My training under Anastasia, a newly made commander of Queen Celeste's army will be starting soon however, I'd first need to examine the rigorous training to know what exactly is expected of me and what I've gotten myself into Ari said to himself.
We are here , this is where ants who enlist in the army trains, they will stay here until their training is completed which will decide their standings in the army, to simple put it, if they fail the final task , they become wardens or they are stuck on guard duty or become a worker however, if they succeed then they will join the expedition squad as Private or Private first class depending on how much knowledge they utilize in battle said Commander Anastasia. So the hierarchy in their military is similar to ours, that's really shocking Ari said to himself
Come on, pick up the pace, if you want to be soldiers in the army then at least try to look it said Seth. But Sir, we've been running for three days straight we are so exhausted said an ant recruit. I don't want to hear any excuses, anyone who stops has to hold up this rock that is fifty times our weight for three hours, I want to see those feet moving said Seth.
Commander Seth recovered quickly from the beating he took from Vladimir. Yes, he's doing well these days , not a hundred percent recovered but I'm glad that he's still alive said Anastasia. How so? Asked Ari. If he had passed away I'd be the only commander this colony has. Wow, so you mean to tell me that there are only two of you.
Yes , initially Vladimir and Seth were the only two commanders and there were six lieutenants including myself, fifteen second lieutenants, thirty five sergeants, a hundred Corporals and a total of four hundred and fifty privates. This colony's army may be a bit on the small side but they have a lot of experienced Soldiers said Ari to himself.
Vladimir was to be promoted to captain but he refused and continued watching over Tanya. To think that he betrayed the Queen's trust said Anastasia.
Hey Ari, how's it going, everything alright? Asked Evelyn. Yes I'm fine how does it feels to become a full fledged worker ant and freed from prison. It feels good and it's all thanks to you that this all happened, I owe you one. It's all good, just try to do your best and stay out of trouble okay? Yes, I'll ensure that grandpa also doesn't cause mischief said Evelyn.
To think that I use to despise them so much and now I'm growing fond of them their bonds and hardwork. Before I died I had no friends but Keiko so I was feeling lonely so maybe that's why my view has changed about them because I'm not alone anymore Ari said to himself as he sat down on a rock. After being lost in his thoughts Ari hears a familiar voice calling out to him.
Ari, can we please talk for a minute, it's really important said Tanya . What's wrong? Asked Ari. We haven't spoken in a while and a lot has happened. I still feel guilty for what I've done, you poured out your heart to me , telling me nothing but the honest truth however, I let logic get the better of me because I knew Vladimir my whole entire life.
To make matters even worst I said all those horrible things to you and I was manipulated by the ant I've known and trusted my whole life. If it wasn't for Anastasia, who saw through his facade and placed her trust in you then our colony would be gone by now. In the end you still rescued me from Vladimir despite me not trusting you, I'm so sorry Ari.
Don't be sorry Princess, you did what you thought was right and that was trusting the ant you knew your whole life over an ant who was imprisoned, you wouldn't have known that he was planning on betraying all of you , so it's not your fault said Ari. So you don't hate me then? Asked princess Tanya in a soft tone.
I have no reason to, so don't worry princess. Please drop all the formalities, I want you to call me Tanya if that's alright with you. Wait a minute, why did she look so cute saying that, I mean she's just an ant right? Is it the human features on her giving off this beautiful image?
As Ari was about to call Tanya's name without formalities, a loud noise was made to alert the colony of danger. Princess, get to the colony now, I have to go check it out said Ari as he ran off. Upon arrival he saw that both Anastasia and Seth along with five hundred other military ants were dispatched and prepared for battle but to his surprise there was only one ant .
Who are you and why did you come to our colony? Asked Anastasia bluntly. My name is Ruth, a commander that serves under queen Helena, as for the reason I'm here, I was sent to inform you that my Queen requested a meeting with your colony to receive our general Ivan back in return for resources, as proof of this being true i came here along and i can't take on so many of you at once said Ruth.
And why should we agree to your request, so that you can build back your strength and attack us again? Asked Anastasia. I know that what we did was wrong but if we want to survive as a colony we need Ivan said Ruth. Please give it some thought and discuss it with your queen, remember to tell her how much we are willing to give , you know where our colony is so please show up said Ruth as she left.
Alright everyone remain on standby said Seth as he and the army took off to their designated positions. Let's go to their colony Anastasia. What? Are you insane, they attacked our colony why should we trust them, plus we have toe consult Queen Celeste first. Who do you think you are barking orders at me.
Just trust me, I trust that the queen will love my plan as both of our colonies will benefit said Ari. Fine, but if this all goes south I'm killing you before they kill me said Anastasia. Thank you for being so understanding, you know that's one of your most beautiful traits said Ari. Shut the hell up said Anastasia as she punched Ari and blushed.
Upon arriving at the colony they ran into Ruth who was ecstatic that they agreed to attend the meeting and invited them to meet her queen. Queen Helena, these are the ants who were sent to represent Queen Celeste in this meeting. So they at least want to hear us out, that's good.
Listen, we attacked your colony so you don't have to believe me, but we were tracked into it by a strange and who was covering himself and only appeared in the night. He used our lack of food to manipulate us into thinking that conquering you would make us better off but it has only been worse since or army was depleted and now we are almost completely defenseless without general Ivan said Queen Helena.
Now with the little resources we have, we want to free Ivan so that he can serve this colony once more , so please consider it and forgive me once more. I'm afraid I'll have to refuse your request and make a counterproposal said Ari. We'll only free Ivan if you'll form a treaty with our colony.
A treaty? What does it entails? Asked Queen Helena. Well for starters there will be no more war between our colonies, we aid each other in times of crisis and we function as one said Ari. Are you insane queen Celeste would never agree to this said Anastasia. Just trust what I'm doing, I'll convince her somehow.
In our current situation that proposal seems like the only option we'll have , plus it's only for the best, I've decided to agree with your term said Helena.