Chapter 10: No Big Deal

Waking early the next day out of habit Harry crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. He quickly undressed and climbed into the shower, as he exited he noticed that his clothes had already been removed from the floor and reminded himself to thank the elves. Grabbing a towel he dried and wrapped the towel around his waist. He quickly brushed his teeth and took care of other sink business. Then turned and left the room feeling much better. As he stepped into the room he pulled the towel from around his waist and back up to his damp hair. Once he was done getting as much moisture out of it as possible he pulled the towel down off of his head and looked up to find two sets of eyes staring at him. With a very manly "EEP!" He ran into the closet.

"What the Bloody Hell!" He shouted through the opening, wondering why there was not a door on the bedroom side of the closet.

It took the girls a moment to gather their composure. Hermione was the first to speak jumping off the bed, Ginny still looked stunned. "Oh My God! Harry, I am so sorry!" She called as she approached the doorway. "We heard the shower stop and thought we would wait in here for you, we figured you would take your things into the bathroom with you or exit into the closet. I swear we did not mean to catch you like this!" She said. A hand came through the doorway in the international stop sign.

"Just stay right their Hermione! Or actually please go back to the bed while I dress." His blush extended all the way to his navel and he did not plan to give them any more of a show. She returned to the bed and sat down. Ginny still looked a little stunned. "Wow." She finally let slip out, and blushed furiously when she realized she had remarked loud enough for Harry to hear her.

"Thanks Ginny, it's nice to know you care." Harry called sarcastically as he continued to collect his clothing and put it on hurriedly. This caused Ginny to blush deeper, if that is even possible. And as he walked out of the closet her face still matched her hair.

Ginny finally recovered and quietly she said. "What's a little skin between friends right?"

Hermione looked caught between being scandalized and confused. Looking between the two she guessed something must have happened while she was with Ron the night before.

"I'll remember that when I get to see you two in the all together." Harry stated. Both girls looked a little too willing to comply, which caused a quandary for Harry. Should he push or should he laugh it off as a joke. He decided to stay quiet while they thought it through. The girls shared a look before they both stood and pulled their shirts over their heads.

They each then unzipped and dropped the skirts they had been wearing to the floor. They stood before him in just three unmentionables. Harry said nothing only continued to stare at them. It was actually because he was in shock, but he hoped they took it as a daring look. Suddenly they both got a little more nervous. Ginny looked to Hermione to take the lead being the older woman. She looked down at Ginny's knickers then back up to her bra. They shared some kind of silent communication before they both took a deep breath and reached behind them to unsnap their bras.

Harry was hardly breathing and his pants were suddenly very tight. He half hoped this was a dream so things wouldn't get awkward, but for the time being his mind was frozen as two beautiful women slowly pulled off their tops revealing their breasts to him. Ginny was almost alabaster white with a smattering of freckles. Just enough to be pretty. Her nipples were the same light pink color as her lips and her areolas were about the size of dimes. Hermione's were just as tan as the rest of her from her time at the beach in France. They were almost a light caramel cream, her nipples were a darker pink, which matched her complexion perfectly, and her areolas were about the size of a Galleon.

His eyes were darting back and forth between the two of them but he was speechless. His mind seemed to have hit its stimulation limit, or so he thought. They took his silence as a dare to continue and shared a brief look before Hermione smiled shyly and shrugged. Her fingers went slowly into the elastic and she pulled her knickers down slowly as she bent over before stepping out of them. She was shaved clean! He could just see the top of her slit as her pussy lips were slightly swollen.

Before his mind caught up with what he was seeing. Ginny performed the same maneuver but more seductively. She was taking her time and making him pant. As she stood back up he could see the light tuft of red hair in a strip just above her sex. As she was much thinner than Hermione, even with her legs mostly together he was able to trace her slit all the way down until it disappeared between them. His mouth was dry, his heart was racing and he did what any teenage boy would do when confronted with the situation for the first time. He smiled and fainted dead on the spot.

As he slowly came to, he hoped he was lying in his bed waking from a nice dream. But when he opened his eyes he found two very naked women leaning over him. Hermione's breasts were almost dangling in his face and if he looked straight to the side in the direction his head was pointed, he was looking directly into Ginny's…

He took a deep breath and both girls exclaimed, "Harry!" He groaned. Fortunately, or unfortunately it wasn't a dream.

"What happened?" he asked, closing his eyes tight to keep from passing out again.

Ginny giggled. "I think you forgot to breathe Harry."

