Chapter 11: Naked Ambition

It took much longer than normal for Harry to enter a trance. The sound of the girls breathing a few feet from him was extremely loud in his ears and his pulse was pounding so hard he could feel himself swaying to the beat. He could also smell a light sweat that was not his own, and a sharper scent he couldn't identify which he tried not to imagine was Ginny's arousal. Considering that she was sitting cross legged in front of him, and if he opened his eyes he cold stare straight into her…

Shaking his head physically he took a few deep breaths through his mouth. He felt his cock bouncing along with his pulse as well, curious why it felt cold he tried as casually as he could, to reach down and feel himself only to find that he was hanging wide out of his boxers. Without opening his eyes, just in case the girls were watching him blush, he struggled for a minute trying to put himself back inside with one hand, using as little movement as possible. Finally he accomplished his goal and tried again to center himself.

Breathing deeply again he blocked everything out and soon found himself in his core. Still not sure how to go about practicing he no sooner thought of his personal library than he was their holding 'No Silly Wand Waving' in his hands. He sat down in the comfy armchair that appeared but noticed immediately that the leather was very cold. Looking down he realized he was starkers!

"I guess it makes some sense. I would think my self-image would have boxers on as well but considering the state I was in before I finally calmed down I guess it makes sense." He said out loud to the room. Deciding that it was just too weird doing so he imagined a Phoenix joining him and the beautiful swan sized firebird sat staring at him from a perch in the corner. He expected to find Fawkes but this bird was mostly black with green wingtips and eyes. "Who are you?" He asked the bird who looked at him like he was an idiot. He actually heard its thoughts inside his own head. Which was rather strange if you think about it, being that he was already inside his own head as far as he knew.

He nodded to the bird as he got the message. "Ah, everything in here is representative of me in some way just like you are everyone and everything in a dream." He said not finding it odd any longer to be talking to himself, since himself was seated across the room on the perch looking at him like he was crazy. "I'm not crazy." He told the bird who did the avian equivalent of shrugging. "Well even you are me; it's nice to have company." Again the bird shrugged but looked at him again as if afraid of what he was seeing. The bird let out a note of phoenix song, which he interpreted as, "If you are me, then I am going nuts, that's scary."

Harry laughed out loud. "I suppose it is a bit scary, but I think if we talk it out we can get better." The bird chuckled mentally and projected to him. "Right, because talking to ourselves inside our own head will keep us from going crazy?" Harry nodded in agreement with himself; he decided he was probably right.

Sitting down again after imagining the leather being body temperature he commented to the bird. "What? It looks like I am going to be spending a lot of time nude or near nude with my two best female friends. And it's much easier to get used to it in here than out there." The bird chirped which he heard as "There is something wrong with us, we are not acting normal."

Harry thought about it for a moment, idly he wondered what Hermione would think about his version of self-examination. He stood up and went into the candy shop looking through the colored confections he noticed a lock on one of the emotion bins. It looked like he had subconsciously locked away all of the bad thoughts about Sirius when he put the good memories away. Deciding he wasn't ready to deal with those just yet he walked back into the library, the door sealing itself behind him, and sat down once more.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah, I understand I need to deal with that stuff eventually, I know on some level that repressing is not good for me. But honestly things have been going so well for the last few days I'm not ready to take the time to deal with that stuff." He said to the bird. The bird seeing his logic nodded but sent another note his way. "You can't hide from this forever, locking away all that angst and pain is causing an imbalance in your emotions. One of these days something is going to break down that lock and it is going to hurt you really bad."

Harry laughed at himself, or the bird self, whatever. He just found it funny that one note of Phoenix song could say all that. The bird sang again, "It would be better to deal with it a little at a time since you have the ability." Harry shook his head, again giggling at shaking his head inside his head. "I promise I will deal with that stuff eventually. For now I need to study." He told himself, who nodded.

