31. Lit De Parade.

I was in bed, and focusing myself, on getting some sort of plan of action to get myself sorted because I didn't need anyone. First thing. Let's think, hmm fine, start with this operation to put ourselves in order. Let's figure out where we should start first—a funny taste in my mouth. Oh, our teeth want to give us something. Let's take our hand, bite our vein, and drain the stuff. Let's fall asleep.

We woke up a couple of hours later and decided we needed some sleep. Fine. So what? Again, the teeth want to give you something. Well, let's give it a go then. Not the darkness again.

When I woke up, I thought it would not work if I couldn't get my teeth under control. I can't just sleep all the time. I couldn't think of Damon, Mariella, or Charles, Adam—just me. I was alone, just like Damien had been talking about for eight weeks. I was nothing. I need nothing at all. No one and I am not supposed to have anyone. 

Mariella noticed the first symptoms in Damon's behavior when he couldn't stand to be in bed. They had sex and passionate sex, but often Damon would get up and go for a walk, get something, and change rooms. He often hummed one song, and Mariella did not recognize it. She was a little unsure what this was all about. She had gotten that side fully down on Damon and he was very sure that Mimi and the rest of the pack hated him, more or less because he had enjoyed killing her. 

Mariella didn't immediately pay that much attention, but the restlessness increased day by day until she met Damon in the toilet with a line of cans, emptying his teeth frantically—velvet and lots of it. Black velvet flowed out of his teeth as fast as possible. 

Velvet was extremely potent and Mariella thought that fine, this must be some sort of stress reaction. Damon is still recovering, and it might take time for him to get over this.

"Damon, what's your problem? Why on earth did you decide to make bloody strong velvet for a year? Am I too demanding?"

Damon laughed, once again out of velvet. He took the full jar out of his teeth and put the intact lid on it. Mariella could smell the pungent vinegary smell of potent velvet where she stood. He showed Mariella a cupboard. It was full of jars filled to the damn brim with velvet, a few hundred jars.

"I just don't know why my teeth have become a velvet factory, darling, but I can assure you these are not for you. You are not too demanding at all, not in the slightest."

Mariella asked, " Well, who then? Or is this some sort of stress reaction to everything that has happened? "

Damon shrugged. "Anyway, darling, let's get on with it. You need dick in you so badly that. You want to seduce me, but I think I am gonna just take you and make you take every inch of my cock in your greedy cunt. "

The next few days, the velvet production only accelerated, stronger. Damon was more agitated. Pensive even, as if he was looking for something. He hummed again that song, looking out of the window, frown burrowed.

Then Mariella remembered, "Mimi. This must have something to do with Mimi. After all, Damon is Mimi's protector, and if his protégé is in distress. Fine, this is difficult because Mimi hasn't been in contact with anyone. I guess it's back to magic, but first, we have to get Damon involved."

Mariella went into the bedroom. Damon stared out the window.

"Damon. It's Mimi. She's having some kind of emergency that your teeth are reacting to. We need to find out what's happened to her again. "

Damon was quiet for a while, his eyes turned into white pools and then he sighed, his ice-blue eyes now full of pain and regret again. 

Damon sighed and said, "Look at the past, if you dare. In short, she attacked Damien, who got angry, grabbed Mimi, and held her for eight weeks. Two weeks ago, he returned her somewhere. In what condition, I don't know, but as my teeth reacted, I didn't think in any good way. Anyway. I'll let Adam and Charles know soon, and they can take care of Mimi. I can feel some sensations about her and none of them are nice. I have no way of helping even if I could be romantic and say that this damn song that is played in my mind for two weeks is the plea for help for her, but I must face the facts. It is just a random connection that pushed that song into my mind."

Damon's voice was strained, almost pained, and Mariella understood or thought she did. "I know, Damon, you want to take care of Mimi, and then you don't, anyway. But Adam and Charles... I don't know. When we discover Mimi's condition, maybe I'll be more confident. "

Damon was silent. He didn't want to reveal his feelings between him and Mimi since the shed. That feeling had gone nowhere, if not intensified. Mimi was afraid of him for her life. He felt bad for her and he knew one part of him, the part that was too sleeping, would have taken that trauma out of her mind as soon as she had been in her body.

