Omniscience in Marvel 24

Title - Preparation towards Space Travel.


Vanaheim, a realm shrouded in Natural beauty. Its landscapes are diverse, ranging from lush forests to majestic mountains, with sprawling plains and winding rivers weaving through its vast expanse.

Ancient trees towered overhead, their branches reaching towards the sky. Its forests were teeming with life and home to a myriad of creatures both mundane and magical.

And amidst the rolling hills of Vanaheim laid the clear Lakes, their crystalline waters shimmering in the sunlight, and stretching as far as the eye can see were Golden Fields, vast expanses of fertile farmland bathed in sunlight.

And towards the northern reaches of Vanaheim was the Misty Mountains, their rugged peaks shrouded in swirling mists. These mountains, home to caves and valleys. Snow-capped summits gleam in the sunlight, their appearance a testament to the raw power of nature.

And deep within the heart of Vanaheim was the Enchanted Glades, a realm of otherworldly beauty and magic. Here, the very air seems to thrum with energy, and strange, luminescent flora illuminates the darkness.

Ethereal creatures flit through the glades, their presence lending an air of enchantment to the landscape.

"Hmm. It's an interesting place. So can I get something that'll drop me off there?" Leucadius closed the book he was reading from and asked the woman standing a few feets away from him.

"I could, but I won't. I don't see any merit in that." The woman shrugged concomitantly as she flipped a page in the book floating in front of her.

"Why?" Leucadius frowned slightly at that response however the woman didn't care and kept silent.

"I'm gonna go way or another. You know that right?" Leucadius asked in a low voice.

"Be my guest." Was her reply as she swiped her hands in the air causing a book to fly over and stop in front of Leucadius.

"Traveling the Cosmos?" Leucadius read the title of the book before his expression changed to that of confusion. "How come I didn't know you had this book?"

"You didn't need it." She replied before closing the book she was reading and manifesting another one. "This library only provides books to the knowledge you seek."

"Ah." Leucadius exclaimed slightly before looking it over. "But who could've written such a book? As far as I know, you haven't left this planet in eons have you?"

"Nope, but my sister did."

"Oshtur! Why didn't I think of that?" Leucadius cried out again as he hurriedly flipped the book open. Oshtur was the first living being to have left the earth and scoured the Universe before returning.

Unlike the Eternals' physiology, an Elder Gods own was much more stronger, and while Eternals could survive in the vacuum of space, there were still places and celestial phenomena they couldn't get close to.

As an Eternal, Leucadius, despite his strong physique couldn't dream of going close to the sun. Not even Asgardians or Olympians could do that, but an Elder God could.

Of course they were exclusions to this. An example being Sun Gods. Beings born with Divinity or attunements towards the Sun. Anyways, as an Eternal, their muscles, born and internal organs were at least three times that of a normal human.

So while a peak level human could exert a force of 2-5 tons, an average Eternal could exert a minimum of 10 tons.

Whether it was due to their unique make or because of their level of cosmic energy/divine energy in them. Zeus and Zuras had muscles 10 times that of a normal human.

Leucadius' was also at that level, but was dwarfed in terms of Cosmic Energy levels. However he made it up with techniques. Lots and lots of techniques.

A few minutes passed and Leucadius closed the book and looked at Gaea with a pouty pitiful expression.

"What?" She asked, her voice cold without even having to look at Leucadius. Leucadius kept silent however, causing her to look up. Her cold eyes pierced right through Leucadius' but he held fast.

"What?" She asked again, but this time, softer.

"You see...there's something your sister mentioned here. Something about jump points that help connect places across the universe." Leucadius began and Gaea nodded.

"I know about that. An ancient civilization as old as us in fact, were able to map out the Universe with a device they called the Universal Neural Teleportation Network."

"I'm listening." Leucadius said and put on his serious face which caused Gaea to roll her eyes.

"The Universal Neural Teleportation Network is an intergalactic system of constructed wormholes called Jump Points that enables fast travel across the universe by linking between different predetermined locations in the universe."

