Chapter 48: Welcome to the Defense Association

The fliers were hung on the bulletin boards in every common room by Friday evening and Saturday the DA was the topic of conversation for most of the school. Lavender had been outwardly as bubbly and jealous of his attentions as usual for the past two days, but when they were alone she was simply happy to sit near him while he worked and was very quiet even when she was not meditating. He was beginning to worry a bit about her but he did not want to intrude on whatever memories had her in such a funk. He hated himself when from time to time he found himself thinking how nice the quieter Lav was. How much more he was able to connect with her when she was not babbling on about something or another, or trying to push him into being more intimate.

The only thing that made Quidditch Practice bearable was that as Seeker he did not have to run drills with the rest of the team, though that did not keep Ron from critiquing his performance from the goal. In his defense Harry supposed that none of the comments that Ron shouted were personal, just observations. The other nice thing was getting to watch Ginny fly, she was a blur of red hair racing up and down the field and getting every ounce of speed out of her comet 260. As happened after tryouts the rest of the team headed up to the castle to shower leaving them alone in the changing room once again. Ginny had apparently informed Katie of the current arrangement as they both slowly stripped for him but headed to the showers with a wave. He wanted to bang his head against the locker as even though he was the one keeping Lavender at bay, he was also noticing an ache in his crotch from over stimulation without release.

He could therefore not help himself as he followed them into the girl's showers where he found the two of them innocently cleaning themselves on opposite sides of the room and rather surprised to see him there. He held a finger to his lips and shook his head as he stepped under the nearest shower and began cleaning himself as well. The girls smiled and went back to cleaning themselves innocently. Harry however was watching them with rapt attention, as the shampoo ran from their hair down their backs, and then over their bums and down their legs. He gave up soon and took himself in hand unabashedly as they both gave him surreptitious glances but pretended not to notice. He soon came though it was a bit disappointing and quickly finished cleaning himself off before turning off the shower head and walking back to the changing room to get dressed feeling just a bit guilty but liking the feeling at the same time.

And so a still frustrated but squeaky clean Harry found himself riding the spiral staircase up to the Headmasters office just as the sun was going down. At the top of the stairs he barely knocked before getting a, "Come in Harry." From the other side of the door.

He entered and immediately went to Fawkes who was happy to see him. "So Harry, I saw that you are holding your first DA meeting Sunday after lunch?"

He crossed the room and sat in front of the Headmaster's desk, waving away the bowl of lemon drops as they were offered. "Today was too busy and we have no idea how many people will be joining us. Do I have permission to use the Great Hall at least for the first meeting?"

"That will be acceptable I think. Have you made any progress with Horace?"

"Professor Slughorn? No, I got him talking for a moment after class but then he clammed up on me as soon as he figured out I was working for you."

Dumbledore sat back with a small sigh, "Harry you do realize how important that memory is? Without it all of the guessing and investigating we do will be for naught."

"With all due respect Headmaster, I do not appreciate you placing this burden on my shoulders alone when you have had years to come to the same result. Now can we please begin our lesson?"

"Very well, I have taken the liberty of transferring your detention with Professor Snape to another staff member; I do hope you don't mind?"

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment, "I suppose not, who would that be?"

Dumbledore pulled out his pocket watch and studied the many hands for a moment, "With the Headmaster at approximately seven pm. Are you certain you would not like a Lemon Drop?"


Saturday became Sunday before Harry returned to his room, he was undressed and in bed before he realized that Lavender was already occupying the other half. She looked very cute when she was sleeping and her bad dreams had gone away suddenly of their own volition. She had not begun making advances again and seemed genuinely happy simply to share his bed and cuddle up to him in the nude. He was finding his relationship with her to be much less strained over the last day or so since she began taking her Occlumency seriously and he wondered idly if an organized mind was one of his turn-ons.

He slid beneath the covers and pulled her up against him as he settled in, she woke just enough to smile and kiss him lightly without opening her eyes before settling in for a peaceful night of sleep. When Harry awoke the next day it was already after breakfast but Lavender had not left him as the other girls had done a week earlier. And so he stayed in bed just holding her and breathing in her scent. She really was beautiful, and the longer he spent with her the more beautiful she seemed, he once again had to attribute part of that to her calming down and not babbling about things he was not interested in. Even if she did still call him by that ghastly pet name he thought it was possible that he could come to love her in time, but this was no whirlwind romance like all of his others had been.

She moved slightly in his arms and rubbed against his aching member, reminding him of his trouble in the changing rooms the day before. That part of him that wanted to slow things down was a little less insistent than it had been so he decided to try to wake her up. He began by running his fingers up and down her back, making small circles and trailing lightly causing goose bumps. She shifted again as if trying to get away from his fingers and he smiled as he leaned in and began kissing her neck and shoulder.

"Mister Harry?" She asked groggily.

"MmmHmmm." He responded without removing his lips from her skin.

"Watcha doin?"

He pulled her closer but continued to kiss her. "NnnnDnnnnNnnn" He said with a shrug.

She rolled over and caught his lips with hers. "Does this mean you decided we could move things along a bit?"

"I never meant to put a stop to us; I just wanted to slow down. But after you found your center and started sorting memories you changed a bit. I didn't want to intrude."

She looked at him a bit funny, "So what changed?"

In response he rocked his hips, sliding his member up her leg where it bumped into her tummy. "Oh, so it's okay to fool around when you get randy but not when I do?"

He shook his head, "That's only a small part of it; please don't take this the wrong way. But you were starting to scare me before and I wasn't ready to think about actually falling for you."

She smiled rather dumbly, "So you think you can then?"

He nodded, "You have gotten much better both with respecting my boundaries and with your general attitude. I'm sorry but I just cannot relate to you on fashion or gossip."

She pouted a bit, "That isn't all I talk about… well not completely all I talk about… is it?"

He grinned at her and kissed the tip of her nose. "Not completely all, no. Especially in the last couple of days." His hands began to wander again and she returned the favor as she leaned in to kiss him once more.

"So what are the boundaries now?" She asked quietly.

He thought about it for a moment. "It isn't that I don't want to shag you, believe me. But I just can't do it when you are still a virgin, I know how screwed up that is for a guy to say but…" He shrugged.

