Chapter 50: Well crap…

"Gin tell me this is a prank please?" Harry begged the redhead.

"Why do you have a Slytherin tie in your pocket? I hope it's you that's pulling a prank!" Ginny said quietly.

He quickly pulled it off the table and stuffed it back in his pocket even as he began scanning the Slytherin table for leads. Pansy looked up expectantly but seemed rather put out when he didn't so much as pause on seeing her. "Harry? Harry!" Ginny called, finally snapping his attention back to the Gryffindor Table.

"What?" He asked a bit harshly.

"How could you mistake me for another girl?" She asked looking just a bit hurt.

He suddenly came to the exact same realization and grabbed her hand. "My room, now!"

"But lunch?" Hermione asked, for some reason she was smiling through all of it.

"We can have Dobby bring us lunch, now come on I am not discussing this in gossip central!"

They quickly left the hall and headed upstairs, Bernie took one look at his face and opened right up for them. Once they were inside Harry slammed the portrait shut getting a cry from the Satyr for his actions.

"Are you going to explain to me how you mistook a Slytherin for me?" Ginny asked.

"I'm sorry Gin; honestly I assumed it was you since I was in the charms corridor and after the first time you kept blushing when you looked at me."

She blushed to prove his point, "It was the first day we were allowed to play… I was randy!"

"Wait, so you did pull him into a broom closet?" Hermione asked giddily.

Ginny nodded, "Once, on that first day, I was just trying to pull a prank earlier when I said I hadn't. Sorry about your glasses Harry but I was late for class already."

"It happened so fast, I was dragged into the broom closet, my glasses were taken off, and we shagged and she disappeared all in the space of a few minutes. I didn't take the time to catalog her features ."

He noted the look of amusement on Hermione's face.

"What may I ask is so amusing?"

She shook her head, "Sorry but honestly Harry, I think you can narrow it down to two suspects. Either Daphne had enough of the flirting or Pansy isn't satisfied with just a look any longer. Either way I am not certain I see the problem."

The redhead looked upset with her girlfriend for all of about ten seconds while she formulated a response. Suddenly her face changed from hurt to horny. "Gin I don't like that look." Harry stated.

"I'm still upset that you could mistake one of them for me… but the thought of one of them dragging you into a broom closet, never seeing her face… Well don't you find it just the teeniest bit erotic?"

He made as if to argue when the memory of saying exactly that to the mystery girl made him blush. "That isn't the point at all. I was violated!"

Hermione hugged him, "I am so sorry Harry, I hadn't thought of it that way. Do you want to take this to McGonagall or Dumbledore?"

He shook his head, "No… you were right that I brought this on myself, and I never said I was violated in a bad way. I just don't know how to handle this."

"Look Harry, for the umpteenth time you have to realize that not only are we okay with you seeing other girls we like it. If you enjoyed yourself then let the mystery woman stay a mystery if you want to. Just tell me about it afterward while you are shagging my brains out!" Ginny said.

Hermione held up a finger, "Actually, first you need to go see Madame Pomfrey. While it is true that magic seems to protect us from Muggle illness, I do not know if that applies to sexually transmitted diseases."

Harry went white at the thought of what she was asking him to do. "You want me to discuss my sex life with Pomfrey?"

"We Harry, we have been intimate since this interlude happened. All three of us need to talk to her."

It was Ginny's turn to blanch, "Mione…" She whined. But the older witch held her ground.

"Fine, now is as good a time as any I suppose. I didn't see her at lunch yet but if she isn't there we can always catch her later. You know I am going to die of embarrassment right?"

Hermione giggled at the puppy dog face he was making, "I can do the talking if you wish Harry, but then, didn't Nym say something about asking her for independent study?"

He sighed as he remembered, "Alright fine. I guess that is as good a cover story as any to speak with her in private. Let's head back to lunch and then I can stop in on her. If I did not pick up a bug then you know you two are safe, might as well spare you both the humiliation if I can."

Ginny leapt into his arms and kissed him soundly. "My Hero!"


Harry entered the Hospital wing after Herbology hoping that the matron was not to be found. Alas luck was not with him as she came out of her office upon hearing the doors open. "Lord Black, don't tell me you are here voluntarily?"

Before entering he had shut down most of his emotional responses to lessen the embarrassment factor as much as possible. Therefore he surprised even himself with his cool demeanor. "Madame Pomfrey, you have seen me in the altogether, I think you are allowed to call me Harry or Mr. Potter as you see fit."