But he was a fucking machine, and it had been so easy just to focus on Mariella as Mimi did not want him near him. He had convinced himself that she would rely on Adam and Charles, she would be fine, even though he had let her go. He had almost killed his alpha side. He could not feel that side of him and thinking of breeding or cubs did not occur to him at all. 

He had not told this to Mariella; she wanted this pack to work, but Damon was not sure if he was supposed to be even an alpha male. Pack leader, yes, but alpha male, breeding male of the pack, not sure about that. Because, in reality, Mariella was the only one he wanted, not anyone else. Maybe Charles could be better a breeding male, not him.

This self-medication is going well as long as I'm safe, hidden, and warm. The rage helps me to function. The rage makes the teeth do more than just velvet. I don't know how long I've been building myself up or if I've made any progress, but rage helps. My house is a good place to be. Just by myself. 

I have built myself a nest, blankets, pillows, and mattresses. It is a dark, warm, quiet, sheltered place. Not that the temperature matters much. I don't know my condition or how long I can even last. What I knew was that one of those pharmaceutical drugs would take me deep into a nightmare-filled place now and then, and it took me forever to crawl out of there.

I wanted to hide forever. Just crawl and curl up in a ball, let this feeling come fully on, and not care about anything. But as astonishing as it was, I had some sort of self-preservation instinct that told me I was not in shape to just sleep this off. 

My fear of Damon had not abated and, at best, had only worsened, and a fresh fear of Mariella was added. The thought of the two made me retreat deep into my cave and shake with fear. I just hoped that the beryllium was in a form that wouldn't completely shut me down. I had time to time just more lucid moments where I knew very well that my shape was terrible and I would need some help, but Cyndi Lauper's Time after Time, kept me somehow going. I just let it play in my mind, not really why I kept it on, but I kept it on. 

Damon sat by the bed. He was unsure and feelings of dread, pain, and agony, weakness flooded into him, same time as Cyndi Lauper's Time after Time. He had not used this song in the shed, and he was not sure why it played in his mind. He tried to tap into it more and so those feelings of malaise, sickness, and weakness flooded into him even more. It was coming from Mimi.

Mariella said, "Fine. Now we do the magic where Mimi is. Then we'll just go and see, okay? Give first aid if we need it, but then we'll leave Mimi in the care of Adam and Charles."

Damon was silent and sighed. " She is sending me this song, not sure why, but I can feel her and it is not good. But Adam and Charles will help her. Well, at least Mimi's recovery will be the old-fashioned way."

Mariela frowned. "What do you mean? The old-fashioned way?"

Damon seemed to be pained by this, and she was not sure what he meant and why it was a bad way to recover. 

Damon looked for a moment and said, "In bed, being fucked in shape. Between those two, in bed, being filled, cared for, used. In case you haven't noticed, dear wife, your wolf and Mimosa had a long devotional heat, and the boys are still in the afterglow. They are tuned in to one thing, and they will find a reason to carry Mimi to bed and plunge into Mimi's holes at the same time."

Mariella said, "Oh, that kind of thing. It is not all bad, after all, we are a lust pack, but then again, if she is really weak, well, how about Colin? Or a colleague of Mimi's. She has medical people in her organization, right?"

Damon said, "Mimi is evolved. Colin is busy, and she is in bad enough shape, so I am not risking any humans. She can be very unpredictable. Once again, it's me or us who put Mimi in shape. What on earth is wrong with that girl that she can't leave Damien alone? Well, she has had lessons of actions and consequences too."

Mariela nodded. "I don't know, weird character. She is in the league on her own, that's for sure. But then again, she is not using her lust in bed so much, but she uses it for revenge, for bloodlust. She is not like us. There is something more between her and Damien. "

Damon thought for a moment and looked into the past at one point. Sure enough,

He spoke, his voice was tight, "We knew Mimi knew about the shells. Even when Damien put them on Mimi, Damien told her. I just looked into the past. This is new information because Mimi doesn't tell us how personal this war between her and Damien is. Damien calls Mimi. I don't remember or want to remember what Damien did to Mimi. But Mimi remembers. And then Damien has already played the card a couple of times now that he had a relationship with Mimi for decades. He told her and almost showed feelings for her when he left her there. Mimi knows how to hate. And that's what drives her to go after Damien. Damien then has not so a healthy obsession over her. One could think that Damien had found other things to do with his life when he got his body, but no, Mimi is his obsession. "

Mariella sighed, picked up a map of the world, and began to cast a spell. She had no idea how to keep Mimi safe or how to make Damien lose his interest in her. They had Mimi's blood in stock for these incidents, and Damon was surprised when the drop of blood stopped in Bolivia. 

