Chapter 10

He thought and decided on the breath of the gods he started the spell holding it for as long as he could until he created the most destructive force ever known before expanding to let the power spread and generalize it's target exposing him also to the Pandora's box he unleashed the blast immediately obliterated the dark council and Nielsen, he also took a nasty blow. 

' I did it, I finally did it ' he thought which as well be his last. The power of the spell created enough heat equivalent to 10000 Kelvin and yet like and insatiable beast who had gone berserk kept growing and growing till it claimed the entire dimension. 

The wizard sanctorum; Trinid

Lustra saw the utter destruction via a mirror and nodded in pity. 

" He actually did it" Cax said, he just came out of treatment since the last attack on Trinid by Nielsen

"Yes he did, how about Diana?" Lustra asked

" She kept saying she was gonna wait for him" I had to erase her memory to send her home

" Good she has to be spared the pain" Lustra nodded