"I think it's sweet even if it is frustrating, thank you for keeping me honest."

"Anyways… don't take this wrong, but I guess I have sort of gotten used to two or three times a day and… Well the pressure is starting to build up. Not it that is the only reason I want to play with you!"

She wrapped her hand around his cock, "That doesn't offend me boyfriend; it just gives me an excuse to do something I have been thinking about."

"And what's that?" He asked as he pushed him onto his back.

In response she kissed her way down to his stomach before taking him into her mouth, she moved very slowly and deliberately as she took just a bit more of him in each time, pausing to breathe through her nose after backing off. She did this a few more times, and he was rather speechless at this point so no conversation took place as he watched her slowly forcing his member deeper and deeper into her mouth until he felt his crown touch the back of her throat, then she gagged and pulled off quickly.

"Are you alright?" He asked with worry evident in his tone. She pushed him back down on the pillow and held up a finger to forestall further comment until after she had taken a few breaths.

"You Mister Harry, are huge! Just give me another minute and I will get it right."

"Lav you don't have to try that, Gin and Mione still can't do it, I don't expect you to try."

She looked a bit stricken at the mention of his other girlfriends but shook it off quickly before diving back onto his tool, Soon she was bobbing up and down and he could see the bulge of his cock outlined in her throat on each down stroke. Overall it was an amazing performance and the sight along with the sensation soon put him close to the edge. "Lav… I'm…"

She pulled off of him and began stroking him rapidly with her hand while holding her mouth over his crown. Soon he came gushing into her mouth, she gagged at first before realizing the taste was more than pleasant and tried to swallow as much as possible, however most of it leaked out of her mouth and down his shaft which she began cleaning with her tongue causing all sorts of aftershocks to run through his body, finally she climbed up to straddle his lap and sat herself carefully down on his semi-erect penis lengthwise against her slit and clit. "Have to love those fruit smoothies." She said with a grin as she leaned in to kiss him.

He returned the kiss happily, enjoying the proof on his tongue of the dirty deed she had just performed. She began rocking gently against him and he made no move to stop her for the time being. "This… is… nice isn't it?" She asked breathily as she sat up and continued her pace. He reached up and cupped a breast in each hand massaging and playing with her erect nipples.

"It is, just be careful." He responded.

She nodded and picked up her pace a bit, he could feel her warm wet lips surrounding his cock and the little jolt that went through her each time the head of his member slid across her clit. He was consciously paying attention to her pace and where he was situated just to make sure they didn't get carried away. It took much longer than he would have expected for her to reach orgasm but after a single one she collapsed onto his chest.

"Hey you." He said quietly smiling into her hair.

She turned her head up and looked up at him with a grin. "Hey Mister Harry… this is nice…"

"It is, see the fun you can have when you are a good girl?" She nodded before sighing as her stomach growled.

"We missed breakfast and that snack only made me hungrier."

"Give me a minute or two if you want seconds." He replied cheekily.

She smacked his shoulder, "Prat… well maybe…"

"No wait, I was kidding Lav… I don't think after that load I will be ready again for at least half an hour… not that I expect that from you or anything…"

She sat up again and smiled down at him with her curly blonde hair falling crazily around her face. "Do expect Mister Harry, please do. Now, I think we need a shower and we can head down to the Great Hall before lunch."

He nodded, "Good idea, we need to do some planning ahead for the DA immediately after lunch."

She groaned as she got up and off the bed. "I was thinking we could snog a bit before everyone else got there but that works too. I suppose you will want to pick up Ginny and Hermione before heading down as well?" She asked looking a bit put out.

"Well, unless you want to be caught wearing yesterdays outfit…"

She sighed. "Fine, I will gather them and meet you back here after my shower. Sound good Mister Harry?"

He got up and kissed her once more before heading for the bathroom. "Thank you LavLav." He said meaning for the awful nickname to make a point about his own. Unfortunately her eyes lit up and she jumped into his arms for another kiss before flouncing out of the room to get dressed and head out.


As lunch drew to a close Dumbledore stood once again and the Hall went silent knowing what to expect from this announcement. "As I am certain you all know by now the first meeting of the Defense club will be immediately following today's meal. All those who wish to attend will need to stay after the food has gone. Professor Snape will be observing from time to time including today…" Harry looked up sharply at this insight but Dumbledore quickly finished his thought, "He will be observing only and will not interfere. Thank you for your time."

Once lunch wore down everyone stood but nobody left, even the Slytherins were milling about feigning casual curiosity. "If you will all exit the Hall momentarily I will set it up for more exciting festivities." Dumbledore called and they all left quickly milling about in the Hallway instead of the Great Hall. The Headmaster exited soon after with a smile at Harry and quickly made his way toward his office.

Harry walked into the hall to find it set up much the way it had been for Lockhart's demonstration three years prior. All but one of the tables had been cleared to the sides and the single remaining table was draped with the Dueling mat once more and situated in the center of the room. Snape stood off in a corner looking as if he wanted to blend into the shadows. Harry quickly climbed up on top, waiting until everyone was looking his direction before clearing his throat.

"I did not expect this kind of turnout, I'm sorry but we have to limit the main club to Fourth year and above." There was a massive groan as the younger years headed for the doors. "I am sorry, but if any of you want to practice on your own I will be designating someone from each house, if available, as tutors. If no one from your house is available you can find me on an individual basis and we will work something out."

The kids were mollified by the announcement and peacefully left leaving the majority of the school behind. Harry was nervous, but it was slowly being replaced by calm as his teaching instincts kicked in. "Right then, first things first. This club is to teach you to defend yourselves against Death Eaters and other dark arts practitioners, I have been told I am not allowed to check your arms for the Dark Mark as it is an invasion of privacy, however I do have permission to have you sign a magical contract stating that you will not use what you have learned here against anyone except in self defense!" There was a din of voices suddenly drowning him out mostly coming from the Slytherins as expected and from the Ravenclaws who knew the fate of one Marietta Edgecombe.

One voice stood out and got his attention, everyone else went quiet. "And what if we won't sign your little contract?"

