Chapter 37. Moving out.

Elliana was not happy when her team reported that the blue section was destroyed.

They finally managed to figure out a way to go in and out undetected and were ready to get Hellen's brother out.

She was now reading a full rapport on the incident and couldn't believe what she saw.

Firstly the station that was supposed to be unarmed,opened fire on the nobles' vessels.

And if that wasn't enough,they had to send a cruiser and 3 destroyers to finally capture the installation.

But the most unbelievable was that the station aws empty,every exile that was sent there just disappeared and what's even more mind boggling was that they left an army of drones and dozens of traps behind.

Well she couldn't blame them for that,in the end they probably hated all nobles and wanted some payback.

-What are your thoughts on this?

She asked the commander of her team who was kneeling before her right now.

-My lady, can I speak freely?

-Go ahead.

-I think that the exiles found a way to counteract the drug long ago and used lack of surveillance to take control of the station.

Then they probably repaired one of the ships they were supposed to dismantle to escape but I still don't understand how they managed to evade the sensor net around the system.

-What do you think destroyed the station?

-According to our readings it was an explosion from inside of the installation.

The cause of the explosion was a stockpile of ammunition that was probably boobytraped.

And if they had so much of the ordnance then they are clearly well armed.

-Try to find them but do it quietly.

If you manage to do it then try to contact them,under any circumstances do not fire on them.

-Yes my lady.

The commander got up and left to carry out her orders.

Deep down the commander was happy that it went this way,the young lady hated losing so she was ready to be punished. 

Fortunately all she has to do to repair the situation is to find a ship with the exiles and make contact,that shouldn't be that difficult.

Meanwhile Elli was deep in thoughts.

She read Tommys files both civilian and mercenary,and what she found in there startled her.

That guy was normal only on the outside. She heard about all the men he killed while her family hunted the siblings down,but she attributed it to desperation and doing his best to protect his sister. He was a mercenary in the end so he had to know how to fight.

After reading his files she came to the conclusion that he was holding back not wanting to offend the nobles.

His mercenary files portrayed him as a god of destruction and death.

When he let loose on the battlefield he used anything he could to destroy his opponents, he was merciless to his opponents but gladly risked his life for his friends.

But what was most terrifying about him was that he never left any survivors when he was angered.

Now he escaped,most likely on an armed ship and with a few dozen other people who had reasons to hate nobility, not to mention that he probably thought that his sister died to save a young noble lady.

If he decided to take revenge then her family is now in real trouble.

They didn't know that she saved Hellen and it was better that they didn't find out or they would use her as bait or a bargaining chip.

Elli made her decision and pushed a button on her wristwatch to summon her guards.

-Start packing everything we are moving to the Elani system and also contact my troops on site and tell them to strengthen the defenses.

Then she handed over Tommy's files to another guard.

-Make two copies and send them to my father and older brother.

Get Hellen out of here as fast as possible but don't let anyone know especially not my family.

And get me files on all the people from the station that managed to escape.

-Yes My lady.

They all bowed and went to execute their orders.

Elani system was the place where her private planet was and since it was the only habitable planet in the system then all of that system belonged to her.

She was getting ready to leave when one of her attendants came in and informed her that her father was waiting for her in the audience room.

When she got down to meet with her father he had a serious expression on his face.

Elliana, why did you send these files to me?

She knew that he was angry because he only used her full name when she did something to upset him.

-Father I sent you this file so that you could prepare for this man's revenge.

Has no one told you that he managed to escape from the blue zone?

Arnolds anger evaporated when he heard that.

-It's the first time i heard about it,what happened?

He asked in a more neutral voice.

-In short all the exiles from the blue zone managed to get rid of the influence of the drug,and probably repaired some derelict ship to use it to escape.

They also managed to repair the station defense systems and programmed it to attack noble vessels, not to mention that they left many traps behind,one of which was a powerful explosive that destroyed the station itself.

He was in shock,no one told him anything about that.

-Thank you for telling me about that but why did you send the file on this man to me?

-Father if you read this file then you should know that this is the brother of the donor you found for me.

After reading the file myself I came to a conclusion that when our family hunted them he didn't really retialated.

He probably just wanted to escape with his sister and fought with our men only in self defense.

Now he has escaped and probably has an armed ship at his disposal. What do you think he will want to do?

Arnold didn't even have to think, of course, that he would want to avenge his sister.

-And to add to the problem our family disposed of his sister even after she survived the procedure.

Elli continued.

Her father didn't look too happy with the idea that a mercenary could go after his family.

Not to mention that he sold his sister for organ transplants months ago.

He regretted this decision now, if he had the girl then he could bargain with the man but right now there was only one thing to do and that was to kill him before he kills his family.

Arnold wasn't afraid of normal people he had his own forces to deal with them but an ex mercenary hellbent on avenging his sister was a different story altogether.

-Thank you Elli,this is very important information and I don't know why no one has informed me.

By the way, where are you going? I saw your attendants packing your things.

-Im going to visit Aurelia on her planet.

She lied quickly.

-Ok you should be safe there but make sure that she knows you're coming this time.

Elli blushed at that statement.

She once wanted to surprise her friend and didn't tell her that she was coming.

The result was that they completely missed each other.

-I already called her so she knows that i'm coming.

-Then I won't stop you, have fun.

Arnold went back to his office and tore into all of his staff for not informing him of the situation.