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Very well Harry, then you must call me Poppy. You are of age and I am not technically a professor."

He smiled. "Actually that's why I'm here, well one of two reasons actually. I wanted to see if you would be willing to give battlefield and more advanced medical instruction to me this year? I can pay of course."

She was momentarily stunned but soon recovered. "I have not had anyone interested in the medical field in years; however I am willing to wager you do not intend to become a healer?" He shook his head. "I see, I must say I am not entirely surprised Mr. Potter as many times as you have ended up in one of my beds."

"I need to be able to take care of myself yes, but I also need to be able to take care of my friends if something happens…"

"Something like last June you mean? I have not seen Miss Granger lately, how is her scar healing?"

He didn't think before he answered. "Oh it is almost entirely invisible except upon close inspection. I had almost forgotten it was there, I just accept it as a part of her now…" She was wearing a large smile as he realized what he had revealed.

"As I thought; you two hide it well but I always expected you to end up with either Hermione or Ginevra."

"Don't let her hear you call her that." He said with amusement.

"Both then?" She asked with surprise. He promptly blushed despite his emotional blocks. "My but you are a lively one Harry."

He sighed, "That was the other reason I was here… I need to know if… um…"

"You need to know about Infertility Charms? I'm certain I can still remember how to perform them."

"No! I mean thank you but I already took care of that…"

She nodded, "I expect you would have, you have always been a fine young man. So what exactly is your problem?"

He looked around even though he knew they were alone for the time being. "I need to know if there are diseases that are transmitted… uh…"

"Sexually?" He blushed again and was rather ticked off at himself for letting his control slip. She simply smiled. "Yes Mr. Potter, there are some magical maladies that can be transmitted through sexual contact, however I doubt that you have any of them as they are rather painful and rather obvious, such as Elephantitus Testicuos he winced as that part of his brain which interpreted Latin automatically gave him the possible English translation.

"Is there a spell or something for detection?"

She shook her head, "No Harry, it is just a potion, and you can take it as a preventative rather than a cure if you wish. Shall I get you a vial?"

"Um… may I have three?" He asked quietly.

She closed her eyes and took a breath through her nose as if she was trying to remain calm. "You may have three if you have reason to believe that all three of you have been exposed… However I must caution you," She stopped herself short and took another breath.

"I know you do not have any reliable parental figures to talk to you about such things, but honestly Harry isn't two girls enough? Have you been dipping into another honey pot? What with your celebrity status I suppose I should have foreseen this and that old coot would not have seen fit to speak with you about it that is if he even knows how to use his willy any longer…"

She suddenly looked up from her tirade to find a stunned but smiling Harry looking back at her. "Um, forgive me Lord Black, I did not mean to suggest, that is I did not even ask if it might have been one of the girls…"

"That is quite enough Madame; I can assure you it was not one of them that strayed… I was… assaulted for lack of a better term."

"Oh my! I am so sorry milord to have implied that you might… I mean…"

"What is this milord stuff, I thought we already established that I was just Mr. Potter or Harry to you Madame."

She recovered her equilibrium somewhat and composed herself. "What is this Madame stuff? I thought I told you to call me Poppy. I do not know what you are going through Harry but I think I should remind you that I am under a Healer's Oath not to reveal anything related to my patients care. Are you certain you do not wish to discuss your assault?"

He closed his eyes and took a few breaths as he sorted things out in his head, "I am currently in love with three women, although one of them is in France at the moment. However certain… things….have come to light which lead me to believe that the more love I am able to find the more likely I am to survive this war."

"That thrice-be-blasted prophecy I take it?" She asked.

He looked back at her rather surprised, "Yes actually… may I ask how you know about that?"

"Patient confidentiality Harry, but I think you can surmise who told me and what his conclusions might have been. I do not think I understand fully though."

He took another breath to steady himself. "I am dating Hermione and Ginny as well as Gabrielle Delacour. However those three believe I should carry on relationships with a list of potentials that may or may not become another love. So far it hasn't worked out all that great."

"And one of these girls assaulted you?" Poppy asked in confusion.

He shook his head, "Not quite, I was pulled into a broom closet on two occasions, most likely by the same girl though I cannot be certain. I mistook her for Ginny and proceeded to… er… well…."