Harry looked at Pansy suspiciously for a moment before realizing that Draco and his cronies were nowhere to be seen. "You are welcome to leave, however I included a clause which states that when you leave you are free to learn whatever else you want and use it however you want. Think of it as an escape clause, however I would not test the boundaries of this document."

"And what happens if we breach?" She asked calmly.

"As I said, I would not test if I were you, but feel free to attempt it if you must, I am sure you will be missed." He left that hanging in the air for a moment. "If you wish to read through the contract you will still be allowed to sign at our next meeting but you will not be allowed to attend this one." The Slytherins being cautious took a copy of the contract which appeared on the table and left except for Pansy, Blaise, and Daphne Greengrass. The Ravenclaws either cautious or curious did the same except for those who had been a member the year before including Cho, Luna, Padma and Terry Boot.

"Do we have to sign this one if we signed the one last year?" Cho asked from the middle of the group.

Harry thought about it for a moment. "I would prefer you did so, but if you want to read it over I will let you attend this session while I think about the question. Is there a specific reason you wouldn't want to sign again?"

Everyone turned to look at her and she blushed, "No, no reason, just Ravenclaw curiosity."

He resumed speaking. "Any other questions?"

A fourth year girl raised her hand timidly and he called on her. "Have you really faced You-Know-Who every year? Did you beat him last June?"

He sighed, "Everyone listen closely because I am only going to tell you this once. From now on anybody caught saying He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who will not be allowed to attend this club. His name is Tom Marvollo Riddle and was a student here at Hogwarts just like we are. He is a half-blood masquerading as a Pureblood because they are his powerbase."

"Lies!" Pansy called out before quickly sinking back into the crowd in embarrassment. He shook his head, "Truth!" He performed the air writing trick once again, astonishing some with his non-verbal ability before rearranging the letters. There were gasps as the unbelievers suddenly were faced with the truth. "Tom Riddle was raised in an orphanage by Muggles. He returned to that orphanage every year he attended Hogwarts, and he may or may not have been abused at that orphanage but it was certainly not a nice place to live. That explains his hatred of Muggles and why he might identify with the Pureblood Supremacy Movement." Daphne frowned but said nothing.

"He is indeed the heir of Slytherin through a very long and inbred line of Purebloods, his mother bewitched Tom Riddle Senior but let him go before giving birth. She died soon after childbirth leading to his fear of death. In fact his very pseudo name Voldemort," Gasps in the crowd made him glare angrily around. "Voldemort means Flight From Death when literally translated from Latin."

"Lord Black! A Word!" Snape called out from his shadow and Harry quickly excused himself to the corner.


Snape tried to suppress his sneer but failed. "Milord I think you have shared enough about his past. I do not know why the Headmaster insists on investigating him so thoroughly but I would suggest that you do not reveal any more to these students. You have given them sufficient evidence to make an informed decision."

Harry thought about it for a moment and hated to admit the man was right. "Agreed… thank you…" He strangled out the words but got a nod from the man.

"Do not think I was protecting you, I simply do not wish to be punished for letting you slander the Dark Lord in my presence."

"Ah there is the Death Eater we all love." Harry said sarcastically as he turned without waiting to hear the man's rebuttal.

He jumped back up on the table. "As I was saying, I have faced him every year in some form except for third year. He somehow did not die when I was a baby but is more like a ghost. He tried to steal the Philosophers Stone in my first year and I stopped him. As a memory come to life he released Slytherins monster from the Chamber of Secrets in my second year. Fourth Year he used my blood to create himself a new body after he killed Cedric Diggory."

"Remember Cedric Diggory!" The whole hall called out and Harry had to take a moment to catch himself as a single tear ran down his cheek. "Yes, remember Cedric Diggory."

He began once again, softly but loud enough to be heard in the back. Everyone in attendance was spellbound by his oration. "Last year I and five of my closest friends went to retrieve something he was after at the Ministry and ended up in a battle with the Death Eaters, we fought well and held our own for quite some time." He looked to the corner where Snape was just about to speak. "We were not good enough, we were arrogant and we were unprepared to face them. Yes we had the talent and the drive, but they have years of experience casting spells we have never heard of. After we were rescued I was possessed by him."

There was a sudden intake of breath by everyone in the room and Harry could have sworn his ears were about to pop as the air pressure changed. "Yes, I defeated him then as well which is why this summer was so quiet."

"But you're the Chosen One!" Someone called out from the back.

"I am just like any of you; I have not gone looking for him he keeps finding me. I am decent at Defense, maybe better than, but I will tell you why I am still alive." Everyone went silent. "Because I fought back, because he expected me to be a child and let him have his way. NO MORE! Every one of us has to stand up for ourselves. The Death Eaters are cowards; they attack with three times as many as they need because they are not organized. Nor are they unusually powerful. If five of them attacked Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley and every single magic user in sight turned and fought back they would not stand a chance no matter what spells they know. That is why we are here. To learn to defend ourselves and protect others, and consequently to improve ourselves and our grades in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Any more questions?"

Nobody said anything which he took as a negative response. "Good, then line up in two single file lines and come sign the contract or grab a copy and leave, we will get started in twenty minutes."

The lines formed slowly and they began making their way up to the table to sign. Harry crossed the room to the corner opposite Snape where Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Hannah, Susan and Lavender were waiting. The latter jumped into his arms and kissed him deeply. "Wow… you were amazing!" She cooed at him.

He smiled down at her, "I had so much more to say but Professor Snape talked me out of it."

"You actually listened to him for once?" Hermione asked lightly.

Harry nodded, "When he makes sense there is no reason to disobey just because. I'm not a troublemaker you know." Ginny and Hermione crossed their arms and raised an eyebrow in unison and they looked at him, he couldn't help but laugh at the display.

"The son of a Marauder is not a troublemaker, yeah that will be the day." Ginny said with a smile.

"Fine, so I don't make trouble just to make trouble. There has to be a purpose to it." Hermione rolled her eyes but looked across the room to see the line halfway through.

"So how is this going to work?" Neville asked quietly.

"I want the old guard, that is the older students from last year who are still here, to be Group Leaders."

He went pale, "But..but..but Harry I can't do that!"

