Chapter 3 - The Unknown Zone

Chapter 3 - The Unknown Zone

"Tell me you've achieved more than just a shirt." Malik demanded, panting hard as they both rested their backs against a wall.

They've been in a hot chase with the angry mobs who were not even ready to turn back. It makes Malik wonder if actually it was because of a worthless shirt that they're being hunted down by these men.

The cold breeze swept past their feet as they exhaled rhythmically. Anita stretched her neck to peep but Malik silently pulled her back. He had a feeling someone was there and just as he folded his fist, an angry mob appeared with a stick.

He crashed his fist on the mob's face with a great force which caused the mob to only stagger backward and then regain balance.

The next thing he saw was the stick aiming for his head. Thank goodness, he was able to bend low and the stick passed over his head. This action from the mob caused him to lose balance and Anita took hold of the opportunity to bring him down with a kick.

Malik was surprised about the action she just pulled. Right from the very first day he had met her, he thought she was one 'Ajebutter' girl but seems she is trying to prove him wrong.

"What?" Anita asked after noticing Malik was staring at her.

"Let's go." He stretched his right hand which she gladly accepted after crouching down and picking up the stick belonging to the mob.

The mob made to get up but Malik matched his face and passed as they sprinted forward.

"Over here." An angry mob shouted at the top of his voice after spotting the duo who increased their pace while dozens of men surged out from different corners trying to close up the space between them.

"You still haven't answered my question." Malik reminded her.

"I nearly killed one of their fellows last week. He was trying to harass me and I beat him to stupor."

"So they're here for revenge right?" Malik asked again as they cut to a corner.

"And they won't rest till I suffer the same cruel fate." Anita added trying to keep up with Malik pace.

They've been running for a while now and there isn't a lot of energy. A mob was coming from the front, so they turned left. They haven't taken a good five steps when another one appeared.

They both stopped running almost immediately and made to turn back but discovered that they've also been breached from behind.

They have been surrounded by five angry mobs waiting for the right time to strike.

"Your boyfriend still has the gut to put on my shirt." One of the mob rants. He was actually speaking to Anita and then referring to Malik.

"Is this your shirt? It stinks.. Yak!"

Malik's statement not only surprised Anita but fuelled the anger of the mob that he charged at him instantly but Anita came into their middle and blocked his stick with the one in her possession. He withdrew and twirled to aim again but she dressed back a little, colliding with Malik who grabbed her by the waist in order not to fall.

A mob launched from behind and Malik quickly raised Anita up and at the same time, twirled causing her makeshift weapon to hit the mob hard on the forehead before returning her to her former position.

As soon as she landed on the ground, she bent over causing Malik to lean forward because he was having the lower part of his body rest on her butts.

A stick collided with his stomach causing him to wince in pain as he staggered back. Before he could get himself, he was flogged hard on the head which caused him to see stars.

Anita angrily broke the stick in her hand into two. She leapt high and stabbed one of the mobs by the neck. Another, she swept off his foot and pinned him down with the stick.

"More are coming." Malik alarmed Anita with blood streaming from his nose. She grabbed his hand and head leftward while the mobs followed suit.

"Everybody stop." One of the mobs commanded and they all stopped chasing after the duo.

The mob came forward and a smirk curled on his lower lips.

"We have pushed them to the dead end. This is the unknown zone. They won't see the sunset. Let's go." He beckoned his men and they all turned back and started walking away while chanting loudly.


Slowly, his eyelids parted but his gaze was still blurry. A figure was taking a shape in his eyes and he couldn't help but ponder if he was in a dream or reality.

"Your boyfriend is such a sleeping beauty." He overheard someone saying as he was fighting with his eyelids.


The moment the water contacted his skin, Malik sat upright with his body completely drenched and his face swollen.

Someone crouched down before him, it was the figure that poured him water earlier. His head was banging as he tried to touch it, that's when he realized that his both hands had been tied to his back.

"Where am I? How did I get here? Where's Anita?" He asked all at once and the masculine figure couldn't help but chuckle.

"You don't expect me to give answers to all those questions. Do you?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't expect… " He couldn't complete his speech when the door opened and Anita was pushed inside. She crashed hard on the item on the floor and Malik quickly crawled up to her.

"To answer your question. You're both in the Unknown Zone. A place where you'll meet your doom." Replied the masculine figure.

"Are you okay?" Asked Malik after getting closer to her.

"I'm sorry I brought this upon us." She said, sniffing in.

Three men walked in almost immediately with two welding a cutlass by their right hand and the one in the front was having a short gun.

Malik swallowed hard. This is the first time he's seen a gun in such a close range. It was black and shiny. Just the way he does describe it in his books.

