Chapter 48: Time to Say Goodbye

Winterfell 294 AC. (chapter takes place over around a month in total).


The wedding had been incredible and the last week or so even more so, they had said their goodbyes to some of the northernmost lords, the Glovers leaving with a new trade deal much to their delight. The Umbers's had practically been chased out of the yard by Ghost which had been a sight to see, it was Smalljon's own fault, he dared to make light of the fact that Ghost hadn't come near him while he was there. That was practically an invite to the white wolf and Ghost did not disappoint.

" I don't know what you did with him Jon, but it made for a better visit did it not father?"

" Aye son, that it did. Why are you smiling Jon, Jon, he's fucking behind me isn't he." The Greatjon said.

" I wouldn't move if I were you my lord." Jon said smirking As Ghost's large head came up between both men's arms before moving away as quiet as ever.

" I tell you, that damn wolf's not right." the Smalljon said as he climbed on his horse.

" I hope to see you again soon, Jon, Ned always a pleasure." The Greatjon said as he rode off.

They had at least had the courtesy to wait until the Umbers had left the courtyard before laughing, all of them except Jojen who looked forlornly at where Lyarra had been waving at him not so long before. With the Umbers, Glovers and other northern lords gone, it had left only those who would join their own party when they left in a week or two, it had made the dinners more intimate, even with some lords present.

For now though Jon had other things on his mind as he headed to his uncle's solar not that he was lucky enough to make it without being interrupted. When he saw his aunt and the septa walk towards him he knew there'd be trouble. He had deliberately came on his own, Loras was with Robb and the girls, Jaime and Dacey were busy and he didn't like walking around the keep with his guards, so Jors, Alyrs and Walder were training. He looked at the smirk on his aunt's face and didn't like it one bit, but he resolved to try and be polite and respectful, even if she would not.

"What are you doing here bastard?" his aunt said.

"I have a meeting with Lord Stark my lady."

"Why would my husband want to speak to you?"

"I do not know my lady, perhaps it would be better to ask Lord Stark."

"You really are an insolent little bastard aren't you?" she said snidely.

"My lady?"

"You may think I don't know what you're up to, but I do, and I'll not allow it."

"As you say my lady." Jon said and he couldn't help it, it just happened, he smirked at her and saw her face curl up into one of pure anger.

"Why you." the slap would have hurt no doubt, but he was not the same six year old boy who had once accepted this from the lady of Winterfell, so instead of his cheek she found nothing but air and he was behind her before she had a chance to react.

"You should watch yourself my lady we wouldn't wish anything to happen to your hand." he said and he was gone, he shouldn't have said it he knew, but he found he didn't care.

When he reached his uncle's solar he saw Jory standing outside, he gave him a warm smile and received one in return before being shown in to find his uncle sitting at his desk going over papers. He took a seat and waited for his uncle to finish once he had Jon prepared to speak to him about what he'd come for, but his uncle began instead.

"Luwin showed me the proposals you made about Wintertown, you think these numbers are right." his uncle said handing him the paper.

"Aye, that's the minimum return uncle, I think it'll work out far better than that."

"With numbers like this the benefits would be enormous Jon, with that and the increase in taxes we can start doing things I've long put off for lack of coin."

"Such as?"

"Moat Cailin, Sea Dragon point, a keep for Bran. I've been putting them all off but with this we can start them too."

"Do you have the people uncle?"

"Some not enough, Luwin said you thought some of those in Flea Bottom may come if we invite them?"

"Aye, their conditions are terrible, Lady Margaery and I have tried but handouts only do so much. Given the offer of work and a place to live, i think they'd come, though we'd have to organize their travel."

"We should look into it Jon. Lord Jaime said something about what you did with the tourney money. It's a good thing you're doing Jon, she'd be proud of you."

"I hope so." Jon said nodding "Here before I forget I did this for you." he said handing his uncle the drawing of the four Starks at Harrenhal.

"Jon, I… this is incredible, thank you." his uncle smiled as he ran his finger over the drawing.

"Uncle, I came about something else can you promise you won't be mad and will at least listen?"

"Aye Jon, I'll listen."

"I want to speak to you about fostering uncle, I think you need to think on it."

"Who?" his uncle said looking at him thoughtfully.

"All of them uncle."

"Jon, you can't mean it they're too young,"

"Not all right away, Arya would need to be older and Bran too, but Sansa is almost eight, Robb is my age, they need to learn like you did, like I have."

"Where would you have them go?"

"Arya with the Mormont's when she's old enough, she and Lyanna are already doing everything together as it is."

"Aye, that's true." his uncle said a small smile on his face.

"Bran wants to be a knight uncle, I'll take him as a squire when he's older."

"Robb, Sansa?"

"Highgarden for Sansa, Lady Margaery is not much older than her and she'd love it there. I'd have said the Rock, but well I know fostering isn't just about what's best for children."

