Omniscience in Marvel 61

Title - The Race: End and Unexpected Encounter.

[Sir, I think it would be advisable not to utilize any skill to aid your movements during the race.] Aspect cautioned as Leucadius appeared at the starting line of the race track.

"Eh? Why?" Leucadius asked while performing a few stretching moves.

[Under the assumption that you'll give it your all and move at the speed of light, the race will lose its meaning since you'll reach the finish line at exactly 1.486 seconds.] Aspect replied which caused Leucadius to smile.

"Isn't that the point of the race? To show off my speed? Also, Zeus will surely be moving at his top speed which will also be lightning speed."

[That is already expected, and he would be completing the race in 4.39 seconds. 2.9 seconds behind you. That will hurt his pride considering he is the fastest creature before your conception.]

"Heh, and how is that supposed to be a business of mine?" Leucadius sneered and shot a glance at the arrogant God. "Also, why is it that you didn't mention the other Gods?"

[Not to be disrespectful, but they don't stand a chance in terms of sheer speed. Even with sheer force of will, they won't be able to complete the race without using certain unsavory means Within the rules of the race.] Aspect replied to which Leucadius smiled.

"Then this race won't be boring then." Leucadius murmured out loud as his smile took an unholy turn.

[You should watch your image, My Lord.]

"Don't be a pussy Aspect."


"I can feel your emotions, Aspect." Leucadius said before looking at the other Gods around him. "We don't know anything about Yu Huang and his fundamental Force Manipulation. If my calculations are correct, he could transcend the speed of light."

[Affirmative. There is a major possibility of him moving at 1000 times the speed of sound in his base 72× multiplier. Should he apply the fundamental Forces…]

"Don't chicken out on me now Aspect, hit me with it. I'm not that fragile."

[...He could hypothetically move around the race track in 0.43 seconds.] Came ASPECT's reply.

"The fuck!? And you told me not to go all out?!"

[...He wasn't added to the equation.]

"So what do I do now?"

[You could use both space and time manipulation in conjunction with your light speed movement to both hasten and accelerate your body while shortening the space by folding them similar to the skill Ikenga and Thoth showed.]

"Oh? That was exactly what I was thinking. As expected, you really are me, eh?"


[Still, I would refrain from doing that.]

"Why?" Leucadius asked. "Because I'll be moving at 0.0146 at a base movement speed and 0.000146 at an extreme movement speed?"

[Exactly sir. That is 101 and 10,001 times the speed of light respectively. That could shatter the space time continuum.]

"Fear not little Aspy, everything is under control." Leucadius assured. "Plus, do you think I'm the only one calculating how to make myself faster? Thankfully there's no such thing as a Speed Force In this Multiverse so we're safe."

[If you say so…]

"So? Do the rules of the previous race apply to this one as well?" Shiva asked as he flexed his four hands. One look at him left the Gods wondering whether he would be running with his hands or legs.

"What Rules? We are Gods. We make rules." Zeus snorted. "Afterall, our bursts of speeds can already be categorized as an attack."

"Exactly, which is why the only rule of this race is to remain Within the racing tracks." Leucadius intoned while raising a finger. "Once you step out of the racing area, you'll be disqualified."

"That sounds reasonable enough. So? Are these all the participants?" Odin replied before asking while looking at the scanty starting line.

"Come now Odin, not all Gods are speed oriented. We can't have them humiliating themselves, can we?" Shiva cajoled with an uproarious laughter.

Of the Major Godkings, only Zeus, Odin, Shiva, Amaterasu, Horus, Yu Huang and Leucadius stood at the starting line. Not even Dagda made an effort to join.

As for Anansi, he was proudly cheering for the others from his Throne without minding Shiva's words.


The butterfly effect. A principle that will later be theorized by a human in the mid 20th Century AD based on the unpredictability of complex systems that surround weather forecasts.

He theorized on how a flap of a butterfly wing in one continent could cause something as Great as a tornado in another. In summary, it was all about sensitive dependence on initial conditions.

A fraction of a second was all it could take to cause a domino effect that could bring an end to a building, an estate, a city block, a city, a state, country, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy and Universe at large.

Now Leucadius was an original anomaly. A walking gigantic metaphorical butterfly that caused an event not meant to happen in the first place. It was all well and good since it wasn't that much of a big deal.

The Creation of the Council of Godheads was something that was meant to happen, and due to his Reality being a temporary one, it was extremely malleable.

This was something neither Leucadius nor any of the Gods knew about. They were all just 'existing'. That was enough for them.

However, it took less than a fraction of a second to shake the forces holding Said Reality together, and considering the malleability of said Reality, that slight shake was all it took to cause a fracture.

As for the cause of said Turmoil, they were all stranded in a place devoid of time and space. The Godkings stood face to face with existence itself at that point in time.

"¥o√…#@w |)i<| ¥o|_| €¢+ |-|e×e….?"("You…how did you get here…?")

A raspy and mind shaking voice echoed throughout the space. The Gods stared at the void in shock, fear, trepidation and horror, unable to do much as twitch a muscle.

As for how they got to this place…it was simple.

As soon as the word 'GO' left the chibi Leucadius' mouth, all the Godkings, as Leucadius had predicted, unleashed their skills and energies to their maximum and took off.

Zeus with his golden lightning, powered by his divine energy.

Odin with a beam of seven coloured light reminiscent of the bifrost and powered by his Odin Force.

