Chapter 49: Happy Birthday Hermione

Lavender met them at breakfast that next morning but she barely spoke, choosing only to stay near him at all times. Harry was starting to worry a bit about her but decided to wait for her to make the first move. He thought they had fun together and hoped to repeat the performance but Wednesday night when Harry returned from talking to Flitwick Lavender was nowhere to be seen.

Thursday morning Harry woke up curled around Hermione, who was in turn curled around Ginny in his bed. He began stroking her back lightly making small circles and slowly going lower toward her bum. He then began kneading her thighs and sliding his fingers into the small space just beneath her bottom where he knew her sex was waiting. She either did not wake, or was feigning sleep but he didn't care. He pulled his hand back to his mouth and wet his fingers before returning them to her slit and working his way inside her where he found her extremely wet, she was faking it. He turned his hand and found her spot and felt her jump as he began massaging it.

"Mmmmm." She moaned.

"Good morning beautiful." He removed his hand as she rolled toward him onto her back and returned it between her legs where he began slowly working the rest of her sex.

"What's the special occasion?" She asked without opening her eyes. Her breath was getting shorter as he increased his pace until finally she came silently with her back arching off the bed, he slowly let her back down and removed his hand before kissing her.

"Can't I just wake you up like this?" He said with a smile.

"Oh I'm not complaining, just wondering what brought this on."

Ginny awoke on her other side and repeated Harry's actions as she kissed the girl, Harry leaned down and captured her right nipple with his mouth and began suckling until she came once again.

"Happy Birthday Mione." Ginny said with a smile.

"Oh my! Is it really?" She asked excitedly.

Harry kissed her once more. "September 19 and you are now officially legal" He grinned at her before a thought struck. "Maybe this is why Lavender didn't show last night?"

Hermione exchanged a look with Ginny before looking back to him. "I don't think so Harry. I think we may have freaked her out a bit, you were probably right about it not working with her."

He sighed, "Well that is her decision to make, I didn't hide anything from her."

Ginny sat up and grinned evilly at him, "So you told her about wanking in the shower, in the girl's showers I might add, while Katie and I were washing our hair?"

"Harry! Why didn't I know about this?" Hermione chastised him playfully.

He blushed, "Lavender and I still aren't having sex if you didn't notice. At that point I had only gotten her off, I didn't let her return the favor and the pressure was getting to be too much."

"You had my permission to play with Katie, why didn't you take them up on it?" Hermione asked.

He growled. "Because someone told me I had to behave for the first week."

"Oh… right. But you had sex in that crazy dream thing of yours… which we so need to try by the way."

He nodded, "But that was all in our heads, no physical release."

They both nodded, "Well, sorry I haven't gotten you anything for your birthday Mione." Ginny said quietly.

The girl in question kissed her softly. "I have you two, I don't need gifts."

Harry rolled out of bed and smiled. "That's really too bad then, because I had a surprise planned for you."

She sat up after Ginny got out of bed. "Really?" She asked, sounding like the excited eleven year old she had never been.

"Really, free period before lunch in the library." He said with a smile.

"Oh bother, you're making me wait that long?"

"Come on you two, into the shower."

"It's awfully small in there." Ginny remarked after helping her girlfriend out of bed.

"Lucky we don't mind touching then isn't it?"


A very happy-go-lucky Lavender joined them at breakfast sitting across from Harry as Gin and Mione were on either side of him. Her sudden change in attitude was jarring but she seemed happy enough to chat and flirt with both girls. The flirting threw all three of them for a loop but they had little time to ponder its meaning before heading to their first class. As usual the small group practiced for the first part of Transfiguration and helped out the rest of the class during practical.

Harry worked his way over to Lavender but Hermione had beaten him to it. From this distance he could see Hermione helping to direct the girl's wand arm and if he was not seeing things, Lav grinding her bum into the other girl as she talked over her shoulder with their lips mere inches apart. Hermione was looking both confused and aroused and by the end of class she was extremely worked up. Harry caught Lavender for a moment ten minutes before class was due to let out.

"Lav, I know what you're doing. It is the only way to explain your sudden change in attitude. I didn't teach you Occlumency so you could shut off your jealousy, anger, or fear. If you don't work those out they are going to creep up on you when you least expect it and because they were suppressed you are going to explode."

"I don't know what you are talking about Mister Harry."

"Lav please just listen to me. I suppressed all of my grief for Sirius and my Parents, and I had a major debilitating breakdown with the smallest trigger. I also suppressed all the guilt I was feeling when I was carrying on with Hermione while she was technically still with Ron and that would have hurt if I hadn't burst the bubble before Ron did. Don't do this… I won't continue to see you or teach you if you do."