Looking back to the book he skimmed over it, a nice side effect of his Occlumency was that he had perfect recall for information and memories. It kind of felt like cheating but he figured it would be useful. Quickly finding the section he was looking for he read aloud to himself and himself.

'… all magic is about intent. Try demonstrating wand movement and incantation to someone without casting the spell or revealing its purpose. Unless the person has a basic understanding of the language you are casting in, normally Latin, they will most likely get no effect or something to the effect of the sound of the spell. For example a ' Bombarda ' spell might still result in a bludgeoning hex of some sort simply because it has a bit of Onomatopoeia to it. Meaning it sounds like what it is describing to an extent. However ask someone who has never learned Latin or seen the spell performed to cast a ' Diffindo ' and rather than a cutting hex you are more likely to get some sort of shield.

Wand movements and incantations serve as triggers for a person's intent. Once you realize this you can work on removing incantations, and eventually wand movements completely from your spell casting. Once you reach this point it becomes a simple process to lose the wand altogether. Now while it is true that the magic strength of the caster determines which and how powerful the spells one can cast Wandlessly. The main hurdle for most people is belief in oneself. When we were children we did not know that there were things you could not do with magic, or that there was a spell to perform in order to get a result. We acted on instinct to achieve a desired result whether consciously or subconsciously.

You must remember this phrase: It is not just about belief; it is about Suspension of Disbelief.

Harry closed the book and sat it on the table that appeared beside him. He wondered briefly why it seemed normal to him that things just appeared and disappeared for him here. With sudden inspiration it occurred to him. His construct acted a lot like the Room of Requirement. He debated with himself, or rather the self inside his head inside his head, not the self sitting in the corner inside his head. He debated whether intent magic as he had taken to calling it, was how the Room of Requirement was created in the first place.

Looking at the corner he saw that he, that is, the Phoenix was staring blankly at him, apparently his confusion was infectious. Or he was confusing himself. He started to laugh at himself. This caused him some distress as seeing a phoenix laugh, and in turn laughing yourself. While realizing you were laughing with yourself, at yourself, inside yourself.

He clawed his way to consciousness before he got caught in another loop of thought. He began giggling out loud, and was soon lying on his side laughing out loud. He opened his eyes and quit laughing abruptly as he was mere inches from Ginny's ankles and staring straight into her wet centre. He noted that the sharp smell was definitely coming from her and licked his lips again, not noticing that his member was shouting hello to the room once again.

He looked up into concerned brown eyes and he quickly closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. This of course did not help any at all as he could still smell her. If he didn't calm himself soon he knew he was going to show his agitated state as he sprayed all over the floor. Without opening his eyes he stumbled to his feet and tried to turn toward where he knew the bathroom was. But he tripped and fell on top of the redhead who he was trying to avoid. He landed between her legs as she opened her arms to try and catch him and he could feel her arousal slick against the tip of his cock. He could feel her soft skin and hard nipples pressed against his chest. His hips involuntarily bucked and he felt her lips slide along the length of his shaft until he was poised just outside of her entrance. Jumping quickly away and opening his eyes to avoid any further incidents he apologized profusely. And slammed the bathroom door behind him. He ran quickly to the sink but almost didn't make it before rope after rope of hot cum shot from the tip of his very aroused manhood. He couldn't stop himself from crying out in ecstasy as he gripped the counter. He looked up into the mirror as he settled back down and started to cry.

Meanwhile Hermione had been watching the whole thing; as soon as she had heard him laugh her eyes had snapped open to see what was going on. She had seen as he landed practically in the naked girls lap. She noticed when his hard member had popped out of his boxers. She witnessed with disbelief his failed attempt at standing and his eventual near coupling with her best girl friend. Followed by his abrupt exit to the bathroom and the unmistakable sound of an orgasm.

