chapter 19 Second trip to the other side.

Tommy moved fast through the tunnel and Simon was right behind him.

When they arrived at the exit Tommy again used his mirror just to be safe.

There was a low chance that someone installed some security cameras but it was better to be safe than sorry.

After confirming that nothing changed from his last visit they got out and moved to the intersection.

-Lest get started.

Tommy whispered to Simon and after that they separated.

Simon went to the life support section and Tommy went in the direction of the main fuel storage section.

Their work was much easier this time thanks to the complete map instead of fragmented

schematics not to mention their new navigator constantly telling them where to go.

Simon arrived first and after making sure that there was no surveillance around he got inside the control center he looked around and found it working without any issues but he also found the control device that Tommy had described to him.

Without touching it he made sure to film everything that Anne wanted to see which she communicated to him via radio.

After completing this part of the mission he moved on to the next target.

Tommy also had no problems reaching his destination and after doing the same thing he moved on.

After a few hours they almost completed their main objective; all that was left was the main control center for the station and the battle control center.

But for these two targets they decided that it would be better to do them together and the first one to do was the battle control center.

Tommy and Simon regrouped near the entrance and proceeded to the objective.

Unlike the rest the door to this room was locked so Tommy used his new electronic lockpick.

It took a while but the device did its work and soon they were inside.

What baffled them was that there were spots for the cameras and the like but they were removed and judging by the state of the room it was done a long time ago.

They sure as hell were not going to complain about it.

But the reason or at least one of the reasons for the lack of security became obvious when they took a look at the monitors.

The defensive cannons that were used to protect the station from asteroids and unwanted guests were offline and not just turned off, no they were missing altogether.

And that wasn't even the worst part; all the shield emitters for the main defense shield were gone as well.

The only protection this whole station had was its hull and a weak force field generated by the station core;it was the last line of defense for every station ever built.

Taking into consideration how old this installation was and that it was connected to two other stations, that force field might not even be working.

Both men became pale when they realized just how bad the situation was.

Basically all it took was a big enough asteroid or just one of the bigger ships to run into this place to turn it into a big swath of space debris.

And they had no way to prevent it.

After finding out that they were a sitting duck they also discovered that there was no monitoring in the defense systems.

Which they had to admit had sense,why monitor the things that don't exist anymore?

They used their cameras to document it all.

Anne, who was watching the feed from their cameras, was just as pale as they were

but for now she decided that it was better not to inform the other women,there was no sense in scaring them right now.

The next target was located quite some distance from them which was normal as you wouldn't want anyone to take out both of those command centers at once.

After some time they found the main command center for this whole station.

The door was also closed but it was nothing that Tommy's lockpick couldn't handle.

When they got inside they were shocked, the place looked like someone had ripped out most of the equipment.

-Anne got the schematics for this room,we need to know what was supposed to be here.

Simon said to his radio.

-I got them but you have to look around slowly for me to see what was taken or destroyed.

She responded a few moments later.

-From what i see they ripped out most if not all equipment that is responsible for monitoring and control of the station from here.

Said Tommy after some thought.

-The FTLD and propulsion controls are missing and so are the main controls for practically all the other systems,but why did they remove them?

Anne asked through the radio.

-Knowing what we know about their plan for everyone here they did it so that even if someone found this place they couldn't take control away from them.

Answered Simon.

-Just think about it.

Said Tommy.

-They made sure that this place was defenseless and then they took away any means of controlling this place centrally , that along with the drug makes anyone unable to get out of here using the station as a means to escape.

It also explains the lack of security measures,they just aren't necessary and I'll bet you anything that the other stations are all the same.

-Then why did they put those control devices in all of the sub control centers?

Came a question through the radio, it was Monic this time.

-They need to monitor what is going on with the station so that if there is a malfunction they can activate the self repair drones. In the end building this place was very expensive and also we are of no use to them if we are all dead.

It was Simon's turn to answer.

-Lets talk about it when you come back.

Alice said through her radio.

-Understood, we're already on the move.

Said Tommy leaving the command center and motioning Simon to follow him.

It took them only 30 minutes to get back.

With the knowledge that there is no surveillance they could move way faster than before.

When they finally came out of the maintenance tunnel they were greeted by Alice who looked tired and bored.

-Boys I think that before we delve into planning we should all get some sleep. What do you say?

She said it with a look that suggested that it was better to agree with her.