22. Smooth Operator.

They went into Mimi's room. Damon was a little irritated about that flooring as it had been a novelty that no one else had had, and he was going to make sure that next time other females could get it, too. He wanted to ask if there was any left as Mariella's room could do with it, too.

And when Damon opened the door, a strawberry was bursting out. Mimi had scented the room with her scent in less than 24 hours, and Mariella knew the puppies were also very strawberry-y. Mimi had no scent of Damon's passionfruit, and Mimi would have had the strongest scent. It was a reminder that she was an alpha female, but she was not really his. 

Even Shadow and Mimosa had a passionfruit scent, almost stronger than their scents. But not the alpha female. Mimi was in cat form, a jaguar, and was eagerly washing her kittens. There were so many of them and she was in front of the litter box, keeping the cubs behind her, mostly. She saw Damon enter the room and casually start putting her kittens underneath her. Especially that cheetah wizard and a few other ones.

Mariella noticed Damon was paying attention to all this, and Mariella suspected she was about to get good breeding and scenting. Mimi needed to scent like Damon, even when it wasn't puppy time. Mariella knew that was one thing that gnawed at Damon when he couldn't get his scent to stick, but Mimi often had a pear and apple in her. Especially Apple, which was Charles. It was like she chose what scents to carry and she did not choose to carry Damon's scent, which was not a good thing at all. 

I was washing my cubs and getting ready for the evening feeding when the breeder happened to come along. I called Damon the breeder in my head because that's what he was. I was inseminated pregnant, so I didn't even have to fuck. Yay for that. I didn't mind. 

The puppies and cubs were opening their eyes and getting their feet under them. They were lovely, and I loved my cheetah wizard, whose ice-blue eyes were just opening. I had quite an array of species too, a few smaller felines like ocelot and several. Those kittens were special too. Their tails were so freaking cute. those little sticks almost. 

Luckily, the litter box was huge and had high enough sides. It was lovely to lay a sea of cubs and wash my little ones. I knew they weren't mine per se, but they were my alpha sides. I put my cubs a little aside every time I got one washed and growled an almost silent warning to 'don't leave mummy' anywhere, no matter what anyone said. I did not want them to wander around, as I was not sure about Damon at all. My instincts were all over and I controlled myself, trying to be relaxed and nonchalant.

I watched as Damon walked into the room in human form, stood in the doorway, and rubbed behind his ears with his fingers. He smelled the air, irritated clearly too. Then he wiped his fingers on the doorway, and I smelled how he just marked my nest as his own. Oh fuck. Well fine, I can change rooms. It's not up to me, not at all. This was now our room, our nest, and I was not happy about that. 

Damon then came to the nest box, walking casually and crouched down, looking at me, and said, " You didn't make puppies last time, so you haven't learned my rules yet, but I will teach you—rule number 1. You wash kittens in cat form, eat hay, and throw up the hairs. Last time, I had to cut both wolves because of this." He showed me big pots of hay that had been put in my room. I had paid no attention to them. I stopped my washing. He tilted his head as he continued. 

"Rule number 2. I only warn once and then comes action. I watch the welfare of the pups, especially the ones you are currently carrying. Obey me if I tell you to stop doing something or you get a flank and sleep. And the duration is always determined by me. Of course, if you want to sleep your whole pregnancy, then disobey, I act." 

His voice was merely a whisper almost but I could see that he meant every single word. I did not like the idea of being flanked to sleep all the time. 

His voice was now a little louder, sharper too, as he continued his teaching session, "Rule number 3. These are my cubs too, so forbidding them to come to me is as big a no-no as there is and might be. There will be consequences. Actions and consequences, baby. You better remember that."

I continued to wash the puppies and told him in my mind, "In half an hour, it's time for these guys to eat if you want to join us."

I had my cheetah wizard in front of me to be cleaned, and he was purring at me softly as he liked me washing him, of course, this meant that he was nestled safety of my paws and my body, not letting Damon get him. 

Damon stiffened, and I knew he would not stay because I asked. He kept looking at me and saw the cheetah wizard, but I just kept on licking him and he crawled beneath me, to safety as Damon's scent was alien to him.