"So even if I managed to get my hands on a spaceship, without that system, I would have to travel out there manually?"


"Then what if I built a FTL machine?"

"Isn't your Motherbox as you call it capable of hacking the Universal Neural Teleportation system from here?" Gaea asked with a hint of ridicule in her tone.

"You know full well it can't. And don't get so hung up on the name. I couldn't call it a LeucaBox, now could I?"

"Then why mother?"

"Be...cause it takes care of anything I can't handle?" Leucadius asked her. "Isn't that what a mother does?"

"It is, but we both know you're just being lazy. I don't see the need for that machine you carry around."

"Hey! You're hurting the little guy's feelings." Leucadius stroked the arms of the chair he was sitting on. "Don't listen to her words. She is just jealous. Women...they're like that. You gotta be careful when you go find a wife in the future."

"It's a machine. And from the name you gave it, isn't it female?"

"And who said two females can't love each other? Perhaps she could find a Fatherbox out there and fall in love." Leucadius defended.

"You...are unbelievable." Gaea huffed and disappeared.

"Hey! You still haven't answered my question! Can an FTL machine help me Traverse Space?! Tsk. She's gone." Leucadius clicked his tongue and looked back at the book.

"This is just the first one. Perhaps she wrote other books on space travel too." Leucadius thought hopefully and went in search of them.


A few minutes later.

"How could she not have any other books on space travel?" Leucadius couldn't help but ask no one in particular as he sat on his lonesome within the great Library.

{Sir, I could compute that there's a 99.9 percent possibility she didn't see the need since she already found a way around the Jump points through Mystical Arts.}

"I know, I could also come up with that conclusion." Leucadius said spitefully at his partner. 'But for real, I made you. Do you think you can think of something I can't?' Leucadius thought

"Aspect. Create a Folder on an FTL machine."

{Already done sir.}

"Good. Now list out the numerical specifications of a Machine that should be able to travel the distance of 2.5 million light years."

{Sir...that might take some time.}

"Take all the time you need. I know you aren't at that level yet.}

{Understood...Done Sir.}

"Dadaq? I thought you said it'll take some time?"

{It did, approximately 3.47384 seconds sir.}

"I see." Leucadius sighed, he couldn't get into this with Aspect. Not now, not ever. "Pull it out then." He said and a Screen appeared in front of him, listing down specs he hadn't for the life of him ever seen before.

"Does Phastos have anything on this yet?" Leucadius asked just to be sure.

{Not that I am aware of.}

"I see." Leucadius said.

FTL Machine Specifications:

Propulsion System: Utilizes advanced graviton manipulation technology to create a spatial distortion field around the spacecraft, allowing it to traverse vast distances in minimal time. The propulsion system is powered by a compact quantum singularity reactor, providing the necessary energy for FTL travel.

Navigation System: Equipped with a sophisticated quantum navigation computer capable of plotting precise trajectories through subspace. The navigation system utilizes quantum entanglement principles to maintain real-time communication with celestial beacons and coordinate the ship's course corrections.

Shielding: Employs multi-layered deflector shields composed of exotic matter to protect the spacecraft from the intense gravitational forces and radiation encountered during FTL travel. The shielding system automatically adjusts its configuration based on environmental conditions to ensure maximum protection.

Hull Integrity: Constructed from reinforced tritanium alloy and meta-ceramic composite materials to withstand the extreme stresses of FTL travel. The hull design incorporates structural integrity fields to redistribute forces and minimize structural damage during high-speed maneuvers.

Warp Field Generator: Generates a stable warp field around the spacecraft to warp the fabric of space-time, creating a localized warp bubble that propels the vessel through subspace. The warp field generator is calibrated to maintain a constant velocity relative to the surrounding space-time continuum.

Quantum Entanglement Communication Array: Enables instantaneous communication with remote outposts and command centers across the galaxy. The communication array utilizes quantum entanglement phenomena to transmit and receive data without the limitations of light-speed delay.