She nodded having finally seen the light. "Very well Harry," She walked into her office and opened a cabinet before removing three vials of a blue liquid. "Three doses of the preventative just in case. I would ask that you send the girls to me for a check-up as Miss Weasley seems only barely of age to be sexually active and I do not know the status of Miss Granger. There are female things that should be looked after in any case and far too few of the girls in this castle seek my services. As for the private lessons we can meet on Tuesday and Wednesday between Lunch and Dinner. Please let anyone else know they are welcome to attend as well and I am not worried about any compensation,"

He just stared at her for a moment before she answered his unasked question. "Why do the young always believe they invented sex? I assure you Harry that although there are those in our society who would not approve, I refuse to judge you as long as you are safe and responsible."

"Um… thank you… for everything I mean,"

"I am overjoyed to share my craft with willing young people Harry; we need as many healers as possible even if they don't have the proper Potions training. Please remember if you need an adult to talk to that my oath will keep me from revealing your secrets without your permission. Now off with you unless you fancy a bed? I believe your usual accommodations are still available." His eyes went wide and he shook his head, wanting to avoid being a patient for as long as possible.

She shooed him out of the Hospital Wing and down the hallway before closing the doors, leaving a bewildered Harry standing there with his mouth hanging open. That had been nowhere near as painful as he thought it would be and he had somehow gotten her to allow anyone he could convince admittance to the classes without tuition. He had nothing else to do until Dinner and so headed back to his room to think, Bernie was busy as always, and as always seemed to recognize his approach and open the door without pausing in his current activity. He noticed more than two sets of legs sticking out from behind the bush and silently applauded the little man.

Once in his common room however he was lost as for what to do. "Dobby?" He called.

Dobby popped in and bowed low, "I can helps you Mr. Harry?"

"Can you bring me something random from the Library at Number Twelve?" The elf popped away and was gone a few minutes, when he popped back Harry reached out and caught his hand before he could pop away again.

"You is wanting something else Mr. Harry sir?" He asked.

Harry shook his head and sat down on the floor so that he was at eye level. "No Dobby, you just pop in and out of here so quickly lately I hardly get to see you. How is everything?"

Dobby looked around in confusion as he too sat cross legged on the floor, though nervously. "Well me and Winky is keeping the house all clean for you's sir. We is also taking turns in Hogwarts kitchens though other elfs is not liking us all that much. But serving the great Harry Potter is the bestest Dobby ever hoped for!"

"Why don't the other house elves like you?"

"They is saying we is bad elfs because we is not telling you's…" His eyes bugged out and he closed his mouth quickly, "I mean they is not liking us because we is not properly bonded elfs sir. That's all, if you has nothing else Dobby will be going now.." He stood as if to leave but once again Harry caught his arm.

"Dobby, what aren't you two telling me?"

He began wringing his hands and looking at the nearest wall longingly. "Well… that is to say it is not easy to tell."

"You will not be punished, and you are not to punish yourself Dobby, but you have to stop hiding things from me."

Dobby took a deep breath, "We's not be working for you, we is bonded to you!" He burst out, he held up his hands as if expecting a smack on the backs. When Harry said nothing Dobby looked around his hands nervously. "Do you want Dobby to sit on the hot stove?"

Harry shook his head, "I had suspected this for a while now, can you please tell me why you bound yourselves to me against my will?"

Now that the threat of punishment seemed well and truly past Dobby sat back down. "We is needing the bond to survive Master Harry sir. Winky is being wasting away at Hogwarts since she loses her family, only you's taking her on and allowing her to bond herself to a new family is keeping her from dying."

That did surprise him but rather than think more on it he continued the line of questioning. "Why didn't you waste away then?"

"Oh I is feeling very ill for a few minutes after Bad Master is giving me clothes. But when I see Harry Potter is in trouble I am having to protect him! I binded myself to you's to protect you."

Harry sighed as it all fell into place; Hermione was going to kill him. "Dobby, no more secrets okay? And what have I told you about calling me Master?"

The elf stood quickly and nodded his head over and over, "Thanks you Mister Harry Sir, I'll be going now." With that he popped away.

Harry sighed and got back up onto the couch where he picked up the book Dobby had brought him. Magik Most Dark "Interesting choice Dobby…" He mused aloud before setting it back on the couch. There was a polite cough from the other side of the room and he looked up in confusion.

"Pardon me Harry, but I couldn't help but notice your reading choice."