"I'm not my father Jon." his uncle said annoyed.

"I know that uncle that's not what I meant, it's just that it would be good for the North and Reach to get on better."

"Aye, that's true

"As for Robb, I don't know a northern house though, the Umbers perhaps or the Karstarks, though I think the Manderly's would be for the best."


"There's the trade to think of, if the North is to do well in the future is it not better to have a lord trained in trade?"

"As opposed to one not trained at all." his uncle said and when Jon looked at him he was surprised to see the mirth in his uncles expression.

"Well I'd have never said that, also there's there's the fact he and Lady Wynafred get along well."

"You marrying my children off now my king." Ned said shaking his head.

"What, I wouldn't, uncle you know." Jon Said before his uncle broke out laughing "Is it not a crime to jape at a kings expense?"

"No." his uncle said and he laughed with him.

"I'll consider it Jon, I'll speak to you more before you go."

"Of course uncle."

"Jon we need to speak of Cat?"

"No uncle we don't, your wife hates me, her family too its best we leave it at that."

"If she knew he truth Jon

"She may tell Robert, no uncle, I'll not command you but I'll ask you not to."

"Very well." his uncle said nodding.

"Thank you uncle." Jon said standing up.

"You're good at this." his uncle said as he was leaving.

"I've had good teachers." Jon said.


Watching the Mormont ladies beat up men in spars never got old, for Arya and Lyanna it was like seeing their futures in front of them, for Meera it was showing her how much she still had to learn. For Loras though it was something he was grateful to Jon for, had he not made friends with him, had they not squired together, he'd have not seen this. Given the fight that was coming up, he doubted it would ever have taken place under any other circumstances than these.

Earlier on he'd watched Lyra, Jory and Alysanne beat some of the Lannsiter and Stark men, he'd seen Walder beat almost anyone he'd faced, apart from Jory and Ser Rodrik and that was down more to training.

He Jon and Robb had a three-way spar, which started as all for one, but over the course of it became him and Robb against Jon, it had taken the two of them and quite a while but even Jon fell in the end. He was happy to see Jon showed no hard feelings and congratulated them both, before swearing he'd get his revenge next time.

But now there was a hush as even Lord Stark had come out to see Jaime Lannister spar against his wife, Dacey's three oldest sisters and mother were lined up eagerly watching, while Lyanna and Arya were babbling excitedly. Jon was standing with Sansa and Meera while he Jojen and Robb were on the other side. He watched as Jon whispered something in his sister's ear, her giggling then being heard around the yard as she slapped him on the shoulder and Jon made a mock serious face before laughing with her.

"Are you really sure about this my love, I mean I'd hate to bruise you too badly." Dacey said and Jaime chuckled

"My love, you'll not even manage a hit."

"So confident, a lion's pride really is something to see."

"You should Hear me Roar." Jaime said to laughs.

"Will you two fight already, I could be drinking ale instead of listening to this, in fact i should be drinking ale anyway." Maege said to more laughter.

The spar began then and Dacey almost caught Jaime immediately, he moved out of the way though and they began to swing. Loras caught Jon frowning as he watched and he wondered what that was about. A few moments later he got his answer, Dacey hadn't landed a hit, but she was clearly in control and that was when she snapped at her husband.

"If you don't put your full effort into this, I swear I'll crack your damn stupid skull." she said angrily.

"I'm trying." Jaime said.

"You're not."

What he saw then was incredible, for two years he'd sparred with Jaime and he thought he'd seen him if not give it his all, at least try, he knew the spars with Jon were even more intense then his own as that was how he taught them both. But if it was one thing to see Jaime give some effort then it was another to see Jaime try to win. His movements were incredible, the only person he knew who moved that fast was Jon, but Jaime also had far more power, strength and technique too.

He was everywhere and nowhere, he thrust, he parried the blow from the mace, he was to the side, the front, it was a dance and Loras was in awe of it. When the end came he saw Jaime almost copy Jon's move from when he sparred with Meera, he used the sword to deflect the swing of Dacey's mace, moved the mace to the ground and spun, his sword pointing at is wife's throat.

"I yield. Dacey said and Loras was surprised to see the smile on her face.

"Of course you do," and he heard the smack as the mace hit his lord's leg.

"Never trust a wounded bear my love." Dacey said and her sisters and mother started the laughter.

Once the spar was done, Dacey and Jaime went off together and Loras smirked, Jon had been unlucky enough to walk in on them kissing more than once, seeing how they were looking at each other, he thought it best they be left alone. Arya and Lyanna went off with Meera and Jojen, archery practice without Jon had become a thing once Meera showed her own skills. So he and Robb walked over to Sansa and Jon who were laughing about something.

"What's so funny?" Loras asked.

"Jon was saying I could fight like that."

"I didn't say that, I said you could fight too."

