Chapter 8: Al Absent

It's been a couple days. Neither my parents have been here lately. Or at all I should say. Nobody came and neither did the doughnut. I feel so alone. I will be released soon. I think. I don't know anymore. I just know everything hurts. Not just physically, but mentally too. I miss being around the people I love and care for that I somehow can't remember. For I can't remember anything, not even the colour of my room or the ceiling that I'm staring at that still seems to spin just to spite me. The light is so bright and the beeping that is coming from the machines can only be described as loud. Loud is a good word for my mind right now. I got up to get some time to stand, nearly falling over without the proper balance, but I stood leaning on the bed for support. I guess I'm still a bit unstable. You know what. The machines are not only loud but they're obnoxious. Great wording. Maybe I am getting some thought back. Maybe I can call Al. Just maybe. Maybe he just doesn't know where I am. Maybe I am just not important enough to come visit. Maybe I did something wrong. What did I do for him to not be here to make sure I'm okay. To make sure I didn't die. Maybe he's here too. Or maybe I've been imagining him up. Maybe I've been alone this whole time and my life is a lie. Why haven't my parents come to get me? Am I just not important? Do they not care? I'm tired of being alone. If someone is out there.

"Please. Come get me." I managed to mutter through the thoughts and exhaustion as I peer through the cold glass window,

The sun shimmers through to the horizon. Shimmers through into the dark night that is yet to come in hours, minutes, or what feels like years, months or years stuck in time that spins in winding circles without a soul bond to another waiting to find its match. I guess that's how I feel. Lost in time, in mind, in heart. I miss everything and everyone. I want to go home to my parents though all I can remember is fighting. Though, it doesn't matter. I know for a fact. They care. Right. Just like Al. I know he cares with the power of an army just as I do for him. Let's just hope I'm not alone. Hope. Yeah.