He stood and approached the painting, "Ah hello again Wenny, I apologize for not being a better host."

"Not at all Harry, I have quite enjoyed the show as have Bernie and his partners."

Harry blushed, "Yes, well apparently we taught them a thing or two, which must be nice after doing the same thing over and over for a century or so."

"Indeed, back to the subject may I offer you some advice?"

He looked surprised for a moment but nodded. "In the early days of this school they taught not only the light arts but also the dark. The main reason a spell is Dark is because of its potential for evil not necessarily its everyday use. Salazar was quite the Dark Arts Professor in his day as well as Potions, it is no wonder that he and Godric got at each other on occasion as he was the Defense Professor as well as Charms, but I digress. My advice is to study the Dark Arts Harry; you must know what your opponents are capable of if you are to defeat them. You may also find that some of the Darker Arts are very useful."

He was stunned to say the least. "Just how long have you been in that frame milady?"

"Nine hundred years give or take I suppose. Honestly one loses count after a few centuries, but you are avoiding the topic."

He nodded, "I have to say I'm surprised to hear of Hogwarts teaching Dark Arts, let alone that Slytherin was the Professor. I wonder if it's possible that part of the decline of the Dark Arts teachings is due to his legacy."

"Entirely possible milord, now have you thought upon my suggestion?"

He held up the book he had carried over with him and examined it for a moment. "I suppose it can't hurt to know more about what they know. Thank you Wenny."

"Any time milord, might I ask what has become of Miss Lovegood? We held quite the conversations even if they were hard to follow at points."

"She should be around again soon, my social life is a bit topsy-turvy at the moment and she took a step back."

She nodded and went still which he took as his cue to return to the couch and crack open the book.


"Honestly Harry I cannot believe I found you reading that… that..Abomination!"

Dinner was going well except for the fact that Hermione was still going on about his light reading. "For the third time, you do realize that the abomination you speak of came from your library?"

As happened each time he brought that up it distracted her for a few moments that she owned an entire library, and though he did not know it, reminded her of her birthday surprise. "That is beside the point. If you had a genuine need to research something I could understand but you said you were bored!"

He sighed, and sat back from his plate for a moment to look around. Down the table Lavender was flirting obnoxiously with Ron and Seamus making certain to catch his eye at intervals so he would know what he was missing or some other nonsense. He found it liberating and a bit sad that he felt nothing at all except sadness at how abruptly it had ended. He was genuinely coming to like her romantically but she simply could not handle his lifestyle choice. He turned his attention back to an expectant looking Hermione.

"Look Mione, how do Fire Fighters learn to do their job?"

She looked a bit puzzled. "I don't understand."

"By setting fires. They have to study how fire spreads, what is most combustible, know how to find hot spots after they put the fire out to keep from having it start up again or injure one of their people."

He looked at her with that same expectant face she used and waited. After a few long moments she nodded her head. "So you are studying Dark Arts so you are better prepared to fight them, I can understand that. But when I found you, well you just look so enraptured by that book!"

"It is very interesting reading Hermione, its not so dry as our text books or even Occlumency for the Occluded, the way it describes magic is like a living breathing thing with its own back story. Even without using the spells and rituals in the book I am already thinking of magic in completely new ways."

"Great, more new ways to think about magic. Now we will never catch him." Ginny pouted playfully.

"This is serious Gin; I do not want any more excuses for the Prophet or the Ministry to be proven correct." The brunette chastised.

Harry perked up somewhat at that. "Proven correct about what?"

Ginny sighed, "Same old drivel by Skeeter about you going dark along with Dumbledore. The things that woman has been writing lately are just outrageous enough that they might be true. Especially after what Luna said."

He looked confused for a moment as he scanned his Luna memories for Dumbledore references. "About Dumbledore and Grindelwald?"

Ginny nodded, "Apparently they might have been childhood friends or some such drivel. Now don't you start giving the Prophet or Skeeter any credit Harry. We read it so you don't have to, not because it actually tells the truth."

Hermione chimed in, "If you ask me she is trying to drum up interest for a book, other journalists have done the same thing in the past. Writing teaser articles and then releasing the same information in book form. Tacky if you ask me."

