21. Nemo.

As I slowly awakened, the first thing that greeted my senses was a gentle mewling sound and the soft purring that filled the air. The sweet scent of my newborn cubs soon followed, pulling me further into wakefulness. Opening my eyes, I found myself in the comfort of my cub room, where Charles was diligently wiping and feeding the precious puppies. His enormous hands moved with a delicate touch, emanating a sense of wonder and care.

Sighing softly, I settled back into bed, my body feeling slightly stiff from what seemed like days of slumber. Charles turned towards me, a warm smile spreading across his face as he noticed my awakening.

His voice, tender and loving, broke the silence. "Morning. How are you feeling? The birthing was quite an ordeal, and you've been feeding for five days now. Damon inseminated you while you were sleeping."

I couldn't help but think how incredible it was that we now had radar, and it didn't bother us in the slightest. I no longer thought of myself as just "me," for I was pregnant, carrying felines within me. I was more than just an individual; I was part of a collective. But it was just one aspect among many.

The gestation period was only four weeks, which was reassuring. It was not a problem. Rising from the bed, I made my way to see my puppies. Charles had just finished feeding them, and at over five days old, they were thriving. They were big and full of life, igniting my nurturing instincts. I gently caressed each puppy before heading to the shower. Among the various species, my eyes caught sight of a white cheetah with golden spots, a cheetah wizard. There was also a little munchkin who had consumed the shells that Damien had placed inside me.

Excitedly, I turned to Charles and exclaimed, "Come here. Do you know who this little one is? This is one of the cheetah wizards, the special ones who ate those shells. He's truly remarkable."

Charles approached, his hand tenderly stroking the cub, and he whispered, "You are an incredibly precious little thing. I am so grateful to you, my dear."

The little cub seemed to almost hear this, and he purred. I purred softly to him, as did Charles, too.

He said to me, "It is fine. I am not traumatized by those three that Damon took out. I have learned my lesson and honey, you never know about the future. Maybe someday we will have cubs of our own. It is just a matter of being patient and waiting. Besides, this is pretty perfect too. I do not need to be their biological parent, as long as I can be with you and we can care for them together."

His voice was full of love, and he pressed himself against me. We were in an embrace for a while as he encircled my body with his firm hands, keeping me against him, and I was happy. This was a good place to be, feeling his love and being safe.

Soon he muttered something and said, "Sorry, honey, I need to go. It seems Shadow is naughty again and maybe she might listen to me, or else she will be asleep soon."

I said, "It is fine, you go and keep her in line, I am off the shower and then I am going to get to know my little ones a little better."

He kissed me passionately first before leaving.

I wanted to wash up and then be in cat form in that lovely bundle of kittens I had. That was almost funny. As Shadow had some problems, had a little over a week left, and Damon was watching his bitches closely, as he was our gestational protector. We had two weeks between us, me and shadow, and me having 72 hours of birthing, plus five days of naps, made her have a week or less left before it would be her time to give birth or be operated on. 

The shower did wonders on my stiffened body, and I was in a better state. Not so thin as I would probably have been if I had not been feeding for five days, but still I needed to eat, to keep my fitness up and also keep my body in shape. This means my muscles are in good shape. I was not just lying around, but doing some gentle exercises and stretching.

After my shower, I changed into my jaguar form, as it was hot to be a snow leopard here. My jaguar form would be more suitable for tending my cubs, and it was just perfect. I went into the middle of the litter box and licked and groomed my kittens, let them roll around on me, and enjoyed myself. Now, it was perfect to be. I had walked all over the room and let my strawberry scent to be out. This was my nest, my cubs, and I wanted them to smell like me.

I'd doze off sometimes, but there always seemed to be a cub I hadn't washed enough. I purred to my puppies and cubs, and they seemed to love it. We were bonding, and this was now good. I hoped that Damon and Mariella would stay doing whatever they were doing, as I did not need anyone.

It was just me and my cubs. I knew I had only cubs, so when they would require feeding there would be volunteers, meaning Adam and Charles, of course, that is, if they were free. Being around over 1500 cubs was a wonderful experience, as it is a veritable sea of cubs. There were so many of them and I needed to make sure that every one of them got time to be with me and bond with me. 

Mariella was pleased with how Damon again paid attention daily through the wolves. Mimi had been kept asleep for five days and was now reportedly awake. She had been excellent mood and there had been born a cheetah wizard.

Charles had seen it and it was something that had irked Damon, as he wanted to bond with those special creatures. It was quite clear that Charles had his sight set on being with Mimi and helping her with those cubs. Mariella was curious to see if the alpha male was going to go put the female under himself and do a little extra breeding.

How he would deal with her and what was her attitude toward him? If she wanted to be with Charles, well, that could give Damon a good reason to breed her again. The mere thought of Damon breeding Mimi made Mariella's pussy ooze.

But Mariella suspected Damon would wait exactly a week before breeding Mimi again so that Mimi would have puppies every week. Now, let her carry that batch for another four weeks and start doing it more diligently. Mariella knew that when she did the new ones, so would Mimi, but it didn't matter. Damon will keep them both in line.

It was so arousing to think about how Damon ruled them all. Mariella remembered a few times when Damon had taken Mimi same time bed with her, and he had fucked them both, but then something happened and he did not do it anymore. It had been so wonderful, that one perfect Christmas. Mariella knew Mimi had loved that too and whatever had happened between those two, made that Christmas just one more bittersweet memory.

Damon was off to see Mimi once he put another herb wolf to sleep in the bedroom. Shadow didn't believe Damon about what she could do. Damon was sensitive to sense when the kittens were stressed, and the first thing he always did was tell the mother in question with his telepathy. He did not speak twice. It was a warning, followed by action. 

He didn't wait long. The puppies were always number one. They always came first. If the activity weren't corrected, like stopping doing something stressful, Damon would act. It was a flank nap. It might be a couple of hours or a couple of days. It was a very efficient way to ensure the safety of cubs and kittens, putting mama to sleep and resting. It was up to her whether to believe him next time.

When Shadow was so busy with Mimi's orchids and didn't listen, Damon told her to stop and rest and eat for a while. She had forgotten to eat as she was so ready to have her litter and she was quite huge, too. She should have taken it really easy, but no, she was in the hot green room. Moving orchids with her muzzle and doing stuff to them, using her herbal magic which was also distressing to cubs. 

Shadow would always get a flank, which worked. Damon had made everyone their flank, and Mariella wondered how Mimi would take it. Now, she had a little over three weeks to do everything, as Mimi hadn't experienced how closely Damon watched his females.

It would be interesting to see how many flankers the young lady would take. Mimi was a strong-willed individual with her own powers and ability to withstand pretty much anything, but it did not stop her cubs from being distressed about things too. There was also one other thing Damon was very particular about eating hay and throwing up hairballs. You had to eat the hay until you didn't have any hair coming out. Mimi loved grooming her kittens and her learning to throw up the fur balls, would be one thing that Damon would keep an eye on. But it was time to meet the alpha female and see how this breeding season would work when she was on this now.