She looked over at Ginny who was still lying on the floor panting. She had one hand between her legs and the other covering one of her breasts. She was not playing with herself Hermione decided. She was in shock and trying to decide how she should feel about the sensations running through her body. "Ginny, are you ok? Did he?" She began but Ginny shook her head as she sat up, breathing heavily. "No but it was a close thing." She whispered.

"What happened," Ginny asked after a moment. Hermione stared at the bathroom door for a moment before looking back at the other girl. "I don't know, but I am positive it was purely unintentional. I heard him laugh; I woke to see him practically in your lap, next thing I know it looks like he is humping you before he ran out of the room." She said confused.

Ginny nodded, "That's just about what I remember, I just didn't want to chance being confused." With that she got up and headed to the bathroom door where she could hear him sobbing. "I'm so sorry" over and over again. Completely at a loss at how to deal with him, she tried reassuring him with her words. "Harry?" She began, the sobbing quieted but continued.

"Harry nothing happened, it was just an accident, and I promise you didn't do anything I wouldn't want you to do anyway." She tried. Still no response.

She looked pleadingly at Hermione to help. The older girl got up and walked over. Whispering she told Ginny to head back to the bed, as she was unintentionally part of the problem. "Harry?" She called through the door quietly.

"'Mione?" Harry sounded a little better.

"Yes Harry it's me, did you hear what Ginny told you?"

He mumbled something that she took for an affirmative. "Harry it was a series of events that you had no control over."

"I nearly raped her!" He cried out.

Hermione looked over at Ginny who shook her head and smiled. "Ginny doesn't think so Harry doesn't her opinion matter?" Hermione tried.

He mumbled again which she took as tentative agreement. "Harry can we come in?" she felt as much as heard the emphatic "No" through the door.

"Can I come in by myself?" She tried again, this time there was a long quiet before she heard the door unlock. She nodded to Ginny once and entered the bathroom. She found Harry curled up in the bathtub rocking back and forward.

"Harry you are making this out to be a bigger deal than it needs to be." She smirked and tried a different tactic. "Ginny looked like she almost enjoyed it." That got a look from him of disbelief.

"What Harry, your biggest fan just about had you take her virginity. Don't you think she might be a little bit excited now that the shock wore off? He just stared at her before uttering his first intelligible sentence.

"I thought she was over me." He said quietly.

Hermione shook her head. "Harry giving up on you and getting over you are two different things," She paused for a moment deciding if she should reveal that she was his number two fan but decided now was not the time. "She decided to be herself around you and see what happened. She is a lot happier being your friend than your fan girl." She joined him in the bathtub and drew him into a hug. He returned it fully and took a deep breath.

"But that was just too much. Hermione I don't know if I can stand this, I am a teenage boy after all." He said before looking at her and noticing again her state of undress, his manhood betrayed him once again as it became hard. He groaned out loud. "Who is currently sitting in a bathtub half naked with his half naked best female friend who is currently dating his best mate?" He almost shouted. She was practically sitting in his lap due to their position and so she felt his hardness against her thigh.

"Harry, all of your reactions have been perfectly normal. If I were sitting in your lap and you weren't aroused I would actually be offended. Now can we please go tell Ginny it's going to be OK? I don't want her to think there is something wrong with her." Hermione finished. He nodded so she got out of the tub and held out a hand to him.

Helping him out of the tub she turned and caught site of the white substance starkly represented against the black background of the sink. She quickly turned away realizing her guess had been right earlier. She took his hand and led him back into the room with Ginny who, thankfully now had her underwear back in place.

"Harry I am so sorry, I don't know exactly what happened but I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She began ranting at him. He held up a hand to shush her.

"Gin you didn't do anything, it was all one long series of mistakes. I was worried about you, I practically raped you!" He said rather loudly. She cringed a bit but didn't look away.