They had gotten totally off topic but he decided to let the topic die if possible. The truth was that the teachings in Magic Most Dark fell more in line with the way his magic worked than the textbooks at school did and he could not get enough of reading them. He was actually nearly finished with this volume and discovered that it was part of a set which Dobby informed him existed in its entirety in the Granger-Black library. He decided that he would just have to keep his new hobby from his girlfriends for the time being rather than cause pointless arguments. It actually offered him a chance to share his other news finally.

"I spoke with Poppy earlier."

"Poppy?" Ginny asked with an arched eyebrow.

He smiled, "Yes Gin, Poppy is not a Professor and I am an adult. In any case there are magical maladies that are transmitted by 'Er' but they are extremely noticeable and we would know if we had picked something up. That being said, she gave me these." He handed two of the vials across the table, which the girls took.

"If we don't have anything wrong with us why do we have to take a potion?" Ginny asked with a sour look.

"She said it can be taken as a preventative instead of as a cure. I imagine it's like a vaccine." The redhead looked at him in confusion before turning puppy dog eyes on her girlfriend.

"Honestly Gin," Hermione was always exasperated by Wizards disdain for science. "Vaccinations are dead samples of Muggle illnesses that are given as a shot. The idea is to give the body a chance to fight the weaker version so that if you get the real thing later it already knows how to fight it."

"Why would you want to inject yourself with something that was dead?" Ginny asked in disgust.

Harry had to interject at this point. "Why would you want to drink something like boomslang skin?" The girl scrunched up her nose at the idea but nodded as she understood his point.

He uncorked his vial and held it up in salute; the other two did the same though with much less enthusiasm. "Bottoms up." He said just before downing the contents.

The other two followed suit and got matching surprised looks on their faces. Harry was staring at his empty vial. "Peppermint?"

Hermione nodded, "Tastes like… why… I mean I know why but….making potions taste awful just so people will not get addicted is madness if they can taste like that!"

He smiled, "I think that may have been a peace offering, she told me you two needed to go see her for female things "

Hermione paled but Ginny just looked confused, once again she turned puppy eyes on her girlfriend. The brunette took a breath. "In the Muggle world there are doctors, that is the equivalent of a healer, who specialize in female anatomy. Specifically Obstetrics and Gynecology, I am guessing that there is a magical version."

Harry nodded though he was trying hard not to think about it. "She said most of the girls in the castle do not see her for regular appointments but that you two should. She also mentioned that Tuesdays and Wednesdays between lunch and dinner would be perfect for extracurricular classes."

That caught Hermione's attention. "All of the sixth years should be able to take that course then, The Seventh years should be able to take most of the classes and if she were willing all of the First and Second years!"

"And what about us measly little Fifth Years?" Ginny asked with a pout.

"First of all it is your OWL year are you sure you want another class? Second, I am certain we can arrange for private tutelage." He wiggled his eyebrows at her getting a smile.

"Right, because we all know how well that turns out… for the studying I mean." Hermione quickly added as the other two were just about to make a crude comment.

He shrugged, "In any case, she did say anyone, but for now I think we should stick to Sixth and Seventh years. Though it might be handy to have thirty or so mini-medics running around in a battle…

"Harry! Don't even talk about having those children running around during a fight!"

"What would we have done in first year if the school were attacked Mione?" That made her go quiet as she thought back to actually being that age.

"So are you heading to France this weekend Harry?" Ginny asked him with a sly smile.

"Absolutely, I plan to head up there for Dinner once again on Sunday after the DA meeting." He said with an equally sly smile.


Saturday had been especially brutal at Quidditch Practice as Ron had the beaters concentrate all of their attention on the Seeker. He had called it a Drill but Harry had to wonder if it was personal; he was not knocked off of his broom but had been hit enough times that he had to beg off of shower time with Gin and Katie afterward. He was still sore by the time his session with Dumbledore came around.

"So Harry have you gotten that memory from Professor Slughorn yet?"

Harry resisted the urge to growl, "Have you thought about how to defeat him if you are unable to find all of his Horcruxes? Honestly that plan doesn't sit right with me."

The old man sighed and sat back in his chair as he sucked on a lemon drop. "My boy I have tried to think of ways to defeat him for twenty years now. This new evidence makes that seem more a dream than ever, however I hold firm that this is our best chance at removing him from this world."

"Seven then."

"I'm sorry?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"Seven is the most magically powerful number corrrect? That just seems to mesh well with Tom's modus opperandi; he would be vain enough to try it as well."