He put an arm on the boys shoulder, "You don't have to do anything Nev but I know you can do it if you put your mind to it. You fought with me at the Ministry and people are going to respect that far more than anything Snape says. If you have trouble you can always let me know and we can fix it or get one of the others to replace you."

"I know you can do it Nev." Hannah said before kissing him on the lips quickly causing him to blush, he did stand straighter though.

"Alright Harry, I'll try."

He slapped Neville on the back, "Good on you then mate." He turned to Susan. "I'd like you to be a Leader as well Susie."

"Me?" She squeaked out. "I wasn't in that battle, nobody will listen to me!"

He placed a hand gently on her shoulder, happy to see that she relaxed a bit unconsciously. "You will do fine Susie, just like I told Neville, if you have a problem you can let me know. I wanted you to take the fourth years."

She thought about it for a moment before nodding and staring off into the crowd. "Hermione and Padma will take the Sixth and Seventh years unless Cho and Katie want to take the upper classmen. Neville will be with Gin for the fifth years, and Luna and Susan can take the Fourth years."

"What about the old guard, are we going to be learning the same stuff from last year?" Susan asked.

He shook his head, "That is why you are helping me teach and observe, I plan to get us together for more intense training during the week if that's alright with you guys."

They all nodded and he turned around to see everyone waiting patiently for them. "That's my cue." He said with a smile before walking over and getting back up on the table.

"Alright everyone, the first thing we are going to work on is the Disarming Charm." He called out.

"What good is that going to do?" Someone called out from the back causing him to smile at the memory of the same question. "I used it to defeat Voldemort my fourth year." There were no more comments so he demonstrated and asked everyone to group up by year and then pair off. Once that was done he began making rounds doing small demonstrations and appraising everyone's level. He eventually knew he would have to separate by talent and not age but this was the best way to work for now. For the next hour and a half they worked on it with only a few people needing to be revived after a particularly powerful shot.

He called a halt and thanked them all for coming and encouraged them to come again the next weekend. Everyone agreed that it had gone well if not as quickly as the DA had the year before simply due to the variance in age and the size of the group. Snape approached them as the last of the students filed out. "That was… adequate Lord Black." He looked as if he were going to say more but appeared to change his mind as he swept out of the hall.

They bid adieu to Neville, Susan and Hannah before heading to his rooms. Once there they settled into the soft seating as Dobby brought tea and biscuits. "So it looks like it's going to work." Harry commented.

"It was a very good start." Hermione agreed. "Even Ron looked like he was enjoying himself; I'm certain that had nothing to do with being proficient in the charm already as he flung that poor Hufflepuff around." Harry giggled and saw the corner of her mouth tip up just a bit.

"Well at least he showed I wasn't sure if he would." Harry commented.

Lavender was sitting on his lap nuzzling his neck and the other three girls exchanged glances before standing as one. "Well, we have homework to do in the Library. We will see you two later?"

Lavender looked up and simply said, "Bye." As they exited the room.

"Lav, what did I tell you about them?"

She pouted at him and whined, "That I have to learn to share?"

He nodded, "You know you only have tomorrow left to be alone with me, I can't stay away from them any longer Lav, its killing me."

"I can't be enough for you?" She asked quietly.

"You know it isn't that, I am already in love with them and I can't stand not being allowed to touch them or spend time with them."

She sighed and nodded, "Can you make sure I'm included then… I don't want to be left out."

He grinned that she was actually talking about sharing him realistically. "I can promise to try but things can happen when you aren't around. If you can't handle that then we should part as friends now."

She shook her head before burying her face in his shoulder. "Don't wanna."

"So you are going to be a good girl and share your toys?"

She nodded, "Have to, good girls get treats right?"

He began tickling her, enjoying her squeals of delight as she begged him to stop and ended up atop her on the sofa. "That's right, good girls get treats LavLav." She squealed again before pulling him into a kiss.

"Now?" She asked with a smile.

"I don't see why not…" He said as he leaned in for another kiss.


The couple settled into an everything-but relationship by Monday evening and despite her pleas Harry held firm to his resolve. Tuesday morning Harry woke up more than a bit giddy at the thought of getting Hermione and Ginny back once more. His giddiness bled through into his morning session with Lav once he woke her up and she enjoyed his increased attention up to the point that she passed out from exhaustion on him. She awoke to the sound of the shower turning off not long later and a semi-shagged and showered Harry walked back into the room.

"What has you in such a good mood today?" She asked from the bed.

"It's Tuesday." He answered as if that explained everything.

It took her a moment in her groggy state to realize what that meant, "Oh." She said simply.

He sat down on the bed beside her. "Lav, we have talked and talked about this. You have to share."

She frowned up at him, "But I don't wanna. My Mister Harry!"

"Didn't we talk about your baby voice?"

She continued to pout and speak in her little girl speech. "But you're mine, don't wanna share."

He stood up and began getting dressed, "Fine, but you can't complain when I put you in time-out later."

Not certain what that might mean she quickly jumped up and headed for the shower having brought her change of clothes with her. "I'll try…" She said with a sigh as she disappeared into the bathroom. The Lavender that appeared a half hour later looked and sounded nothing like the pouty little girl who had gone in.

"Do you really need to take so long in the bathroom?" He asked.

"Some of us take pride in our appearance Mister Harry." She said as she ruffled his untamed hair.

Rather than start up a real or mock argument he caved. "Your right, thank you for making yourself beautiful for me."


He nodded and stood and they grabbed their things before heading down to the Great Hall. They headed for the Gryffindor Table and sat down before being joined quickly by two rather excited looking young women. Hermione sat down opposite Lavender on his Right side and a slightly disappointed Ginny sat down across from them at the table. However when Harry began playing footsie with her she immediately perked up.

"Hey you two, so how are things?" Harry asked casually as he laid a hand on Hermione's knee beneath the table.

Hermione went stiff for a moment before relaxing as she reminded herself that it was now okay to flirt with him again. "Things are going well as can be expected. And with you two?"

Harry looked quickly over at Lavender who smiled and replied for them. "We're doing very well thank you. Did you do something different with your hair?"

Hermione ran a hand over her tightly pulled back hair with a confused look on her face. "No I don't think so, I just threw it up after my shower. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. Ginny is that a different shade of lipstick you're wearing today?"

