The North 294 AC.
Traveling was something Jon had gotten used to over the past six moons, from Casterly Rock to Lannisport, Kings Landing to White Harbor, from there to the wall and onto Winterfell. Now traveling past Castle Cerywn and into the Barrowlands Jon had come to an immutable fact, he hated it. Not the riding or the camping, not even the cold he found he liked that, but the daily grind of slowly moving forward and never quite getting where you wished.
He did however love his travel companions, he alternated between riding with Loras and Robb or moving to ride beside the carriage Sansa and the Manderly girls traveled in. He rode with Jaime when he was not riding with Dacey, not that he didn't like riding with them together but more so he could let them have their privacy. Something he had learned to his cost that led to certain actions between them, Jon would always knock from now on he thought as he smirked.
"What's so funny?" Loras asked.
"Them." he said motioning to Jaime and Dacey who were laughing with each other a bit ahead of him.
"She makes him happy." Loras said.
"Aye she does." Jon replied a smile on his face.
"Come let's ride."
"No." Jon said shaking his head.
"You ride too fast, so no." Loras said and Jon shook his head.
"I'll go slower, Winter just needs a run out, come on."
"All right." Loras said sighing.
The two set off quickly, Jors and Alyrs in pursuit, Robb had ridden with Ser Wylis this morning and Jojen and Meera didn't like the fast pace Jon liked to ride at. They rode quickly over the plains, up and down the hills and eventually came to a small stream where they allowed the horses to rest and drink and dismounted. Jon walked alongside it looking in at the cool water, while Loras sat on a small rock, Jors came over excitedly and Jon looked to him confused
"Look Jon, Salmon." Jors said as he pointed to some rocks ahead of them.
"Do you think we could catch some?" Jon asked.
"Aye I do, we're going to get very wet though." Jors said and Jon nodded taking off his cloak.
They spent the next hour trying to catch salmon with varying degrees of success, Jors and Alyrs had caught about a dozen, he and Loras none, but then Jon heard the excited yell from his friend.
"I got one, I got one" Loras said struggling to throw it to the bank,
"Throw it." he shouted and Loras managed to get it landed. "Well done."
Jon looked to the fish they had piled up, it wouldn't be enough for everyone but most would eat well tonight, he then had an idea but wondered how to do it with Jors and Alyrs around, he whispered to Loras and got him to distract them. Once he did so, Jon searched around before he found the perfect one, the eagle's talons were sharp and he'd make easy work of the Salmon Jon thought as he closed his eyes and opened the door.
It took him no more than another hour before he had enough, sending the eagle in one more time he guided it down to the salmon just as it jumped, as he had done for the last dozen times the eagle easily grabbed the fish in his talons. This time though Jon bid the eagle farewell and sent him on his way with his prize before moving to the bank and collecting the fish he'd left there. When Alyrs looked at him carrying them back he shook his head, he knew the man was curious but he said nothing and so they mounted up and rode back.
"This is delicious Jon, I've never had this before, what is it ?" Sansa asked later as they sat down to eat.
"Salmon little sister, careful, Fang seems more eager than you." he said as he saw the wolf move curiously to the dish.
"Here, just a little." Sansa said and the wolf ate it greedily.
"You'll spoil her." Jon said and his sister just looked at him.
"You can talk, don't think I didn't see you give Ghost and the pups that other fish Jon." she said and he couldn't deny it, when he arrived back he fed Ghost first watching as the white wolf fed his brothers from his mouth.
"All right fair enough I know when I'm beat." he said and almost laughed at the proud look on Sansa's face.
"Where's Robb?" Loras asked.
"He's with Lord Wyman and Lady Wynafred." Sansa said.
"And you came to sit with us ruffians, my lady what were you thinking." Jon japed and Sansa giggled.
"I know, I must be losing my senses."
"This is the fun part of the camp that's why your sister came Jon." Loras said sticking his tongue out at Sansa who rolled her eyes before laughing.
After eating their meal, they cleaned up their dishes and Jon escorted Sansa back to the carriage, they'd ride for a bit further before making camp for the night. Sansa had it turned out been an excellent traveler, everything was new to her and it made Jon think of his own first journey from the North. Once he left her at the carriage and bid Lady Wynafred and Wylla his greetings, he was joined by Robb and they went back to get ready to leave.
They had been traveling for over a week and were nearing where they Manderly's and Robb would say their farewells, Loras had found over the course of the journey he actually liked the heir to Winterfell. He was funny and charming when he wished to be and ever since he'd come around after their initial problems, Loras had enjoyed having him in their company. Jon too he knew had come to think more of his brother, they had sparred some, spoken together, even raced once though how the boy had hoped to beat him was a mystery.
But within the hour they'd be saying their goodbyes, though given he was fostering with the Manderly's he was only a pinnacle ship journey away and that was barely any trouble at all. He watched as Jon rode closer to the Manderly carriage. Sansa would be riding from now on in one of their covered carts so Jon had been eager for her to enjoy her last few moments of real comfort.
