30. Go west.

Mariella took Damon to their own house. They hadn't been there much, but now they needed their own time, and Damon especially needed to be away from Mimi. Every time Damon had gone to talk or even look at Mimi, she had been asleep, but that didn't mask the smell of fear and terror that Mimi was smelling. Mariella watched over and over again as Damon almost broke his heart when he smelled Mimi's fear and terror.

But Damon did nothing. Mariella knew that once upon a time, Damon had gone to the drug cabinet and taken a cocktail. Put Mimi down and pluck that session out of her mind. He just did not want. That part lurked still when he had seen Mimi as weak as the victim. So Mariella had again her work cut out for her. Damon was not yet safe to be around Mimi. 

Finally, she had enough and told Damon to teleport them elsewhere. No matter how much Mariella tried to convince Damon that Mimi didn't want anyone else now, Damon didn't listen, or if he did, he didn't care. Mariella kept pushing that side down. It fought back as it wanted its victim. So this would take time and then Damon's conscience would come out as he had not helped Mimi to get over this. Not an easy time. For starters, Mariella decided to let it go and seduce Damon, and they attacked each other with a passion Mariella had never experienced before.

Damon seemed to be unloading some demons out of himself, and finally, he looked at Mariella, sank his teeth into Mariella's shoulder, and started to spill black goo. Goo being all the bad things Damon had been in or had done.

The gunk was thick, and Damon tried to restrict its flow. This would help to suppress that dark side of him, as he would not use it as a shield to not feel things.

"Go ahead, don't limit it," Mariella encouraged, stroking Damon's back. "Fuck me hard while you're at it and let it all come out." She continued.

Damon did as instructed. Sex was once again something that they used to unload. Physical pleasure helped them both. 

He drained the spunk. Sometimes, it was runny, sometimes even quite lumpy, sometimes thick and heavy, for two weeks before he broke free, sighed, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Mariella took a shower, went out for breakfast, and decided to try baking again. She had time to bake a few hours before Damon woke up. Damon came and wrapped herself around her.

His voice was seductive, warm, loving," Darling, what are you up to now?"

Mariella happily showed off the buns she had made. Damon smiled.

He remembered the first time Mimi had made buns in his day. He had tasted nothing so delicious.

Why does Mimi always get into my head? Damon wondered to himself.

After the session, he put all his feelings for Mimi away. Mimi didn't want him. Fine, with Mariella, wants it. Mariella gets it. Damon knew Mimi remembered and knew now that the memories were marked. He had used those songs to anchor that session so that someday he could take it away. But as Mimi was not yet ready or willing, he did not bother to even think about it.

Another barrier between them, another bridge that's broken. He remembered how fucking long it took before Mimi wanted anything to do with him after Damien had killed her the first time. They'd been separated for five years. Let's see how long it will be this time. And now he had Mariella. She was all that he needed or wanted. 

He remembered how everything had changed when Adam and Charles came into the picture. He remembered how Bran had put Marrok's order to Charles and Samuel not to fuck with Mimi. And how Bran had been forced to break it when they got married. He remembered those weddings, his flanks, his wedding nights. It seemed so long ago. So much had happened. 

Mariella could see that Damon was remembering something again. She knew her duty. Her job was to get Damon to unravel, to remember, to open up. It would help, but now Mariella was determined once again to seduce Damon into bed and spend a long, loving time there.

One day, Damon and Mimi would meet, and one day, everything would be okay, but not yet. Maybe. But Damon wasn't so sure. Because he'd gone so far and so effectively, maybe it was just time to learn to let go and move on. Now was their time. It would be easier to be just for the two of them and it was also easier to not see Mimi or be in any interaction with her. He was the pack leader, but not the alpha male. It felt like that side of him was almost dead, and maybe it was better that way. 

It had been six months since the shed session. I had been mostly by myself and hadn't even really taken Adam or Charles near me. I didn't go to the same house where Damon was. I had worked, done mostly work on my laptop, and moved on. 

I didn't, and he didn't insist. He didn't want to—alpha couple or not. I couldn't yet. I slept on an anesthetic that one of my medics had gotten for me. From the medical facility, but according to my analyzer, it was not too bad for me. Now and then, when I needed to, but not nearly every week. Because otherwise, the nightmares would keep me panicking for days. That drug made me sluggish for hours after waking up, but I needed to rest at least a bit.

But it didn't help that much as I didn't still feel safe or dream in my sleep. It helped my body to recover, but when I got over 45 kilos, no more sleep. I could do without and use my powers. I was still very much an alpha female. Even more than before and my cats explained it as Damon was not an alpha male. He had almost died in that part; he was now just a fucking machine with Mariella. Fine by me. 

Luckily, there were fleas, and I was fully focused on them again. They were my thing. There I could help do. In the past, Damon would have come and taken this fear away as he did. But it was easier for him this way when I was afraid of him, so he could have a clear conscience about being with Mariella. I was not anymore so afraid, but I knew those songs had still power over me and I kept myself busy. 

