a better look at Kamba's horrified expression which made the petite man frightened for his life.
The lizard in the horse's hold detached its tail from its body and scurried away into the grass.
"Aw man it got away." Kamba whined.
Snorting, the aquatic-looking horse glanced at the lizard and then back at Kamba with an insinuative look on its face. It then grabbed Kamba by the collar and stared at him for a while before putting him back down.
Kamba watched the horse walking to Ryukushu, morphing into a tall and charming man in the process.
"This is interesting, so our admirers came all the way here just to hunt us down?" The man sneered, brushing his brunette hair to the side.
"You heard everything I said. They are on their way here. Kelpie do not let your guard down." Ryukushu responded.
Kelpie smiled and crossed his arms over his chest. Never once have they stumbled an enemy willing to fight them after their first encounter. "This new energy you're giving off. Tell me, were you defeated in battle-"
"SHUT IT!" Kamba jumped in between Kelpie and Ryukushu with his hands raised up apprehensively in the charming man's direction.
"You're always overreacting from the slightest things Kamba. Step aside, you're in my way." Kelpie told him.
"Very observant Kelpie. It has only made me stronger. The next battle will be the first and last. Now that's what I call an actual fight, the last one was just a warm-up."
"Bahahahahaha!" The blob entity circled Ryukushu and jeered at Kamba and Kelpie.
"So we have a challenging enemy it seems..."
"That's what he wants us and his crew to believe."
"Because they struggled against Nevirius and he's just one of us. It's a shame Nevirius is dead, if he had won, he'd still be here and give them a traumatic reminder of their fight. It would be entertaining to watch but oh well things happen for a reason I guess. Afterall, we'd have to take them out one by one which is incredibly time consuming." Kelpie brushed his hair again and snapped the locks he caught with his fingers.
Beiu giggled and flew over to Kelpie. "Bahaha!" He agreed with the charming man and started dancing in the air which Kamba found quite annoying.
Ryukushu grumbled lowly. He cracked his knuckles and stared at his palm which summoned a momentary ball of grey murky energy. Kelpie's eyes light up when he sensed this overwhelming power from the demon. The surroundings under Ryukushu's presence were different from before, these vibes were completely new and Kelpie could only imagine the fate of those who came near it.
"I can't wait to see you use this power, it would be quite the show." Kelpie said, watching the ball of energy on Ryukushu's palm disappear.
"Oh it will be a show that imprints itself in the minds of those who stumble upon it, permanently." Ryukushu added in a cold threatening voice. "That's what happens to those who dare stick their noses into the summoning of the Three Gladiators, fighter or not."