While Jon was a protective older brother Loras felt that just like with himself and Margaery, the girl needed very little protecting, nor did she seem as bothered as Jon was by the new situation she'd be traveling in. They soon reached the split off point, Jon rode to Lord Wyman and Ser Wylis and Loras rode to join them, arriving just as Jon was saying his farewells.
"I hope to see you again soon my lord, Ser Wylis."
"I look forward to it Jon, don't worry about your brother my boys will look after him." Wyman said.
"I thank you my lord for everything."
Wyman nodded as Loras rode to say his own farewells, before Jaime and Dacey arrived.
"Lord Wyman, I thank you." Jaime said.
"Aye me too my lord." Dacey added.
Loras turned to see Sansa and Jon standing beside their brother, each of them giving him a hug while Sansa walked to speak to the Manderly girls, he rode down to Robb and said his own farewell. As Robb began to mount his horse he saw Ghost arrive with the two wolves and watched as the grey one ran to Robb and pulled on his boot. Robb didn't mount and turned to look down at the wolf, as he knelt the wolf licked his face and Loras saw him smile.
"Look after him well brother, he'll do the same for you." Jon said.
"Aye I will brother, I'll see you soon I hope."
"Me too Robb."
It seemed far quieter with the Manderly's gone and within the next few days the Reeds would be joining them. Had anyone told him but a few moons ago that he'd consider a boy and girl from the neck his friends, he'd have laughed, but he did and hoped they felt the same. They camped that night and told stories and jokes, Jon sat close to his sister who was feeling the loss of her friends. Loras hoped she and Margaery liked each other, Sansa was a sweet girl and he hoped his sister saw it too.
When they finally arrived at Moat Cailin it wasn't long before they were met by Meera and Jojen's father, Loras had only met the man briefly but he and Jon got on well by the look of things. He noticed the man look at his son strangely before he spoke to them both, they had a quiet meal that night in one of the towers of the moat and he slept in a nice enough bed. Though he would be glad of returning to his own room at the rock, finding now they were getting closer he missed it more and more.
Waking the next morning they quickly broke their fast and said their farewells to Jojen and Meera, Lord Jaime spoke to their father with Lady Dacey before Jon spoke some, the man laughing at whatever Jon told him. Loras waked over to Jojen and Meera feeling sad to be seeing them go, they'd spent a lot of time together and he hoped he'd see them again.
"Goodbye Jojen? He said a soft smile on his face.
"Goodbye Loras, we'll see you again I hope." Jojen said and he nodded.
"Meera, I, thank you for our spar, you put me in my place."
"Well you did belong on the ground." he heard Jon say as they laughed when he walked up beside them.
"Jojen,." Jon said and hugged the boy before moving to Meera "Meera." he did the same to her.
"Things will be probably be different the next time we meet, but I want you both to know that I consider you my friends and that won't ever change." Jon said and Loras nodded in agreement.
"Aye we know that, thank you Jon." Jojen said.
"For everything, both of you." Meera said smiling and Loras felt Jon's arm around his shoulder.
"Looks like it just the two of us again."
"Aye could be worse though."
"Aye it could be." Jon said.
They arrived at the Twins at mid evening and Jaime was keen to get past the place and set up camp before riding to Seagard tomorrow. Dacey had wanted to accompany him into speaking with Walder but he refused, telling her that if she came in with him either she or he would end up gutting the Lord of the Crossing. So instead he Jon, Loras and some guards rode to the bridge and were escorted into the castle.
He had hated being here the last time he'd traveled this route, he hated it even more now. Had they multiplied? Was there more of them,? Everywhere he looked he could see their weaselly features looking greedily at him. Though technically kin with these people Jaime felt the connection to be weak enough that should he turn kinslayer the gods would give him a pass. They were eventually led to what served as the Twins great hall, though the use of great to describe this room was an exaggeration.
"Lord Jaime, my father will be with you all in a moment can I get you something?" Ser Stevron asked and though yet another weasel, Jaime thought him not the worst of his family.
"I thank you Ser but we're fine." Jaime said though it wasn't long before he wished he had taken something.
Lord Walder kept them waiting for a long time and Jaime felt his ire rise as he waited, eventually the man scurried in a young girl by his side and the way the man looked at the girl made Jaime want to squeeze the life from his wrinkled face. But he smiled and nodded and wondered how much it would cost to pass through to the other side this time.
"Lord Jaime forgive my manners, I was ahem entertaining my new bride." Walder said and the girl dropped her head in shame.
"There is nothing to forgive my lord." Jaime said politely.
"Ha I'd forgotten, a newly married man such as yourself Lord Jaime you'd know all to well the delights of a new wife." Walder licking his lips as he pulled the girl close.
"Indeed, I came seeking to cross your bride my lord." Jaime tried to swallow the disgust he felt.
"'Hmm, 'tis a shame you're married Lord Jaime for I'm in need of good men for my daughters, it that the young rose I see with you, step forward so I can see you more clearly."
"My lord, my squire Lord Loras Tyrell." Jaime said as Loras moved forward.
"Ah the third son, not the heir or spare but it makes no mind. I'm sure I've a daughter or granddaughter that could please a young man such as he." he said looking Loras up and down.
"I believe you'd need to speak to his grandmother on that my lord." Jaime said enjoying the gulp Walder swallowed at the mention of the queen of thorns.