"How?" Robb said and he noticed Sansa look at him annoyed before her face relaxed when she saw it was curiosity and nothing else which had made him ask the question.

"A dagger perhaps, or even a bow, but some sort of a knife would be best." Jon said.

"You mean like Margaery uses?" Loras said.

"WHAT?" both Jon and Sansa said at the same time.

"My grandmother made sure Margaery had some lessons just in case."

"In case of what?" Jon asked.

"What if she found herself without a guard Jon?"

"I didn't know that?" Jon said surprised.

"Well now you do." Sansa said with a smirk.

"Oh you, where's that mud." Jon said to shrieks.

"Jon noooo." Sansa said moving away from her brother.

"Come on lets go see the wolves," Jon said and Loras and Sansa nodded, Robb though shook his head and walked off in the other direction.

The wolves had grown and it seemed at least according to Jon had picked their familiar. The two females had become closer and closer with Arya and Sansa and while they still stayed with their mother, they would run to the girls when they saw them. One of the males it seemed had picked young Brandon much to Lord Starks amusement, while the other the black one it seemed only stayed with Ghost.

As for the last one it too seemed to spend it's time with Ghost or it's mother, they had thought it may have chosen Robb but it hadn't and he knew the boy was upset because of it. Jon though didn't seem as bothered and had he not known his friend as well as he did he may find it odd, or worry he still hadn't forgiven his brother. But he knew it was more to do with the wolves themselves than anything else, so he had said nothing about it.

"Here she comes." Jon said as the wolf ran straight to Sansa, licking her face once it got to her.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Loras asked.

"No, I'm thinking though."

"I think Arya named hers before she even knew she was getting one." Jon japed getting a laugh.

They watched as Sansa played with the little grey wolf before the black one and the other grey came out and almost escorted the female back into the tower.

"Brothers." Loras said laughing.

"Pack." Sansa said and Jon nodded to her.


He and Maege had spoken over and over about what to do about Jon, should they go directly to him and bend the knee, should they talk to Jaime, or should they speak to Ned first?. In the end it was decided they'd talk to their liege lord and so they had waited until the right time, until they saw him enter the godswood and they had followed. Wylis and his guards would make sure they were alone, but they needed to speak to Ned, to find out the truth and see if he would back his blood and support the true king.

Maege walked quietly beside him as they made their way to the Heart Tree, he could see Ned sitting there rubbing a cloth up and down the Valyrian sword, Ice looked an imposing sight even from a distance. As they reached him Ned looked up and he nodded before talking a seat across from him, Maege deciding to stay on her feet.

"Wyman, Maege." Ned said as he sat.

"Ned." Maege said obviously leaving it to Wyman to start.

"Ned, we need to speak, about the lad."

"The lad Wyman?"

"Jon." he said.

"What about Jon?"

"About his mother." Wyman said and watched as Ned gulped.

"Jon's mother is none of your business."

"That is true Ned, but we must speak of her anyway, it's time you told us the truth."

"What truth?"

"Of Lyanna." Maege said and he saw Ned sigh.

"Some truths are not mine to tell."

"Ned we know, you're among friends you and Jon, I swear it." Maege said and he saw the relief on his lieges face.


"Wyman noticed it first." Maege said looking to him.

"Aye, it took a while, I thought he may have been Brandon's, but he didn't have the temperament."

"He has some of it." Ned said with a smile.

"But far more of Lyanna's." Maege said and he nodded.

"When they stayed at White Harbor, he, the things he did, but it was seeing him on his horse, you know what he named her don't you?" Wyman said looking to them both finding it clear they did not.

"Winter." he said with a smile which he saw both of them match "Seeing him on the horse Ned it was clear, he could only be her son, there was no one even close to her when riding a horse, until her son."

"Aye." Ned said a warm look on his face

"Is he trueborn?" Wyman asked and Maege scowled at him, they'd had this conversation once already, Maege saying no way Lyanna would lay with the prince unmarried. Wyman pointing out that they still needed to know the truth.

"He is Wyman, they married in front of the old gods on the Isle of Faces and in a Sept in Harrenhal.

"You have proof?" he asked.

"Jon has the announcements, signed and witnessed by the Kingsguard and the Septon."

"What of Elia?" Maege asked.

"She stepped aside, it seems she was for it, I do not know her reasons Maege." Ned said before he looked to see them take in the news.

Jon was the rightful king, true it would matter not, but when he made his claim and he would be making his claim of that Wyman had no doubt, then he had the right of things on his side.

"So what now?" Ned asked.

"It depends on you my lord, will you support him?" Maege asked looking intently at the lord of Winterfell.

"He is my blood, he has my support."

"Mine too." Wyman said and Maege repeated it after him.

"Should we speak to him Ned, let him know, him or my goodson?" Maege asked.

"How about both Maege" Wyman said and Ned nodded.