"No Harry, did you want to hurt me?" He shook his head, confused by her question, why would he ever hurt her. "Did you want to control me?" She asked again. Still confused he shook his head. "Would you ever even think about doing that to either of us, or any woman?" She asked a final time and he shook his head hard to make sure she got the point. "Then even if you had accidentally slipped inside me it would have been an accident and nothing else." She said the last in an almost defeated tone. He lifted her chin so she would look in his eyes, which had tears running down his cheeks again. "I would consider it a very happy accident." He said trying to be smooth, but in his opinion he was failing.

She laughed and brushed his hand away from her. "Rape is very rarely about sex Harry; didn't you describe what Snape did to you last year as Rape?" She asked him.

Suddenly he seemed to understand what she meant. She continued however. "Did you consider it attempted rape when Dumbledore surprised you earlier with a mental attack?"

"No, his intent was not to cause me any harm or control me, which is how I felt when the Potions Bastard did it." Harry replied poisonously.

Hermione jumped in at this point. "Harry if it helps Ginny and I can practice in our room and leave you alone. He instantly began shaking his head. "Please don't?" he asked. "I…" he blushed. "I like having you here when I am working. My hormones are a bit out of control, but it is helping me practice." He said and both girls nodded.

Ginny tried to lighten the mood. "Not to mention the view right Potter?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

Deciding to be bold he consciously looked her up and down and licked his lips. As he got back to her face he saw her eyes had widened and her breathing had become shallow. And watched as a blush started in her face and spread all the way down to her breasts. "You have no idea." He said lecherously.

Luckily she was standing by the bed, because her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell in a dead faint onto the bed. He was instantly sorry.

Before he could start his pity party Hermione spoke aloud. "Wow Harry! That was pretty good; I think that look might have put me out for the count!" She said sidetracking his thoughts.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and looked down, unfortunately she still had yet to put a bra back on so he was staring directly at her chest and his breathing got very short. Closing his eyes he centered himself as best he could, then opened then and raked his eyes back across her body and back up to her eyes and he smiled lopsidedly. "Guess it's a good thing you're taken then?" He asked. She sat down next to Ginny harder than he thought she would normally need to.

"Yeah…" She said trailing off just as Ginny woke up. She looked up into Harry's eyes from the bed and groaned.

"Shoot me now." She said.

"Why?" Harry asked confused.

She sat up and looked at him. "Because Harry, I spent all last year training myself not be shy or stutter in your presence and then I go and faint when you look at me."

He just nodded, but walked over to the bed and went down to his knees; she was only about an inch taller than him in this position. He moved between her legs and pulled her into a hug. "I like this Ginny, you don't have to change for me if this is the real you and not the stuttering fan girl with her elbow in the butter dish." He said.

She tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her, he began chuckling as she beat his shoulders with her fists. "Prat!" She said playfully. He pulled back and kissed the tip of her nose before getting to his feet.

"Besides," he said, "You aren't the one who nearly made a mess in your pants at the drop of a hat." She didn't tell him that was why she had passed out, she just nodded.

Hermione sighed and seemed to come back to herself. "So what started all of this was us waking up to you giggling like a madman, what's going on Harry?"

He stopped for a moment and debated whether he should tell them, in the end he decided they had shared enough today that there was no reason to hold back.

"You know how I was telling you about the inside of my head?" He asked as he tapped his temple. They both nodded.

"Well inside my own head, I am sort of a god." They both looked astonished and incredulous.

Ginny laughed at him, "Gee, conceited much Harry?"

He smiled at her but continued. "Not really no, in my mindscape I can do anything I want. I was inside my head, reading that Wandless magic book." Both of them looked confused so he explained.

"One of the side effects of an organized mind, at least in my case, is a photographic memory and total recall." He said, Ginny still looked confused, and glanced at Hermione for clarification.

"He can remember anything he has seen or read perfectly and play it back in his head." She told the other girl who nodded.

"Anyway," He continued his explanation, "I was reading my book, naked." He glanced to see their expressions. Hermione looked amused; Ginny looked lost in thought for a second before her eyes cleared. "And I said something out loud to myself, which felt wrong. Talking to myself you know?" They looked confused, but Hermione motioned for him to continue hoping for clarification.