He could hear the smile in Hermione's voice as she told Ginny. "I think we broke him, how do we fix him?" This time they both giggled.

Keeping his eyes shut tightly he spoke. "Not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy that, but do you mind getting dressed again please, at least cover up a bit yeah?" he pleaded. He heard some shuffling for a moment and they told him he could open his eyes. Doing so cautiously he looked over at them. They were back in bra and knickers and he breathed a sigh of relief. This he could handle. Maybe one of them he could handle, but not both of them in the buff.

"Thank you ladies." He said slowly sitting up.

Hermione asked this time. "What's a little skin between friends Harry?"

"That," he paused and consciously took a breath. "Was not a little skin that was a lot of skin, the most I have seen ever thank you. You will have to forgive me for being stunned by such beauty." He said without thinking it through. Just glad to be able to make coherent sentences.

"Thank you for the compliment." Ginny said. "Poetic much?" She laughed.

He thought over what he had just said, but the blush was not noticeable due to his blood pressure still skyrocketing. He shrugged. "I meant it; I just didn't mean to actually say it like that." He said.

Hermione took a deep breath and went to finish getting dressed. Ginny reluctantly? Got up and began dressing as well. Trying to think of anything to make things more normal again Harry fished around for something to change the topic. "So how did things go with Ron last night?" He asked Hermione.

She paused for a moment and a look of guilt flashed across her face. "Uh." She said intelligently.

Ginny nodded in agreement with him and turned to the girl after pulling her blouse back over her head. "Spill!"

Hermione looked sheepish, and she took her time smoothing non-existent wrinkles from her outfit. "HeaskedmeoutandIsaidys." She blurted out.

Apparently Ginny was fluent in incoherent female because she smiled. "He asked you out? And you said yes? Weeeeee!" She squealed as she pulled Hermione into a hug.

Harry quickly suppressed the jealousy that reared its ugly head. "Good on you two then." He said trying to sound cheerful.

"Yes, well I think maybe I won't tell him about this morning. It is so new and I didn't think about it before we did it. I just trust you so much Harry, and it was only fair!" She said trying to come up with a suitable defense.

"You get no complaints from me." Harry said. "And Occlumency is a very intimate subject to teach, we three were already pretty comfortable around each other so I say we just chalk this up to a trust exercise." He said intelligently.

"Hey!" She protested. "Intelligent insight is supposed to be my thing, what am I supposed to say now?"

Laughing finally as the atmosphere cooled off in the room Harry thought for a moment before replying. "How about, nothing actually happened so what he doesn't know won't hurt us?" He asked.

Both Hermione and Ginny looked a bit guilty at the lie of omission, but nodded in agreement. Without further conversation they all stood up and headed out and down to the kitchen. Harry was about to open the refrigerator when a cough caught his attention. "Oh, good morning Winky." Harry said guiltily.

"What would Harry and his womens like for breakfast sir?" She asked.

Harry looked at the girls who shrugged. He returned his gaze to the elf. "Um, how about Bacon, eggs, toast and orange juice?" He finished with a question as he looked at both girls who nodded. "Right then, four of those. Ron will be up and downstairs as soon as the bacon hits the pan." Harry said.

The girls giggled and they all sat on barstools around the butcher-block table. There were five more stools around the edges but that many people would get cramped in such a small space. He assumed that is how the servants were expected to eat as well, shuttering at the way one being could treat another he turned to Winky.

"Winky, which rooms did you and Dobby pick out?" He asked.

Without turning from the stove she replied. "We finds the elves rooms in the basement Harry, Winky and Dobby do not be wanting big rooms. These is elf sized rooms."

Making another mental note to check out the basement sometime he decided to see what was on the agenda for the day. "I got a letter back from Gringotts today authorizing you and Dobby access to my expense vault." Hermione looked up sharply at his statement. Ginny explained for him. "Griphook set it all up; there is a vault with money in it for things like repair materials, food, and other household expenses. I surprised him halfway through the letter and he jumped out of his chair and onto the floor. It was really cute!" She finished looking over at him.

"For your information I did not jump as you put it, you simply startled me and I fell out of my chair." He finished, deciding that didn't sound much better.

"Pot-Ay-Toe : Po-Tah-Toe" Ginny smirked at him.

Changing the subject back he asked the elf, "What do you have left on the house today?"