He walked to the gate and whispered in Wylis's ear, had him go fetch Jon and Jaime, it took a few moments and it was Jaime and Dacey who arrived first, followed by Jon and Loras. Wyman looked worriedly at Ned who just nodded, it seemed the Tyrell boy had been informed, good the king would need a friend for the trials he'd face.

"My lords, My lady." Jaime said looking at the three of them. Both Jon and Loras greeted them likewise, though Jon looked to his uncle more.

"Jon, Lord Wyman and Lady Maege have figured out the truth about your mother."

"Of course uncle." Jon said and Wyman watched him as he looked at him and Maege nervously.

"I knew your mother well Jon, as I told you, I considered her my friend and as her son you have my mace should you ever wish it." Maege said as she knelt.

"You have White Harbor and House Manderly my king." Wyman said as he too took a knee.

He could see Dacey looking on shocked while Loras was smiling, though it was Jaime who smiled the brightest.

"Rise my lord, my lady, I'll not have you kneel for long." Jon said and Wyman smirked.

"I thank you, my body is not made for kneeling." Wyman said.

"I knew you were a damn wilding." Maege said getting a laugh.

"My lord, my lady, I thank you both for your support, I promise I'll not do or have you do anything that will bring dishonor to either of your houses, I swear it here in this sacred place." Jon said and Wyman noticed his uncle's smile was broad now too.

"We should speak of plans my king, of arranging communications and the like," Wyman said .

"I'll have Richard contact you both as soon as possible." Jon said and Wyman looked at him confused.

"Richard?" he asked.

"Ser Richard Lonmouth, my Master of Whisperers." Jon said and Wyman was the one who smiled broadly now, the king was already playing the game it seemed.


The last week had gone quickly, from Jon speaking to him about fostering to Wyman and Maege's revelation in the Godswood. Having two of his banner men on board with Jon so quickly was more than he hoped for, it would help greatly not only in the future but now as he could use their advice on how to deal with things. It also brought into focus even more the idea of fostering, while he knew Jon hadn't mentioned these two Houses as anything other than what was best for his children. Having them sworn to Jon already gave him even more incentive and so he had asked to meet hem both, separately.

"My lord, lady Maege." Alyn said as he showed the she bear in.

"My Lord." Maege said formality returned with Alyn looking on.

"My lady, would you like some ale?"

"Aye, got any ice?"

"I do as it happens." Ned said smirking.

He took the Ice from the container Luwin had made for it, it was larger than a mug, lined with something and had a lid on it,. Inside the ice had been broken up and he took out a couple of large chunks and placed them in Maege's mug, before filling it with ale and doing the same for his own.

"I wanted to speak to you of Arya, Maege."

"She's a fierce little wolf that one, her and my Lyanna are becoming quite friendly."

"Aye, I know, I wonder if you'd be interested in fostering her when she's older Maege?"

"I'd take her now if you'd let me." Maege said with a laugh.

"She's still a bit young, besides her mother won't agree, not yet." Ned said and noticed Maege's frown.

"Do you have a problem with my wife Maege?"

"Just in some of her attitudes Ned, a Sept really?"

"It's her religion Maege, it was the least I could do."

"Aye, I've no qualms with her religion, apart from it being a waste of bloody time, all that singing, give me Heart Tree's any day." Maege said and he couldn't help but agree.

"Then what?"

"The children Ned."

"What about them?"

"A Septa Ned, you know she called my Lyanna a savage, damn stupid woman, oh don't worry you need not say anything to her, my girls took care of that." Maege said a small smirk on her face.

"What happened."

"Lets just say, your stable lad was more than happy to help." she laughed and Ned didn't want to know more, though how he'd not heard of it was beyond him.

"So you think she's not helping my children?"

"I think this is the North, while there are places and times for southern courtesies and I'm not against anyone acting a lady, but not if its at the expense of being a northerner." Maege said and Ned couldn't help but agree.

"What would you have me do?" Ned asked curiously.

"If it were me I'd send the woman packing back to the Sept, but it's not me Ned, so I'd hire someone, have them teach the children what it means to be of the North too."

"I'll think on it Maege, as for Arya?"

"Whenever you wish it, I'll be happy to have her."

"Thanks Maege."

When she finished her Ale they spoke some more on things, mainly the trade deals and how it would help both Bear Island and the North, he mentioned the keeps and she said both Moat Cailin and Sea Dragon point should be worked on. They would need the coast protected even more now they'd be trading along it, once she left Ned decided to go for a walk around the keep. He walked by the room where the Septa was delivering her lesson and decided to listen in.

He could hear the girls inside, Sansa and the Manderly's and Arya grumbling at something which made him smile, he listened a little more carefully and stood there for few minutes. What she was teaching them he had no idea, it didn't sound like anything anyone actually would need to know. Where was the economics? Or running of a keep? The politics or other things a noble lady may need to know. He'd need to come back more over the next few days, perhaps he had just arrived at a different type of lesson.

