Omniscience in Marvel 23

Title - Painful Life of an Immortal


As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of rose and gold, Adam emerged from his humble abode. He drew in a deep breath of crisp, fresh air, savoring the quiet tranquility that enveloped the land.

It had been years since he and Eve were expelled from the paradise, their lives forever altered by the consequences of their choices. Yet, despite the hardships they faced, Adam found solace in the simple rhythms of daily life, the comforting routine of tending to the land and providing for his family.

Today, however, held the promise of something new, a sense of anticipation stirring within him. For weeks, he had toiled tirelessly, laying the groundwork for a new venture that would shape the future of their little corner of the world.

With wide strides, Adam made his way towards the edge of the clearing where he had spent countless hours laboring under the hot sun. There, nestled amidst the tall trees, stood the beginnings of his latest project—a modest orchard, its saplings carefully tended and nurtured with love and care.

As he approached, a smile tugged at the corners of Adam's lips, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of the young trees reaching towards the sky with eager determination. Each one represented a promise—a promise of abundance, of growth, of new beginnings.

With gentle hands, Adam knelt beside the nearest sapling, running his fingers along its tender leaves with a sense of reverence. It was a small gesture, perhaps, but to him, it symbolized hope—a tangible reminder that life, despite its trials and tribulations, continued to flourish and thrive.

"You seem happy." A soft voice said from beside him. Adam however didn't react as he was already used to this and nodded.

"It's a new life, father."

"That it is..." Came Leucadius' reply to that. "How are the little ones?"

"They're alright. Still fast asleep though." Adam said with a chuckle as he was reminded of his two kids.

"Hmm. When they wake, tell them I was here. Remind them to always be on their best behaviors though...I'll be watching."

"Hmm." Was Adam reply. Throughout the entire conversation, he never looked up, causing Leucadius to shake his head.

"Do you feel bitter about it?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Do you feel I was harsh on you and Eve by driving you away?" Leucadius repeated.

"No, not really. We did disobey your command so it's expected that we'll be punished. I didn't understand that before but with Cain and Abel...I think I understand better." Adam replied as he stood up and faced Leucadius.

"Hmm. If you put it that way...I guess you're right." Leucadius said while thinking. 'It's not like the garden was actually mine to begin with.'

"I also feel more fulfilled than when I was in the garden." Adam added.

"Seeing the fruits of your own labor is exciting, isn't it?" Leucadius asked with a smile which Adam matched. "You see Adam, as a man, there comes a time when you feel restricted under your parents roof. When that time comes, you find comfort elsewhere...and in time, you'll be forced or rather, you'll have to leave your parents house to acquire a home of your own."

"Although I had to expel you both due to your sin, I would've still asked you two to leave in time, so don't take it the hard way."

"I would never. I actually appreciate it. Out here, I feel a sense of belonging." Adam said as he spread his hands and took a deep breath.

"Of course you do." Leucadius said with a smile but didn't elaborate. Gaea's Dimension wasn't their home to begin with, although they were created there, they didn't really belong.

"Alright, I don't know when I'll be visiting again, so have Cain and Abel be on their best behavior."

"You really won't be seeing them? Even Eve?"

"My interactions with you are already enough. They will know I was here. My presence is hard to ignore." Leucadius said with a smirk before disappearing.


Leucadius POV

Truly truly I say unto you all...Being Immortal is a hassle.

Look at me, there's nothing to do other than watch the sun rise and set. I may look to be actually working to Adam and Eve, but in actuality, I'm doing nothing.

I had spent some time visiting Olympus to ask Zeus for a spar which ended up cracking their Sacred mountain, leading to them unanimously banning me for a thousand years.

Imagine that level of racism! Just because I had cracked their dimension's that I say it out loud... Hehehe.

Anyways! They did nothing to Zeus citing that he's their King! What manner of partiality was that!?

The only interesting thing that happened after that was the waves upon waves of women trying to get a shot at my little brother down there. Unfortunately for them, I am God.

God has no wives. Muahahahaha.

{Master, that's not what you said when you were in Olimpia.}

Which side are you one ASPECT? You're supposed to have my back.