The redhead was looking more confused than Hermione. "I don't wear makeup Lav; I thought you knew that after as many times as you tried to pull me into one of your makeover parties."

"That's right, how silly of me to forget."

Harry wasn't sure if he was picking up on the catty vibe or if it was all in his head but had to defend his girls. "I think you both look wonderful as usual."

The two blushed and Lavender looked put out before her face cleared and she was all smiles once again. Harry tried to move the conversation along. "So what's up today?"

Hermione just looked at him funny as she had the same schedule as he did; Ginny answered but seemed a bit confused as well. "Care, History, Transfiguration and Arithmancy but you knew that Harry. Are you alright?"

He nodded, "Fine, fine, never better I hope. So shall we meet in my suite later, when was the last time you did your Occlumency properly?"

Both girls blushed as he caught them out and he was surprised at Hermione. "Mione you haven't been keeping that up? I don't know what to say!"

Hermione shot a look across the table, which said the other girl was in trouble for some reason, before replying. "Between classes and… Extracurricular activities, I just let it slip Harry. I'm sorry."

"Well, that settles it then. Occlumency session in my suite after dinner, Lav might need some help as well, you know, a fresh perspective?"

Hermione nodded but Ginny still looked a bit confused. "Alright Harry, but if you couldn't teach her I don't know what you expect us to do."

"I am doing just fine thank you very much!" Lavender said taking offense.

Harry tried to salvage the situation. "Lav you know we didn't mean it like that. I just thought that maybe studying with them might be more efficient than with me. Besides," He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. "You have to learn to play nice if you want treats… Gin or Mione might even reward you if you're good."

Lavender blushed at the sudden images that ran through her head but simply nodded to his suggestion. "Good all settled then, does anyone know if Flitwick has office hours today?"

"Actually Harry his schedule is full up, he holds hours after Dinner though. Any particular reason?" Hermione the prefect answered.

"Just a little project, speaking of which you know what would be amazing?"

The brunette looked at him quizzically. "What would that be?"

"Your electricity charm so we can watch movies in my room."

Lavender sighed beside him, "Are we really that boring?"

Ginny and Hermione were both smiling however as they knew his addiction, "No he just likes to have cartoons on in the background for some reason. Plus it gives you a reason to snuggle on the couch." Ginny answered.

Once again Lavender seemed to clam up as the reality of his relationship with these two was made clear again. "Oh… so you have a charm that will run electronics?"

Hermione shook her head, "I have a theory for an idea about a possible charm to run electronics, and it is complete conjecture at this point."

"But I promised to fund her research if she wanted to pursue it, if anybody could maintain her grades and figure out a way to single-handedly change Wizard Society as we know it that would be my Mione."

"Harry!" She admonished even as she blushed under his praise. "Despite our status in private, to all appearances we are still to remain just friend in public!"

"And I am certain that nobody at this table would think twice about me calling you 'My Mione'. So I guess I will meet you all in my suite about an hour after dinner? I really need to talk to Flitwick."

They all agreed and soon they were on their way to class. In Defense, Professor Snape was actually fair to all of the students in the class for a change and did not even take a single house point though he only rewarded them to his Slytherins. However he made up for his fair treatment of all by being particularly nasty to everyone including the aforementioned snakes. It seemed that if he was not allowed to vent his anger and frustration with James Potter at his only son, that he would direct that anger at everyone. Still, it was a marked improvement over some of his prior teaching methods.

In Charms on Monday Daphne had not said a word to him apparently still mad about his 'Pureblood Supremacy' remark. He tried again as they began practicing the days lesson. "Daphne."

She ignored him and continued to cast. "Greengrass!"

"What do you want Black." She snapped at him.

"I might have gotten a bit carried away on Sunday, I still disagree with the whole idea but comparing all Purebloods to Supremacist Extremist Bigots was a low blow and I'm sorry."

She seemed to warm somewhat but still held her scowl. "Look, I told you before I do not have a problem with them existing or succeeding. I just believe that purely magical bloodlines are better than the dirtier ones."

"Dirtier? You mean Mudblood don't you?" He asked with as little venom as he could muster.

"Stop putting words in my mouth, you make me sound like one of them!"

"I hate to tell you, but you are one of them if you actually believe that bull. Maybe blood purity is something to be proud of, even to brag about. But it should not be used as an excuse to keep us separated or to give Pureblood's special privilege."

"Isn't that what I have been saying?" Daphne asked him.

Harry shook his head. "No, you have been spouting the same stuff that the Death Eaters and Voldemort do though admittedly they twist it a bit further."

She sighed, "Look I'm sorry alright, you were right the whole time I just couldn't see that what I was saying was not what I believed. I am proud of my blood line and my heritage; I enjoy and expect some level of respect just based on that status alone. But I do not believe in any way shape or form that blood has anything to do with magical ability, nor that those of… less pure lines deserve any less opportunity or privilege. Can we drop this now."

"Maybe, is that what your family believes as well?"

"My mother leans a bit further to the Pureblood bigot side of things, but the rest of my family is much more in line with my ideals with the obvious exception of Matty. Now go away, your starting to attract attention!"

Indeed Malfoy and his goons were eyeing the two of them again and Pansy was sneering from behind them. Harry caught her eye and sent a jolt down the line causing her to quickly close her eyes to control her voice and body as she came silently. She was getting good at hiding it but it was also getting to be too easy to get her off that way. Once again he was worried but put it to the back of his mind, instead he turned back to Daphne one more time.


"Better than, I thought we were becoming friends."

"Friends again then?"

She nodded slightly. "I said no Black now get away from me!" She said loud enough to be overheard by the Slytherins but not by Flitwick.

Harry walked back over to where Hermione was standing expecting to get the third degree, when she said nothing he looked at her strangely. "What?" She asked.

"Not even a bit curious?"

"About your display of passive-aggressive flirting?"

He groaned, "We were not flirting."

"Fine then, something about Pureblood Supremacy if I had to guess, and she came around to our way of thinking if the end of that fight was any indication. Honestly Harry, don't you know by now that I can read you like a book?"