"We don't have a house in there either," he said.

His voice was tense. He knew that the guardian contract had been nullified, and he was no longer in charge of Mimi in any way, but it could be mended too. He did remember listings on Mimi's holdings and houses, but not in Bolivia. 

Mariella's eyes turned white as she looked into the past. Mariella was feeling sorry. She had also gotten that paper, and Mimi was fully in charge of herself, even medically, and neither Adam nor Charles had seen a bad thing in any way. For them, Mimi deserved her independence and right to use her own money too.

She saw how Mimi had acquired the ranch.

Her voice was clipped, too. "Mimi does. And a big one."

She gave the address. Very first, Mariella electronically changed the house ownership to Damon and the pack names. She contacted the magic house and asked new guardianship order. Now that way there were no loopholes for death, there would be stated Mimi's immortality and ability to revive, so she would have been deemed unkillable.

The contract was done in less than half an hour, and Giselle brought it over to be signed. There was now official notification on Damon's protector status and Mariella had asked for the same kind of contract for her and the wolves, so no one would feel left out. In every contract, it was stated who that protector was. After it was all done, she also searched with Mimi's name and found over 20 houses and seven islands. Reason, at least one reason, was Damien. Mimi needed protecting. She was also target for Sark and others. The enemies, just a few of them, had listed in that contract. 

Damon's expression tightened. Damon hadn't been pack leader for long, and this shed session and so on had put Mimi on the spot, and Mimi didn't want to give up her holdings and so on. Damon knew it would have to be dealt with at some point, but he restrained himself now. Mariella moved all of Mimi's holdings into Damon and the pack's name.

Now, they should go and see how Mimi is doing. The new contract would help with that too. He was once again, the sole custodian of Mimi and this was his responsibility. He had a plan. 

Damon teleported them into the yard, and they were ready to go inside. The house was enormous, bright white with almost golden trimmings, and the yard had been in pristine shape. Damon knew from the deed that the plot was huge, and it had been once a ranch. There were huge stables, outbuildings, tall trees, and bright colorful flowers that climbed amongst the trees and also against the house. They went inside and the opulence of the house was even more striking from within. It was a big house: beautiful marble, parquet, and ceilings. Mariella couldn't help but admire for a moment before Damon tugged her hand.

"This way, darling. Stay behind me." Damon walked ahead of her. His steps were sure as they walked across this immense marble hall.

He knew Mimi was in this room. "Here. Darling, stay here. I'll keep telling you what I need, but don't follow me yet for now. Ok? I have a plan. I need to manipulate Mimi's mind and she is in drug-induced panic, also programmed partially, and then that trauma from the shed. So she is a suitable target for this, but this can go wrong too, so stay safe."

Mariella nodded. It was wonderful that Damon was protective but, annoying. She was quite good in her field too, and she knew when to obey. Damon sensed something coming from Mimi, so he kept her safe.

Damon opened the door and went inside. He opened first his pheromones. And then delved into the mind of his first wife, calming her down very subtly, trying to make her feel vulnerable, as he needed her to not be so on edge. His voice was bored, almost irritated, as he tried to appear that he was not at all worried about her. 

"Mimi, Baby, are you okay? Come on. Show yourself, and I'll make my teeth turn off. It's hard to fuck when your teeth are leaking velvet. I just need a confirmation from you, so I can sign off my radar. "

Damon's head was pounding. His teeth were so ready. They were almost leaking, and now it probably wouldn't be all velvet. He'd smelled the compounds in the earth metals and knew how they affected Mariella. All the metals, that were cursed somehow, his magic could sense it.

There was a cave at the back of the room. It was piled high with mattresses, pillows, blankets, and even curtains. Damon saw a figure at the back of the cave and heard his wife's low growl. Mimi was in a deep state of psychosis of sorts and extremely dangerous, but also extremely unwell. Mariella had put up an energy grid so that if Mimi died, she would end up in his mind, but he did not want to kill her, even if it had been the fastest and safest option. 