"Where's the other one, the bastard, step forward bastard. I'll not need permission from your grandmother, should you know her name." Walder said laughing and Jaime stopped his own move forward and instead nodded when Jon shook his head at him.
"My lord." Jon said.
"AH good, even here we've heard tale of you bastard, making a name for yourself even if you weren't born with one, though still no lord would waste a trueborn daughter on you but you'll find I'm not like most of those other foolish men. So what say you bastard, how about a betrothal between you and one of my daughters?"
"I'm afraid you'll need to speak to my father my lord, it's his permission that counts not mine own."
"You turning down your betters bastard." a man with a black beard said loudly as he shot Jon a dirty look.
"No my lord, I'm simply stating the truth, should Lord Walder get my father's permission, then I would do as I was bid." Jon said and Jaime smirked at the truth of things.
"Enough, I shall acccept 500 hundred gold dragons Lord Jaime, never let it be said that I was not generous to kin." Walder Frey said laughing.
"I thank you Lord Walder, we shall pay and be on our way."
"You should stay the night my lord." Walder said looking at them all through beady eyes.
"Another time my lord, we must make haste to catch our ship." Jaime said and they left after handing over the coin.
Later as they were riding back, all three of them feeling like they needed a bath he listened in as Loras and Jon laughed and japed with each other.
"But you're the king Jon."
"I can't just remove a lord simply because he's a Frey."
"He's a weasel Jon, we can't have weasels as lords."
"We don't need to remove him anyway Loras, we just need to build more bridges."
"What, would it not be easier to remove the Freys? I mean it'd be very popular."
"Aye it would, but there are far too many of them just to remove them."
"All right Jon you win even if I still think it'd be best if they were gone." Loras said and Jaime couldn't help but agree.
How Walder Frey had managed to convince as many kings as he had to leave him in power was beyond him, though Jon was right you can't just remove lords because you dislike them, if that was the way of things then there'd be very few lords in Westeros. As they made it to where they'd stopped off while inside the Twins he felt that perhaps they should stay here for the night, they'd wasted far too much time dealing with the irascible Walder Frey. So after dismounting and having Loras tie Honor off, he gave the orders and they set up their camp for the night.
During dinner that night he sat with Dacey while Jon, Loras and Sansa sat together, they ate and then Jon said he wished to go to the river, Loras got up to accompany him but he asked him to keep his sister company and headed off. Jaime headed back to his tent, it was still early and they'd be up for a bit longer, but he longed to spend some time alone with his wife.
Loras hadn't been completely wrong, the Freys should be removed, but it was not an easy thing to do without reason popular though it might be. Jon instead felt that the best way to control the Freys was to limit their influence and the best way to do that was to take away the one thing which made them so damn influential, the Crossing. So he had decided to go down and look at the river itself, to see just what made the damn thing so hard to cross.
Walder and Alyrs had joined him as his guards, the addition of Walder being something which had as first irked Jors and Alyrs but had then allowed them to see the benefit of an extra man as it meant they could rest more and switch shifts. As they walked along the banks Jon looked to the river, though many miles away from Ruby Ford, the Trident had stirred up feelings of loss for him since he'd seen it. He knelt down and placed his hand in the water, closing his eyes as he said a silent prayer for his father.
"Jon we need to go now." Walder said loudly forcing Jon to break his contemplation.
"Why what's wrong?"
"Rider's Jon and they're not friendly." Walder said and almost as soon as he had said it the arrows were flying.
Jon felt himself almost being thrown behind the giant man, he heard the thud of the arrows and then a yell and looked on in shock as Alyrs hit the ground an arrow stuck in his neck.
"RUN." Walder said and Jon ran towards he trees, cursing himself for straying so far from camp.
As they reached the trees he saw Walder pull his axe from his shoulder, he turned to say something but once again he felt the big mans hands grab and they pushed him away as arrows flew again. The force he used sent Jon almost flying through the air and as he collided with something he felt wetness drip down his face. He moved his hand up and as he rubbed over his eye he felt the blood, he heard the sounds in front of him and turned to try and see but the blood in his eye made it difficult.
He felt it then, pain, a sharp burning feeling in his shoulder, he reached his hand down and felt the shaft of the arrow sticking out, he dropped to one knee removed his sword and held it weakly in front of him. Closing his eyes he searched out and felt the doors open as he sent a message "Come Help Now." he whispered as he fell down and drifted off to unconsciousness.
He was standing on a beach watching as Rhaenys splashed away in the water, it was hot and the sun beamed down and yet his sister wore a full dress laughing as it got wetter and wetter. Jon looked to see a young man his silver hair glimmering in the light and then smiled as Aegon jumped in beside his sister and began to splash along with her. He turned to see Elia sitting on the sand laughing, while beside her his father and mother laid food out on a blanket.
He tried to move to them but found he couldn't so he watched as his brother and sister played and as his father and mother continued to lay out the food while Elia looked at him curiously.
" Jae, come join us." Elia said..
" No my love it's not his time." his father said smiling at him.
" Go my son, we shall see you again." his mother said.
