
The council of wizards; Trinid

" So far we've thought of the Necrose as being evil but as much as I hate to say it my theory states that it fear of its existence has kept specific monsters and beasts at bay" a wizard said

" Yes I agree with that now these beasts are trying to invade the mortal world we can't allow that, forgive me if it's not in my place to say but the Necrose should have only been controlled by the right person not destroyed" a wizard concluded giving way for Lustra to say something

" We'll find a solution, give me some time to figure out what to do" said Lustra after the council he summoned Cax

" Where's the body?" Lustra asked

" Right this way master" Cax said lead him to a hidden underground room of the sanctorum where on a stone bed lay a body. 

" Is this him?" Lustra asked

" Yes master this is the body of Mantra the junior wizard learning under me who got killed in the last attack of Trinid by Nielsen. 

" Good let's begin the transition" Lustra said

" But will this body be able to hold the soul about to inhabit it?" Cax asked in worry

 " Let's find out" Lustra said and slid a ring on the body's finger while chanting a spell to which Cax joined in. Suddenly green lighting buzzed and crackled round the room and something unimaginable happened, a body which had been dead for months but had it's body preserved opened it's eyes to reveal the bright magic purple glow of his Iris!!!

*Cyraz will 


The end.