"What effrontery do you've to walk into the Unknown Zone?" Asked the man with the most versatile weapon which is the gun.

"We had no choice, we were being pursued by some angry mobs and then we found ourselves here."

"They had no choice." The man mimicked Malik and they all started laughing.

"Well. Which leaves me no choice but to kill you. " He said and placed his hand on the trigger after pointing it directly to Anita's forehead.

Panic gripped Malik instantly. If anything should happen to Anita, then it means he won't survive it also. She has been there for him through thick and thin. Though, it isn't for up to 48 hours. She has done more than a friend could do.

Anita on the other hand was blaming herself for dragging Malik into all of this mess. Now, she's going to be the reason why he won't live to see another day.

"Any last word."

"Sir. What do you want?" Malik screamed atop his voice. "I can do anything for you. Please spare her." Malik added and the man scoffed.

"There's nothing you can do for me. I think you should also be worried about your own death instead of that of your girl…"

🎶 I'm a baboon. I stay in the zoo 🎶

🎵 Zazoo! Wahala Wahala!

Dj Yk mule… 🎶

The man dipped his hand into his pocket and checked the caller while his ringtone lit up the area. He quickly picked up the call and started conversing with the caller in a low tone.

He suddenly raised his gaze and it met with that of Malik who had been staring at him right from the very first time he walked into the room.

He hung the call and turned to the guys behind him.

"Bring him for me."


"Once I exchanged the briefcase with that of his. What would then happen?"Malik inquired, trying to process the piece of information revealed to him.

It was revealed to him that a member of their zone was in trouble and his cover was almost blown. Malik needed to go get the briefcase before he got to the hands of the police.

"You take it to the safe zone, the address is on the briefcase." The man explained further.

"This is tough. I've not done such a thing before. Like outsmarting the police or delivering goods. What's even in the briefcase?" Malik couldn't help but ask.

"You'll find out yourself."

"I never said I was…" He stopped at the cracking sound of a gun. "Out." He concluded shakingly.

"Whatever mistake you make, your girlfriend shall pay dearly with her life." The man said slowly and the words sank deep into his mind. He can't let Anita pay the price of his mistake, so he has to brace up.

"Prepare him."


Malik felt a rush of fear and determination coursing through his veins as he realized the gravity of the situation. Anita's life was on the line, and he had to do whatever it took to save her, even if it meant risking his life. She has done a lot for him within these few days they've met. He owes her his life. So definitely, this is the time for payback.

With his hands still tied behind his back, he was led out of the room by the menacing men. They passed by the room Anita was in and their gaze met with each other.

"Don't do anything stupid Malik." He flashed a smile at her and her worried gaze followed him until he disappeared from her sight.

As they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the Unknown Zone, Malik's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. He had never been involved in anything like this before, and the pressure was weighing heavily on him.

Finally, they reached a room where a briefcase lay on a table. It was a brown briefcase with black edges. Malik's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the weight of the task ahead. He had to exchange this briefcase with another one, all while outsmarting the police and also delivering it to the safe zone. The funniest part of it is that he doesn't know what is in the briefcase. But whatever it's, it can't be good.

Taking a deep breath, Malik steeled himself for what was to come. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes, not just when Anita's life is involved but also that of his. With a determined nod, he signaled to the men that he was ready to proceed.

The next few hours were a blur of adrenaline-fueled action as Malik navigated through the city streets, constantly looking over his shoulder for any sign of danger. Every step he took was a gamble, but he knew he had to stay focused if he wanted to succeed.

On arriving at the main road, he took a deep breath and waved at a taxi but none was flagging down for him. He was running out of time and needed to exchange this briefcase as early as possible.

He flagged down a bike instead and climbed on it. He placed the briefcase between him and the bike man who zoomed off immediately.

He silently prayed in his mind that they shouldn't bump into any police and it was as if God answered his prayers. The police were absent from three different checkpoints.

As soon as they left the third checkpoint, his heart started beating very fast. The middle-aged man told him he'll bypass four checkpoints and he has a feeling that the police will present at the last.

Just as he predicted, the police were there and they flagged down the bike.

"What's in the briefcase?" The police asked staring directly into his eyes. Cold gripped Malik instantly, he was scared to death. The hairs in his body were all standing erect.

"What's in the briefcase?" The Police asked again and Malik breathing got heavy.

The Police stared at him keenly demanding for an answer. He intended to say a word when Malik interrupted him.

"Clothes. It's filled up with my clothes."

The Police grabbed the briefcase and flinged it to his colleague.

"Search it.. Search the briefcase." He commanded and a gasp escaped Malik's lips.