" But not today." his brother said as he walked towards him.
He watched as one by one they disappeared, his father first, then Aegon, then Elia and finally his mother, he turned to see Rhaenys standing beside him, her hand held out to him.
" Come Jae we can only visit not stay, not today.
" Not today." he said and he felt her fingers touch his own as his eyes closed.
When he opened his eyes it was to see Sansa leaning on the bed holding his hand, he looked around the strange room he was in to see Loras asleep in a chair. He coughed and moved only for the pain in his shoulder to force him to cry out, waking both Sansa and Loras in the process.
"Jon, you're… are you all right, do you feel all right, Loras we need the Maester, and fetch lord Jaime." his sister said her voice frantic.
"I'm good little sister." he said coughing.
"Here drink this." Loras said handing him some water which he drank too fast and coughed up spilling most of it.
"How long?" he asked looking to Loras.
"Ten days Jon, we were… we thought." Loras said and Jon tried to smile reassuringly at him.
Loras smiled back and then went to fetch Jaime and the Maester, as he opened the door Jon was relieved to see Walder standing there, the big man coming into the room as soon as he saw Jon awake. Though he was pushed out of the way by the white wolf, whose head was almost immediately laying on Jon's chest, his tongue licking his face as he looked into his eyes. Jon closed his own and told the wolf he was feeling better, that all would be good, he saw the wolf give him a reproachful look when he opened his eyes and so he nodded.
"Alyrs?" Jon asked and felt the tears form when Walder shook his head.
"Thank you Walder." he said as he composed himself and Walder just nodded clearly not wanting to say too much in front of Sansa.
"Jon are you sure you're feeling better." Sansa asked and he smiled at her and pulled her tight using his unhurt right arm to hold her.
"Aye I'm good, it'll be fine little sister, I promise."
A few minutes later Jaime, Dacey and Jors arrived and Jon felt unable to look at his other guard as his head dropped in shame and the tears fell freely then, his sister hearing him cry held him even tighter. Jaime then asked them all to leave, Sansa argued but Jon whispered he'd speak to her later, once they'd left Jaime sat down beside him and reached over to touch his face wiping his tears, before brushing his fingers over his left eye.
"I… , where's the Maester." Jaime said turning to look at Dacey.
"I'll fetch him." she said and Jaime nodded.
"I'm sorry my lord, I shouldn't have, Alyrs, I shouldn't have." Jon said as he sobbed again.
"Hush, this wasn't on you Jon, this isn't your fault." Jaime said his hand on his shoulder..
"He's dead Jaime, he's dead because of me." Jon cried as he tried to sit up.
He felt Jaime put his arms around him and for how long he cried against him he knew not, only that it stopped when Dacey, Loras and the Maester arrived. Jaime laid him back down against the bed and all three watched as the Maester examined him, the wound on his shoulder seemed to be healing well according to what the man was saying.
"No activities using your arm young man not for a moon at least." the Maester said before turning his attention to his eye "This will scar, but it won't be too bad I would say."
"So he'll recover fully Maester?" Jaime asked.
"Aye my lord, I'd say another day in bed though after than you'll be free to travel, though no riding for him, not yet."
"Thank you Maester."
The Maester nodded before leaving and Jon watched as Loras sat back down in his chair and Dacey came over to lean down and place a kiss on his cheek.
"You scared us Jon, thank the gods it was no more than that." she said and Jon gave her a sad smile.
"My love, Loras, why don't you give me a few minutes with Jon alone." Jaime said and Dacey nodded while Loras looked ready to argue.
"I'll speak to you after Loras." Jon said and Loras looked at him before smiling and walking out with Dacey.
They sat in silence for a few moments after Dacey and Loras left, Jon still felt on the verge of breaking down at any moment and Jaime almost seemed to be searching for what to say.
"Who where they my lord?" Jon asked breaking the silence.
"Bandits we think though with what Walder said I'm not so sure." Jaime said.
"They weren't bandits."
"How do you know Jon?"
"They fired right away my lord, didn't even bother to see whether we were worth their time. Besides why us, I mean we didn't look like we had much coin." Jon said.
"I don't know Jon, perhaps you're right, but if they weren't bandits then who?"
"I'll need to speak to Richard, have him look into it."
"His body has been prepared for the trip, we can bury him when we return to the Rock."
"His family?" Jon asked his voice breaking.
"Will be taken care of Jon, I swear it they'll not want for anything."
"Walder saved me my lord, had it not been for him, do you thank someone for that."
"You knight them Jon, you give him the white cloak he asked for and you knight him."
"I can't, can it?"
"You're his king he'll want it from you, but I can do the knighting too, so we'll do both."
"Thank you my lord."
"I'm just, I,, we need to be more careful Jon, at least until we know who's behind this."
"I will my lord, I swear it. Can you ask Jors to come in, I think its time he was told the truth"
"Aye, it is."
Jaime Ten Days earlier.
He was in the process of removing Dacey's undershirt when the sounds from outside made him stop, hearing a whinnying noise come from one of the horses followed by the howls of two small wolves. As Dacey was fixing her clothes a guard came in and Jaime could see from the panicked expression something was terribly wrong.