"So I tried thinking to myself, but realized how strange it was that I was talking to myself, inside my head, while inside my head." He looked at them again to see if they got it. Hermione nodded, Ginny was looking even more confused.

Harry soldiered on. "So I imagined a Phoenix in the corner to talk to using my 'Bird Whispering' skills." Ginny interrupted him.

"Why not Hedwig?" She asked innocently.

"Well, Hedwig is a girl, and I was naked, and even though she has seen me naked before, it felt wrong to be sitting in the room naked reading a book with a female bird watching me, so I imagined the first male bird that came to mind." Now Hermione looked confused, but Ginny was happy she had caught on somewhat.

"Fawkes?" She asked him.

He nodded. "Except it didn't end up as Fawkes, it was a Black and green phoenix that had my eyes." This time it was Hermione's turn to contribute.

"Ah, because everything in a dream is an extension of yourself in some way." She said.

He nodded again and smiled at her. "I didn't understand that until the phoenix explained it to me." Harry said and waited for them to catch the joke.

Hermione as usual was the first to get the answer. "Wait, you didn't know that everything in a dream is a representation of you, until you told yourself?" She asked.

Finally Ginny started giggling, followed soon by Hermione. Smiling Harry continued. "So I realized I was sitting naked inside my head, talking to myself and getting thoroughly confused." He paused to take a breath as he was giggling uncontrollably again. "When the bird tells me I was unbalanced because I had not dealt with my grief over Sirius properly yet, I locked it away subconsciously while I was sorting my thoughts out." Hermione immediately stopped laughing and looked at him.

"Harry the bird, I mean you, I mean you were right. That is not healthy; I wondered how you were dealing so well with everything at Sirius' Will reading. You haven't dealt with the bad parts yet, you just locked them away?" Even though she was trying to be serious she could not help but giggle as she stumbled through his multiple personalities.

"I know Mione, I will start working on them a little at a time since I have that ability, otherwise I am going to have more episodes like the one earlier." He looked over at Ginny and said, "Again Gin, I am really sorry about what happened."

She shrugged, "It's alright Harry, was that everything before you woke up?"

He shook his head and started giggling again at the memory, which set the girls off again. "Nope, so I was talking to myself in bird form and the bird begins to look as confused as I feel. And I decided that my confusion must be infectious if I was getting confused." Hermione snorted she was laughing so hard; she looked up at the others and laughed even harder. "You better not tell Ron or I will hurt you!" She said. He just smiled at her having received a similar threat the day before.

"So I tell myself that I am crazy, and myself tells I that I am not crazy, even if talking to myself who looks like a bird and wondering if my confusion was spreading to myself. Which got the bird thinking that I was crazy, but I heard him and couldn't tell anymore if I was talking to my bird self, or myself self in my head. And it all came crashing down when I realized once again, that I was talking to myself, in my head. Inside my head!" He said with tears in his eyes he was laughing so loud. "I told you Hermione that you had to be a bit delusional to work your Occlumency the way I do, but this is ridiculous!" he said jovially.

As they all started to come down from the high, and let some oxygen return to their struggling brains. Ginny just had to ask. "So what happened when you woke up that caused you to panic like that?"

He blushed suddenly and looked away but knew she deserved an answer. "If you must know, I woke up with my face a few inches from your, um…" He stumbled trying to find a word that would be polite but not clinical. Luckily Ginny saw his dilemma and suggested a word for him.

Her eyes lit up as she decided to tease him, she slowly said the word. "Pussy?" Both Hermione and Harry looked at her in shock; she couldn't help but notice however that little Harry had come out to play again.

He slowly nodded and gulped. "I was looking for a polite word but if you insist," he looked to Hermione who really wanted to hear him say the word, despite constantly getting onto the boys for their language.