I wanted to destroy Damien for real. I was afraid of Damon, but I didn't tell anyone, not Charles, Adam, or Mimosa. It was easier to play jealous than terrified, and I knew that time would help and a goal. I did not trust him, not one bit. That side of him had seen me as so perfect victim, so no matter how Charles or Adam tried to make me believe that side was pushed down, I did not let myself trust it. 

I decided to go after Damien from several directions. Fuck, I was a flea. I had my organization, a global network. Damien would suffer. First, I had pictures taken of him. As closely as I could, I had everyone watch what it was doing. I gathered all the information and gave instructions.

I started breaking down Damien's plans piece by piece. If Damien were going to meet someone, I'd prefer to kill it because it had something Damien wanted or needed. If you hear there's a meeting, stop it. I did active gigs first time in a long time and by god; it felt good. Damien was just one of my goals and I had sniping, blowups, and even saving gigs and I went to every one of them. Oh, that was an enjoyable two months while I was destroying and ruining his plans so fucking well.

The wolf's heat was back on, and I wasn't sure when Mariella would pull herself back into the heat again. I don't know. I kept my heat down with my willpower. I have done it over the years quite many times, so I know what do to. 

My phone rang. An unknown number, I answered now anyway. "Flea." My voice was clipped. I was at my base in Idaho. This was one of the bigger bases. 

A hoarse chuckle, and angry hiss after it, " Oh, Baby, when you've done it. Bravo. You sure have made a stink. But now, Baby, this is getting to be a session. I'm getting pretty tired of your whole minor operation. It won't be long, Baby, when I get you, it won't be long..."

The call was cut off. Oh, I've made a good impression. Boo hoo, let's go for it. I'm not afraid. I just backtracked that call, payphone, so no use to find him. My gigs continued. Damon and the whole shed session. The entire pack started to sink in the background. Even my link with Charles and Adam did not work at all. I did not let it. They had wolves and Mariella. Peaceful pack life. It was better for them to be without me. And I got my freedom. 

I had gotten that guardianship contract nullified after Damon had killed me, even though I am supernatural, and there had been reasons. I was kind of dead even though I had revived, so there was that. So I managed once again all of my assets and money, my houses too.

I continued my operation. It had been a few weeks since that phone call. I had just returned to one gig where I rescued over 400 victims from Sark and blew up the biggest facility in half of America. I was driving towards Florida on one of the more remote roads when suddenly, a truck took off and hit the side of my car so hard that my car started spinning wildly, and I had to work to get it under control.

I got my car to a stop and looked to the side. Oh fuck, the truck is coming at me again. I tried to hit the gas, but the truck hit the side of my car, so the car started spinning around on the roof. The spinning finally stopped, and I started struggling to get my seat belt on. My car was totaled more or less and I needed to get out. I wiggled free from my seat belt.

Next, I used my feet and kicked my door open. It took some doing, but I finally did, using brute force, and crawled out of the car, when someone grabbed my hair and pressed their foot against my back.

"Baby, I told you..." were the last words I heard before my neck snapped.

I woke up naked, tied up, and sore, as if something had already been done to me. Damien walked in front of me. He had a white tee shirt, loose jeans, and sneakers. This was some sort of bunker this time. Like it where he had taken me and Mimosa trying to get us breed. I was not sure if this was actually the same place. I tried to wake up. 

He walked over and turned to look at me when he noticed I was actually awake.

He was furious. "Baby, let me tell you, you will not organize any operation against me after this session. Maybe then you'll understand keeping your nose out of my business! Let's get started. Platinum, Iridium, Gold, Silver, not silver madness but just the usual, Rhodium, Cobalt, Vanadium, Beryllium, Manganese, Copper, Mercury. Oh, that you like mercury then, and it doesn't make you vomit wildly? Moving on to Molybdenum, Magnesium, Cadmium, then a few earth metals, oh you like those then. The thing about these is that Damon's new missus can't stand to be around them, which makes her feel sick. So they won't help you either after this. Damon's little shed session ruined my experiment so no more shells for you, it is no use as it was supposed to be the long-time deal and I needed to get info on those, but now I have nothing, and you satan flea, one goddamn pest. Let me show you what I do pest like you."

He walked a few steps and looked at me, sneering, "Do you feel them, baby, they have been dripping a few hours into you, I have kept you a little drugged so I can weaken you first."

Damien had already set the metals dripping before I woke up, and I could feel their effects all over my body.

He started by beating me by kicking me not hard, but the metals helped a little. Then he would put cold or hot. I was now tied to some kind of frame that could be lifted so I could be easily beaten or put in a horizontal position so you could play with it otherwise. There were some sort of heaters or then cooler devices that he brought near me. 

He finally untied me when I was so frozen that I couldn't function and was almost unconscious. My body temp was about 28 degrees Celsius. He put me on some kind of device. Shackles came on my wrists and ankles, and several belts held my body otherwise in place.

