Chapter 68

The day had arrived when we were going to Dwargon for Rimuru's speech and to introduce ourselves properly to their nation. We were in a special carriage that was bigger than others. It was extra fancy and whatnot with everything decked out. Of course, I was traveling with Shuna. It would be a good opportunity to go on an outing in another place. 

An interesting thing is that the whole carriage was being pulled by Dun Stallion. Just him, without any help. He insisted on it. There were others traveling with us. We even had protection, not to protect us, but to protect others from us. I was going over some basic stuff about Rimuru's speech. It's not the most important thing we need to do. That would be talking to Gazel about this whole war.

"Are you excited for your speech, Rimuru?"

"I still think you should be the one doing this. Not me."

"You got this. Just remember, keep it short, simple, to the point, use plain language, don't use gendered terms, make everyone feel included. Remember, you're trying to reach out to as many people as possible and give them a good impression."

"I got that, but why are you dressed like that? Shouldn't you be dressed up with your crown, cloak, armor, and all that fancy stuff?"

I was wearing something fancy but leaning more casual. I don't like dressing all the way fancy or anything like that. It's just not comfortable. I prioritize being comfortable over aesthetics or functionality unless the situation really calls for it, like being in a battle or a certain kind of ceremony.

"I could do that, but then I would steal your spotlight. Do you remember how I looked during the knighting ceremony?"

"Yeah, you're right."

The carriage stopped when we were talking and looking outside, I could see the massive doors, that were normally closed, opening up. I was expecting this, but actually seeing it firsthand is different. Whenever these doors opened it was for a very important reason. 

"Look's like we've arrived, Rimuru. Just as a reminder, Gazel will want to talk about Falmuth and Clayman. Good thing we have a lot of physical evidence with us.", I said pointing to a storage box we carried with us. It was just one. Rimuru(Raphael) organized it based on everything we already had.

"So is the speech not important?"

"Oh, it absolutely is. We're going to need support from a human nation once this stuff reaches other places on a wider scale. But things will only be difficult in the beginning, once the initial outrage and fear end, people will stop caring less and less. As long as it doesn't happen to them, they wont take it too seriously."

"Really? I feel like they would though."

"You might want to think about that one for a second. Think back to things that have happened on Earth and you'll see what I'm talking about. If there's one thing that's the same in different worlds, it's how people act. That's not to say we're 'immune' to that, but it's just a small thought."


After Rimuru's speech was done we were sitting with Gazel. The speech was alright, but I think Rimuru might've been right. Even though I was standing off to the side, I could see and feel a lot of attention on me. It really did make me feel like I could've rambled on about something stupid and they would've praised it. Although, it wouldn't be the first time I've seen something like that. 

"That was an alright speech. Not bad for your first attempt, but you'll get better. With that out of the way, I'm sure you two know we need to talk about what has happened with Falmuth and the demon lord Clayman.", Gazel got straight to the point. I like that. Business first and then I can go enjoy the city without interruptions. 

"It's good you say that Gazel because we've come prepared for this. Before we start any discussions, take a look at these documents from Falmuth and Clayman that our spies secured. It'll give you the background information you need. You'll find that our actions were justified. Take your time.", I handed him over the box we had. Of course, we can't go through the entire thing right now, but the important stuff was at the top. The important things. He can go through the rest later if he wants. This is all stuff that's already happened so I don't consider this as giving him too much. 

 A few minutes passed and he finally finished reading it. "I see. You've taken various things into account, from how your war with Clayman would be viewed and making Falmuth appear to be the aggressor. No matter what others would say, it will be a fact that you were defending yourself. What do you plan to do with Falmuth now?"

"As for Falmuth and what we plan to do with them, we've decided to go ahead and claim their territory. Just like we did with Clayman's territory." I was sticking to the plan we had. It looks like Youhm won't be a king this time. Don't get me wrong, I want peace, but I'm not going to take things like this lightly. It'll be a reminder to others not to mess with us. It's literally the first thing people see when they come into our town on our welcome sign. 