{Apologies, master.}

Don't bother, I know you don't even mean it. Anyways those weak minor Gods weren't capable of catching up to me even in my sleep. I surely didn't use my portal to run away on multiple occasions.

Those minxes could be very persistent, I tell you, and to actually make matters worse than it was supposed to be, they were actually attractive as fuck.

I had been looking for a way to get into Asgard to have a go at Odin and his Legion.


That reminds me. I wonder if Hela had been born. I wonder how she'll do against my Arch-Angel.

Huh? You thought I wanna fight her?

Please, I have some modicum of self respect. How could I stoop so low as to bully a young lady such as her.

Hmm...I wonder... Perhaps it'll be nice to visit some of the other realms of the Nine Realms.

The various realms connected to Yggdrasil are Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Midgard, Jotunheim, Svartlheim, Nidavellir, Muspellheim and Miflheim.

Asgard, the realm of the Aesir gods, known for its golden halls and majestic palaces.

Vanaheim, the realm of the Vanir gods, associated with fertility, agriculture, and abundance.

Alfheim, the realm of the light elves, known for its radiant beauty and ethereal landscapes. Alfheim is often depicted as a realm of light and magic.

Midgard, the realm of humanity, also known as Earth. It is located at the center of Yggdrasil and is inhabited by humans, as well as various creatures and beings.

Jotunheim, the realm of the giants, known for its harsh landscapes and formidable inhabitants.

Svartalfheim, the realm of the dark elves, associated with craftsmanship, mining, and underground caverns. It is home to skilled artisans and craftsmen who create powerful artifacts.

Nidavellir, the realm of the dwarves, known for its vast underground forges and workshops. Nidavellir is inhabited by dwarves who are renowned for their craftsmanship and skill in metalworking.

Muspelheim, the realm of fire, filled with flames, heat, and destruction. It is ruled by the fire giant Surtr.

Niflheim, the realm of ice and mist, associated with cold, darkness, and death. Niflheim is home to the primordial being known as Ymir and is often depicted as a frozen wasteland inhabited by various spirits and monsters.

"So let me get something straight. You're planning on attacking the plane at the very top of the World Tree?" Thena asked in what I could only say to be excitement.

She was also as battle hungry as I was, so she was the only one I could come to. She was good to confide in and she, unlike others, didn't care If I actually survived.

Her next question will probably be something like: You'll get me a souvenir right?

"You'll bring me something from the place right?" She asked almost as I finished thinking about it.

"Nope. Your gallery is already full from all the places I've fought." I refused.

"Hey. That's only the things you looted from that minor god Dagon or something."

"Still, you took them and kept them, right?" I shrugged, not bothered by the fact that she knew I practically robbed one being that kept calling itself a God.

You'd think he was some super powerful fellow but he could only withstand two serious punches from me. Pussy.

Turns out he was a being from hell. Yup. Like the actual Hell. Not the planet-like dimension below the world tree, but actual hell.

That also reminds me, the Ygdrassil wasn't the Universe. It was a World Tree. That simply means that it serves as both a physical and metaphysical representation of the interconnected nature of reality, linking together the diverse realms and dimensions that make up the Multiverse as a whole.

Yup. Multiverse not one Universe. I don't know which universe I'm in to be precise so I don't know how it works. But one I learnt from Gaea's library was that the world tree merely gave direction to where all the realms, dimensions, planets, solar systems and galaxies are.

Odin had just been lucky to have drank from the Well Of Mimir, gaining knowledge of a lot of things...Runes in particular, which then helped him in creating some of the technologies Asgard currently boasts.

The Bifrost even, was created and used as a means of transport through the World Tree itself and the Realms connected to it. While in transit, leaving the border of the Bifrost will have you being deposited in a random place in space.

It hasn't been created until just recently as a joint effort of the Gods after Odin provided knowledge on how it could be created.

'Hmm. Perhaps I should visit that Milim's Well?'

{Sir, it's the Well of Mimir.}

'Yeah. That's what I said.' I hushed the ever interrupting Aspect.

But nah...I already have all the knowledge I need, and if I need more, perhaps my visit to the other Realms would be more productive than just wasting away my time here waiting for things to happen.


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