Damon looked at Mimi for a moment and said in his mind to Mariella.

" Darling, I don't know how many litters Mimi wants to make, but I'm about to enjoy. That little bitch will breed under me in no time. You can have a little time for yourself while I get that one under control. You know what she just told me? She said it's puppy feeding time in half an hour if I want to take part. Well, I can tell you that the lady will not participate. "

Mariella went over to Mimi, she crouched too, picked up the cheetah wizard, handed it to Damon, and said, " Do you know, Mimi, how many litters are you going to have? You see, honey here is going to get you pregnant again soon, so your litters will be a week or so apart. Honey can impregnate you an unbelievable number of times, so you'll have a litter one week apart for six months. Now is the time to listen and start obeying. Breeding is coming, there's nothing you can do about it, but if you're a good bitch and let yourself be bred, then maybe the litter count can stay reasonable."

Damon was purring to the cub, the wizard looked at him, with his ice-blue eyes barely open and he was not sure if was Damon a friend or foe. 

Oh, good fuck, fine new breeding. It doesn't matter. We still have our ways to keep litter numbers reasonable and even put the whole brood to bed. Oh, that it would be a glorious 1-0 when Damon breeds and radar comes up and, oops, radar disappears. The puppies would go to sleep. You get some pretty interesting phenomena when you boost alpha power with chaos. I had my ways of keeping my fitness and I had studied a little bit when I had mixed up my powers, finding a whole new combo of powers.

Like the fact that I only smell like myself, I can sometimes smell a bit like an apple or a pear, but it's only temporary. I had already limited this artificially inseminated litter a bit. I didn't want to have almost 8,000 puppies. Now I'm going to have maybe 800. Oh, that I could be smug sometimes. It is just my way to ensure that I won't waste away when making my litters.

Damon put the cub down as he had scented him. He went over to Mimi and started stroking her fur in human form. His hands glided on her sides and back, and Mariella felt Damon's irritation when he realized how few puppies there actually were. He had put in a liter of sperm, and Mimi had been full of eggs. But apparently, one alpha female requires good discipline. He was ready. She was doing her things and oh boy, was he ready to react to this.

Damon said to Mimi, "Change into human form, baby, and I'll see what shape you're in."

She ignored him fully. Not even bother to answer as she was grooming her kittens. And as the lady continued to wash. Quick as a flash, Damon took a flank and slammed it into Mimi in cat form. That was a flank made for Mimi. Cat limped, fully out cold. 

Damon teleported his wife and transformed her into her human form on the bed. She was gaunt-looking, her ribs visible. He looked Mimi over, furrowing his brows as he felt how still Mimi was thin—so much for 72 kilos. Make Mimi carry a decent litter, and the kilos went there. Of course, 1575 cubs and several days of birthing and milk making. Feeding should have been for weeks, not just a few days. Damon opened Mimi's pheromones, a mere strawberry and a strong one.

Fine, something should be done about that, too. It took over ten minutes for Mimi to show signs of waking up. As she was waking up and was already moving, Damon was ready and squatted down next to the bed. Oh, that Mariella liked this. This was such a fucking good job, always. Mimi didn't appreciate how she had to look Damon straight in the eye in that position.

I woke up in bed, naked, and when I opened my eyes, I looked straight at the two ice-blue ones staring back at me. My mind was a little muddled yet, as this flank had been quite a snappy one.

Damon said, "Good morning, baby. I see you wanted to see what I was talking about. That was a small flank, size S let me show you. This was that flank just now, not much medicine, and knocked you out for a good fifteen minutes, so here we have an M-sized flank. You can judge for yourself what this does. Then we have an L-sized, again bigger stuff, and lastly, an XL-sized. Now, it then depends on how you behave and obey, so do I need to use these? Can I say at least Shadow is one of my regulars? And you are so damn sneaky when you put the puppies to bed. Guess what? I can call them back and boost their energy so they are right on pace. I'll do it if you keep going, you understand?"

