Chapter 18 Blood destruction disease

The next few days were quite chaotic and very busy.

With the addition of the ladies there was much more work to do but after getting rid of the drug influence they became much more lively but they also had some good ideas.

Anne got all of the schematics and turned them into a map of the station.

Monic Got the idea to build small trackers and radios for the men since ladies didn't want to go to the other side claiming that they are no soldiers and would only slow them down but they could monitor the progress and with the help of the map help them to reach their destinations.

That idea got rejected at the beginning because Tommy didn't want to risk their communications being intercepted.

The solution was easy: just use the frequencies that were unused since the second half of the 21 st century.

The norm for short range communications now was to use the frequency starting from the gigahertz range, so if they used the megahertz frequencies they should be fine as almost no one used them anymore not to mention most of the modern equipment couldn't scale so low in the radio spectrum even if their operators wanted to.

All of those things meant more work for all of them.

On the plus side now it was easier to get the materials since now there were five of them.

In the middle of all the preparations Tommy went to the med bay.

-Do you have a moment?

He asked Alice who was sitting behind her desk reading some medical text on the tablet she borrowed from him.

-Yes I do, what can I help you with?

She put down the tablet and pointed at one of the chairs.

-I was hoping that you could answer some questions for me.

Have you ever heard of the Blood destruction disease? 

-I not only heard of it, I was once on the team that tried to cure it without the blood and marrow transplant.

She said, trying to figure out why he asked about that.

-Then do you know if there is a chance for the donor of the blood and marrow to survive?

He continued.

-In theory it is possible if you put the donor in the regeneration tank but I never heard of someone surviving long enough to do that.

You have to know that this procedure requires the removal of 3 liters of blood and quite a bit of bone marrow,so its very hard to survive something like that.

She answered,shaking her head.

-If i had to guess, i'd say that the donor has around 0.1% chance to survive and that is a generous estimate.

He hoped that there would be a chance, that somehow his sister managed to survive the procedure but hearing Alice's explanation killed the last flicker of hope he had.

Alice noticed a change in him and then it hit her.

-Did someone you know become a donor?

She asked to confirm her suspicion.

-Yes, my younger sister is a match for the third daughter of the Henderson family.

And that's also why I'm here.

Sadness and anger were mixed in his voice and on his face.

She got up from her seat ,went around the desk and hugged him.

He didn't push her away knowing that she only intended to console him but despite her best intentions there was nothing that could fill the emptiness he now felt.

Tommy knew that even revenge wouldn't bring him peace at most he would feel some satisfaction.

There were no words to describe what he felt right now, he really lost everything.

Only now did he fully understand Eric's words.

But if he wanted to just get revenge earlier which just meant that he wanted to kill everyone that wronged him,then now he would make them suffer and the Henderson family wasn't the only target on his list.

His ex fiancee who sold him and his sister out for the money,the doctors that did the transplant,the soldiers that killed his best friend and even the hired thugs who burned down his haus and the servants who tortured him, they will all pay.

He slowly stood up and Alice let him go.

-Thank you for answering questions.

He turned to the door and left.

Few days passed by and a day of their second incursion finally came.

Everything was ready Tommy managed to upgrade his equipment and create another set for Simon and taught him how to use it.

The communications were set and tested as well as the trackers.

They tested small radio sets by talking to each other while being in different parts of the station and trackers were tested just by Tommy and Simon walking around while Monic followed their movements on the screen.

The last addition were small cameras that Anne wanted them to have ,so that they could also see everything on the monitors.

Their objectives were clear:

They had to go to every command center and confirm if there were any security measures in place,that was their main objective.

The secondary objective was to determine the possibility of taking over the station without anyone knowing.

They all met in engineering and repeated the plan they came up with for the last time.

After that both Tommy and Simon donned the harness with their gear that Tommy made for them, did the last checks and moved out.

Monic was responsible for tracking their movements on the map,While Anne watched the feed from their cameras.

The most boring assignment was passed to Alice,her role was a lookout.

When they reached the maintenance tunnel he used last time.

Tommy opened the door and both men went inside.