I could smell that passionfruit and it made my alpha side react. The male was trying to come into my cave, my den. Damon. I'm not coming out. No. I surprised myself when I realized I was growling. Whether it was my she-wolf, my cat, or a vampire, a low, husky growl erupted from my chest as Damon tried to calm me down.

Damon walked closer, crouched down, and looked at me. He furrowed his brows as he tried to peer at me.

My voice was almost unrecognizable. "Go away. I'm fine. Both of you. This is my house. Not anymore under your custody. Get out."

I tried to be convincing. Even threatening.

Damon sighed. He continued to apply psychic pressure into Mimi's mind, making her confused. He could smell the metals, and see her terrible state, but this needed to some doing first.

Damon said, "Mimi, calm down. I will do nothing for you. I've had a long day, and I'll take care of you somewhere in between. Gosh, it's hot in here. You don't use air conditioning, do you now? I'll take my shirt off. It won't bother you. I'm going to take a little nap now, Mimi, so try not to grumble, okay?"

He used his pheromones and kept them wide open, and his protector power, too. He tried to present himself as safe, so Mimi would come closer and he would have a chance to grab her and stabilize her very precarious condition. Time was of the essence, and he tried to be calm. indifferent even as he undressed himself and went to sit in that dank cave that stank to high heavens. 

Damon took off his shirt and crawled into a comfortable position in my den to sit down, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. Unbelievable. To sleep. I watched for a while and crept closer. And again. I needed some safety, and he was there. He did not want me, but I actually needed him. But in a secret way. I did not know when Mariella would come and take him away from me, one last time. 

When Damon slept, he looked so young, so innocent. His dark lashes, his cruel mouth, his arrogant eyebrows. I remembered how I used to stroke them and caress his face, too. Suppose I could just get a little closer for a second. I went over to Damon's side, and he saw nothing. I felt my strength drain again, and I pressed my head against Damon's chest for a moment. I thought that as long as he wasn't awake, I could maybe remember a sense of security. I heard those heartbeats...

Strong hands grabbed me ruthlessly in their grip and held me tight. His voice was next to my ear, and I shook from fear, "shh, baby, it's okay ..."

Damon had said to Mariella. "I'm going to go in there, take my shirt off, and pretend to go to bed if Mimi comes any closer. I use my mental manipulation. Mimi is sick, and she doesn't think logically. She can be fooled. You open the magic house, link the medbay, and then go and get Mimosa to give you some strap bags. Do you understand? Get the fuck out of here and be fucking quick. Mimi's straps won't last much longer. If I catch Mimi, I'll give my teeth a strapping aid, but Mimosa's got a miracle drug. "

Mariella took off as fast as she could. Something in Damon's voice had made her act and act fast. Mimi was in terrible shape, and somehow Damon did not want to kill her. Damon acted slowly and reassuringly, even though every cell in his body was screaming to catch Mimi because she had less than 20 straps and dripping. But then again, he didn't want to scare his wife literally to death.

Damon pretended to be asleep when Mimi was at 16 straps. Mimi moved near him, 15 straps, again a little closer to 14 straps. Mimi was next to him for 12 straps. Put his head on her chest with ten straps, and that's when Damon struck.

He grabbed Mimi in a tight grip, calmed her down a bit, eight straps, put his teeth in her neck, and started giving her strap first aid. He worked fast and let his teeth do their thing. What was worse was that threatened the straps. 

Damon grabbed me, and I panicked but couldn't get anywhere. Fear hit me like a thousand volts and trembled in his grip. He squeezed me against him and held me for a moment, then bowed his head, put his teeth in my neck, and started pouring something. It was invigorating and refreshing. But it didn't help my strength so much as my mind or, apparently, my straps.

Oh, they had been a bit low. I watched as my straps were now 18 and 19. The substance stopped coming in for a moment and went back to 18. I guess I'm in pretty terrible shape when my straps can't take it. Damon's grip on me was firm and tight, but not damaging. He just kept the stuff coming so that he finally got my straps at 30th, but I was feeling low on strength, and I couldn't fight anymore and let the darkness come. I felt all of my strength just fading away. The last thing I heard was Damon cursing.