Blushing madly he took a deep breath and looked Hermione in the eye, wanting some satisfaction but knowing he couldn't look Ginny in the eye and call her pink bits that. "Fine then, I woke up just a few inches from her… Pussy…" he dragged the word out just as Ginny had done. Hermione's eyelids fluttered and she took a quick intake of breath.

"And quickly closed my eyes. I tried to center myself to help, but my senses were on high alert. I could hear both of you breathing, I could smell Ginny's… he trailed off and looked up to see her horrified expression. "No!" He said quickly, "It was not a bad thing at all, you actually smelled, um, really good." He blushed again and looked away.

Keeping his eyes downcast he continued. "So I tried to block it out but with my eyes closed I could smell Pussy…" he shivered. Looking down he didn't see both of the girls do likewise. "If I opened my eyes I would see her Pussy." He said quickly just trying to get through this.

"If I didn't move I was going to explode in my boxers." He said and felt his face heating up. Hermione piped in.

"Harry that's perfectly natural when you get over stimulated." It helped a little, but only a little.

"So I kept my eyes closed and stood up, but I tripped and fell on top of her, which would have been nice. What with her… um…" This time Hermione offered the word just to see his reaction. "Tits?" She asked and enjoyed the glow that bloomed on his face.

Sighing in frustration he nodded. "Fine, I felt her tits pressed against my chest, which was all well and good, except that I had slipped out of my Boxer shorts and had fallen between her legs. Next thing I knew I was trying to hump her and I felt…" he paused again. This time looking at Ginny. He actually could have said the word this time but decided he had had enough of being teased. He put on puppy dog eyes and watched her cave in.

"He slipped on top of me and his…" She glanced at Hermione and then back to Harry, "Cock slid down my… Pussy and almost inside me." She said with a small convulsion of pleasure. "Honestly Harry, This has been the second most erotic moment of my life, please don't apologize." She said breathlessly.

"Second?" He asked.

"Stripping for you this morning was the first." She said shyly. He looked up and found Hermione nodding in agreement but she didn't' appear to realize it.

He took a breath. "I agree, the last two days have been amazing. I have seen more girl parts and touched you in places I never thought I would see." He said. "But we really need work on this stuff. I hate to be a taskmaster, as that is Mione's job." The girl in question looked scandalized at the thought, but then nodded in resignation. "But hopefully we can put all of this behind us now that we discussed it?" he asked.

Both girls nodded. "Alright, now, I am going to try to control myself. Mione you might as well be comfortable after everything we have been through today." She nodded again. "And Gin, I promise to try not to attack you again. She shook her head.

"Don't promise that Harry." She said lecherously.

"Fine, I promise not to do so without asking your permission first. Better?" he asked jokingly. To his surprise she nodded solemnly.

"You two can get back to work, I am going to find a book on Legilimency in the library, that is if it's ok with Mione?" She looked at him strangely before remembering that she now owned that library. She grinned as she answered. "That's a wonderful idea Harry; if you take to that as fast as you did to Occlumency you can test our shields instead of Dumbledore. I don't fancy having him poke around in my head, even with permission." She said. Ginny nodded excited at the idea.

To both of their surprise, Hermione called out, "Winky?" The elf appeared with a pop. "Ms Hermione asks for Winky?" She said.

She glanced at her friends, "What? Harry takes care of her like family instead of treating her like a slave. That was all I ever wanted from S.P.E.W." Both of them just shook their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

"Winky, can you go to the library and bring back any books on Legilimency or Mind Arts. Even if they are dark?" She added. The little elf smiled and popped out.

Ginny stared at her friend. "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" She asked.

Harry nodded and added, "Granger would never even think of using dark arts information, or ask a house elf for help!"

The two shared a look before breaking down into laughter. "Honestly you two, I already explained myself about the elves, and information is just information. It is the application of magic, which determines if it is light or dark. Not the fact that it exists." She said with a sniff.