Dumbledore looked stunned, "That does make some sense, which leaves us with at least three unknown Horcruxes. The diary, Gaunt's Ring, Hufflepuffs cup, Slytherin's locket and three others…"

"Two others."

Dumbledore looked rather alarmed at the knowledge Harry seemed to possess. "Just what led you to that conclusion?" He asked suspiciously.

"Pure logic this time, if he split his soul seven times, that would mean there are sixth Horcruxes with the seventh piece residing within that body."

Dumbledore had the look of someone thinking quickly, his eyes were darting back and forth as things fell into place. "That makes since, from a certain point of view, however he may well have created seven meaning his soul now resides in seven pieces, but surely he knows by now that his Diary has been destroyed… he couldn't have though… no soul could stand to be split so many…"

"Sir?" Harry asked politely.

Dumbledore's eyes locked onto Harry's as if he were about to use Legilimency, however Harry just smiled and the old man backed off quickly. "Harry, what have you been researching that would lead you to these conclusions? This is most certainly not how I would expect you to think."

Harry sat back in his chair in a relaxed pose. "I have been reading from the Granger-Black Library Headmaster."

"Harry I must insist that you cease exploring the Dark Arts, they are too tempting."

Harry stood up and begun pacing around the room. "Tom has fifty plus years of Dark Arts knowledge on top of his Hogwarts Education, I need to know what he knows in order to anticipate him. You have said almost the same thing in the past weeks. Know thy enemy and all that. How am I expected to live past an altercation with him if I do not know how what counter spells I need, what types of strategy he might employ?"

Dumbledore's face fell just slightly and Harry caught his breath. "You knew didn't you? All along you guessed that the best I would be able to do is to take him with me! Gave me a childhood that mimicked his own; pushing me in the right direction to figure out your little puzzles. All so you could mold me into the perfect weapon, willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good?"

"Harry please, I never…"

"You never what, checked up on me at the Dursleys to make certain I was being cared for? You never checked into Sirius' trial, or lack thereof to see if he might be innocent? There are many things you never did Headmaster."

"Harry I care too much for you to do that…"

He shook his head as he continued to pace, "You said the same thing last year. That you cared for me too much to tell me of my destiny! That might be true since I destroyed that Basilisk but before then you did not care for Harry Potter the person. You cared only for Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, and your weapon in the event that Voldemort should return. Do not lecture me about darkness old man; your soul is stained darker than mine."

Dumbledore was shocked into submission, merely sitting stiffly behind his desk. From the corner of the room came a cry of Phoenix song that calmed the atmosphere in the room down enough for Harry to think straight. He walked over to the perch rather than face the man he had just dressed down.

"Sorry Fawkes, I really didn't mean to hurt him but the truth had to come out." He said as he reached out and scratched the back of the bird's neck.

I am sorry he has done you wrong young speaker.

"How can you stay with him if you're a creature of the light?"

Fawkes seemed to sag a bit in an avian version of a sigh, He was great once, and though the darkness that you spoke of does exist, his spirit still remains in the light. I do fear that he is doing more harm than good even with the best of intentions.

"I'll say…" Harry took a deep breath and turned back toward the man in question who had recovered and was listening to his conversation in awe and anticipation.

"I am going to continue studying the Dark Arts Headmaster. If you really want to keep me on the proper path perhaps you should teach me what you know, and show me how to use the Dark for good purpose. I know it can be done."

Dumbledore sighed in defeat, "Very well Harry as you wish… However despite your revelations from earlier I would still prefer you get the corroborating evidence from our Potions Professor."

"Of course you would."

And so they began Harry's true education in the Dark Arts, A thoroughly tired and beat down Harry returned to his Suite at midnight to find Mione and Gin waiting in his bed. They cuddled close and held him softly as the three of them drifted once more off to sleep.


Sunday he walked into the Great Hall to find all of the students assembled once more. He reviewed the list of names from the contract they had signed the week before and quickly compared it to the faces he could see in the crowd. He called them to attention and called off the roll before having each of them head to one side of the room. "Anyone who I did not call has not yet signed the contract, this is your chance to do so now, we are going to get started in twenty minutes, you have until then to decide to sign. I hope that none of you came today hoping I had changed my mind because I haven't."

That said he got down off the table and went to his Leaders group to chat. "Do you have any questions?" He asked.

They all shook their heads except for Padma who pulled him aside. "Listen Harry, I do not know what you did to Lavender, or if I care. But she is spreading things about you that are hard to believe. Parv doesn't know what to think, I mean, it is her best friend."