Yu Huang with his Sage force, multiplier and fundamental force manipulation, powered by his own energy.

Amaterasu, Shiva, Leucadius, and Horus all unleashed their greatest skills and enhancement to boost their speeds to unimaginable proportions.

This was all well and good considering it was a friendly competition, however, they neglected one simple fact. They were all too strong and too fast to be contained in one carelessly made temporary dimension.

Was it one of them alone, it would've been better, but with the combined speed of their movements, the fabrics of reality itself was immediately torn asunder.

Dimensions in the Marvel Universe were all connected to the In-between. A place that exists within and outside of any Universe. The In-between creates a tether that binds any created dimension to its source universe, but upon destruction, it is yeeted out of the universe since it becomes a waste.

And the space between Universes was known as the Superflow. Going beyond further one would enter the Neutral Zone, the furthest possible point of the Multiverse, where matter and antimatter can coexist.

While locations like the Neutral Zone are outside all universes, they are still contained within the Multiverse. The Outside refers to regions completely outside the Multiverse and beyond Eternity's influence, but within the Multiverse…

And currently, Considering the situation the Godkings found themselves in, Leucadius was able to deduce that they were in the Super flow. This is the informational space between Universes. It is where dreams, ideas, and visions come from, and where telepathy operates.

It was a place of pure thoughts. A place that exists outside of time, space and matter itself.

As they were, a kid in the 31st century could be dreaming and stumble upon them, and to make matters worse, they couldn't find a trace of their Divine Energies within them.

"‰|ê €©ππë iπ ¶¢®¢e…"(We come in peace…) Leucadius suddenly said, causing all the Gods to turn to him.

"You understood that voice?"

"You can speak that language?"

"Where are we?"

"#ππ…I see. Interesting. I was just messing with you all but surprisingly, one of you can speak my tongue." The voice came again, this time a bit bearable and understandable than the last.

"Still…you are not meant to be here…how did you achieve that?" The voice asked to which Shiva scratched his right cheek. "Would you believe it if we said we have no idea?"


"It's the Truth though. We really have no idea." Amaterasu added only to still receive the same silence in reply.

"The barrier between Universes can't just be shattered mistakenly-" the voice sounded but abruptly stopped, the Silence lasted a few good seconds before it returned. "I see. What an interesting Reality you all came from."

"You believe us?"

"O-of course. You guys are too weak to actually come here intentionally." the voice said, mercilessly stomping on the Gods' pride. Not minding their moods, it continued. "However you've all done something you shouldn't have. Had I not stopped you, you would've caused the destruction of an entire Universe. And for that, a punishment is due,"

"You dare!?" Zeus roared angrily much to the annoyance of Yu Huang who surprisingly managed to move in their suspended state to deliver a punch to Zeus' guts.

"Wha- what was that for?!" A confused Zeus asked angrily.

"I..I don't know. Hearing you use that phrase seemed to trigger something…I wonder what that was." The Jade Emperor began contemplating as he tried to understand what made him move instinctively.

'He probably understood that whenever that phrase is used, the ones who use it would end up badly.' Leucadius thought with a wry smile while standing at the back.

At the moment, he had his Skill Activated to its full extent as he tried to understand the situation he was in while also analyzing the data that was just lying around waiting to be read.

It was hard but he could somehow get a read on them despite feeling a threat to his existence. He understood that this was the sentience of the Super flow probably warning him off, but who was he?

He was the Motherfucking Most High!

"I'D ADVISE YOU TO STOP THAT.'' The voice came back this time, with a wave of energy that shook the Gods to their core. Leucadius, whom the wave was directed to directly spat a mouthful of blood that stained his immaculate white robes.

"There are things that shouldn't be known to people not worthy of knowing them."

"And you feel that I am unworthy?"

"Not me, my boss." The voice replied, and Leucadius could feel as though the owner was shrugging at him. "Anyways, your punishment is thus…you'll be sent back to your Universe, and upon arrival, you shall all forget your experiences here."

"Consequently, your Reality would be under strict supervision as we'll be sending an agent of ours over to keep you all in check. Feel free to rebel, you'll be quickly put in your place." The voice continued nonchalantly but the Gods all had heavy faces at the moment.

"Also…as a perk for understanding and communicating with me…you'll be exempted from the last punishment." The voice said, this time they all knew he was referring to Leucadius.

"And what is the last punishment?" Leucadius asked.

"Why are you In a hurry to find out? It's nothing good anyways and you're already exempted. Learn some patience, will you? Jeez."

'Is this guy a kid?' Leucadius thought. He already had a preliminary understanding on whom they were communicating with, however there was no concrete evidence so he wasn't about to put a target on his back by calling him out.

"Anyways, as I was saying. The boss of the boss of my boss has decided that so you're free from this punishment…" the voice came again while sounding dignified.

"As for your punishment for barging into theSuper Flow, you will forever be banned from gaining any form of access to it for as long as you live." As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a mallet hitting a blunt object resounded throughout the void, and with it came a wave of energy that passed through the gods, safe for Leucadius.

"Now…It is done you may all leave."


A/N: Sorry about this lackluster chapter, but I just had to write it like this. I've been occupied since this morning and I'm just getting some free time to myself.

I began writing this chapter in the morning but due to a series of distractions, it's now that I'm bringing it to an end. I just thought that I had to post one chapter today because I have no idea how tomorrow being Sunday will be.

Bear with me and enjoy.