He headed off to find Wyman and speak to him about the next fostering, this one happening a lot sooner, he heard the laughter come from outside so moved to he window to look out. He saw Robb be knocked on the ground by Meera's spear and he smiled when he saw his son nod respectfully. He looked to the walkway to see his wife looking on, she however was as far from smiling as you could be. Sighing he knew he'd hear it later, gods knows what she say when she heard of his fostering, but at least one of her children would be going to her precious south.


If there was one thing she was happiest about her new husband, other than his firm arse that was, it would be that just like her it seemed he couldn't quite be satisfied with just one time. Something they had been proving for the past few days, not that it was all they did, he had sparred with her and she was in awe of seeing him fight. They read and rode together, they laughed at some of the same things, her humor always seeming to fit just right with him.

"What are you thinking?" he asked she was laying on her stomach looking at him.

"That I wish I had hair like yours." she said smirking.

"No you don't, besides I think your hair is far prettier." he said as he brushed it away from her eyes.

"Than yours maybe, Jon's not so much," she said and they both laughed.

"Poor boy doesn't know what he's in for once we get back, My aunt is not going to allow him and Loras walk around like that." he chuckled while she grew pensive.

"You think they'll like me?" she asked.

"Aye, how could they not." he said kissing her.

"I'm not what they may have had in mind though."

"Well then they're going to like you even more."


"Because just like me, they'll soon realize you're everything they always wanted,"

"Lyanna was right you really do talk funny." she said grabbing the pillow and hitting him with it.

"That's why you love me." he said cockily.

"No this is why I love you." she rolling him over before grabbing his arse.

When they woke it was almost time for dinner, they had spent almost all their day in bed and she found she cared not, she kissed him and got up to dress as he did the same. Once done they headed down to the Great Hall, she was glad it was only her family and the Manderly's left, the dinners just felt more normal. Though she wondered did they do family dinners at Casterly Rock or was it all larger feasts, given how many Jaime said resided in the keep she feared the latter.

Entering the hall she saw the look the Lady of Winterfell gave her, she just smirked, if Ned Stark had an arse like Jaime's she'd have doubted even Septa Catelyn would be leaving their bed early. She had to hold in the snigger at the nickname Alysanne had come up for Catelyn Stark. They had never spoke it out loud here, but each of her sisters had thought it about her she was sure. Taking her seat she enjoyed the meal, Jaime had assured her he'd import Northern ale and the food would be the same, but she worried that she'd miss home.

"Are you coming on the hunt on the morrow Dacey?" Lyra asked.


"Aye, Lord Stark's taking a few of us on a hunt in the Wolfswood." Jory said.

"Or are you gonna be too busy with your husband." Alysanne sniggered.

"Oh I think we can join the hunt, besides should we wish I'm sure there are plenty of places we could sneak off to in the Wolfwood." Dacey said and caught Jaime's eye as he looked at her.

After finishing the meal, Jaime went to speak with Jon and Dacey decided to go pray in the Godswood, it was another thing she'd miss once she went south, even though Jon had said he prayed in Casterly Rock's one. Entering through the gate she thought back to being there and seeing her mother kneel for Jon. it had been a surprise and afterwards while Jaime never questioned her about whether she had broken her oath, she had felt the need to ensure to him that she had not. As she knelt down she began to pray, hoping she would like the south and they her, that she and her husband would stay safe, her family would be safe and that she'd see them all regularly.


He and Jon were sparring as was the morning routine when they began to speak of the North and preparing it for what was to come, Jon had pointed out the improvements to Wintertown would be taking place and the extra coin, while he concentrated more on the military aspects, the western coast and the Moat. They had gone over ideas, Jon had spoken of budgets and over a few days they had come up with plans to bring to Lord Stark.

Jaime had actually felt worthy of the pin he carried in his pocket, actually felt like the Hand of the King, making plans and speaking on the future. It wasn't just on this they'd spoken of, Walder had come up and they'd discussed the best way to train and use him going ahead. He had ordered a greatsword for the man but it had been Dacey who had suggested perhaps it was not the best use of his strength. Which had got him thinking, there were other weapons a man of that strength could use, where skill was less of an issue and so he had spoken to Jon on it.

" What do you think Jon?"

" I don't know my lord, does the order allow non swordsman?"

" Aye it does, it's not the weapon you wield, it's the proficiency you wield it with."

" I bow to your superior knowledge." Jon said smirking,

"Careful Jon, you're sounding far too much like Gerion." he said laughing.

So they had tried the man out, a mace, a war hammer, a halberd, but it was the large double sided axe they had settled on. Seeing him wield it was one of the scariest sights he'd ever seen, seeing him with it on his back only slightly less scary. So Jaime had kept the order for the Greatsword as he could carry that on his horse and had also ordered for a double sided axe to be made which would be ready before they left. Finding the man a destrier was even harder as it was not really a northern horse, so instead they would need to use a carthorse until they reached the south.