"My lord, the horses, the wolves, they're acting strange, the white one just raced off and Jors and Loras ran after him."
'Jon something's happened to Jon' was all he could think as he jumped up and set off in the direction Ghost, Loras and Jors had just set off in. His sword he drew from the scabbard he held in his hands, not having had the time to do more than just grab it, he ran towards the sounds in front of him and when he finally arrived he saw the carnage.
Walder was leaning over Jon, the giant had two arrows sticking from his leg and shoulder and yet seemed unperturbed by either. Around them there were bodies, how many he could not tell, but they had died ugly that was for sure, Ghost was leaning over Jon licking his face and Jors and Loras were looking on tearfully their mouths moving and yet Jaime could only hear a ringing in his ears, all other sounds drowned out.
When he reached Jon and looked to see his chest rise and fall he breathed a sigh of relief, he was alive, he was alive, what happened? Who these men had been? None of that mattered, Jon was alive. He saw the arrow sticking out from his shoulder and opening his shirt he saw the wound though bad, had missed anything vital. It would be the blood loss they needed to do something about. Ripping the shirt he tied it around the shoulder, stemming the flow of blood by doing so.
"He needs a Maester." Loras said panic stricken.
"Fetch my horse." Jaime said to one of his guards who had arrived after him.
It was a few moments later Dacey arrived and when she checked Jon's wounds he saw the relief on his wife's face, taking comfort in the fact she seemed to agree with his own examination.
"I'm taking him to Seagard, I can be there by the hour of the wolf." Jaime said.
"The twins is nearer Jaime." Dacey said.
"I'm not letting a fucking Frey touch him." he said shaking his head. "Seagard, we can make it." he said as he saw Dacey nod.
When his horse arrived he was surprised to see Winter too, but then looking at Loras he figured the boy wasn't leaving Jon anytime soon. They mounted and after leaving Dacey in charge and telling her he'd be back by the morn, they were off. He had needed to slow more than he hoped, Honor carrying his and Jon's weight was too much and so it was on the hour of the nightingale that they made it the gates of Lord Mallister's keep.
"I need a Maester now." he shouted to the guard.
"Who are you?" the guard said.
"Tell lord Mallister that Jaime Lannister requests his aid, tell him I'll owe him." Jaime said and waited a few moments while the guard did as he was bid.
It was Lord Patrek and not Lord Jason who came and when he saw it was really him and that he had an injured man to take care of he immediately had him brought to the Maester.
"My Lord what happened?" Lord Patrek asked.
"Bandits, I need some of your men my lord, to help escort my family here, can I count on you?"
"You can my lord, I'll have the men made ready." Patrek said and as they got to the Maester's chambers the man set off to do just that.
"In here my lord, put the boy on the bed." the Maester said as he began to grab jars and cloth.
Both Jaime and Loras looked on as the Maester did his work, once he'd done examining Jon he called Jaime to him when he began to remove the arrow.
"My lord, if you'd hold him down."
Thankfully the arrow came out without further damage and Jaime watched as he sewed the wound shut, pouring some firemilk into the wound to clean it first, he held onto Jon expecting him to thrash but there was no movement, something the maester found strange. Though perhaps it was the dragon blood which made Jon feel it less Jaime thought as the Maester treated the wound over his eye. Once done he wrapped up both wounds and covered Jon's exposed chest with a blanket.
"It seems he was lucky my lord, the arrow's not caused major injuries and the wound is clean, the cut on the eye will probably scar but we shall know more as he recovers."
"He will recover though?" Jaime asked.
"Aye my lord, he will." the Maester said and Jaime looked to see the relief on Loras's face.
They waited until Lord Patrek returned telling him his men were ready, once he had Jaime turned to Loras.
"You stay with him, I'll go and bring everyone here." Jaime said and Loras nodded.
Jaime five days later.
After collecting Dacey and Sansa and making sure the wolves were ready to go, they had crossed the bridge and been escorted to Seagard. For the next five days they had alternated between staying with Jon and speaking to the Mallisters, Lord Jason having returned to the keep the day after they'd arrived. The man was gracious and expressed his concern over Jon and welcomed them to stay as his guests for as long as they needed.
The Lion's Roar had arrived at Seagard the day after they had and after speaking to the captain and informing them of the delay, Jaime had returned to the keep. Walder had not spoken much of what happened, other than to say it was Jon who saved him without going further into it, Jaime had just been relieved the man had been there beside his king.
As for Jon he stil hadn't awakened yet which was causing concern, even the Maester seemed perplexed. Jaime had decided if he hadn't recovered within the week he'd bring him to Creylen. He was sitting in his room with Dacey when Walder came to tell the full story of what had occurred, after inviting the man in, he too took a seat and listened as he began to tell the tale.
"When I saw the riders my lord I knew they were up to no good, they was riding too fast, coming straight at us in a gallop.
I told Jon to leave and then the arrows came, I pushed Jon behind me and then Alyrs got hit, so I told Jon to run and we went for the trees. When we got there I readied myself but they shot more arrows, I tried to get Jon away but I pushed too hard, it was my fault he hurt his eye I think." Walder said shaking his head.