He sighed and glanced toward the group that contained Lavender and Ron who appeared to be flirting even if Ron had a fourth year Hufflepuff hanging from his arm. Parvati was standing next to the girl giggling at the conversation but he could read the slight bit of confusion in her face. "Look Padma… I am in love with Hermione and Ginny as well as another. I explained to Lavender that I would not be leaving them for her no matter what and she assured me that she could handle that. She was still a virgin when she left me even if we did get creative, and I refused her many times because I was afraid she was becoming too emotionally involved too quickly. She proved me right when she found out I had given Hermione a birthday gift . You can do what you want with the information but you can also spread that I will not be leaving these three women so the rest of the girls in line including yourself, need to think long and hard about dating me." He had gotten himself a bit worked up and could see the slight fear in the girls eyes, to make up for scaring her he sent her a tiny bit of joy-juice and watched her eyes roll back in her head just a bit.

"What was that?" She asked just a bit out of breath.

"Happy thoughts, I thought I should make up for scaring you. I didn't mean to get so over excited."

She sighed, "Harry if what you say is true then she is spreading lies, gossip is one thing but she is being venomous!"

She shrugged. "Honestly? I have spent the better part of every year at this school being shunned by the student body for one reason or another. I'm not worried about it."

The girl nodded and walked away toward her sisters group. Harry took a moment to scan the room and everything seemed in order, however out of the corner of his eye he noticed Snape grasp his left forearm in pain though it was very quick before he schooled his features. Harry walked over to the corner. "Professor?"

"Lord Black." Snape said through his teeth.

"Would you like to tell me something? I noticed that shooting pain in your arm; you know that is a sign of a heart attack right?"

"I have nothing to tell you boy, now get back to your little club." Snape spat at him.

Harry wandered away but it kept bugging him, obviously Voldemort had called him, and obviously he was not running to greet his other master. That could mean one of two things; either he was called specifically and the Cruciatus was preferable to leaving Harry alone to teach his club, or there was a gathering happening and he was not required to attend either by exception or by excuse of having to remain at the school. He brought his attention back to the parchment and counted the names quickly before counting the heads in the room for comparison.

"Everything seems to be in order so we can begin. Today we will be working alternately on the stunning spell Stupefy and the shield spell Protego ; partner off and one shield while the other casts. If by unfortunate accident your partner is stunned you can seek help from your group leader to wake them up. The Leaders will demonstrate the wand movements and incantations. Begin!"

He jumped down off the table and weaved between the spell fire making comments and helping to correct deficiencies. All the while making notes about which of the students appeared to be advanced compared to their age group. He made his way toward Snape once more to try and draw whatever it was out of the man. "You know Snivellus, if you really are on the side of light, I would think you would want to share what is going on with the Dark Tosser."

Snape nearly met his eye but controlled himself. "You would do well not to speak so lightly of the Dark Lord, and that will be twenty-five points from Gryffindor for disrespecting a teacher."

"The Dork Lard can come get me if it bothers him that much. I am done taking his crap as well as yours; you know if you won't tell me what is going on now, then why don't you tell me about that unbreakable vow?" Snape looked up sharply in surprise and met his eye for a fraction of a second, long enough for Harry to pull his surface thoughts…

Bellatrix Lestrange weaving the spell over his hand clasped with Narcissa Black.

A three story manor house with two wings, which looked like a small castle, young people in light blue uniforms bustling back and forth across the courtyard.

He sucked in a sudden breath as he recognized the place. "Snape what is going on at Beauxbatons?"

Again Snape was surprised and met his eye but Harry pushed away the urge to read him once more as he already felt dirty. Instead he pinned him with his gaze and released just a bit of pain. "I… the Dark Lord calls, there is to be an attack at Beauxbatons immediately." Harry made to turn away but the man seized his arm. "There is nothing we can do Potter…"

"LIKE HELL THERE ISN'T!" Harry shouted as he pushed the man into the corner, catching the attention of most of the others in the room. He had released both wands and was running for the doors before he decided that he was just too slow, instead he quickly brought to mind the image of the gates of Beauxbatons. Forgetting that there were anti-Apparation wards in place he stepped and was gone without a sound. An entire room of students was left staring at the empty space and muttering amongst themselves, except for Luna who had a tear running down her cheek.

"Harry?" Ginny asked the empty air.