Omniscience in Marvel 46

Title - The Great Deluge and...

As Leucadius spread his hands out over the earth, a deep rumbling filled the air, and dark clouds gathered ominously in the sky. The winds picked up as lightning strikes crisscrossed through the sky accompanied by the rumblings of thunder.

The people below looked up in fear and confusion as they witnessed the unfolding of a catastrophe unlike anything they had ever seen before. Beings of Divine elements however, felt a level of dread they'd never felt before.

However, due to not understanding the source of said dread, they decided to take a wait and see approach.

The rain soon began to fall, first as a light drizzle, then gradually increasing in intensity until it became a torrential downpour. Thunder roared and lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the devastation below.

Leucadius watched emotionlessly as the dark clouds spread and covered the entirety of The Continent before spreading to other continents. He knew those places had nothing to do with him but since Gaea asked, he was going to be doing a good job.

Noah and his family huddled inside the ark, safe from the chaos outside could hear the cries of those who had not heeded his warning, the desperate pleas for mercy as they realized the gravity of their situation.

Noah had warned his people, relatives and otherwise of their God's punishment and had pleaded with them to enter the Arc with him. However, as though controlled by a greater hand, they all ignored him.

Noah had no idea, but all Leucadius had to do was implant a simple suggestion in their psych. "Noah might really be insane."

With that thought deeply rooted in the psych, they couldn't bring themselves to acknowledge him no matter how serious he appeared and so for forty days and forty nights, the rain continued unabated, flooding the earth and washing away all traces of civilization.

The many underground water canals were let open by a simple gesture from Leucadius causing the swift flooding of the World. The waters rose higher and higher, covering even the tallest mountains, until there was nothing left but a vast expanse of water stretching as far as the eye could see.

Leucadius watched from above, his expression unchanged as he witnessed the destruction he had wrought. It was a necessary evil, he told himself, a cleansing of the earth to rid it of the corruption and wickedness that had taken root.

But even as he justified his actions, a part of him couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. He had created these beings, after all, and now he was responsible for their destruction.

He sighed sadly before turning his anger filled eyes to the divine beings who were trying to escape back home. Flying had its perks. However, certain Gods couldn't fly without energy support.

Knowing this, Leucadius cast a planet wide Spatial prison that will prevent any form of movement into or out of Earth. And so, Leucadius just had to wait for them to exhaust themselves before falling into the water to be drowned, and while some died, some remained and to those, a single slash from his sword was all that was needed.

The only disadvantage to all this was that upon their death, their Divine Souls continued to exist. Leucadius had no form of Dominion over these souls and he could take them with him.

After all, he didn't have enough time for himself, how would he have time to torment a few divine souls?

Leucadius gazed down at the divine souls drifting amidst the waters, their ethereal forms shimmering faintly in the dim light amidst the darkness. With a solemn expression, he raised his hand and spoke words of power, weaving a curse that would bind these souls to the earth for eternity.

"By the power vested in me, I curse you, fallen ones," Leucadius declared, his voice echoing across the desolate landscape. "May you wander the earth as lost souls, forever denied the peace of the afterlife. You shall be known as demons, creatures of darkness and despair, and your existence shall be one of torment and anguish."

As he spoke, a dark energy enveloped the divine souls, twisting and distorting them until they were completely unrecognizable. Their once-glorious forms were now twisted and grotesque, their minds consumed by hatred and malice.

But Leucadius didn't stop there, He made sure to engrave a deep and eternal fear of him and his kind on them. For as long as one possesses his energy, these fallen ones or demons as they will come to be, will remain in abject fear.

With a final gesture, Leucadius banished the newly-formed demons to the darkest depths of the earth, where they would remain imprisoned for all eternity. It was a fate worse than death, but it was the only way to ensure that they could never again wreak havoc upon the world.

As the last of the demons disappeared from sight, Leucadius turned his gaze to the ark, where Noah and his family waited patiently for the waters to recede. He felt a twinge of remorse for the suffering they had endured, but he knew that it was necessary for the greater good.

And so, with a heavy heart, Leucadius withdrew his presence from the Earth, leaving behind a world forever changed by the Great Deluge. But even as he departed, he knew that his actions had set in motion a new chapter in the history of humanity, one filled with hope and redemption.

As the rain finally began to taper off and the waters receded, revealing a world forever changed, Leucadius made a vow to himself. He would never again intervene in the affairs of mortals in such a drastic manner. From now on, he would observe from afar, offering guidance and assistance when needed, but never again would he unleash his wrath upon the earth.

His wrath was too costly, and as the saying went, with great power comes great responsibility. Responsibility in this sense varied. In his case, his responsibility was to ensure that he never did something like this ever again.

And so, the Great Flood came to an end, leaving behind a new beginning for humanity and a solemn reminder of the power of God.

But that wasn't the end…

Mount Olympus.