He had watched on as Jon had warged with the horse, it had been amazing to see the horse go from almost running away from carrying Walder to doing so willingly. Looking at him on it and picturing him in armor and his axe, Jaime was not sure there was anyone in the seven kingdoms who would make a more impressive or imposing sight.

This morning Jon and he had agreed to go and speak with Ned about some of the ideas they'd come up with along with some of the plans that were already in place, they had also decided to let him know some things he did not. So he asked Loras to fetch him and bring him to the godswood, set his guards up to ensure they wouldn't be disturbed and went with Jon to fetch the chest before heading to meet him.

"How do you think he'll react?"

"I don't know Jon, he's going to learn a lot,"

"Aye he is." Jon said and put the chest down.

It felt like an age until Loras and Lord Stark arrived, he and Jon stood silently waiting, he had come here with Dacey more than once since they'd been married and found that he really enjoyed the peacefulness of the place. Jon bid Loras to stay, they had brought the boy into more and more but Jon felt he needed to know everything and it was probably best they do it just the once.

"Uncle, as you know I was left an egg in my things, what you don't know is that Nan gave me another one."


"After we spoke Uncle, she brought me down below the crypts to see some things, while down there she gave me this." Jon said taking out the bronze egg "Uncle your hand." he watched as Ned placed his hand on the egg

"Jon is that, is that alive." Ned said pulling his hand from the egg.

"Aye, they both are." Jon said picking up the other one. "They're different though, this one is connected to my sister." he raised the white egg.


"It's hard to explain uncle, I see her, Rhaenys. I speak to her and she shows me things, that picture I drew of uncle's Brandon and Benjen and you and mother, I saw you all I was there."

"Jon?" Loras said looking at him.

"Loras you've seen what I can do, trust me I was there." Loras nodded.

"What you can do?" Ned asked.

"You know what a warg is uncle, a greenser?"

"I remember Nan's stories a bit. But no Jon I don't".

"A greenseer sees visions uncle, the past, the future, but I think I see it differently, Dragon Dreams are part of it, but it's hard to explain, other than I saw you all at Harrnehal, saw my mother and father when they wed."

"You said you see the future Jon?"

"Aye I've seen that too, my aunt over in Essos, Ser Arthur in the west."

"Ser Arthur?"

"The Sword of the Morning, he lives Uncle, Howland saved him while you rode to get help."

He watched as Ned shook his head, Jaime knew that this was a lot he had already known most of it and still found it incredible when Jon spoke it aloud. He could see they were losing him and that while Ned may believe some of it, he too had grown with tales of Targaryen madness and Jaime would be a liar if he said he hadn't worried it about Jon too. Luckily he and Jon had spoken on this and his king knew what would prove it to Ned, so he waited and hoped it was the white wolf he called and not something else.

"Watch uncle." Jon said as his eyes went white, Jaime moved to Ned to stop him and it was a moment later it arrived.

The bird was a falcon and Jaime almost laughed at the irony of a falcon dancing while held by strings being pulled by the rightful king. The bird landed a few feet away and walked over to Ned, jumped onto his rock and began pecking at it with his beak. Ned looked to him and Loras in confusion before they pointed to Jon, he looked down to the bird and cocked his head to the right, the bird matching his movements.

"Jon is that you?" he asked and Jaime did laugh this time when the bird chirped and Ned almost fell from the rock.

"Move your wing Jon." Loras said and the falcon did as it was bid.

By the time the bird had taken off Ned Stark was a believer, not just in warging but in everything else also, they spoke then on plans for the North, on increasing trade and making it more secure, Jon explained some of his plans with Ser Richard and how they'd begun to gain some allies already. It was when it came to his plans to tall more people that Ned balked.

"Are you sure that's wise?"

"I need to tell Jaime's family, Tyrion, Gerion, Genna they deserve to know."

"What if they don't accept it Jon, what if they don't think you're the right choice for king?" Ned asked.

"Then so be it, but I'll tell them the truth uncle." Jon said and Ned nodded "And Margaery too." he said looking to Loras who smiled.

"What of Lady Olenna?" Ned asked and Jon looked to Loras and then him.

"I shall speak to Olenna after I tell Margaery, whatever she decides on it I'll go with."

"My grandmother will support you Jon I know it." Loras said encouragingly.

"How will this effect Sansa?" Ned said and both he and Loras looked at him.

"It won't, no matter what about me, having Sansa foster at Highgarden is something the Tyrell's and Starks would be happy to do is it not Loras?" Jon said.

"I think so Jon especially given the trade deals. What I'm thinking like my grandmother. " Loras said when he looked at him.

"If they don't support you Jon?"