"You saved him Walder, had you not pushed him who knows what would have happened." Jaime said reaching a hand out to place on the man's shoulder.
"When they loosed their arrows they came at me, there were too many of them my lord, that was when they came and saved us. Walder said.
"Who" Dacey asked.
"The animals, the birds were first, sparrows, gulls, an eagle, then rabbits, hares, deer and an Elk, after that Ghost came."
"Why?" Dacey asked looking to Jaime who was beginning to figure it out.
"Jon, I think he warged into them all." Walder said.
"That's impossible, no one can warg into that many different animals, I don't even think its possible anyone can warg into more than one."
"Jon can. He called them my lady and they came all of them, they attacked the men and gave me the chance to finish them off, Ghost took the leader down though when he tried to run."
"You still saved him too Walder, had you not been there." Jaime said trying not to think too much on how close it had been.
Jaime looked at Walder the giant had taken two arrows as if they were nothing, he was walking around with almost no sign that just days ago he'd been injured, Jon had found the perfect Kingsguard, loyal and true.
"How could he do that, what Walder said, how could he do that?" Dacey asked in disbelief.
"I don't know Dace, I think it's something to do with who he is, who his parents were, he is the prince that was promised."
"The what?"
"Rhaegar believed it was him, but then something changed, it was different. In the letter Lyanna left Jon she said that he was the one, the prince that was promised, the song of ice and fire. Jon's the first ever union of the kings of winter and the Targaryen's, both lines have magical blood. I think that's how he can do it." Jaime said.
"You believe him to be this promised prince?" she asked looking at him.
"Aye I do."
"The he had better survive."
"He will." Jaime said.
Jaime today.
After telling Jors the truth and allowing Jon spend time with Loras and Sansa, Jaime had gone to once again thank Lord Mallister, it was time to repay a debt after all and he was nothing if not a Lannister. Entering the solar he saw the lord and his heir sitting going over papers, they bid him take a seat and he did so.
"Lord Jason, Lord Patrek."
"Lord Jaime." Jason said.
"I want to thank you both my lords, for the help you've provided I and my house are most grateful and for the care you've given my squire I am personally in your debt."
"Nonsense Lord Jaime think nothing of it, you're more than welcome and we just did what any house would do."
"I disagree and since it's beholding to me to keep up my family's name, you know what they say about us Lannisters."
"My lord, there is no need." Lord Jason said.
"I would like to offer you a trade deal my lord, here are the terms I think you'll find them more than favorable." Jaime said handing the lord his notes.
"My lord this is incredibly generous." Lord Patrek said after he read the notes once his father passed them onto him.
"No my lord it's not, my families' safety and well being is of paramount importance to me and Jon is my family." Jaime said and noticed how the two lords looked at him.
"He's a good lad my lord, I should have done more in Kings Landing." Jason said his head lowered.
"You more than made up for it here my lord I thank you. We shall leave on the morrow so I would like to invite you both to my wedding in Casterly Rock my lords, If you are unable to attend I understand."
"Thank you my lord." Jason said as Jaime nodded and left.
It was good to see Jon up and about now, though he was favoring one arm, and not moving as freely as he should, he was at least moving and after the last few days that was a welcome sight. When he'd seen him laying on the ground with the arrow in him he'd feared the worst. Everyday at Seagard when Jon had not recovered and awoken had been torture, while everyone around him said he'd be fine, Loras worried he would not.
When he had finally been able to leave the bed he had asked to be taken to see Alyrs remains, finding them packed and awaiting their return home. The body had been given to the Silent Sisters who had prepared it and packed it in a box and Jon had asked to be left alone while he went to see it. He had stayed there a number of hours and when he left Loras could see he'd been crying. Though Loras had not been as close with the man as Jon was he too had felt his loss, for two years he had seen the man dutifully guard his friend.
Jon had told him he'd told Jors the truth, Loras was not surprised to hear the man had bent the knee willingly, Jon was not just some lord's squire they guarded, not to them and Jors had made it clear Alyrs would have felt the same. Since then Jors had been even more diligent in his protection, he and Walder not letting Jon out of their sight at all even now as they stood on the ship as it cast off, both men were watching.
"Look at the docks Sansa." he heard Jon say.
"Well it's your first trip, don't you want to remember it so you can draw it later?"
"Oh, yes I do, I wouldn't have thought of that, thanks brother."
"Any time little sister." Jon said and Loras smiled.
Though he soon found Jon and Sansa's enthusiasm for sailing wasn't shared by any of the wolves, Ghost looked forlorn, not at the thoughts of sailing but at how uncomfortable the two smaller wolves looked. After they had set off, they made their way down to the large eating area, preparing to at least keep the wolves minds off things with food.
They had been joined on the trip by Lord Patrek Mallister and some of his men, the heir of Seagard representing his house at the upcoming wedding. Loras had initially disliked the man, he and his father had hidden away rather than tell the truth in Kings Landing, but he was extremely grateful for their help with Jon and so was willing to give him another chance. The lord was sitting alone when they entered the room and when he saw them he bid them join him.
"Lord Loras, Lady Sansa, Jon." he said smiling at them all.