As Zeus called the meeting to order atop Mount Olympus, the gods gathered with a sense of urgency and concern etched upon their immortal faces. Thunder rumbled ominously in the background, mirroring the tumultuous emotions brewing within the divine assembly.

Hera, queen of the gods, spoke first, her voice ringing out with authority. "This cannot go unanswered," she declared, her eyes flashing with righteous fury. "Leucadius has overstepped his bounds, and we must show him that such wanton destruction will not be tolerated."

Ares, the god of war, pounded his fist against his palm, his gaze burning with battle lust. "I say we strike back with all our might," he growled, his voice filled with raw aggression. "Let us show this upstart god what it means to challenge the might of Olympus."

Athena, goddess of wisdom, her expression calm and measured. "We must tread carefully," she cautioned, her eyes flickering with intelligence. "Leucadius is not to be underestimated. We must consider the consequences of our actions before rushing into battle."

Apollo, the sun god furrowed his brows in deep contemplation. "I foresee great danger if we provoke Leucadius further," he warned, his voice tinged with foreboding. "I say we seek a peaceful resolution to this conflict, lest we invite even greater calamity upon ourselves."

"Although unimportant, most of our young gods died down there." Ares cried out but was ignored by Apollo who closed his eyes after saying his piece.

Amidst the heated debate, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, stepped forward, his expression resolute yet diplomatic. "I volunteer to act as our emissary to Leucadius," he declared, his voice cutting through the chaos like a clarion call. "Let me negotiate with him on behalf of Olympus, and perhaps we can find a way to resolve this dispute without resorting to violence."

Zeus, king of the gods, listened to the impassioned pleas of his divine brethren, his mind weighed down by the gravity of the situation. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded solemnly, his decision made. "Very well," he announced, his voice echoing with authority. "Hermes shall go forth as our emissary, and we shall await his return. Do whatever you can to bring him here."

With that, the gods of Olympus bowed their heads in solemn reverence, their minds filled with uncertainty yet tempered by the flicker of hope that Hermes' mission might bring. And as the meeting adjourned, they turned their gaze to the mortal realm, where the fate of gods and men alike hung in the balance.


The Egyptian gods convened in the halls of their pantheon, their expressions grave as they discussed Leucadius' devastating actions. Ra, the sun god, spoke first, his voice resonating with authority as he expressed deep concern over the implications of Leucadius' display of power.

Osiris, the god of the afterlife, raised an eyebrow thoughtfully, considering the options before them. "Should we intervene, or would it be wiser to observe from afar?" he mused, his tone reflective.

He had met Leucadius before so while he still believed himself strong, he knew he wasn't powerful enough to do what Leucadius had done. Also, his pride had taken a massive hit a few centuries back when his brother Seth returned and battled him, effectively killing him and stealing the throne.

His uncle Thoth had to take over as King of Gods before his ancestor Ra returned from the sun upon feeling the turmoil in his realm.

Isis, goddess of magic and wisdom, nodded in agreement. "Before we make any decisions, let us seek the counsel of the Oracle of Lady Oshtur," she suggested, her voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom.

With a solemn nod from Ra, the Egyptian gods agreed to consult the respected lady for guidance. They knew that the path forward would be fraught with peril, and they would need all the guidance they could get to navigate the turbulent waters ahead.

In the celestial court of the Jade Emperor, ruler of the Xian pantheon, a council of the gods gathered to deliberate on the repercussions of Leucadius' actions.

The atmosphere was charged with tension as the gods, including revered figures like Guan Yu and Nuwa, expressed their grave concerns over the chaos unleashed by the Great Food.

They'd never met Leucadius but someone capable of doing something like was either a powerful recluse they shouldn't mess with or an upstart who didn't know what was good for him.

Guan Yu, renowned for his valor and martial prowess, spoke first, his voice resonating with authority. "The fellow known as Leucadius has committed an unforgivable act of destruction," he declared, his eyes flashing with determination. "We must not hesitate to bring him to justice."

Nezha, a young mischievous taoist God, offered a more cautious perspective. "Violence may only exacerbate the situation," he cautioned, his voice filled with wisdom. "Perhaps we should seek to understand his motivations before resorting to force."

He was a God of mischief. As a result, a bit of wisdom was added in. Afterall, you couldn't be mischievous with a dull brain.

The Jade Emperor, seated upon his celestial throne, listened attentively to the arguments put forth by his divine council. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke with unwavering resolve. "We shall send you and the young Monkey King, Sun Wukong, to capture Leucadius," he decreed, his voice carrying the weight of divine authority. "But let us approach with caution and seek a peaceful resolution if possible, and if all fails Wukong will be of assistance."

In the celestial realm of Takamagahara, the Japanese gods were also gathered to discuss the dire consequences of Leucadius' actions. Amaterasu, the radiant sun goddess, withdrew into seclusion within her celestial palace, her usually vibrant aura dimmed by sorrow and grief for the lives lost in the Great Deluge.