"Then we worry about that then, wait you don't think, Uncle you think they'd use Sansa." Jon said and Jaime had to move to intercept Loras who was moving forward.

"No I don't but she's my daughter I need to be sure."

"I assure you my lord, my family is not like that. "Loras said a note of anger clear in his voice.

"Look lets just think on things all right, we can speak more on this another time." Jaime said.

Sansa .

She had never had so much to do, between her lessons and spending time with the wolves, spending time with Wylla and Wynfred, drawing with Jon and even taking one or two lessons with him on using a knife. After hearing the Lady Margaery took them she couldn't help but wish to do the same, but she was not ready yet to be taught by someone like Ser Rodrik so she had asked Jon to teach her what the could. She had even spent some time with Robb, her brother had come to her one night before she was ready for bed to apologize, he actually apologized to her.

She had been so overwhelmed she cried, not then or there, but later as she lay in bed she felt the tears fall. She always really wanted a big brother. So when Robb had teased or insulted her or allowed Theon to she had hoped that Jon would be that to her, her knight come to fight off those who would hurt her or make her cry. When Jon had arrived she found he was exactly that and her heart soared and now she had another, Robb too would be a knight for her, someone she could speak to and who'd smile and tell her everything would be all right.

"Sansa can you come with me to my solar?" her father said as she broke her fast.

"Of course father." she smiled at Jon and Loras, and got up from the table to go to see her father.

It was strange, her father was the kindest man she knew and yet she always feared being called to see him, feared she would be in trouble for something she did or said or something she didn't. Lately though she found just like with some of her other fears they were fading away. At first she had put it down to having her big brother here to speak up for her, to fight for her if needed but it was more than that. She had found that she could fight too, sure she couldn't raise a sword and beat someone with her hands, though Jon had shown her where she could hit a boy to hurt him bad.

No instead it was through standing up for herself, for Arya, for Bran and Robb, for Meera or Jojen and for Jon, though she had always in her own way stood up for her brother. But she hadn't allowed the septa say bad things about any of her friends or family, she had not allowed her mother speak down about Meera not being a lady either.

She had asked Jon about it and he had laughed, telling her she was a wolf and she was showing her fangs So she had smiled and that's how she came up with her wolf's name, Fang, now let them all fear both of their bites. She walked into her father's solar and took a seat waiting for him to speak, she looked him straight in the eye and waited, unafraid.

"Sansa I want to talk about fostering."


"I've been thinking you're almost old enough, your name day is but a few moons away."

"You're sending me away?" she asked shocked.

"What no Sansa, I was just thinking would you liked to foster somewhere." her father said his voice shaky.

"Where?" she asked her voice a little sharp.

"Highgarden." when she heard her father say the word she almost jumped in joy, she had been mistaken, this wasn't some punishment, this was a reward, her father was sending her somewhere she really wanted to go.

"Really, father are you, really." she said her excitement clear and she noticed the relief on her fathers face.

"If you'd like it my love, I can arrange it, you could go back with Jon and Lord Jaime to Casterly Rock and attend the wedding. Lord Loras says his family will be there, so you could meet his sister and mother."

Sansa was in a dream, an absolute dream, fostering in Highgarden, going to Casterly Rock for the wedding, she would see knights and tourneys, take part in balls, she would even be closer to Jon so he could visit more.

"Sansa?" her father asked.

"I'm sorry father, yes, yes, I'd love to go, I mean if it's all right with you and mother."

"Your mother wished for you to go to Riverrun, but there are no ladies there your age, so she suggested the Vale, but I think Highgarden is better, unless it's not what you wish."

"No father, I do wish it so, thank you." she said her smile beaming.

"Then I'll make the arrangements, you'll need some guards with you and Robb will travel some of the way with you."


"Your brother will be fostering at White Harbor."

"That's great father he and Lady Wynafred are already friends, but oh, Arya what about Arya and Bran they'll be here on their own. No father we can't leave them alone." she said shaking her head.

"Your sister will foster in Bear Island when she's old enough and Jon has offered to make Bran his squire should he be knighted, though your mother has written to her uncle Ser Brynden too."

"But you'll be here all alone then father, you and mother." she said sadly.

"It won't be for some time Sansa, Arya and Bran are too young and you and Robb can visit, I may even visit you in the south, I'm sure your mother will." her father said and she nodded.

"When will we be leaving father?" she asked.

"I think Lord Jaime plans to leave within the week, so you'll have some time to get ready, does this make you happy Sansa, Truly?" her father asked and she smiled.

"It does father, it truly does."

She went looking for him as soon as she left the solar, they'd already left the hall and she knew they'd be going to see the wolves just after it. So she hurried out and walked across the courtyard, she saw Theon walk by, his guards behind him, he scowled at her before looking at her oddly and she held her head up and ignored him. When she saw them at the tower she ran, jumping into her surprised brother's arms and almost knocking him over.