"My lord, how fares you?" Loras asked.
"I'm good Lord Loras, I'm excited about this ship, never even imagined one could be built in such a way."
"You know it was Jon who designed it my lord." Loras said seeing Jon lower his head and Sansa look on in stunned silence.
"It was?" Patrek said looking to Jon an impressed look on his face.
"Aye my lord." Loras said looking at Jon as he did so.
They spoke for almost an hour or so, Sansa whispering occasionally to Jon and giggling at something he would say, when Lord Patrek left he turned to see what they were enjoying so much.
"All right what is it?"
"What is what?" Jon said and Sansa giggled again.
"You two what are you having so much fun talking about."
"Us fun, why whatever could you mean?" Jon said and Sansa giggled some more.
"Jon." he said seriously.
"Loras." Jon said back and once again Sansa giggled.
"Dammit enough." Loras said annoyed and Sansa burst out laughing.
"Told you." Jon said and Sansa nodded.
"Told her what?"
"Told her that you'd lose it if we kept laughing."
"I didn't lose it." he said in a huff realizing they got him.
"You did." Sansa said and as Jon put his hand on his shoulder he began to laugh too.
"I can't wait until we're back at the rock." Loras said looking deviously at Jon.
"Why?" Sansa asked seriously.
"Because then, I'll have my own sister to team up with against you both." Loras said laughing and noticing the little shiver Jon gave.
They were eating dinner later that night when it happened, two men came running for Lord Jaime and they heard the news, they were under attack.
"Iron Born." he heard Jaime say as he ran from the room.
Seeing how little remained of Alyrs had shocked him, how a man can be boiled down to nothing almost, just bones in a box. His mind couldn't help going to places he didn't' want it to, words and stories he'd heard when he was growing up, of how Lord Stark arrived with a bastard and his sisters bones. Before it had been something he heard with no context, as he looked at the box which now contained Alyrs he couldn't help but think that this was all that had remained of his mother too.
He feared how Alyrs wife would take it, how their child would react when Jon presented them with their fathers bones, surely there was a better way, some way to bring the body home, some way for respects to be paid to more than this. As he knelt in front of the box, he began to think on that, far better than where his mind wished him to go. It struck him then, ice, ice preserves, could it be used for this? Could he line a room with it and use it to preserve a body? An idea for another time perhaps, he stood and placed his hand on the box, closing his eyes he thanked the man for everything.
As he left he was followed by Walder and Jors, knights of the realm now and both were equally deserving, when they returned to Casterly Rock they would swear their knightly oaths and stand their vigil, Walder had saved his life, the man had taken arrows for him, had it not been for him then Jon would not be standing here today, as for Jors had he not been doing the same for four years. Had he not protected him without question, sure he got paid and paid well and Jon was generous too, but he was more than paid protection to Jon, he was more than just a guard.
" Jors there is something I must tell you, something I wished to tell both you and Alyrs but I delayed,"
" You know you can tell me anything Jon."
" I know, it's well, this is dangerous Jors, should the wrong people find out."
" Jon you know my loyalty is to you and you first." Jors said.
" Even over my own?" Jaime asked.
" Truthfully my lord?"
" Aye."
" It is, it has been for some time now." Jors said nervously.
" Good," Jaime said with a smile.
After he had told him Jors had knelt, pledged himself to Jaehaerys Targaryen when the time was right and to Jon Snow until then, when they told him he was to be knighted he had almost fallen over. Though it was the name he chose for his house which had been the biggest surprise that day. Ser Jors of house Whitewolf was how he would be known from now on and Jon had tempered his happiness, with the thoughts of the one who they were missing who should have been there too.
These were the thoughts going through his head as he Sansa, Loras and Jors stayed below deck while above they were under attack, Dacey had refused to allow either him or Loras to go out to help. Seeing Sansa's fear Jon was glad he'd not argued the point too much, though he had asked Walder to go on deck, if needed this axe would be of much better help there.
"It'll be all right little sister, I promise." Jon said as he closed his eyes and warged into Ghost.
The white wolf ran up the stairs onto the deck, teeth bared he was ready, he looked around for targets, for men in grey who wished to harm his pack, he saw the golden hair as he stood pointing, the large one as he held his axe, yet nowhere did he see the grey ones his Anam Cara (Soul Friend) had warned him of.
Jon opened his eyes leaving Ghost on deck, he was confused but he waited and Ghost would warn him if he needed it.
He had raced up the steps, Dacey would be joining him soon, he knew better than to try and keep her away besides they could use her mace, he knew though she would first ensure Jon and Loras stayed with Sansa, so he didn't need to worry on them. When he reached the deck he ran to the bow of the ship and saw the scorpion have it's cover removed, when had that been added? he wondered as he looked to the stern and saw another one there, both loaded and ready. It was then the fireballs began to splash around them.
"How many?" he said to the Captain when he saw him run to the side of the ship and shout over the deck.
"Four ships my lord."
"If we're boarded."
"Boarded, there'll be no Iron Born scum setting foot on The Lion's Roar my lord, I guarantee it."
"If they should." Jaime said impatiently.
