Chapter 4: The Briefcase

Chapter 4: The Briefcase

"Take. Sorry for the delay. " The officer handed over the briefcase back to Malik after the thorough search.

The Briefcase was actually filled with clothes which caused butterflies to dance in his stomach.

"We were just doing our job." The Officer added giving Malik a suspicious look.

"I understand Sir. Can we go now?" Malik asking, faking a smile. The officer nodded and he gestured them to leave.

The bike stepped on the pedal and the engines came alive. Within a matter of seconds, they were back on the road heading to where Malik knows nothing about.

Anita, on the other hand was struggling to loose the rope used to tie her hands behind her. The masculine figure assigned to watch over her was taking a nap and she sees this as a golden opportunity which may never come again.

She tried hard not to make any noise as she tried making her wrist bone vulnerable. Due to her flexibility, she was able to free both her hands from the rope.

She sighed heavily as she struggled to get up. She has been manhandled and suffered pain from different part of her body but she knows better than to give up now.

Malik needs her now more than ever. She reached for the door but stop at the approaching sounds of footsteps.

"Trying to escape."

Swiftly, she moved sideways dodging a blow that was aiming for her neck. The masculine figure assigned to watch over her was awake and he's trying to carry out his duties as a member of the Unknown Zone. Unfortunately, Anita won't give him that chance.

He launched another punch but she caught his fist with both her hands which she wrapped and jab him hard on the nose with her head.

Anita, an energetic lady in her early eighteen had her hair braided in the most stylish way ever. The force of the headbutt was something the man couldn't withstand. He crashed hard on the floor and Anita ceased the opportunity in making use of the door.

"Where have they taken Malik to?" She asked herself, hastening her steps as she tried hard not to attract the gang members.

But seems luck was not by her side as she was sighted by one of the gangs.

"Hey you.." He screamed out, rushing to her direction while she took to her heel almost immediately.

A guy stormed out of a room, blocking her way but she slid under his armpit and gave him a hard kick from behind. The guy kissed the floor and she caught gaze of a knife strapped to his back. She pulled it out at once and flinged it to the guy that was approaching.

The knife struck his left eye and the shock made him staggered back. With fear, she started crawling backward slowly till she bumped on a chest.

She looked up to see the man that almost stick bullet into her head.

Before she could think of her next move, an uppercut flinged her meters away.


She crashed hard on the ground and passed out almost immediately with blood dripping from both her nose and mouth.

"She seems tough. Tougher than the boy." Said the guy that was kicked down by Anita. He has successfully got on his feet but was still feeling the effect of the kick.

"You don't expect less from someone living in the street. The street must have taught her alot." The man replied.

"But Tega. Do you think the boy would make it?"

"Believe me.. He's more smarter than his look." Tega reassured, patting the guy's shoulder.

"How did you bypass all the security measures?" The guy asked as soon as he ushered Malik into his hideout.

Malik was too scared to reveal any details. The fear of what may happens in future suck him up the way Vampire does to his prey. The thought of Anita sends shiver dorm his spine. What state could she be?

While Malik was lost in his trance, The other guy had already exchange his wear to the one in the briefcase and put that of his in it.

Within a minute, he was done and closed up the briefcase. Malik stretched his hand to have it but the latter gave him a look.

"You're taking the other briefcase to the safe zone."


Malik couldn't help but gasp. It was just as he as predicted.

"What's inside?" He couldn't help but ask and the guy shook his head. "If I were you, I'll be on my way."

Without delaying any further, the guy stormed out of the hideout leaving Malik to his fate.

"What if I get caught by the Police."

His fragile mind couldn't help but ponder. Shakingly, he reached for the briefcase and stormed out of the hideout at once. His breathing was intense as he ran through the left corridor before navigating right.

He heard footsteps approaching and quickly slid to a corner. He exhaled heavily trying to calm his nerves. He was so tense that his hands started trembling.

A security officer walked past him with a baton on his grip. He was trying hard not to make any noise but unfortunately, the briefcase fell from his grip.


The Security officer turned frantically while he quickly pick up the briefcase with trembling hands.

"What are you doing out here Kid?" Asked the Security officer on closing the pace between them.

"I was.. " Malik stammered not knowing what to say. With the way the Security held the baton, one could tell that he could strike at anytime.

An idea then struck his brain. With his gaze fixed to the wall, he opened his mouth in agape as if he saw something. This propelled the Security to tilted his gaze. At once, Malik flogged his head with the briefcase.

It was a sudden and forceful attack that caused the innocent officer to crash on the floor tiles.

He didn't even spare the man a look before storming out of the area.. The moment he stepped out, he came face to face with a Police Officer.

The first thought that came to his mind was to raise his hands up in the air but he quickly kick the thought aside.

"Where are you running to?" Asked the Officer and Malik faked a smile. Unlike the Security, this officer has a gun tucked in his pocket. He knew better than to mess with him.