Harry understood exactly what she meant. If you used an AK to give peace to someone who was dying in pain, it was not really a dark spell. And by the same reasoning, if you used Wingardium Leviosa to levitate someone out a window and then drop them. You would be doing a lot more pain and suffering using a first year spell than using a so-called unforgivable.

Meanwhile Ginny decided to ignore the comment. She had been raised in a light family so she understandably had extreme views. But she also knew this and accepted that she didn't know everything.

Winky popped in a few minutes later with 4 different books. "I is sorry mistress, these was all that was in the library. Winky can go buy you some books if Harry says it's ok." She looked like she wanted badly to punish herself. To the elves surprise Hermione pulled her into a hug, which looked really really strange to Harry, considering she was still topless. Funny that he had forgotten that fact for two whole minutes.

"No Winky, you did a wonderful job. Thank you. And I will never ask you to punish yourself, ever. Just explain to me if you had to do something you felt was wrong. Even if I am upset, I still do not wanting you hurting yourself. Okay?" She pulled the elf away from her and looked in her eyes.

"Yes Ms. Hermione. Thank yous." And she popped away.

Turning to examine the books Harry noted the titles.

Dark Magiks of the Mind

Thought Projection for Protection

Know Their Mind and Yours

Legilimency for the Lost

The first two did not look too promising, but he would go through them later. The third one had promise, and skimming through it he saw that it was about using Legilimency during a duel to anticipate your opponent. But did not contain the How-To's.

The last book he recognized as being written by the same author as Occlumency for the Occluded and immediately made plans to study that one first. The girls meanwhile had gotten comfortable again; Harry looked up from his book and saw that Hermione had taken his advice. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you looked at it, she was sitting cross-legged in front of him, much the way that Ginny had earlier. He caught a whiff of her scent and moaned aloud as his eyes traveled down her body and over the soft pink lips and the tiny bud hidden at the top of her pudendum.

His moan caught her attention and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Having more problems Mr. Potter?" She asked with an almost knowing look.

"If I must be honest then yes Hermione." He decided to be bold, for some reason it was easier with her than it had been with Ginny. "With you sitting like that I can see straight into your Pussy and I can now identify Ginny or You by smell if that tells you anything." He said while looking into her eyes. Ginny's had snapped open at the taboo word and she glanced between the two before commenting.

"Well you know Harry, it really isn't fair that you get a show and we don't. If we are all going to be this comfortable around each other I think those need to come off." She said with a look at his boxers.

He sighed as he stood up. "Fine, but I am warning you, I am a teenage boy and I cannot be held responsible for what the sight of two beautiful naked women does to me." He pulled the waistband of his boxers away from his body so they would not get caught on his erection and then let them drop. He stood before them naked as the day he was born, with his throbbing member at full mast and bouncing along with his heartbeat.

The girls studied him unabashedly for a few moments. He was about nine inches long and circumcised, and about a big around as a broom handle. Hermione had the sense of preservation, both of herself, and her relationship with Ron not to say anything. But Ginny let a comment slip out. "Damn!" She realized she had spoken aloud and quickly her face and chest matched her hair.

After that comment Harry stood a little straighter, a little less ashamed. Hermione had noticed and was barely controlling the urge to throw herself at him. "Um, I think we understand your problem now Harry." She said.

Ginny nodded. "Damn!" She said again causing him to blush this time.

"That about sums it up. I am certain this is all simply due to hormones and we will get used to it eventually. Now you and I have some work to do missy." She said to Ginny. "Eyes closed." She ordered.

Ginny snapped her eyes shut but smiled and cracked an eye in his direction. He looked back pretending to be unashamed and licked his lips. She squeaked and quickly shut her eyes again before she had another episode. Grabbing his book Harry lay down on the bed and began to read as the girls breathing deepened.

He sighed and wondered what he had done to deserve such a wonderful life.