Chapter 7: Casualty Department

I don't know where I am. White walls, white ceiling, white bed, bandages, and pain. My arm. I can't move my arm. Why? Why now? My stomach, my head, my arm. I want Al.

"A- Al." I managed to stutter through the bandages. Nobody was in the room, but I couldn't tell. The room is spinning. It's going round and round like a ferris wheel. Wait, no, a spinning something. I can't ever remember the name. Or could I? I can't remember. Why can't I remember? I, where's Al. He would be here right now.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" I heard another voice speak. In my mind I heard Al. I knew it was him.

"Al, that you?" I went to jump up, but could barely move.

"No, I'm your doctor. I have to come check on you." He looked down on me and took a quick exam. Looking around and unwrapping my arm and head. I could see. My eyes are struggling to adjust to the light in the room. I groaned as he kept touching my arm. It hurts. But why?

"Can I see Al?" I grunted through the pain that I was feeling in the moment. I wanted it to go away. Why won't it go away? Where is Al?

"Al isn't here. Just get some rest. I'm sure your parents will be here soon." He said through closed teeth.

"Alright." I didn't feel like fighting it. I was tired anyways. Al is probably really worried about me. My parents will probably pick him up. I don't remember my parents though. I don't remember their faces. Why can't I remember them? Why can't I remember anything? I'm just going to go to bed. It's not worth it. Though, I could go for a doughnut.