"I want to go deliver some milky doughnut to our customer." He lied.

"Milky doughnut? In a briefcase?" Questioned the Officer as he walked closer to him.

"You know.. The sun these days is so hectic. I can't risk letting it melt. My mum is sure going to kill me." He stuttered as the Officer closed up the space between them.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and his body shivered.

"I've heard alot about these milky doughnut and I really want to taste one." He said and Malik eyes widened.

"Wow.. That's nice Sir. I can deliver one for you. Our catery is opposite the park."

"Really? How much is it?" The Officer asked again and Malik inhaled heavily..

"Why do you look so tensed?"

"I fear the doughnut must have been melting. I've to deliver it as fast as possible." Malik stuttered..

The Officer quickly rushed to the road and flagged down a government owned car.

"Come quickly." He gestured to Malik who has no idea on what's going on.

The thought of prison made his heart race. Did the Officer knew he was lying? Is he taking him to the station? What will then happen to Anita?

This questions made his head bang as he slowly approached the officer.

"Enter the car, he'll take you to your destination." The Officer said as the driver opened the back door.

"Thank you Sir." He flashed a smile and quickly enter the car and shut down the door.

"Prepare some milky doughnut. I'll come have them myself in the evening." The Officer said to him and he nodded before the driver ignited the car.

The engines roared and they zoomed out of the premises.


The ride was one hell of a crazy one. Since it was a government owned car, the police didn't bother checking it.

He crossed the four checkpoint with ease and the driver took a sharp turn and halted almost immediately.

"This is where you're going to, Sir." Said the driver.

Malik checkefd the address on the briefcase and then the signboard by the left. A smile crossed his face.

"Thank you Sir." He alighted the car and started walking down the street. It was already raining.

Who could tell that a police would actually be his savior. He was just full of delight as he strolled down the street. He has finally achieved a milestone by outsmarting an Officer.

"Milky doughnuts." He cooed as he recalled the format he used in deceiving the Officer. He couldn't help but burst laughing in the rain.

He hasn't even see milky doughnut with his own eyes talk more of delivering it for people. It sounds crazy and funny to him that he couldn't help but burst laughing once more.

The patterning sound of the rain blending with the sound of his laughter.

He was do occupied in his thought that he didn't know when he bumped on someone.

"Drop the case there and head left without looking back." A voice whispered and before he could get himself back, the individual was gone.

It was then he realized he has arrived at a crossroad. He quickly dropped the briefcase there and turn left.

With no idea where he was going, Malik kept running in the rain without looking back. The stolen orange shirt he wore was drenched same as his black trouser. His teeth has started grinding together. The cold seems to be penetrating his body.

He was almost crashing down when he bumped on someone and they both crashed their butt on the ground which is now covered with water.

The moment their eyes met, they both burst out laughing with tears streaming down their eyes.

"You're the reason I'm alive. " Said Anita.

"I shouldn't have had the chance to save you if you've left me to my fate yesterday." Malik replied back generating another round of laughter.


"Maybe I should put off the light?"

"No! I don't have cat eyes." Obliged Anita. They were already in the room trying to pull off their wet dresses. "You face there.. I face this side." She added and quickly turned backing Malik.

Malik also turn causing their back to face each other. Slowly, he pulled off his wet clothes and dump it on the floor.

He unknutt his belt and pulled down his trouser. His semi erected dick was visible through his wet boxer.

He don't know if it's to pull it or what? He was still thinking about his fate when Anita called for him.

"Please Malik.. I need help with him my inner wear..

"No turning.. That's the rule." Malik replied.

"Okay.. You can switch off the light and help me out." Anita added. Malik quickly went for the light and put it out plunging everywhere to darkness.

Malik hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he stood in the darkness. He could feel the warmth of Anita's presence beside him.

With a deep breath, Malik reached out in the darkness, his fingertips brushing against Anita's skin as he sought out the clasp of her bra. His touch was gentle, tentative, as he worked to undo the hook.

Anita's breath caught in her throat as Malik's fingers traced the contours of her back, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her body.

As the clasp finally gave way beneath his touch, Malik felt a surge of triumph wash over him. With a soft sigh, Anita leaned back against him, her * grinding on his already hard d*ick . He couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he slid the straps of her bra down her arms. They stood there in silence as their breathing intertwined.

Malik's hands roamed over Anita's bare skin, tracing down to her waistline. She was so wet that she couldn't help but moan out when his fingertip brushed against her breast.

"Malik. You're punishing me." She said, slowly turning to face him.

"Then let's lift the punishment."

Even in the dark, Malik was able to locate her lips. They kissed hungrily as if their lives depended on it. She pushed him to the bed and he dragged her alongside him.

He rolled her over and sat on top of her waist with his both hands fondling her breast.

"I can't control myself anymore." Malik mumbled lustfully.

"I want you to turn me into a woman, Malik." She replied, her hands reaching for his d*ck.