He grinned, "I should shouldn't I?"


The rest of class went by as usual but without the usual altercation with Draco. He walked Hermione up to the seventh floor and Arithmancy after pulling her into an alcove when the coast was clear for a quick kiss that took slightly longer than he had planned. After they rushed to get her to class he made his way back toward the stairs with a large grin on his face.

He was completely unaware of his surroundings and thus completely surprised when he was pulled unceremoniously into a windowless broom closet. "What…" He tried to ask but a finger went to his lips which he took as asking him to shut up. He was in a broom closet and from the feel of the person pressed against him it was with a female. He suddenly grinned into the darkness.

"You couldn't wait until later?"

In response the girl quickly undid his trousers and dropped them as well as his boxers quickly to the floor around his ankles, he had gotten hard as soon as the thought occurred to him of what she wanted to do to him in a broom closet. He heard a rustling of clothing as she hiked up her skirt or removed her knickers or both and quickly mounted him. As he slid inside her he turned them so that her back was to the wall and began plunging her depths as she seemed so eager for him to do.

He leaned in toward her trying to see her face in the scant light from beneath the doorway but she removed his glasses and dropped them to the floor before kissing him. The kiss was like nothing he could remember, it was needy in a way that she had never kissed him before but he went with it as the entire situation was extremely erotic. She began panting against his mouth as her orgasm approached and he redoubled his efforts trying to hold off on his own until after she came. Finally with a strangled cry she came and he took that as his cue increasing his pace for a final few seconds before emptying himself inside her.

They both were panting as he held her pressed against the wall, it was not long however before she shifted and put her feet on the floor, which he read as her being ready to leave. She was going to be late for class after all so he let her down and listened in amusement as she rustled once again putting everything back in place. He tried to speak again only to be silenced by the finger. He kissed the tip and caught the brief flash of a blurry grin and leaned down to find his glasses. He was a bit disappointed when she stepped on them and he heard the crack of glass breaking.

"Crap you stepped on my glasses!" He looked up but was blinded as the door flew open and she ran. He picked up the pieces of his lenses and frames before casting a non-wandless Oculus Repairo reminding himself to thank Hermione later for that spell. He put his newly repaired glasses back on and straightened his clothing before heading out and back down to his suite whistling all the way.

"You are welcome Gin." He said to himself with a grin.


Ginny had sat down the table with Colin Creevey and some of the other Fifth years and Harry did not get a chance to speak with her but enjoyed the looks they shared every time he caught her eye and she blushed under his attention. After dinner he met with Flitwick about his project before heading back down the stairs, he was honestly curious why such a small man would have his office on the top floor but was too happy with the day's events to really care. He walked into his suit afterwards to find Mione, Gin and Lavender sitting around the desks in the middle of the room. Ginny and Hermione appeared to be working on Arithmancy and Runes respectively while Lavender was reading "Which Witch" another in a long line of fashion and girly magazines he was unfortunately becoming accustomed to. He walked quietly up behind Gin and kissed her on top of her head.

"I knew you couldn't resist me."

"This is news?" She asked without looking up from her paper.

"Well, kind of, I mean I finally broke you down."

She looked up at him and smiled, "I told you that you were evil." She kissed him before going back to her parchment.

He went and sat down on the couch and in almost no time Lavender was in his lap and had captured his lips for a full on snog session. He pulled away after a few moments. "What was that for?"

"Just reminding you that I'm here. You didn't even say hi to me Mister Harry." She said with a pout.

"Awe, I'm sorry LavLav, how can I make it up to you?" He said just as sadly.

"Kiss me." She said quietly as she leaned in once more.

Time passed quickly by and the couple was interrupted by a polite cough. When he looked up the desks had been cleared and Hermione stood over them with a smile on her face.

"Mister Harry, LavLav. I believe we have work to do this evening."

Harry groaned when he heard the nickname coming from his other girlfriend, and Lavender looked more than a little angry though whether from being interrupted or Hermione using either nickname he couldn't be sure.

"She's right Lav, we did have plans for this evening."

Lavender sighed as she stood smoothly up off his lap, he stood and began unbuttoning his shirt but she put a hand over his to stop him. "If we are going to be all business can't we at least make taking our clothes off fun?"

Ginny perked up at the idea but Harry was confused. "How would you recommend we do that?"

Hermione's eyes lit with an idea before she smiled greedily at the two of them. "Double spin the bottle, the first person names an article of clothing. The second spins the bottle to choose who will remove it, that person will then spin the bottle to see who is losing it."

Harry shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Fine, if you think this is really necessary."

"Please Mister Harry? It sounds like a great ice breaker." He relented and conjured an empty Butterbeer bottle as they sat in a circle on the floor with Hermione to his left, Ginny across from him, and Lav on his right.

"Guess I will start. Shoes." He spun the bottle which landed on Ginny.

"Shoes is so boring Harry."

"Yes but they always get in the way if you don't take them off first love."

She nodded and spun the bottle which then landed on Hermione. Ginny crawled over to her and pulled the girl into her lap, which looked rather interesting with Hermione being taller than Gin in the first place. Ginny pulled her into a kiss as she trailed a hand down her thigh and leg down to her shoe which she promptly popped off. Hermione continued the kiss as she lifted her other foot so that Ginny could repeat the gesture.

"Damn, you two don't start off slow do you?" Lavender asked.

Hermione shook her head, "Why, we are in love after all. Shoes." She said spinning the bottle which landed on Harry.

"Well I can see where this is going." He said with a smile before spinning the bottle which landed on Lavender.

"Goody!" She said as she jumped into his lap and began kissing him, she was a very good kisser and it took a polite cough to remind him of his task. He quickly pulled both of her shoes off before finishing the kiss.

"Back to your place now Lav." She pouted but complied.

"What happens if I call an article of clothing and the person it lands on already lost it?" Lavender asked.

"I suppose you just choose another article then, or maybe the closest match? So the closest to shoes would be socks or stockings if they are being worn, otherwise work your way up?" Hermione proposed.

Lavender nodded and called shoes before spinning. The bottle landed on Ginny again who shrugged and spun the bottle again which landed on Harry. "Oh lucky me, do I get to sit in your lap Gin?"