Be it humans or her fellow Gods. The loss of life on that scale was too much for her to bear.

And seeing his sister's state, Susanoo, the tempestuous god of storms and seas, spoke out vehemently against Leucadius, his voice echoing with fury. "This must not go unpunished!" he thundered, his eyes flashing with righteous anger. "We must retaliate and show him the full extent of our wrath."

Tsukuyomi, the serene god of the moon, offered a more measured perspective, his voice calm and steady amidst the turmoil. "Vengeance will only perpetuate the cycle of violence," he remarked, his gaze thoughtful. "Perhaps we should seek to understand Leucadius' motivations before rushing to judgment."

The other Japanese gods, including Inari, Hachiman, and Benzaiten, voiced their own opinions on the matter, their discussions ranging from strategies for retaliation to diplomatic overtures. Some argued for direct confrontation, while others advocated for peaceful negotiation.

Amaterasu, emerging from her seclusion with a heavy heart, addressed her fellow gods with a solemn tone. "I can't say I understand or could possibly understand his motivation for this. However, to be able to do this, he must have divinity over a couple Concepts"

"Whatever we are deciding, we must ensure caution," she urged, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "Violence will only lead to further and unnecessary deaths. I will personally go down to meet this God. I must understand why he did his,"


"I will have no opposition. We will remain vigilant though, so Susanno will be coming with me ."

With a collective nod of agreement, the Japanese gods resolved to approach the situation. Amaterasu had spoken and her will was supreme. Except their All-Father came and countered her words, they'd obey.

Amidst the swirling mists of Tir na nÓg, the Celtic gods, guardians of ancient wisdom and magic, convened to address the upheaval caused by Leucadius' actions.

Gathered in a circle beneath the towering oak trees, they spoke in hushed tones, their voices blending with the rustle of leaves and the whisper of the wind.

Dagda, the mighty father god, raised his ancient staff, its carved runes glowing with ethereal light. "We must tread carefully in these tumultuous times," he cautioned, his voice resonating with authority. "Direct intervention may only provoke further conflict. Let us first seek to understand God before we decide our course of action."

Morrigan, the enigmatic goddess of fate and battle, nodded in agreement, her piercing gaze surveying the assembled gods with keen insight. "We have long been observing the mortal realm," she reminded them, her voice tinged with a hint of prophecy. "Perhaps it is through mortal intermediaries that we can best influence the outcome of this crisis."

However, not all the Celtic gods were inclined towards subtlety. Lugh, the radiant god of light and skill, brandished his shining spear, its tip gleaming with divine power. "Leucadius has brought chaos and destruction to our doorstep," he declared, his voice ringing out with conviction. "We cannot afford to stand idly by while the humans suffer."

"Also, there aren't many humans alive." He added.

"Do you really believe that?" Morrigan rolled her eyes at the Lugh, she never liked this fellow. He was too arrogant for her taste.

Brigid, the gentle goddess of healing and poetry, raised her hands in a gesture of peace, her voice a soothing melody amidst the tension. "I have a better idea."

Everyone stopped and looked at her. "What if we just let the matter be? Other pantheons would surely be acting up right now. We can just take a wait and see approach."

Gathered beneath the sprawling branches of the Baobab tree, the African gods, embodiments of diverse cultures and traditions, came together to address the unprecedented threat posed by Leucadius' actions. An air of solemnity hung over the council as they deliberated their response.

Anansi, the clever spider god, spoke first, his voice weaving through the air like a delicate thread. "To think that someone has the gall to destroy mother's planet." he spat, his eight eyes gleaming with wisdom. "I'd say we're going to war…but what do you all think?"

Anansi was one of the many children Gaea had given birth to during the years she'd been alive. However, unlike the Greeks she had no love towards him so he was ignored.

However, he never felt like he was abandoned, instead he felt that the space she gave him helped him grow to this stage.

In the divine realms of Hindu mythology, atop the majestic Mount Meru, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, the triumvirate of creation, preservation, and destruction, gathered to address the grave consequences of Leucadius' actions. As they sat in silent contemplation, the air was charged with both solemnity and determination.

As the council of gods deliberated, they weighed the consequences of their choices, knowing that their decisions would shape the destiny of not just the mortal realm but also their realm for to come.

In the end, they resolved to send forth their avatars and messengers, emissaries of divine wisdom and compassion, to offer solace and guidance to their beleaguered humans..

With their plans set in motion, the three, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva descended from Mount Meru, their hearts heavy with the weight of responsibility, yet filled with the eternal hope of renewal as they went in search for Leucadius, the man who wrought death on a thriving planet.


A/N: I've been busy with my Exams since last week. I only had one paper yesterday and my next will be on Thursday so I'll post a total of three chapters today.

Thanks for understanding.

Also, if you don't wanna be held up unnecessarily, check out my Patr@on page