"This device does everything, Baby. It then injects the drug continuously in a steady stream, and the metals ensure it gets absorbed. Then, this destroys your immune defenses. Shut it down. Again, the help of the metals. Your healing ability. All these devices take everything. And then, Baby, when you have no immune defense or your healing ability is maybe human or below, and you're full of pharmaceutical drugs, then we'll move on. This device also makes your calories burn at an incredible rate. It's said to go through your muscles and your bones because the calcium is absorbed from your bones into your bloodstream. But Baby, As you can see. The drugs are already taking effect, as I said, strong. Soon, you'll be as helpless as a newborn, not maintaining your temperature, sugars, consciousness, and fitness. We'll see, then you'll want to play no more. But you will be thin as a rail, sick as a dog, and fully at my mercy. This is the latest model from Sark. I work for him from time to time and he is not happy with you, so he gave me this device. It is again an immersive experience, so enjoy."

He closed the lid, and I was again in darkness, already metalized, tired, sore and now this hell machine destroyed me. It did. The machine was brutal. Never in a shed has any machine been so destructive. It felt like it was tearing me into atoms over and over again.

He opened the lid from time to time and drugged me even more. The pharmaceuticals were a new generation of paranoia, sedation, and confusion headaches. Damien's pleasure was clearly to be seen, and he talked, touched me, and made me shiver with disgust.

The metals caused symptoms from muscle aches all the way to vomiting. Mercury, in particular, made me vomit, and I could always turn my head when my stomach was cramped. Beryllium effectively shut me and my body down.

Darkness enveloped me. I remembered one song that Damon did not get destroyed, and I let it play in my mind, if it would help at all. It was Cyndi Lauper's Time after Time. My confusion got worse and worse. My mind did not really follow everything that had happened to me. Or did happen all the time? 

I was in the machine for what seemed like an eternity, because my consciousness was blurred at times, and I didn't know if Damien was looking inside the machine or not. Eventually, I was out of the device. Now he put me in another machine. My limbs were free, but again, my body was attached to some belts. Dozens of electrodes were attached to my arms and legs.

Damien clicked the electrodes on. My muscles spasmed hard all the time. I could feel the strain this was putting on my body. It took forever. The drugs kept dripping in. I was so confused; I knew Damien was talking, but I couldn't make anything out. In between, he put me on another machine that was bruising my insides and hard. It had pistons that beat me, and he put again some sort of balls inside of me, that rolled around me. Everywhere hurt, anguish and agony were overwhelming and I did not stay awake all the time. Eventually, they weren't hurt anymore. 

I lay on the table and shook. I was thin, weak, cold. Limp is not awake. 

"Oh, fever, infection. Excellent Baby, eight weeks you've been here, let's see if that infection gets a good grip, then I can let you out. You are so full of pharmaceuticals, some dreams, and the metals are all now compounded in your body. There's not a single loose metal that Mariella can pull out. I have studied a little bit that metal pulling and I have a few guests here that will make it even harder. But you have a little trouble with your pack, right? I have used you, a few little techniques, krycheck had taught me. You are just a little bit programmed, baby,"

There were three men, evil wizards, and they started to do some sort of magic that bound those metals even worse in my body, in a whole new way, so Mariella could not pull them easily out. After several hours of very painful time. Those three men went away.

Damien got again near me. He jabbed the syringe into my stomach and put a mask on, but no lungs, so I wasn't breathing. Finally, he took long, thin needles and injected substances into my brain from below my ears, neck, eye socket, and spinal cord. I got tired. Every single injection hurt. My body was still in overdrive, and I could feel myself losing weight and fitness all the time. 

I had no sense of time, only a sense of pain, distress, loneliness, and helplessness. Now, it was no longer cold. Damien came to look at me. He touched me.

"Well, that's good. The inflammation is also in your central nervous system, and you are septic. Now I'm going to bring you back. This has been so pleasurable, once again. This has beaten your straps quite heavily, so I am not sure how long you will last until you find yourself in someone's mind. What a high, baby. I must remember this again..."

He wrapped me in some kind of blanket and took me to the car. I had previously bought a house in Bolivia. It was a big ranch with a lovely big house and lots of space. Damien delivered me inside the house because they hadn't looked for a magic house yet, and there was no bubble of protection.

He put me in one of the beds, walked around for a while, and he came next to the bed, looked at me, and for the first time, I saw actual feeling on his face, not sure what it was he just said, "Nice place, Baby. You never have considered taking me when you weren't so difficult. After all, we were together for decades. We could have done well, but not when it's always Damon. As hard is for you to believe, I see myself still your husband and baby. This marriage of ours is not working well, yet, let's just see what the future brings. "

Then he walked out. I was left lying in bed, all weak and vulnerable, sick, maybe dying, cold. And most of all, alone, utterly alone.