Winky snapped her fingers and four plates flew from the cabinet and landed on the table. She turned from the stove and quickly served them all equal portions of Bacon and Eggs. Then within another 30 seconds placed a few pieces of toast in the middle of the table along with butter and honey. As the food hit the plates Ron appeared in the doorway on cue. He walked bleary eyed over to Hermione and hesitated for a moment before quickly leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. "Bloody early isn't it?" he asked the group.

"I am used to waking up this early at the Dursley's even if I wasn't made to do any work this summer. Guess my internal clock is just screwed up." Harry said.

"There is nothing wrong with waking up at a decent hour Harry." Hermione said and flashed a look at Ron that went completely over his head in his current condition. Ginny giggled at the familiar scene.

Winky waited to make sure their conversation had paused before answering the question she had been asked. "We is only needing to finish cleaning the second floor and the basement Harry." She said.

He nodded for a moment before he replied. "I would like if you or Dobby could pick me up some new clothes from Madam Malkin's. I would like what passes for Muggle clothes that she tailors as well as a selection of casual robes in various colors. Then later if you get the chance I would like you to pick out some new fabric and have the furniture in the sitting room reupholstered. Also keep an eye out for four comfy chairs that look especially uncomfortable that will go with the new fabric." He paused thinking he had forgotten something. He glanced around the room before his eyes landed on Ginny and he remembered. He motioned the elf over and whispered in her ear. "I want to replace all of the snake symbology in this house with lions if possible. Most importantly the hardware on the sinks tubs and showers." Winky nodded then looked to see Ron's nearly empty plate before turning back to the stove and starting more food.

Ginny eyed him suspiciously but he put on his best "Who me?" face and she seemed to let the matter drop.

"So Ron, make any plans for the others to take a look at your ideas for the Training Room?" Harry asked.

"Tonks is supposed to stop by later on; she said she might bring Shacklebolt with her as well. Before she left last night she suggested we might want to get some Muggle weight lifting gear as well. Something about conditioning and dueling." He shrugged. The planning of the space seemed to intrigue him, but the actual use of the space did not seem to excite him.

"Alright, well we are going to be spending most of our day working on Occlumency stuff. You sure you don't want to join in?" Harry asked. Ron shot him an annoyed look.

"Are you really going to keep asking me that mate? I told you, I don't want to do any more work than necessary this summer, that's what School is for." He was looking a little irate so Harry didn't push.

"No problem mate, I won't mention it again. I just don't want you to feel left out, we are spending a lot of time on this now, and once I share the information with them we will probably have whole other research projects." Harry finished.

Ron physically shuddered at the thought, "Thanks but no, I wouldn't mind setting aside some time to play some Chess though if you don't mind." He said.

"Not to mention some time to spend with me?" Hermione said slowly. Her slip up this morning temporarily forgotten.

Ron looked at her in horror. "Sorry 'Mione! Of course I want to spend time with you alone, it's just new still yeah?" he asked. She quickly looked guilty but luckily he didn't notice.

"Alright then." She said meekly.

"Alright then. He agreed.

Suddenly there was a tapping at the window and Hermione's eyes shot open. A silly grinned graced her face as she nearly shouted. "OWL's!"

Harry got up and opened the window for Hedwig and three school owls. He searched for a bowl to put some water in until Winky handed one to him. He ran a little water into it and set it on the counter. Quickly he turned and stroked Hedwig. "Good morning girl, once again with the surprise delivery?" He asked. She chirped and he heard 'Always master, I am not just pretty!" he laughed out loud until he noticed the other three staring at him.

"Sorry, I forgot you couldn't hear that. She just told me she was not just a pretty bird in a haughty voice." He grinned. They all just looked at him as if he had lost it. "Hey don't knock it, it's not like I'm talking to snakes or anything." That broke the mood and they quickly collected their letters. Hermione as expected had gotten 10 Outstanding's though she was a bit put out at her Exceeds Expectations in Defense. Ron was ecstatic with his 7 OWL's, and Harry was more than pleased with his results, especially the Double Outstanding in Defense. Both boys agreed they could care less about Divination and Astronomy, though they conceded to Hermione that Astronomy should have been a bust anyway.

Mrs. Weasley entered the kitchen at that moment and before she could say anything Winky set a plate and cup of tea in front of her at the table. She thanked the elf and took a sip before she noticed the birds on the Counter. "OWL results came today?" She asked excitedly. All four of them nodded. Noting the smile on the older student's faces she was nearly bursting with happiness. "Well?" She asked.

They each relayed their results with Ron going last knowing that was the one she was most worried about. "Oh Ron, I am so proud of you, 7 OWLs is very respectable. You can easily get more than half of the jobs at the Ministry with those results!" She exclaimed.