She just smiled up at him, "I have done no such thing Harry, I just finally got over it alright?"

"Is that an oath?" He offered.

"Sure, now If you will excuse me my new girlfriend looks like she could use some attention." She walked back toward Hermione as he pondered her statement, not certain whether that actually counted as an oath just by saying sure in answer to a question.

The bell rang and as they walked out of class Harry watched Lavender drag Hermione into a broom closet with amusement and trepidation. He really hoped she was telling the truth, but was at least happy to see Perfect Prefect Hermione being bad. He contemplated joining them for a moment before deciding to let them have their fun. It was a free period so he headed back to his room to wait for them. It was his intention to sit everyone down in order to discuss the problem.

Charms was starting for the Fifth year Gryffindors in a few minutes so he stopped off on the fifth floor to wait for Ginny to arrive, he was walking down the Charms corridor when he was once again dragged unceremoniously into a broom closet. "So we meet again?"

In response the girl kissed him passionately as she dropped her robe to the ground and pushed his from his shoulders. "Flitwick is going to kill you if you're late. Shouldn't we leave the clothing on?"

Her response was to nearly rip his shirt off before undoing her tie and throwing it then shrugging her shirt off exposing that she was not wearing a bra in the very little bit of light under the door. He dove for her breasts and began suckling as she was undoing his trousers. He gave up and unzipped her skirt before pulling it down and off and forced her onto her back on top of the pile of clothes. He made to go south toward her sex but she pulled him back up and took his glasses off and tossed them into the corner before pulling him into a kiss and wrapping her legs around him pulling him into her in one swift movement.

"Right, short on time." He said breathily as he began pounding into her. She came silently at least twice that he counted before he spilled himself inside her. She found her wand somehow in the dark and quickly cast a charm to clean both of them up. He got up quickly and moved to the corner. "Go ahead and get dressed first love, you're going to be late as it is."

He turned and began looking for his glasses before feeling them snap beneath his foot again. "Damnit!" He exclaimed as he picked them up. "I need to get better glasses if we keep this up." He said turning toward her. The door opened and closed quickly and he was alone in the dark. He brought out his wand and lit it with a Lumos quickly getting dressed again and finding that he had one more tie than he should. He could just make out the stripes in the magical light which sucked the color from everything.

"Great, now she is late and out of uniform. I hope she doesn't lose too many house points." He remarked before stuffing it into his pocket to give to her later.


He went to the library early to make certain that everything was ready, after Arithmancy Hermione showed up and looked around. "What are we doing in here Harry? The whole place is full of Fifth and Sixth years who have this period free today. We'll never find a table."

Indeed every table appeared to be taken; he simply took her hand and began to walk around searching for a table of their own. "There has to be one around here somewhere… There, an empty table in the corner of the room." He said pointing.

As if out of nowhere she suddenly found the completely empty table in the dark corner of the main area. They headed to the table and sat down; it was noisy no matter how Madame Pince tried to keep the volume down. "Honestly Harry, this place is as packed as I have ever seen it. Are you certain this is the best place for my surprise?"

He just pointed to the table where a very large and dusty tome lay open. She examined it before a sharp intake of breath. "Harry! This is the first edition of Hogwarts: A History!"

"It's yours, there are only three left to be found and one of them is in this library under glass. I figured you could add it to the Granger Library at Number Twelve." She jumped up and kissed him before remembering where she was and looking quickly to make sure that nobody had seen. He stood and pulled her up with him.

"Harry?" She asked.

He just smiled and removed her tie. "Harry what are you doing?"

He began unbuttoning her blouse, "What on earth are you doing! All of these people can see us!" She said grabbing her shirt and holding it closed. He slowly pulled her hands away before continuing.

"You like to be watched don't you Mione?" He whispered in her ear before kissing her deeply. She whimpered into his mouth which he took as license to continue.

Before she knew what was happening her blouse was on the chair beside them. Nobody seemed to notice though as he quickly divested her of her bra as well. "Harry! We can't! Voldemort will find out! Worse we could get expelled!"

"I don't care anymore Hermione. I have to have you right now, and I know you have always wanted it in the Library." He captured her left nipple with his mouth as he unzipped her skirt and pushed both that and her knickers down around her ankles before undoing his trousers and letting them fall.

"In the Stacks Harry! Not in the middle of the study area!"

He pushed her down on top of the nine-hundred-year-old tome and took her from behind. She finally gave up and closed her eyes since there was no way they weren't in trouble already. The feel of the ancient parchment against her breasts and cheeks as well as the smell of the dust and ink helped to drive her quickly toward climax. "Harry, Oh gods… Don't stop. I don't care if we get expelled just don't stop." She came within seconds but he continued to thrust into her as she screamed his name.