"I'm pleased to see you too little sister." Jon said shaking his head.

"It was you wasn't it, you did it, you asked father."

"Asked your father what?" he asked confused.

"About the fostering,, I'm to go to Highgarden, Robb to White Harbor."

"I didn't know he'd decided."

"He has, thank you Jon, Thank you."

"Of course little sister, I'll come visit." he said and she smiled as she let him go.

"I didn't tell you the best part, I'm coming to Casterly Rock for the wedding first."

"You are?" he said excitedly.

"Aye, Loras's family will be there and you can introduce me to everyone."

"I will, I'm so happy you're coming with us little sister," Jon said grabbing her in a hug and she couldn't agree more.


He had always known Lady Catelyn hated him, it had been made clear to him from as soon as he could remember, she had never missed an opportunity to let him know this be it in word or deed. However for the past few days it had been far worse, oh she had been quiet and said nothing to him directly, in fact she had seemed to go out of her way not to be in the same room as him, not that he was complaining. But meals were though far less formal given it was only two of the lords remaining, still formal enough.

So he had been forced to endures stares that would curdle milk, snorts that he could hear only because he was so attuned to them and more frowns and grimaces than he could count. While he was not privy to the why of it, he knew exactly the reason, she had learned of the fostering and she blamed him for splitting up her family. It was true it was his idea and so he allowed her that, though he knew had he not existed then she'd have welcomed the idea as the best ever, Sansa in Highgarden alone something he knew she'd appreciate.

"She should be catching flies." Loras whispered in his ear and Jon had to resist laughing when he looked at the open mouth expression on Lady Cately'n's face, once a trout he thought as he did laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" Arya said.

"I was just thinking of little wolves," Jon said and heard his sister say 'stupid' under her breath,

Arya had not spoken to him for a couple of days, refused to speak to him even after her father had told her she would be fostering at Bear Island when she was older. He knew that was down to her mother and telling Arya it was Jon who was taking her bother and sister away from her. It had been hard to see how she looked at him when he passed her near the wolves, even Nymeria had growled at him for those two days. It had only been last night when the small knock on his door revealed a tear stricken Arya who hugged him tightly.

" I'm sorry, don't hate me, please." Arya said.

" Hate, Arya I could never hate you, you're my fierce little wolf."

" Always?" she asked looking at him.

" Always." he said

It would be hard saying good bye to her on the morrow, hard to say goodbye to all of Winterfell, it was strange, he had never felt at home here and once he settled at the Rock had known what it was he had missed. It was family, being a part of the family, something he had almost immediately been at the Rock. Coming back here he never expected it to feel anything like that and yet now, getting ready to leave he felt it here now too, this was his home, as much as the Rock or anywhere ever would be.

After finishing his meal he walked to the Godswood, knelt down and said a prayer and made his way to his rooms. Inside everything had been taken out and made ready to leave, his change of clothes he laid on the chair and he got into bed and fell quickly to sleep. Waking up early the next morning he walked to the broken tower and looked in on the mother wolf, Bran's pup lay beside her, the boy still too young to take him. He knelt down and looked into her eyes and went searching for the door.

Home, protect.

Take, protect.

My friend.

He looked to the wolf and nodded and as he got up to leave, the two male wolves followed, the black and grey looking to their mother and brother before turning and walking after him. He saw Ghost come out of the back of the tower, kneeling down and licking the grey wolf before rubbing against his mother's chest. Then he was beside him the two smaller wolves either side of him, their big brother looking after them for now.

They broke their fast quickly and lined up in the courtyard to say their goodbyes. Maege and her girls had done theirs earlier, while Lord Wyman and Ser Wylis had done theirs too. He stood silently as Sansa said goodbye first to her mother and father, as Robb did likewise, he then said his own.

"Goodbye Lord Stark, I promise to speak to you soon and to ensure Sansa is well."

"I know you will Jon."

"Look after the wolf Lord Stark, she wishes to make a home here, she'll protect you if you allow her," he said and his uncle smiled.

"Lady Stark, " he said politely and she nodded.

"Goodbye for now little wolf, I'll write as often as I can." he said to Arya.

"Will you come visit me again?"

"I promised didn't I?" she nodded and he hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to spend much time with you brother, but when you're older, you can be my squire if you want."


"I promise, look after your wolf Bran."

"I will Jon."

He helped Sansa into the Carriage that Wylla and Wynafred would be using, saw his brother say goodbye to Theon, the Iron Born looking more at him than Robb. He climbed onto Winter and got ready to ride out, taking one more look around Winterfell. He ended up being the last to ride out, Winter walking slowly, Ghost and his brothers walking along side, he rode to the gate where Jors, Alyrs and Walder where waiting, giving Walder a smile. He wondered when he'd return and would it be as Jon Snow bastard of Winterfell or as Jaehaerys Targaryen king of the seven Kingdoms.