Chapter 39 The jump.

Everyone was in disbelief once the battle ended Tommy was back to his old self.

The Captain who commanded the battle was nowhere to be seen.

It was like a switch was flipped and he was gone, replaced by the man they knew for almost a year.

When they asked him about that he explained that this was normal for him,whenever he went into battle his personality changed and his senses got enhanced.

-Ok people, great work now that the battle is over let's get out of here before some of their friends show up.

Tommy spoke through the ship intercom.

-Why don't we send some savage drones? We could get the updated maps for navigation.

Garry asked through his communicator.

-We can't ,there is no way that the drones would catch up with us and besides we were just attacked and i don't want to wait for their friends to arrive.

Tommy answered.

-That said,Anne, why didn't we see them earlier?

-I'm working on that right now so give me a minute.

She said while analyzing the data.

-The Garcia family won't be happy about that,we just blew away some of their ships.

Agnes said in the meantime.

It was one thing to set a trap on the station,but now they destroyed a patrol unit like it was nothing.

-And why should we care ?

Simon said.

-If we complied with their demands then we would die.

This galaxy just became kill or be killed for us,and I'd rather be the one doing the killing.

-I'v got it.

Anne's voice stopped all other conversations.

-We couldn't see them because our sensors were blinded by all the derelict ships.

Our sensors were scanning a limited area before we powered up the ship that's why they were undetected.

She reported.

-Ok, that's no one's fault but please from now on no more surprises like this.

Tommy said after hearing her explanation.

-Actually we have company but i don't think they can catch up to us before we jump.

Not if they wont use a micro jumps and thats suicide in this system.

-Whats their ETA? Number of ships and what type of ships.

-ETA is 3 hours, 25 ships,ranging from patrol craft to a destroyer.

I think that they are part of the forces that destroyed the station.

-Then they are no threat to us.

Tommy said with a sigh of relief.

They needed 5 more minutes to get to the planned position and another 20 to live the system

After that they just needed to jump.

-What about the sensor net before us?

-If they are just sensors then they can't hurt us but they will be able to calculate our jump vector.

Anne said.

-We can't have that,can you find the sensors in our vicinity?

Tommy asked.

-I already did.

-Then send their coordinates to Simon.

She did as she was told.

-Simon, target these sensors and remove them from our path please.

-As you wish.

It took a while before they entered an effective weapons range but when they did Simon simply targeted them and sent a missile for each one.

After a little display of fireworks there were no more sensors around them.

-Now that that's done, let's focus on finally getting out of here.

Charge the FTLD, input the coordinates of our first cooldown.

Tommy commanded.

-FTLD is charging, 5 minutes to full charge.

Agnes reported.

-Coordinates laid in we are ready for the jump.

Jakob confirmed.

-Everyone strap in ,we are jumping in less than 5 minutes.

Tommy used ship wide communication.

-Status on our pursuers.

-Still more than two and a half hours out so there is no way for them to stop us.

Anne reported after checking her instruments.

Tommy nodded and smiled.

The time went by slowly and everyone was on edge because this was their first jump in the new ship.

-We have incoming.

Anne shouted when the alarms started to blair.

-Two dozen ships jumped in right in front of our path.

-Shields full and ready weapons.All crew to battle stations

Tommy ordered at once.

-Anne, talk to me. Did they micro jump or is this another group?

-It's another group they probably called in some reinforcements.

-Agnes status on the FTLD?

-95% charged, 30 more seconds to full charge.

-Simon status of weapons and shields?

-Shields are fully charged and all weapons are ready to fire.

This time Simon brought everything to bear.

From the outside Their ship now looked like a fortress with all the gun ports opened and every weapon ready to fire.

-How long is it for them to jump in?

-Ten seconds.

The answer came from Anne.

-Target the ships that will jump right in front of us and ready the mines we will punch through and leave some gifts for our incoming guests.

Tommy again slipped into his other self.

What happened next could be only described as a slaughter.

The ships that jumped right in front of them were obliterated,they didn't even have the time to get their shields up when a barrage of missiles and torpedoes slammed into them and tore them apart.

That was three down and more soon followed.

Simon swung the turrets around and fired them into the nearest ships destroying or heavily damaging another 4 ships.

He didn't even check what his target was, he just targeted them,then the guns and missile launchers did the rest.

A small fleet was dead in space in a matter of seconds.

It was evident that they were surprised when the ship they were called in to stop opened fire on them the moment they exited FTL.

After the Star of Vengeance emerged behind the enemy fleet it dropped some mines and jumped.