
The next day, Adam still didn't regain consciousness. His wounds had started to heal, but he still wasn't conscious. Freddy started to worry about Adam's health because there was no food in his stomach to regain energy. Blacky was forced to wake Adam up. He was afraid of losing his masters again. Adam opened his eyes slowly. His body felt very weak. The bear sat him down and leaned his body against the blacky's body behind him. He gave Adam coconut water to replace the sweat that came out. After a while, Adam's strength slowly increased. The bear took some tubers that had been burned and gave them to Adam. Adam also ate some sweet fruit to get more carbohydrates as the main energy source. Molly also gave him her favorite honey for Adam. Honey is believed to be able to cure various diseases and is very good for health.

There are a few fears that the wolves will come back to attack. But they didn't know that the wolves had not healed their wounds yet. Some wolves even got worse and bled to death. Like Blacky, predators are not taught to treat. They only learn to kill and hunt. They rely on their immunity to cure the wounds without medication. Actually, wolves are animals whose immune systems are quite high. Their recovery rate is faster than that of other animals. 

The next day, Adam was able to do activities as usual. The wound has completely healed. Meanwhile, Blacky still has a weak body and still walks with a limp. Freddy's wounds were still wet, but he was strong enough to do his activities. They planned to leave that place and go to the cave where the dragon was hiding. Adam walked behind Blacky. Freddy and Molly walked in front of Blacky, opening the way. Along the way, Adam picked edible fruit. He gathered them into his backpack. Several times, they stopped when Blacky felt tired or in pain. When they rested, they ate the fruit that Adam had collected. Meanwhile, Blacky could only endure hunger. No more canned sardines are left. Unfortunately, there were no animals that Blacky could consume during the journey.

"Soon we will cross the river. We will spend the night near the river. You can look for fish or other animals around the river. We can also drink as much as we like." Said Freddy, the black bear.

"Then let's just continue this journey." Blacky said it excitedly.

Hearing this, Adam, Freddy, and Molly burst out laughing.

"What a greedy cat! When it comes to eating, he becomes the most enthusiastic one."

Hearing that, Blacky just grinned embarrassedly.

They have reached the river. The four of them drank water as much as they could. Adam is not an exception. The water there is very clear and fresh. Actually, Adam thought about boiling it first, but his thirst was unbearable. After they were satisfied with drinking, they cleaned their bodies. Adam and Molly immediately took a shower, while Freddy and Blacky only cleaned the blood and wounds. After that, they started hunting for food. Adam made fish traps, Freddy collected fruit, and Blacky hunted small animals such as rabbits, chickens, birds, or anything edible.

Adam began arranging tree trunks and branches to build a simple tent with some woven leaves as a roof. Molly and Freddy collect dry twigs in preparation for the campfire and cooking. Blacky collected many small animals. There are squirrels, rabbits, chickens and birds. Adam got some fish and shrimp. Adam made the seasoning for the fish and shrimp first. Then he made barbecue sauce for chicken, rabbit, bird and squirrel. For the tubers, Adam boiled them.

It was getting dark, they had already finished cooking grilled fish, fried shrimp, barbecued various meats, and boiled tubers. That night, they ate until they were full. After eating, they felt sleepy and soon fell asleep.

It's already morning. The black bear woke up and went to the river to drink. Suddenly, a crocodile pounced on him. Luckily, the black bear was able to dodge the attack.

He fell backwards, and the crocodile chased him. Just when its mouth was in front of the bear's paw,


A hard blow knocked the crocodile's head down until it hit the ground. Adam used a tree trunk the size of his calf to hit the crocodile's head. Apparently the blow didn't really work on the crocodile, whose skin was very hard. The crocodile became increasingly angry and furious. He chased Adam. Adam stepped back and ran. Freddy ran around behind the crocodile, grabbed its tail, and pulled as hard as he could. Crocodiles can only wriggle to the right and left. Freddy spun the crocodile a few turns and released his grip. The crocodile was thrown and hit a large tree very hard. Crocodile was in pain, lying on his back. Seeing this opportunity, Adam used his adventurer's knife to stab and rip open his stomach. Indeed, the crocodile's weakness is in its stomach, its skin is not as thick as its upper part. The crocodile died instantly. They don't waste that much protein. With his cooking skills, Adam separates the meat from the skin and bones and then cooks it.

"I feel very happy to have met you. Even though at first I almost killed you, you forgave me. Now I won't be hungry anymore. Not like before. In the past, I was often hungry and even went almost a week without eating. After Master Inferno left, I had to look for food myself. A little tiger, who was always pampered, was forced to hunt. Almost every day I ate fish because that was all I could catch." Blacky said while shedding tears.

"Same here, I'm also grateful because I've been taught a lot of things. Cooking, making a fire and making a makeshift tent. After this, my child and I can eat deliciously every day." Freddy said it with a smile.

"I'm also grateful to have met you. At first, I thought I would live here alone. There was no one to talk to. But it turns out I met you—friends who help me get through my days and even take me to where I need to go. Without you guys, I might have died from being attacked by a pack of wolves." Adam said.