Hermione opened her eyes slightly and found Madame Pince approaching them with a stern look on her face and carrying a book from the section behind them, Hermione thought they were done for but at the last second she turned away. Harry increased his pace. "HARRY!!!" She screamed as she came harder than she ever had before. Soon he came inside her and she enjoyed the warm rush of goo against her insides, making her feel perfectly full. She looked up with half lidded eyes to find herself staring back.

"Harry? What may I ask are you doing?" The other Hermione queried.

"I just finished shagging you rotten in the Library… wait what?"

"You have done no such thing! You best remedy the situation right away!"

He pulled out of her and she moaned even as she was confused as she could ever remember being, it was possible that future her would use a time-turner to get here but she knew that present her would never abuse the power that way, and all of the time-turners in Britain had been destroyed in June anyway. The other Hermione quickly removed all of her clothing and walked around the table where she rolled present Hermione over onto her back and dove between her legs to clean her out. Harry plunged himself inside New Hermione and began long smooth strokes.

Present Hermione screamed once more as her second largest orgasm ever took her. Nobody else so much as glanced in their direction and soon the other Hermione came even as Harry continued to plow into her from behind. Finally he came once again after half an hour of the most glorious sex that Present Hermione had ever had and the most mind-blowing orgasms she might ever have.

Harry pulled out of new Hermione and pushed her onto the table and rolled her onto her back. "Hermione, why don't you do yourself a favor and clean yourself up?" He asked.

She was beyond the point of caring any longer how it had happened, she dove between her own/the other girls legs and began licking and sucking out every drop of cum she could even as she pleasured herself exactly how she knew would get her off the fastest and it did. Other Hermione came at least twice before Now Hermione was done. Harry had gotten dressed in the meantime. When Hermione looked up into Her/Other girls face it was no longer her but Ginny looking back at her. "Gin?"

The redhead got up and kissed her quickly before starting to get dressed. A very confused Hermione began getting dressed as well as her brain slowly began to engage once again. She had just finished putting her tie back in place when she turned to Ginny. "Wotcher Nym?"

"Happy Birthday Hermione." Ginny leaned in and kissed her and when she pulled back Tonks stood there in a school uniform. "How'd you figure it out so quickly? I thought we had you pretty much brain dead."

Hermione grinned, "Oh Merlin yes… I had no idea until I began getting dressed again." She turned and pulled Harry into another kiss. "Thank you Harry! This has to be the best and most thoughtful gift ever! Though I suppose that is not actually my copy of Hogwarts: A History." She said glumly.

"Oh no, that is yours Mione. Gin helped me track it down with the help of some of her dad's contacts at the Ministry. And besides, what else am I going to spend my money on?"

She leapt into his arms and rained kisses all over his face before turning back to her new book in awe. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

Harry turned Hermione slightly toward an empty spot in the room. "Ginny is laying naked on a table right there." Hermione blinked and found Ginny masturbating in the middle of the library on top of another table. She came just as she appeared before looking up into her girlfriend's eyes.

"Oh, uh. Hi Mione. Happy Birthday." Hermione wanted to run and kiss her but was afraid to break the charm.

"So this was your project with Flitwick the last two days? You learned how to cast the Fidelus Charm?"

He nodded and grinned, "I actually got the idea from Sirius. He told me a story once about the Marauders putting the Fidelus on all the female bathrooms at the school. They then charged money or sexual favors for admittance. Now I don't know if that ever actually happened or not but the idea was too good not to use."

Hermione walked across the small space between tables and pulled a nude Ginny into a passionate Kiss. "So was the show as good from here as it was from there?"

"Oh gods Mione you have no idea? Watching you go down on yourself? Watching you go down another woman who looked exactly like me? I came before I ever touched myself!"

They both smiled as Ginny began getting dressed and Harry joined them at the other table where they sat down. "I would also like to show you what I picked up from some light reading after talking to Flitwick. What do you see behind me?"

Hermione and Tonks looked at him a little funny but the brunette answered. "A table in the corner. Why?"

"What table?" Harry asked.

Hermione looked again and sure enough she could see no trace of the table in the corner and her eyes tried to slide away from where she knew one had existed before. "But there was just… I mean… what were we talking about?"

"The table in the corner behind me?" Harry asked and suddenly it was there again.

"You figured out how to revoke the knowledge? I thought it took most of Dumbledore's strength to do that?"

He nodded, "It did, but remember I have Super-Magic and he was injured by a curse, and this is two small tables not an entire magically enlarged house."

"This really is amazing Harry, but I suppose you should remove the charm…"

"Done." He said without moving and people seemed to look at them funny as if they had just appeared out of nowhere.

