Chapter 38 First battle.

The excitement on the bridge was palpable.

Over the last two weeks everyone got even better with the drills and that was something to be proud of.

Now they were preparing to finally power up the ship as the best point to get out of this system was getting near.

The plan was to power up the ship half an hour before they reached that point so that they could do a full diagnostic.

Whether or not all systems were in the green they had to use the engines at that point to get out of the sea of shipwrecks.

The moment they powered up the ship they would probably be detected so there were no second chances.

The minutes felt like hours while everybody was waiting for the command.

Tommy nervously looked at the timer and when it reached T-00:30:00.

-Power up the ship .

He commanded.

The moment words left his mouth,Paul who was ready clicked the control on his station and the ship awoke .

There were some raptors incoming from different sections of the vessels but all of them stated that it was working as intended.

Next we're the bridge crew raptors.

-Generators and engines are online and there are no issues reported.

Paul was first to rapport.

-Communications are all in the green.

David was next.

-All flight systems are operational.

Agnes said.

-All sensors are online and we are detecting a sensor neet ahead of us but no defenses.

Anne gave her rapport.

-Navigation, online and we are on course.

Jakon was next to rapport.

-Shields charging and weapon systems show green across the board.

Simon was last to rapport.

-We were detected and there were five ships coming our way. The estimated time of arrival is 10 minutes.

Anne reported a minute later.

-It seems that our luck has run out,i wanted to leave the system without a fight but it's impossible now.

Battle stations!

Tommy ordered and a moment later an alarm went through the ship.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to their stations.

-Anne What kind of ships are coming?

-There are 4 corvettes and one frigate. they will be in our weapons range in 3 minutes.

-Simon, I want firing solutions on all of them the moment they enter our weapons range use only the energy weapons and missile launchers.

-Yes sir.

Simon's hands were moving fast on his consoles.

-Captain they are hailing us.

David reported.

-On screen.

A moment later there was an image of a man in his fifties wearing an uniform of one of the noble families.

-This is Captain Fernand Coole of the twelfth patrol unit. Identify yourselves and state your intentions.

-This is Captain Thomas Zieliński of Star of Vengeance. We are in the process of leaving this system and if you know what's good for you then stay out of our way.

Tommy responded.

The captain of the patrol unit looked like he was thunderstruck for a moment but his military routine kicked in a moment later.

-You are in the restricted zone, power down your weapons and shields and prepare to be boarded.

Failure to comply will be treated as an act of aggression and will be dealt with accordingly.

-Captain Coole, you seem to be misunderstanding the situation.

You are 1 minute away from entering my effective weapons range and if you don't turn around I will fire upon you.

-Do you want to become enemies with the Garcia family?

-I don't care who is your master, if you value the lives of youre men then turn around and get lost.

After these words Tommy signaled to David and the young man terminated the connection.

-They are still coming and powering up their weapons.

Anne said.

-Leave no survivors.

Tommy said to Simon.

-Yes sir.

was the only answer he received and the next second a volley of power beams and a salvo of rockets went straight for the patrol unit.

The shields flickered and failed ,the ships exploded and after the first round only the frigate remained in one piece but it was damaged and without shields.

-Captain they are hailing us again.

-On screen.

-Captain Zieliński please hold fire we surrender. 

-I'm sorry to inform you, Captain, that it's too late,you should have listened when I gave you a way out.

After that he once again terminated communications.

Tommy looked at Simon and repeated.

-No survivors.

A moment later two energy beams pierced the frigate and it disappeared in a ball of fire.

-Cancel the battle stations but remain on yellow alert,Agnes ,get us out of here.

 -Yes sir.

Was all that he received as an answer.

His first battle as a captain of a spaceship went smoothly and he hoped that all of his battles were as easy but he knew better.

The bridge crew was a little shaken at Tommy's change when they were in battle.

He was like a different person, no small talk, no asking for something, only swift and decisive commands that no one dared to ignore.

They understood that it was combat and it was either death or victory,there was no other way for them.

But even Simon was a bit shocked by Tommy's ruthlessness.

He saw many officers in his military career but when he looked at the young mercenary in a battle situation, he saw a real god of war.

He saw a leader who could inspire soldiers with his mere presence.

A commander who had the ability to take his troops into the depths of hell and no one would even bat an eye.

In his eyes Tommy in that moment was every soldier's dream commander and a never ending nightmare for his enemies.