"My lord, they're about to find out what happens when you pull on a lion's tail, FIRE." the captain shouted and Jaime saw the bolt fire.
The shot was true and he watched it rip through the hull of the ship in front of them, it was only mere moments later that the second bolt went and he looked as it did even more damage then the first.
"Give them the fire lads." the Captain said and Jaime saw a bolt covered in tar be set aflame before it too was ripping through the Iron Born ship.
The captain handed him the Myrish eye and he looked through it. The ship was done for, the first two bolts had crippled it and opened the hull, the next one had set it aflame from inside out, their path ahead was clear.
"Take us out of here Captain."
"Not yet my lord, Admiral Lannister's orders." the man said and Jaime followed him to the stern where the process was repeated.
He looked on in horror then as he saw the two other ships had moved into position and were coming at them side on, both ships racing towards them.
"Captain we must go."
"Give it to them lads." the captain said and Jaime head the opening of hatches and windows below.
"Come my lord, you'll enjoy this,"
The captain led him to the port of the ship and pointed to the oncoming Iron Born ship.
"Fire everything," the Captain shouted while Jaime raised the Myrish eye again.
Seeing the damage from one bolt was incredible, from two fired one after another it was basically the end of the other ship. Jaime looked on as five bolts flew from The Lions Roar one after another, the delay between them no more than a couple of heartbeats. The Iron Born ship was obliterated, there'd be no need for a firebolt, the ship had simply exploded it was kindling and nothing more now.
He saw the few men who'd manage to abandon ship, some waving to them to be picked up and he shook his head at their audacity, they had attempted to take their ship and now wanted rescue, Iron Born, they really were fools. He turned to the Captain who had the largest smile he'd ever seen on a man's face, he was holding a tankard of some drink or other and he drank it down in one go, wiping his beard when he was done.
"For Lannisport my lord." the captain said.
"For Lannisport." Jaime said smiling back.
He turned to walk down below deck and saw Dacey standing with Lord Patrek, both of them looking on in shock, he walked to his wife grabbed her and kissed her, before turning to the Mallister lord.
"It seems our Iron Born friends bit off more than they could chew my lord." Jaime said.
"Aye that it does my lord, that it does. I'm glad I got to see it for myself for far too long those damn scum have prayed on these waters."
"Aye me too, my home has come under attack by the squids for many a year." Dacey said with a smirk.
"We should be drinking." Jaime said and both Dacey and Patrek laughed.
"You know what my lord, you're right we should." Patrek said and they headed below deck.
Finding out what had happened to the Iron Born ships was a surprise, it seemed he battle never made it to the ship, they were safe and Sansa was incredibly relieved. They watched as Dacey, Patrek, Jaime and some of the sailors drank and made merry before Jon, Sansa and Loras went up on deck, Walder and Jors following behind. Ghost had lay down with the two wolves, Fang sleeping with her brothers rather than Sansa, though since the wolf had been sick twice, his sister wasn't as put out as she could have been.
Up on deck they looked at the stars shining in the sky, the moon full and giving good light, he watched as Sansa looked in awe at the reflections on the water. Jon told her some of the names he'd remembered from his lessons and why there were named that way while Loras told her of how his grandfather studied them. When she had asked about how long it would take to reach Lannisport she had been shocked by the answer, they would be there within three more days.
"So soon?"
"Aye, are you not eager to meet everyone."
"I am." she said nervously.
"They'll love you little sister, don't worry."
"Do you really think so?"
"Aye I know so." Jon said smiling.
They stayed on deck for a little longer until the chill became too much and then went below and escorted her to her room, he and Loras spoke a little bit and Jon decided to go to sleep. Jors would stay outside his door first tonight allowing Walder to sleep, when he had said there was no need, both men overruled him and he had to laugh. Apparently being a king didn't preclude him occasionally being treated like a child and he found he appreciated it.
He found her not long after he fell asleep, she was on Dragonstone again and she seemed even happier to see him than usual, she practically skipped towards him and smiled as she grabbed his hand. She led him along the rocks and towards he cliff edge and he could see the white dragon was there waiting, it looked at him it's large purple eyes staring directly into his own. Rhaenys smiled and began to drag him towards he dragon, it's wing lay down close to the ground to offer them the ride.
" We must fly Jae, we must fly together." she aid and Jae nodded to her making her smile even larger.
They climbed up on the dragon and he heard it roar as it took off, the feeling of flying through the air was incredible, they soared over the castle and on past it, they flew over the Red Keep and they turned, flying over fields and rivers and finally over sand. He saw the tower in the distance and he looked to his sister who gripped his hand and held him tight. The dragon landed and he looked around, he saw a man fighting and fall, he saw his uncle run up the stairs and then Rhaenys turned to point to the top of the tower.
The white dragon flew over it in circles, before it landed on top of it, lowering itself it's wings wrapped protectively around the tower and it chirped happily.
" Look Jae a dragon is being born." Rhaenys said before fading away.
He called out for her, over and over, he didn't want to leave, he couldn't find her though and then he heard her voice though where it was coming from he couldn't tell.
" Only death can pay for life Jae, only a dragon can be a dragon, avenge me brother, avenge me with Fire and Blood."