Ginny pushed him down onto his back before straddling his face with hers facing his crotch. She leaned slowly toward his feet and he buried his nose up against her skirt and wiggled it for effect. She removed his shoes quickly and rolled off. "Not fair!"

"Who said anything about fair?" He asked. "This is going to take forever; can we just completely undress from now on?"

"Oh poo, you just want to get us naked Mister Harry." Lavender said with a giggle.

"Your point being?" He spun the bottle which landed on Hermione.

"I suppose we would be here all evening, and that does remove the problem of calling an article they already lost." She spun the bottle to land on Ginny.

"Yay me!" Ginny said as Hermione crawled over to her. The two began kissing softly as Hermione undid her blouse and pulled it smoothly from her shoulders. She next unzipped the girls skirt before bringing her hands back up to the snap of the girl's bra trailing her fingers over as much skin as possible along the way. The undergarment quickly joined the rest of her clothing in a pile behind her and Hermione slowly lowered the redhead down to the floor.

She trailed kisses down the girls neck to her breasts which she kissed lightly before licking each nipple causing them to stand at attention and continued her way south to where she hooked her fingers in the waistband of the girls knickers and pulled them along with her skirt smoothly off where they joined the others atop the pile. Hermione barely breathed into Ginny's red curls before sitting back on her side of the circle.

Ginny took a minute to remember where she was and then blushed as she sat up being the only one nude in the room. "That isn't fair Mione." She pouted causing Harry to worry that Lavender's mannerisms were catching on.

"Who said anything about fair?" Hermione answered cheekily

The bottle was spun once more landing on Harry who quickly spun the bottle, wondering idly what happened if it landed on Gin one more. Instead it landed on Hermione who was grinning though she was trying to control it.

"Poo again, when do I get to play?" Lavender remarked.

"You have the same chance as any of us and we will keep playing until you are nude as well… Now Harry I believe you have a job to do?"

"Yes ma'am." He said with a smile as he crawled over to her. She sat up on her knees as she met him and he kissed her softly, moaning just a bit as he felt that electric impulse again.

He began with her blouse, which he pulled over her head rather than unbutton, made quick work of her bra hardly breaking the kiss. He couldn't help himself as he attacked first her left nipple and then her right, relishing the taste of her flesh on his tongue once more. His erection was straining against his trousers but he knew eventually he would get to play with somebody.

He continued down to her stomach as he unzipped her skirt and pulled down her knickers and skirt in a single movement just as she had done. Trailing his kisses lower until his lips were just above her clit on her shaved mound. He helped her down to the floor before he finished removing her clothing and her legs fell open before him exposing herself to him. He once again was unable to control himself as he leaned in and licked her from hole to hood before sitting back. She took almost as long as Ginny to recover but was not blushing as she sat up; she was instead looking back and forth between all three of the other occupants of the room.

She spun the bottle without looking and it landed back on her. "Lucky me tonight." She said idly before spinning once more and watching as it slowed to a stop facing Lavender.

"Uh…" Lavender said rather intelligently.

Harry smiled to let her know it was alright. "You wanted to make this more fun, and you didn't want to be left out, remember?"

The girl nodded and stood up as Hermione did the same. "I've never…" Lavender began but Hermione placed a finger over her lips.

"Neither had Gin or I, besides, it is just a game, and I'm just undressing you. We have lived together for five years and there is nothing on you I do not posses nor that I have not seen before. Anything else is your call." She whispered.

Lavender nodded again but was breathing rather quickly as Hermione brought her hands up and began undoing the buttons slowly. As she pushed the garment over the girl's shoulders she let her fingernails trail lightly against the girl's skin and the garment dropped to the floor behind her. Hermione then pulled the girl into a hug getting a surprised squeak from her before she realized that it was to gain access to her bra. Hermione then slowly pulled the straps off of her shoulders until the only thing holding the garment on was her erect nipples. It soon fell away as well exposing her to the room.

The brunette went to her knees before the girl and slid her hands up the girl's legs slowly and unfastening her stockings from the garter belt she was wearing and then picking each leg up one at a time to smoothly pull them off. She reached under again and slowly pulled her lacey knickers off, first one foot, and then the other through the holes and onto the pile. Finally she unzipped the girls skirt and slid it slowly over her hips until is dropped to the floor exposing her dark blonde curls. Hermione caught herself just before she dove at the girl's center having flashbacks to Luna. She stood up and pulled the girl into another hug pressing her breasts against Lavenders and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Welcome Lavender, you have my approval if you and Harry decide you want to stick around after this week." She whispered before sitting back down.

Lavender sat down quickly looking anywhere but at the other girls in the room and spun the bottle. It landed on Ginny who rather than spin it once more simply pointed it at Harry.

"That's cheating you know." Harry said quietly.

"And?" Ginny asked.

"And it isn't fair." He mock complained.

Ginny couldn't help but take the bait even knowing she had been set up. "And who said anything about fair Mister?"

Her use of that particular nickname had the opposite effect as Lavenders pet name for him. The erection which had been throbbing began to ache and his heart rate increased dramatically. "Gods I love you Gin."

Ginny made no comment as she stood him up and kissed him softly. She undid his shirt and pushed it from his shoulders followed by pulling his undershirt over his head, which broke the kiss. She turned to the other two girls who were watching in awe. "I could use some help ladies."

Lavender immediately jumped up and began undoing his trousers before pulling both his trousers and his boxers down to his ankles. As he stepped out of them Hermione wrapped her hand around his manhood. "We missed you Harry."

"God I missed both of you." He said and was unable to hide the emotion in his voice as Hermione kissed him just as Ginny had, though this time his erection was pressed against her stomach.

"You said you wouldn't leave me out." Lavender said quietly.

He pulled away from the brunette and pulled Lavender into a kiss which she immediately took advantage of, reaching between them she placed the head of his cock on her clit and began making circles. He was lost in sensation as Hermione and Ginny both began kissing his shoulders and running their hands up and down both his and Lavenders back. Although it normally took a bit more stimulation to get the girl off she was apparently very worked up by the game and soon came, the girls had to help him catch her as her knees buckled and they lowered her to the floor.

