Chapter 20 I want to know.

Eliana Henderson was standing in a laboratory with her 4 female bodyguards right behind her.

She was looking at the girl submerged in the regeneration tank who according to what she was told was her savior.

The third young daughter of the esteemed Henderson family was 14 years old but was quite tall for her age,with a thin body,long blond hair that reached her waist,and blue eyes she was beautiful but since she was 10 she was sick and the disease would claim her life if her family did not find a suitable donor for her.

After the procedure she was cured but she needed some therapy to move around again.

It was three months since she woke up and it was her first time seeing the person that sacrificed herself so that she could live.

What information do you have on her? She asked her bodyguards.

The oldest of them took out a small tablet.

-Hellen Zielinski, 16 years old, a third year in a public highschool,parents deceased ,her only family is her older brother Thomas Zielinski who was sent into exile by order of lady Asea and Lord Eric, she's the only one that was found to be a match to you my lady.

-Something is not right, if she is the only sibling to her brother then why did she become my donor and why did my sister and brother send her brother into exile?

 Eliana thought out loud when her bodyguard stopped her.

-My lady when she and her brother were approached for her to be the donor they refused.

-They what?

The young lady was shocked by what she heard,she always thought that Hellen agreed to the procedure.

-Like I said they refused and then Master gave an order to bring her back no matter what it took.

But her brother was a mercenary and quite a good one I might add.

During the hunt for this girl he killed over 50 of our men and injured many more with the help of a friend.

She was captured along with her brother thanks to his ex fiancee who notified us about their whereabouts.

In that ambush we were able to capture her at a cost of 8 of our men and the friend who was helping them also died.

After that she was sent to the hospital and underwent the procedure which she survived by some miracle and slipped into a deep coma.

Master ordered for her to be placed in the regeneration tank in which she stayed to this day and the doctors said that her chances of regaining consciousness are slim at best.

The bodyguard finished her report , she learned a long time ago that when her young lady wanted to know something then she meant all of it.

After hearing the story she didn't know what to think?

She was happy that she was cured but on the other hand her life came at the price of destroying these siblings lives now one was in a coma and another was sent into exile.

She went closer to the tank and put her hand on the glass.

-I'm sorry that you and your brother have to suffer because of me but I promise you that if you ever wake up I'll make it up to both of you.

She said in a quiet voice.

Then she turned to her bodyguards.

-Arrange for her to be moved to my personal laboratory and get me all the information you can gather along with his current whereabouts, I want to know evrything.

-Yes My Lady.was all they answered and got to work.