Ron, who did not really plan to work at the Ministry, mumbled something about caldron bottoms bringing the mood in the room down as they all thought of the wayward Weasley. Molly tried to bring some cheer back into the room. "So Ron, I think this deserves a trip to Diagon Alley for something special. Did you have any idea what you would like to celebrate? You already have an owl." They all looked up to the top of the fridge where the tiny owl was sleeping soundly. The only time it ever sat still. Even now they could see him twitching.

"Well mum, I was kinda hoping to buy a new broom. After all we just got our inheritance from Sirius and haven't had a change to splurge at all." Ron said pleadingly. Molly looked a bit apprehensive and said so.

"I don't know about that dear, you should really save that money for after you get out of school." But surprisingly Ginny cut her off.

"Mum, when we won 1,000 Galleons in the Prophet drawing you didn't save much of it, you splurged to take us to Egypt. Not that I am complaining, it was great to see Bill after so long. But we don't want to spend it all in one place. We just want to get a little something." She finished throwing on her puppy dog eyes.

"Oh alright, I will ask the Headmaster about a shopping trip." She said clapping her hands before she tucked into her breakfast. "Now what do you four have going on today?"

"Well the girls and I will be working on our summer work, and Ron is still working on the design for the parlor slash training room on the top floor." Harry said looking at Ron for confirmation. He nodded.

"It is so nice that you have summer projects to keep you busy, this place would be unbearable if you were stuck in here with nothing to do all summer." Molly finished.

"It is nice." Harry said thinking back to the morning session.

"Well go on all of you; don't let an old woman keep you young people when I can see you have better things to do." She said. Hermione, Ginny, and Harry all blushed lightly and stood a little too quickly. They waved and said their goodbyes.

With that they headed out to their separate destinations, Harry and the girls to his room and Ron to the dining room where he could spread out his notes and diagrams.

Once back in his room Hermione locked the door and dimmed the candles. As Harry watched in awe both girls stripped down to their underwear in front of him. Hermione then reached back to release the clasp on her bra before Harry stopped her. "Hermione!"

"What Harry? You have seen it all now and I know I can center myself easier if I have as few distractions as possible, including clothing." She said matter of factly.

"That's all well and good Hermione. Except for two things, the first being that I like breathing, the second being Ron." He finished.

She paused for a moment before reaching back and unclasping her bra anyway. "Harry if this is important to you then I need to work freely. How about a compromise, I will leave my knickers on. But Ron really can't say much about you seeing my breasts, since half of Europe saw them this summer." She said.

Harry just stared as she slowly lowered the garment again exposing her bare breasts to him. He stared for a moment longer then took a deep breath and exhaled. "I am never going to get used to that, you really are just too beautiful." He said slowly, his mouth trying to catch up to his mind and failing. Not realizing what he had said he took another deep breath, "But it is important to me; if this is how you work best I won't stop you." He finished. Wrenching his eyes away from the two beautiful globes and back up to her eyes.

"You know Harry, I get that you are this natural Master Occlumens and everything. Maybe you should be working on your Wandless magic or something while Ginny and I get up to speed. Have you tried meditating in the nude before? I promise I am not just trying to get you naked again, it really does help me focus." She said.

Harry thought hard for a moment. It was just a little bit of skin, okay a lot of skin, but she was the smartest person he knew so he should at least give it a try. He stood up and pulled his shirt off and quickly dropped is trousers leaving him only in boxer shorts. "I think this is where I draw the line for now." Harry stated.

Ginny stood and removed her Bra quickly causing Harry's eyes to bounce along with her breasts and his member to come instantly to full attention. "Again Potter, thank you for the compliment." She smirked but her eyes took a few seconds to leave his crotch and she licked her lips involuntarily. "You might want to close your eyes though. If it works for Hermione then I am going to try it in the altogether." That said she quickly slid her knickers off and sat back down on the floor cross-legged. Intentionally or not Harry noticed she sat facing him, with her legs crossed Indian style he got a perfect view of her pink bits. He licked his lips without thinking before sitting down the same way as her and closing his eyes to attempt and control his breathing. Out loud he said, "I suppose learning to center myself with distractions will be a good exercise at least."

Hermione stretched and let out a little moan as she stood on her tiptoes and pushed her fingers up over her head. Harry's member twitched and escaped through the flap in his boxers unnoticed by its master. Both of the girls noticed, but neither said anything. Enjoying the view for a few moments before actually closing their eyes and getting to work.