Rather than stand back up the girls pushed him to his knees and Hermione laid on the floor beside Lavender as Ginny dove between her girlfriends legs and began licking and suckling. Harry was all too quick to catch on and lined himself up with her entrance before he slowly pushed his way inside. She was warm and wet and welcoming as always and he began to drive into her in long smooth strokes.

Lavender had not passed out but was merely weak, so she was watching with rapt attention as Harry had sex with another woman in her presence. She was somewhat surprised when Hermione's hand found its way between her legs and began massaging her clit once again. Rather than remark she simply laid back and enjoyed herself, Hermione came beside her just before Ginny did. Harry was still plugging away at the redhead as Lav reached another smaller orgasm than the last. Hermione took that as a sign and moved quickly.

Almost as if it were choreographed Hermione rolled into a kneeling position just as Ginny pulled away from Harry and rolled onto her back. Ginny's hand replaced Hermione's and she was just a bit more forceful than the other girl had been, the blonde gave up once more and simply concentrated on the sensation between her legs. The rougher play was getting her off faster than the softer had.

Harry was disappointed at first when Ginny had pulled away, that is until she was quickly replaced by Hermione. He pushed his way inside her as well before he picked the rhythm back up. Ginny moved once again and Hermione groaned as her mouth became useful only for moaning in pleasure. Ginny had a devilish grin in her eyes as she pulled Lavenders leg to the other side of Hermione who was lost in passion. She quickly dove into the new girl as readily as she had her girlfriend.

"Sweet Morgana!" Lavender exclaimed as it had all happened so fast that she felt the tongue probing her hole and licking her clit before she knew what was happening. Ginny turned around so that she was face to face with Lav although she was on her knees. She raised her leg and put one foot on the other side of the girls head even as she stayed on her other knee. This had the effect of spreading her abused sex open before the girl's eyes as she began playing with herself.

Lavender still didn't know exactly what to do but was caught up in the moment. She reached up and spread the girls lips wide with her fingers and quickly leaned up to have her first taste of another woman. Ginny fell forward on to her hands and knees as the blonde caught on quickly to what she liked and didn't soon driving her over the edge. Hermione returned the favor not long after pushing Lavender over followed by her own orgasm.

It was all too much for Harry to take and he could hold off no longer as he plunged one last time into Hermione and emptied himself inside her. He was swaying back and forth slightly to the beat of his heart and was sweating profusely. Hermione had collapsed forward and was nuzzling the other girl's curls while Lav lightly played with her hair. Ginny had rolled off of the girls face after her orgasm, knowing she might pass out and not wanting to suffocate the poor girl her first time trying it.

"That was….that was intense…" Lavender breathed from the floor.

Harry groaned as his knees gave out and he collapsed to the side. Hermione rolled onto her back where Ginny quickly attacked her to get at the treat that waited between her legs. "Don't you ever run out of energy?" Lavender asked.

Ginny looked up and wiped her lip with a finger before sucking on it. "I can pass out after my surprise is gone." She quickly went back to work.

"Surprise?" Lavender asked sounding more and more confused. Ginny pulled away again and stuck her fingers deep inside Hermione getting quite the moan for her trouble; she then moved over to Lavender and popped her fingers into the girl's mouth.

Lavender gagged at first before settling down into just a cough. "It tastes like Harry, which is good. But what is that other flavor? It makes me a bit ill."

Ginny and Harry were completely confused. "Kind of almond?" Harry asked.

"Yeah that's it…." Hermione was looking rather put out as she sat up and looked between her boyfriend and girlfriend in confusion.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Lav, Harry and I love that combination… I guess I just…"

"It's okay, it probably wasn't the taste or the smell or anything, it was probably the surprise."

Harry pulled Hermione to him and whispered in her ear. "You are still one of my favorite flavors, no matter what she says. Now quit pouting." He then lightly smacked her bare bottom getting a squeak out of her. She nodded and smiled as he let her go and helped Lavender to sit up.

"So, Occlumency anyone?" Harry asked out of the blue.

Ginny and Hermione both slapped him on the shoulder from opposite sides and called in unison, "Prat!"

He smiled even as he rubbed the red spots. Hermione sighed, "Yes, as much fun as this was we were supposed to be working on our Occlumency. Shouldn't Susan be…" She stopped mid sentence and looked apologetically at him.

Lavender sat up straighter and looked at him with her jaw hanging open. "Wait, you mean you and Bones really were… I mean you did this?" She said pointing at each of the girls and herself.

He blushed. "There were extenuating circumstances but yes, I am… was in love with her at the time if you must know. Don't worry about it Hermione, honestly I should ask her if she has been keeping up on it. She knows my secret after all."

"So what is this secret anyway Mister Harry? Don't I get to know yet?"

He looked at her and she met his eye, he sent a quick probe toward her and got a mind full of images of what they had just done as well as the far ranging and racing emotions that went along with it. She was scared, and angry, and jealous, and extremely turned on while still coming down off her peak. He knew he would have to talk to her about that later.

"I'm sorry Lav but you aren't ready yet. Maybe another two weeks and you will have shield in place that can stop a Legilimens."

She was looking very pouty but rather than reply she sat up in her meditative pose and closed her eyes. Whether ignoring him, or trying to make up for lost time so she could find out his secret he did not know. They all settled in and soon the other three were deep in the meditative state, when they came out of it two hours later Lavender was gone.

"Where did she go?" Ginny asked.

Harry sighed. "I don't know if this is going to work with her. I scanned her earlier to test her shields and she was scared, angry, and jealous even if she enjoyed all of it. I guess she needed some time to herself to sort things out."

"If it's meant to be it will be Harry, I'm sorry though." Hermione said kindly.

He shook his head. "Don't be too sorry Mione; I'm not in love with her, at all. I don't know if we just aren't emotionally compatible or what but it has been getting better over the last couple of days."

"So you could love her you just don't yet?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know…" He answered truthfully.

"Does this mean we get you to ourselves tonight?" Ginny asked with a grin.

He smiled right back at her. "I wouldn't have it any other way. If she can't handle it then she doesn't belong with me. I love you both."

The three quickly took showers and went to bed, the next morning they all needed showers again.