Life Support Systems: Features state-of-the-art life support systems capable of sustaining crew members and passengers during extended interstellar journeys. The life support systems regulate atmospheric composition, temperature, and humidity to maintain optimal conditions for humanoid occupants.

Quantum Field Manipulator: Utilizes quantum field manipulation technology to manipulate the fabric of space-time, enabling the spacecraft to bypass traditional limitations of relativity and achieve faster-than-light velocities. The quantum field manipulator is calibrated to generate stable subspace corridors for safe FTL travel.

Emergency Warp Core Ejection System: Incorporates redundant safety features, including an emergency warp core ejection system, to prevent catastrophic reactor failures. In the event of a critical malfunction, the warp core can be jettisoned safely away from the spacecraft, minimizing collateral damage.

These specifications outline the fundamental components and capabilities of an advanced FTL machine designed for intergalactic travel.

"Wow. This is just intergalactic? And you're telling me Oshtur already has all these figured out with Mystical Arts?"


"Wise response, my friend. Wise response." Leucadius said with a smirk. That was a rhetorical question of course. Had Aspect answered, Leucadius would have thought something was wrong with its program.

"Now the numerical specifications." He said and swiped at the projection.

{Certainly, here are the numerical specifications for each system}

Propulsion System:

- Graviton Manipulation Technology: Efficiency rating of 95%

- Quantum Singularity Reactor Output: 1.21 gigawatts

- Spatial Distortion Field Radius: 50 meters

Navigation System:

- Quantum Navigation Computer Processing Speed: 1.5 exaflops

- Celestial Beacon Detection Range: 1,000 light-years

- Trajectory Plotting Precision: Within 0.001% margin of error


- Multi-layered Deflector Shields: 10 layers

- Exotic Matter Shield Density: 1.5 kilograms per cubic meter

- Shield Configuration Adjustment Speed: 0.1 milliseconds

Hull Integrity:

- Tritanium Alloy Composition: 80% tritanium, 20% duranium

- Meta-ceramic Composite Thickness: 1 meter

- Structural Integrity Field Redundancy: Triple redundancy

Warp Field Generator:

- Warp Bubble Expansion Rate: 10,000 cubic meters per second

- Warp Field Stability: 99.999% coherence

- Subspace Displacement Efficiency: 90%

Quantum Entanglement Communication Array:

- Quantum Entanglement Pairing Rate: 1,000 pairs per second

- Communication Range: Unlimited within the same galaxy

- Data Transfer Rate: 1 petabyte per second

Life Support Systems:

- Atmospheric Composition Regulation Precision: Within 0.01% tolerance

- Temperature Control Range: -50°C to 50°C

- Humidity Control: 20% to 80% relative humidity

Quantum Field Manipulator:

- Subspace Corridor Stability: 99.99%

- Fabric of Space-Time Manipulation Speed: 0.001 milliseconds per adjustment

- Maximum Velocity: 100 times the speed of light

Emergency Warp Core Ejection System:

- Activation Time: 0.5 seconds

- Warp Core Jettison Distance: 1,000 kilometers

- Safety Lockout Override Code: 789-alpha-omega

These numerical specifications provide detailed parameters for each system, ensuring optimal performance and safety during FTL travel.

"How long do you think it'll take for me to be able to perform this thing with my Cosmic Energy and at a snap of my finger?"

{- Initial mastery of basic techniques: 15-20 years

- Intermediate proficiency in advanced techniques: 30-50 years

- Significant progress towards effortless performance: 60-80 years

- Mastery and ability to perform with a snap of your fingers: 80-100 years}

"Are you putting my Energy levels into consideration?"

{Certainly, Sir.}

"Damn." Was all Leucadius could say, but recalling his immortal existence, he shrugged at that. This meant it was possible for him to achieve.

"Alright, next on the programme... Materials. Aspect, pull up the materials most conducive for this Project. Differentiate them by the ones I'm capable of creating and the ones I can't and need to be found."