His voice was dark. It held promises I did not need, and he flaunted those damn syringes as if they were pens in his pockets. My flank syringes were marked with pink. 

He murmured to me, "Now you can start freshening up. Soon we'll have another lively one-on-one time. And oh baby, when I'm looking forward to you fighting and fighting back. That feeling is when I can shove my dick deep inside you, open your womb, and get to work. And there's nothing you can do when you're helpless under me, breeding and accepting your fate."

His voice carried quite a lot of raw lust now. Well, he was more or less a lustwizard. I was not feeling too lustful, though. He tilted his head as he carried on, whispering to me.

"And then we'll see what's wrong with your pheromones. When they don't have my scent, I always get it for a moment, and then it disappears. But that, too, will be resolved. Mariella likes to watch me breed you. She thinks it's super hot. You get to be in cat form. Be a tiger, and I'll show you what kind of male I have."

Frankly, I was fucked. Oh fuck, different flanks still. And the whole smell thing. I had made it after that damn AI had tried to put that wet dog stench in me. Well, he could not get his scent into me. I did that on purpose so that you couldn't get anything permanent in there. I have learned a thing or two and one lesson that I have learned is that with my willpower, if I focus enough, anything is possible. 

My DNA is special. It has six strands. Damon is my biological half, so he has very similar DNA. There are differences, but normally the pheromone glands are in the female like so that when she gets an alpha male, a male takes this female, owns, and bites right on the pheromone gland, putting his DNA there, her pheromone gland will accept that DNA. So her pheromone glands always have male and female DNA.

But I don't. I used my power of chaos, my alpha will, and after that year and shed session, I made my pheromone glands just mine. I made special DNA into them. They have my slightly abnormal DNA, a little mutation that causes no foreign DNA to remain in the tissue. There is this little immunological defense that I made in there. It recognizes all other DNA except this mine as foreign and it's destroyed, often right away.

And when there is no Damon DNA, there is no Damon smell. And I have not spoken to anyone about this. It was my idea. It had nothing to do with cats at all. I just did not want to ever smell like Damien, not at any chance. It had nothing to do with Damon, but he does not see it that way, so I am not even trying to explain it. Then I have two new kittens on my head again, a serval and an ocelot, and they have their own opinions about Damon, and tough ones at that.

He teleported us into a room or a basement. Fine by me. I switched to tiger form, and I wasn't easy. We fought, and I'm a big tiger, strong and determined, but finally, Damon got a hold of my neck and pushed his way inside me. He was determined to breed me no matter what. 

I could feel him use his strength and was pretty fucking brutal as he penetrated my womb and bred. He wasn't going anywhere inside me. He was heavy. The normal Bengal tiger is cruel and huge and this supernatural version is about 20%-30% bigger and heavier.

And he was lying on top of me without a care in the world. His hard spiky cock thrust deep into my womb, and I felt hot splash after hot splash as he fucked me. I was getting tired, and Damon was grunting in my head. It was not all bad. I mean, there are always pleasures involved in breeding no matter how brutal it is and Damon always took care that females would enjoy the breeding as he remembered that year. 

He murmured to me, in the depths of my mind as I felt tired and limp," Oh, breeding fatigue, I don't care, you just stay awake, we'll keep going."

And we continued. I came, but when the breeding fatigue hit, and the threshold was crossed, I could do nothing about it, even though I knew the threshold had already been crossed. There would be radar, and new litter growing inside me. Then, when Mariella was wild enough, Damon always stopped and took Mariella very roughly. And she liked it. And off he went at me.

I was then now the first week, already pregnant of my four weeks, and re-bred so the next litter would be born a week after these were born. I got to tend to my pups for a while. Damon went off to watch his other three females and fuck Mariella now and then. My 1575 cubs needed to be tending, and Charles was amused by my disheveled state as I got out of that damn breeding cellar.

He and Adam helped me with the cubs and since Shadow was soon going to breed, then things would get even more busy but I was determined to enjoy my time and have these litters. It could be that once Shadow would start to breed, Damon's focus would be elsewhere than me. Only time would tell, but now it was time to focus on myself and my cubs.