"What about the other one?" Hermione asked.

He shook his head, "No I think we will keep that one for now. It is your own reserved table in the Library. Happy Birthday Sweetheart." She kissed him again as the bell rang.

"Time for lunch, shall we ladies?" He asked as he stood up and offered an arm to both Hermione and Nym.

"I need to get back to patrol Harry; I'll catch lunch later or get Dobby to bring me a snack. Later guys!" She said as she left them.

"Gin?" He offered her his elbow, which she took readily. They strolled back downstairs to the Great Hall and sat grinning at each other before Lavender joined them.

"How did you like your surprise Mione? And what was it, Harry refused to tell me."

"A first edition copy of Hogwarts: A History!"

Lavender seemed to go blank for a moment, "Is that it?"

Hermione leaned across the table and began whispering in the girl's ear. Lavender was smiling at first but soon her face went blank. As the brunette continued her confession the girls face broke through jealousy and contorted into anger. Hermione could not see this and so continued to describe exactly what had happened. She had finally had enough and stood up.

"You won't fuck me when I want you to, but you surprise her with the most romantic birthday present ever shagging two of them in the process? What the hell is going on Harry! I… I can't do this!" She shouted at him.

He stood up, "Lavender please?"

She turned on him, "I gave myself to you Harry, I know we were making love not just shagging. Why can't you see that I love you? Why don't you love me?"

"I told you Lav, I was not ready and you weren't either. That's why!" He whispered, trying to keep the details of the argument from prying ears.

"What are you a pouf? How could you refuse this?" She asked indicating her body. "Nobody tells me no, and then you cheat on me? I just… I can't… we're through!" She stormed out of the Great Hall with the eyes of the early arrivals watching her depart.

Harry groaned and sat down dropping his head to the table with a satisfying THWACK! "At least only a third of the school saw that." He said quietly.

"Yes but she is the biggest gossip in the school, everyone will know Harry!" Hermione said sounding scared.

Ginny shook her head as she pulled the other girl into a hug. "No Mione I don't think so. She gossips about other people, this is her problem and the only other person she might say anything to is Parvati."

"But all these people!"

Harry looked around the hall quickly. There were no Professors present yet and no Slytherins either. There were a few younger Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs and only Luna at the Ravenclaw table smiling her dreamy smile as she waved at him. He waved back before turning to the brunette. "Mione I don't think we have a problem as long as she keeps quiet. But honestly, can we just be done with this now? It didn't work out okay?"

Even through her embarrassment Hermione remained resolute. "You have to know Harry; if there is even one other girl that you can fall in love with it will strengthen you further. That might mean the difference between defeating Voldemort and…." She couldn't finish.

"And being finished by him… alright but I'm telling you right now I don't think there is anyone else at the school that I can fall for. I also somehow doubt that Parvati or Padma will have anything to do with me once Lavender spills her guts."

"Not Cho?" Ginny asked.

"Oh… uh…" Harry was caught off guard having forgotten all about the Asian bombshell.

"Or Daphne Greengrass?" Hermione asked him.

"How many times to I have to tell you we are just friends, less than really, I mean I am her protector, that's all."

Hermione exchanged a look with Ginny. "I suppose the chemistry is hard to see from the inside, but you have it bad Harry."

He shook his head still adamantly opposed to the idea. "Whatever, in any case if you wish for me to continue trying to get into everyone's knickers I guess I can do it just to make you happy."

They both smiled at him as the food appeared on the tables and the staff began trickling in. "So who was next on the list?" Ginny asked.

"I am not dating anyone else this week, I am sticking with you two until Monday with maybe a visit to Beauxbatons over the weekend." He stated firmly.

They sighed in unison but did not press the point. As they were eating Harry noticed that Pansy had joined the Slytherin table at some point and could not resist sending her the daily dose. He waited only a few seconds before catching her eye and winking at her, enjoying the way she squirmed in her seat. He then went back to eating.

"Oh by the way Gin, I broke my glasses in the broom closet again thanks to you."

"What on earth were you doing in a broom closet? And how is it my fault you broke your glasses?" Ginny asked.

"Sure, you just want to keep playing the silent game. You keep throwing my glasses off in the dark for some reason and I end up stepping on them. That has to be some of the hottest sex we ever had though." He whispered.

She turned accusing eyes on him. "Harry, I have never pulled you into a broom closet. What in the world are you talking about?"

"I have proof silly girl, you left your tie behind earlier." Ginny crossed her arms and waited patiently, Hermione looked on in amusement.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the tie before laying it on the table before the three of them gasped in astonishment at the evidence lying in front of them.

Silver and Green Stripes.