"It would cause quite the stir, but you won a war against them. It would be seen as natural for the victor to take over. You'll have no problems with me. But how do you plan to make the transition? You know they won't exactly welcome monster rulers."

"We got that covered. Listen to the plan we have." I explained to him how a civil war was going to happen in their kingdom caused by the power vacuum of a king. I know they don't have a clear line of succession. And even if they did, there's always someone who will try to use the chaos to usurp everyone else. 

"I see. That's why having a clear and established line of succession is important. Such as an heir, or something else agreed upon. Speaking of which, do any of you have plans for that?" I looked over at Rimuru and he just looked away. He was embarrassed by the question. It makes sense for him, I guess. How he doesn't have a girlfriend is a mystery to me. He could ask anyone out and they immediately say yes to him. If he wasn't going to answer, then I would answer for him.

"Rimuru is trying to…sort out personal issues at the moment. As for me, I have to figure some things out first. My situation isn't exactly normal, but I have some ideas. I have an initial plan and a backup plan, but that's all for later. We don't need heirs right now." Of course, I already had some ideas. The path I have to take has already been laid forth. I just need to follow it while solving some of the issues. 

"As long as you have a plan. Let's take a break for now. You're welcome to enjoy the city. There are also rooms arranged for your stay."

"Thank you kindly"

Finally. I could go out with Shuna. I've been waiting for this. 


This wouldn't be the end of our meeting with Gazel. I brought more than just a box of evidence. I also brought all the kinds of alcohol I could. If there was one thing I would get done being here, it was getting another trade or economic agreement with Gazel. When I said I would change the alcohol industry, I meant it. I would introduce so many drinks, technology, mixes and recipes, and more. Credit has to be given where it's due. Kaijin and Co. helped a lot with this as well as the dryads, and our farmers. This would make so much money. 

Anyway, I immediately went to find Shuna. She was in the room that was provided for us. It was really luxurious, a bit much for me, and while I appreciated the gesture, nothing beats home. I'm pretty sure she got some kind of special treatment or something. It's kind of known how close we are to each other. 

She was in the room and I think I entered at an inconvenient moment. She was changing clothes. Now, I'm no stranger to this. We've been living together so this is nothing new, but now, I couldn't my eyes off of her. I stood there in silence, not paying attention to anything else. I don't know how long I was standing there, but my attention got back in focus.

"Artoria? Are you feeling well?", It was Shuna. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

"Everything is fine, Shuna. Let's go out and see what this city has to offer."


"Lady Pendragon, are you sure you want to order that? That order is meant for a large group of people for celebration.", a waitress told me.

We were at a fancy restaurant. Of course, this was all free. Gazel made sure of it. Now would he come to regret that? Perhaps he would, but I would take advantage before he realized how much money this would cost him. 

"Trust me, I know what I'm about. Also, this is a celebration. I'm on an outing with my beautiful and lovely wif…fianc…soulmate."




'I'M A MORON! OF ALL THE TIMES TO SLIP UP, IT HAD TO BE NOW! Is this what they call a Freudian slip or something? I'm here trying to keep things a secret and I'm the one messing things up!'

On the outside, my face was calm, but on the inside, I was freaking out. I was fighting the urge to blush. As long as I don't show any panic and stuff, Shuna won't catch on. 

"I'll be back with your order.", the waitress said before leaving.

There was a bit of silence, but Shuna eventually said something. "I have a question, Artoria."

'PleaseDon'tAskAboutItPleaseDon'tAskAboutItPleaseDon'tAskAboutIt.' I was rapidly stress-eating some of the chips on the table while thinking to myself. 

"What is it, Shuna?", I calmly asked her.

"I know you can eat a lot of food, but don't you feel scared or concerned sometimes?"

Thank the heavens above she didn't ask about it. "Trust me, Shuna, when I eat, it is the food that's scared."

"I should've known you'd answer like that.", Shuna said with a smile on her face. She probably realized that this restaurant was about to lose so much money.

Thankfully, she didn't seem to realize my slip-up. The rest of the day went on just fine before we made our way back for the night.